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Personal Profile

Name: Ramay Pakhring

DOB: 01/06/1993
CID No.: 10308001144
Marital Status.: Married
Village: Namchalla
Gewog: Tashiding
Dzongkhag: Dagana
House No: Ga-09-Nil/50
Thram No: 669
Mr. Ramay Pakhring is from Namchalla Village under Tashiding Gewog, Dagana Dzongkhag
survived with two children and mentally unsound wife. He is 30 years old and currently lives in
Babesa, Thimphu with his divorced Mother who is working as the PW workers under
Department of Road, Thimphu. He is partially paralyzed and cannot move his right hand which
has challenged him to work for his survival. His wife Mrs. Dol Maya Bal bearing CID no.
Eight years ago, he worked as a Tripper truck driver for M/s. Damchoe Construction at
Punatsangchhu Hydropower Project- I and lost his half body to tragic car accident in the year
2015. The accident occurred while he was driving from site to unload the excavated soil to the
dumping site.
Currently, his wife, child and offspring were being looked after by his Mother Mrs. Suk Maya
Pakhring bearing CID No. 10308001140 from Namchalla Chiwog, Tashiding Gewog under
Dagana and she is the employee of DoR, Thimphu and work as the PW worker.

In case, if anything happens to his only mother, then he will not be able to bring up his children
and wife. Additionally, it will challenge him in adjusting the education expenses and living of his
Family Census Details
Sl. No Name DOB CID No Relationshi Remarks
1 Nima Pakhring 01/01/1958 10308001139 Father HOH
2 Suk Maya Pakhring 01/01/1966 10308001140 Mother
3 Tikaram Pakhring 01/01/1989 10308001143
4 Ramay Pakhring 05/06/1993 10308001144 Applicant
5 Lachey Pakhring 05/06/1993 10306001145
6 PassangWangmo Pakhring 19/06/2005 10308002598
7 Kinley Dorji Pakhring 20/01/2020 10308003859
8 Sangay Wangmo Pakhring 02/01/2021 10308003995

Royal Intervention:
His Majesty is requested to grant Gyalpoi Tozay Kidu to Mr. Ramay Pakhring for making his
own living and his family’s living.
Kidu Registration Information (Land)
1) Bio Data of the appellant
Appellant Appellant’s Father Appellant’s
Name Ramay Pakhring Nima Pakhring Suk Maya
CID NO 10308001144 10308001139 10308001140
Village/Gewog/Dzongkhag Namchalla,Tashiding
Gewog, Dagana
Thram No 350/669
Occupation NA
Contact No 1717281203

2) Bio Data of the Spouse

Appellant’s spouse Spouse’s father Spouse’s Mother
Name Dol Maya Bal
CID No 10309002265
Thram No.
Contact No

3) Biodata of the children (appellant and the spouse)

Sl. No Name CID No Age/DOB Occupation Remarks
1) Kinley Dorji Pakhring 10308003859 20/01/2020
2) Sangay Wangmo 10308003995 02/10/2021
4) Existing Land Holding Details (If any)
Sl. Land category Acreage Registration Name Thram Number
1 Chhuzhing NA
2 Kamzhing NA
3 Other (Cardamom NA
plantation) plus Khimsa
4 Total

i) Pass Record of Kidu:- NA

ii) Any others: - NA
I declare that the information submitted above is true and correct.

Signature of the Applicant

(Legal Stamp)

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