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Nama = Ghalib Ilham R

Kelas = X TJKT 2
1. Flower - (bunga) - The flower in the garden is blooming .
Flour - (tepung) - We need to buy some flour to make bread.

2. Sea - (laut) - The sea is very rough today.

See - (melihat) - Can you see the bird in the tree?

3. Son - (putra) - Her son is studying to be a doctor.

Sun - (matahari) - The sun is shining brightly today.

4. Mail - (surat) - Did you get my mail?

Male - (jantan) - The male lion is very strong.

5. Right - (benar) - You are right, I made a mistake.

Write - (menulis) - She likes to write stories in her free time.

6. Piece - (potongan) - Can I have a piece of cake?

Peace - (perdamaian) - We need to work together to achieve peace.

7. Buy - (membeli) - I need to buy some groceries.

By - (melalui) - We drove by the park on the way home.

8. Know - (tahu) - Do you know the answer to this question?

No - (tidak) - No, I don't want to go out tonight.

9. Blew - (meniup) - The wind blew my hat off.

Blue - (biru) - She is wearing a blue dress today.

10. Hour - (jam) - I have an appointment in an hour.

Our - (kami) - Our team won the championship.

11. Hair - (rambut) - She has long, brown hair.

Hare - (kelinci) - The hare ran quickly across the field.

12. To - (untuk) - I bought this gift to give to my mom.

Two - (dua) - I have two sisters and one brother.

13. Wear - (memakai) - He likes to wear a suit to work.

Where - (di mana) - Where are you going after work?

14. Allowed - (diizinkan) - Smoking is not allowed in this building.

Aloud - (keras) - He read the poem aloud to the class.

15. Brake - (rem) - You need to brake before you turn.

Break - (istirahat) - Let's take a break and have some coffee.

16. Cell - (sel) - The human body is made up of many cells.

Sell - (menjual) - She sells handmade jewelry online.

17. Flour - (tepung) - I need to buy some flour to make a cake.

Flower - (bunga) - She received a bouquet of flowers for her birthday.

18. Hair - (rambut) - She has long brown hair.

Hare - (kelinci) - The hare ran through the fields.

19. Mail - (surat) - I need to check my mail.

Male - (jantan) - The male lion is the king of the jungle.
20. Meat - (daging) - I don't eat meat, I'm a vegetarian.
Meet - (bertemu) - Let's meet at the café at 3 pm.

21. Night - (malam) - The stars are shining bright in the night sky
Knight - (ksatria) - The knight in shining armor rescued the princess.

22. Right - (benar) - The answer is right.

Write - (menulis) - She likes to write stories in her free time.

23. Sea - (laut) - We took a cruise on the sea.

See - (melihat) - I can see the mountains from my window.

24. Sun - (matahari) - The sun is shining today.

Son - (anak laki-laki) - Her son is five years old.

25. Tail - (ekor) - The dog wagged its tail when it saw its owner.
Tale - (cerita) - She told a fascinating tale about her adventures in the jungle.

26. To - (ke, menuju) - We're going to the park.

Too - (juga) - He is too tired to go out tonight.

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