7382-5 - Sensors

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Chapter 5. Sensors

Version 1.1 01/01/2012

Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)


The sensors are vital parts of the ECDIS.

They provide all the data for real time

navigation and monitoring of the vessel

Inaccurate data or a malfunction in one of the

sensors may cause incorrect presentation of
vessels position or motion parameters. It may
also affect the presentation of target data from

It is important that the officer of the watch is

aware of the performance and limitations of
each sensor on the safe use of ECDIS and is well
familiar with back-up arrangements and
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Training Chapter Objective

• Explain the need for selection of appropriate and

unambiguous sensor data displayed in ECDIS

• Explain the capabilities and limitations of all navigation

sensors connected to ECDIS
• Accuracy
• Availability
• Integrity
• Vulnerability

• Explain the data reference system of each connected

• Position of antenna or transducer
• Geodetic system
• Conversions

• Assess the plausibility of sensor input values to ECDIS

• Assess the impact on ECDIS performance in the case of
sensor malfunction or poor accuracy.
• Understand the ECDIS sensor priority and back-up
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Minimum required sensors

Gyro Compass
Speed log

The mandatory sensors must be connected

directly to both the ECDIS and to the back-
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)


Back-up sensors Environment

• Secondary EPFS • Wind Instrument
• Secondary heading such as • Echo Sounder
• Magnetic Compass • Drift Sensors (dual axis speed log)
• Transmitting heading device
• Radar overlay Situational awareness - workload
• Optical Bearing Devices • Navtex

Target input Search and rescue

• AIS • VHF Direction Finders
• The ECDIS will be able to
control all functions of the AIS
• ARPA targets from radar
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)


The most important sensor of all is the EPFS. It is

normally a marine GPS or a DGPS, but in the
future we will see other systems or combinations
of systems like
• Glonass
• Galileo
• Compass
They will also be enhanced in different way by
transmission of corrections from coast stations or
extra satellites
• The Wide Area Augmentation System
(WAAS), The European Geostationary
Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS)
(Loran-C is still approved as an EPFS for waters
with coverage. The US part of the system is
however being shut down)
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Satellite navigator

Regardless of which satellite system you use, they

all work in similar ways, and therefore have the
same capabilities and limitations.
The satellite signal is very weak and therefore
vulnerable to disturbance, such as
• Solar activity
• Poorly designed or broken electric equipment
• Poorly designed or broken electric equipment
• Poor installation or damage to your antenna,
connectors or cabling
• Intentional jamming by governments or
So even if GPS has a remarkable track record of
reliability and accuracy, this is no guarantee that
it will continue the same way.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

EPFS function and accuracy

A satellite receiver needs to receive at least 4

satellites to calculate position, height and time.
With 5 or 6 satellites it may perform basic satellite
error checks.

The more the merrier

Accuracy and reliability will improve with more
satellites being received and with these satellites
well spread over the sky (HDOP- Horizontal
dilution of precision (HDOP).
With GPS, you should normally have 5-12 satellites
always visible anywhere in the world, provided
you have a free horizon.
HDOP should vary between 0,5 – 2 and normally
not exceed 4.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

HDOP values

High HDOP value - Poor accuracy Low HDOP value - good accuracy

The Value HDOP (horizontal dilution of precision) indicates to the officer

• How many satellites are currently received
• How well these satellites are spread over the sky
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Position errors in a satellite system

All positions are calculated based on time for

a radio signal to travel from the satellite to
your receiver. (Or the antenna of the
receiver, to be exact)

If the position of each satellite is known, we

may calculate the position of your receiver

But there are of course error sources…

Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Error sources

Satellite position errors

• Ephemeris (orbit) error
• Clock errors
Signal delay
• Ionosphere
• Troposphere
• Multipath (bouncing)
Receiver calculation
• Receiver error
• Selective availability (SA)
• Interference
• Jamming
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Reduction of errors

DGPS corrections will be able to reduce

some of the errors (in green) and some not
(in red).
• Satellite position errors
• Ephemeris (orbit) error
• Clock errors

• Signal delay
• Ionosphere
• Troposphere
• Multipath (bouncing)

• Receiver calculation
• Receiver error

• Degradations
• Selective availability (SA)
• Interference
• Jamming
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Position accuracy

An IMO approved receiver should have an

accuracy according to the table below
• HDOP <4

System Max error Normal error

GPS ± 100 m 10-20 m

DGPS ± 10 m 5-10 m

GLONASS ± 45 m
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)


Type approved receivers have a fault detection

feature called RAIM (Receiver Autonomous
Integrity Monitoring) using minimum five satellites
whereby they check the correctness of distance
measurement to each satellite.
The function may also check HDOP.
The RAIM function will then monitor the receiver
operation and indicate the integrity status in
“traffic light” labels:
• Safe
• Caution
• Unsafe
RAIM will work also in combination with DGPS.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Position check and back up

It is important that the officer of the watch

continually monitors and critically judges the
position sensor.
• use the “position difference” alarm
function if a second EPFS is connected
• use radar overlay in coastal waters to
confirm position
• use ARPA plot of charted objects
• compare bearing-distance to charted
objects by radar and ECDIS
• compare COG-SOG with gyro heading,
magnetic heading and log speed
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Position check and back up

It is equally important to know and practice

back-up functions for positioning:
• Secondary EPFS
• Dead reckoning using gyro and speed
• Using ARPA reference targets
• Manual position fix
Selection of second source can be
done manually or automatically using
the built in Fall Back Chain functionality
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Consistent Common Reference Point (CCRP)

Radar 1

Radar 2


Radar 3
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Consistent Common Reference Point (CCRP)

Since the ship may have multiple radar and GPS antennas in different locations there is
a risk of errors in bearing – range for objects that are presented by multiple sensors.
For example an ARPA target may also be visible as an AIS target. It is then important
that the two targets are on the same position on the screen, and that the bearing to
the target is the same visually from the conning position.
IMO has therefore decided that all incoming information from sensors such as radar
and GPS should be converted to a indicate the same place onboard, the Consistent
Common Reference Point (CCRP).
The place is normally the wheelhouse conning position.
To allow for this, the location of each sensor antenna is measured, and incoming data
(e.g. range rings, target range and bearing, cursor, target data) is converted using
antenna locations and the gyro heading.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Ship and sensor setup

Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Ship sensor reference system in ECDIS

The sensor page must be commissioned by a

certified engineer.
It is important that all watch keeping officers are
aware of the serious implications in case of any
changes in the set-up or to the physical sensors.
Any change or error to the gyro compass will
immediately affect all other sensors due to the re-
calculations made towards CCRP.

Warning – The displayed position in your ECDIS will

differ slightly from positions that has not been
converted to CCPR.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Primary sensors and reference

It is strongly recommended that same source is used in all navigation Systems. This is
particularly true for:
• Primary EPFS
• Gyrocompass
• Speed Log

The same is also true for routes. The route shall preferable be created and verified in
ECDIS, then uploaded to other systems such as radar or GPS.

It is potentially dangerous to have two routes with small differences displayed at the
same time. Situations have occurred where the officer is told by one route that he is to
the starboard of his route, but by another system he is to the port!
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Heading sensors

• Gyrocompass
• transmitting heading device
single axis gyro and-or
attitude measuring GPS
• magnetic compass
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Heading and course sensors

A gyrocompass is a compass that finds true north by

using a fast-spinning wheel and friction forces in order to
exploit the rotation of the Earth.
A gyrocompass has two main advantages over magnetic
• It finds true north, as opposed to magnetic north
• It is independent of magnetic fields
The spinning mass gyrocompass still has limitations:
• A gyrocompass does not work in polar regions (above
latitude 70-80)
• The start up time might be 4-6 hours
• In a moving ship, an error is introduced that depends
on speed and latitude
• Acceleration error - sharp turns with the ships
introduces an error 1-5 deg, disappears after 5-20
• There are gyro transmission protocol that are
without error control or full alignment message, and
therefore inherently unsafe (the “stepper” protocol
and some versions of “synchro”)
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

SDME (Speed and distance measuring


The ship’s SDME will be used as the speed sensor in the

Generally speed Sensors provides two kind of speed
• Speed over ground (SOG)
• Speed Through Water (STW)
Most modern speed logs measure speed close to the
hull, in waters that are affected by the boundary layer.
The measured speed will therefore need calibration
before it indicates ship’s true speed through water. Over
time factors like marine growth will change the flow of
water around the speed sensor.
The most accurate speed information is normally given
by sensing speed several meters away from the hull or
over the bottom. This is only possible using a correlation
log or doppler log.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

SDME (Speed and distance measuring


Some speed logs are capable of giving ships speed

through the water in two axis:
• Alongship speed
• Atwartship speed

The atwartship speed is very valuable since it

indicates ships drift and therefore helpful when
berthing and in conditions of high current or wind
A number of errors will affect the accuracy of a
• Calibration
• Orientation-alignment of transducer
• Marine growth and painting
• Bubbles and turbulence

When the ARPA is used for collision avoidance it is

recommended that Speed Through the Water is
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

SDME (Speed and distance measuring


Errors in the indicated speed, when the ship is:

• operating free from shallow water effect
• effected by wind, current and tide
• rolling up to + 10° and pitching up to + 5°
should not exceed ± 2% of the speed of the ship.
Most doppler logs are capable of ± 1%
DGPS ± 0.001 kt (static position in calm sea)

Some DGPS has been approved as SDME providing

SOG only.
(Standalone GPS is however not allowed)
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)


The radar is probably one of the

most important navigation
equipment on the bridge as it may
be used for:
• Situational awareness
• Position fixing
• Anti-collision

The user needs to adjust his radar

settings to the intended use.

Settings of great importance are:

• Tune
• Gain
• Sea clutter
• Rain clutter
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Radar accuracy

Radar accuracy depends on:

• Radar band type X band or S
band (3 or 10 cm wavelength)
• Antenna performance and
physical dimensions (lob angle)
• Transmitter performance
(output effect and pulse
• Receiver performance (signal
detections and noise
• Radar processing and its
• User settings
• Input data from other sensors
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Errors, affecting output from Radar to ECDIS

• Error in sensor data

• Radar Headline Bearing offset
• Radar Distance Offset
• Incorrect Gain and anti Clutter
• Own ship maneuver
• Low relative speed will give unstable
ARPA: IMO Performance Standard IMO
Bearing: ± 0.01° maximum.
(plus 0.5-1.0 ° from the gyro)
Range: ± 0.01 nautical miles
CPA: ± 0,70 NM
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Radar overlay

Radar overlay is a powerful position verification

If the radar image fits well over charted objects,
everything should be fine.
(the sum of all errors are zero)

Position errors
• EPFS error
• Chart datum error
• Sensor set-up error

Azimuth errors
• Gyro error
• Gyro alignment error
• Radar alignment error
• Sensor set-up error
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Automatic Identification System (AIS)

The AIS system is a basically a

protocol where ships are sending
out reports on their own position
and other data on VHF. Other
ships nearby may receive these
messages and thereby display
the positions of surrounding
AIS is required for SOLAS ships
over 300 GRT (class A).
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

AIS Class B Transponder

A new rule allows smaller vessels to

use a simplified AIS, called class B.
With a class B AIS the data is not as
detailed, less frequent and data
collision may occur at times.
There is a fear among the industry
that if too many yachts are fitting a
class B AIS the system will be
overloaded, and the difference
between large ships and small boats
may disappear.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Automatic Identification System (AIS)

COLREGS require the use of “all available means” for lookout and to determine the risk
of collision.
This includes the use of AIS, but at the same time it does not allow AIS as sole means.
Systematic observation of detected objects are required, and observations of the
compass bearing of an approaching vessel.
The information received from an AIS is by definition not an observation but more of a
statement made by the other ship. That ship may suffer from sensor error, including
chart datum error.
In comparison systematic observation by visual means or radar use equipment in you
own control.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Means of position fixing

• Seamanship requires that the OOW does not

rely on any sole means of position fixing. The
OOW has to check the performance regularly
by other means:
• Visual fixes
• Radar fixes

• In case of discrepancy, the OOW should check:

• Status of indicators and alarms
• Primary EPFS status
• Secondary EPFS
• Chart and radar overlay match
• ARPA plot of charted objects match
• Radar Bearing –distance to charted object
• Visual fixes in electronic chart by using
”Visual correction” tool
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Check heading

Check heading by using leading

lines, azimuth observations or
compare the dock heading on
your chart with the gyro and the
magnetic compass.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Check heading in ECDIS

Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Speed sensor checks

Speed Over Ground (SOG)

Compare data from installed SOG sensors:
• Log (Bottom Track)

Speed Through Water (STW)

Compare data from installed STW sensors (examples):
• Electromagnetic log
• Log (Water Track)
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Check Target Course and Target Speed in ARPA

Using Speed Over Ground (SOG) not recommended. Using Speed Trough Water (STW) recommended

ECDIS will always assume that ARPA targets are calculated from own ship COG and SOG regardless
what input you have in ARPA. This must be taken in to consideration when displaying ARPA-targets in
ECDIS, especially when sailing in waters with strong currents. ARPA information in ECDIS should not
be used for collision avoidance, but is a very good tool for indentification.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Control depth sensor information

The depth value in ECDIS is Depth Below Keel (DBK).

This value needs to be compensated for draft, trim and tide before it can be compared
with depth.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)
Automatic Source Selection with Actuation
of Fallback Functionality

Use of backup data source in case of the main source failure

If a second EPFS is installed, it may be used as backup or “secondary”. Selection of primary or
secondary EPFS is performed in the panel “Navigation” in sub menu “Ship position”.
If a second gyro is installed, it may be used as backup. The magnetic compass is not used for backup
If a second water speed log is installed, it may be used as backup.
Sensor Failure
The ECDIS will automatically raise the alarm if the primary sensor has:
• no input
• no data
• invalid data
If the primary sensor does not recover its functions within the set time after the alarm generation,
Fallback warning is activated and the system switches over to the backup source.
The timeout is set to 5 sec.
Meanwhile the ECDIS is checking both primary and secondary sensors for valid data. There is no
switchover to the backup source unless it has passed all the necessary checks.
Sensors (IMO MC 1.27 C5)

Keep in mind

• Always be critical to displayed

• Look out the window and
make visual comparisons
• Compare and asses input data
• Never depend one sole system
• Be extra vigilant after service
to the ECDIS or changes to ship
sensor configurations



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