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A Thesis Title Proposal Presented to the Faculty of

Tanauan Institute. Inc.

Tanauan City, Batangas

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Lindo, Ian M.

Solit, Christian A.

Surtida, John Joseph R.

May 2023


This Capstone Project entitled “ESCAPE TO THE HAUNTED

ASYLUM A 2D MOBILE APPLICATION” Prepared and submitted by LINDO
fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree, Bachelor of Science in Computer
Science, has been examined and is recommended for Oral Examination.



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _______.





Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

Degree, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

______________ NELIA P.

Date Dean of Studies


The developers would like to acknowledge, with sincere and profound

gratitude and appreciation, those people who cooperated with the developers and
supported them in making this project.

First and above all, they praise and thank God the Almighty for providing
them with this opportunity and granting them the capability to proceed successfully.
This thesis appears in its current form due to the assistance and guidance of several
people. They would therefore like to offer their sincere thanks to all of them.
To Collantes family ,for the scholarship,and for the opportunity in granting
them the capability to proceed successfully.
To Dr. Nelia P. Mananguit, Dean of Studies, for endorsing the developers
and allowing them to gather information from the university;

To their beloved thesis adviser, Ms. Jacinta O. Precilla, for the continuous
support and excellent ideas that make the project go beyond expectations, and for the
appreciated time and effort put into the completion of this project;

To the respectable chairman, Mr. Bernardo O. Gonzales, for sharing her

knowledge and meaningful suggestions for this project and also for bringing great
new ideas to the developers to make their project much better;

To the panel of examiners, Mr. Michael A. Velasquez and Mr.

_____________, who were generous with their suggestions and ideas, which also
assisted the developers in pushing their limits;
To the librarians of Tanauan Institute, for their assistance during the gathering
of information for this project.

To the co-developers for sharing their insights and other ideas for a better
outcome on this project.

To their respective classmates and friends, for their unending kindness, effort,
and contribution of great ideas, as well as their advice and comfort during difficult
times; and

To their family, for supporting them financially, for being their inspiration to
achieve this great achievement, for encouraging them to pursue this study, and for the
infinite love they give them.

The Developers


We dedicate this to Almighty God.

our creator, our great teacher,

our source of inspiration,

wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

He has been the source of our strength throughout this.

To our parents,

who have always loved us unconditionally,

whose good example has taught us to work hard,

who have been a constant source of support and

encouragement and has been present in times of need.

To our friends, classmates, and loved ones,

who are very close to our hearts,

thank you for giving us

motivation and inspiration to accomplish this project.

C.A.E. Jr



Title Page i
Table of Contents iv
List of figures vii

Project Context 7
Purpose and Description 8
Objectives of the Study
General Objectives 9
Specific Objectives 9
Significance of the Study 10
Scope and Limitations 11
Definition of Terms 11-12

Related System 13-15

Technical Background 15
Software Specification 15
Hardware Specification 15
Conceptual Framework 16
Methods of Study 17-18
System Development Tools 18-19
System Design 20
System Architecture 21-22
Block Diagram 23


Mobile games are a popular form of entertainment that has become

increasingly prevalent in recent years. These games are designed to be played on
mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, and are often downloaded from app
stores or other online marketplaces. With the widespread adoption of smartphones and
the increasing availability of mobile data networks, mobile games have become a
ubiquitous part of modern life.

Mobile games come in a variety of genres, including puzzle, action,

simulation, and role-playing games. They can be played by a single-player or in
multiplayer mode, either locally or online. Many mobile games also include social
features, such as leaderboards, in-game chat, and the ability to connect with other

One of the defining features of mobile games is their accessibility. Unlike

traditional console or PC games, which typically require dedicated hardware and
software, mobile games can be played on devices that many people already own and
use daily. This accessibility has helped to make mobile gaming a mainstream activity,
enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

However, mobile games are not without their controversies. Some critics
argue that they can be addictive, particularly in the case of games that use "loot
boxes" or other mechanisms that encourage players to spend money on in-game items.
Others raise concerns about the potential impact of mobile games on children,
particularly in terms of their potential to distract from other activities or expose
children to inappropriate content.


"Haunted Asylum" is a spine-tingling game that puts the player in the shoes
of a character desperately trying to escape a haunted asylum. The game is set in an
eerie and unsettling environment, with dark corridors and abandoned rooms that are
filled with the supernatural and otherworldly.

As the player navigates through the game world, they must collect three keys
that are scattered throughout the asylum in order to unlock the exit door and make
their escape. However, this is easier said than done, as the player must also avoid the
monstrous creature that relentlessly pursues them throughout the game the only way
to avoid the monster is to jump him. The monster is fast and agile, and the player
must be quick and strategic in order to stay one step ahead and avoid being caught.

The monster is not the only obstacle that the player must overcome. The game
world is filled with a variety of obstacles, and challenges that make the journey to the
exit door even more treacherous. In addition to the keys, the player can also collect
gems that serve as a score. The more gems the player collects, the higher their score
will be. However, the gems are often located in areas that are difficult to reach or that
require the player to take risks, adding an extra layer of challenge to the game.

As the player progresses through the game, the difficulty level increases. The
monster becomes faster and more aggressive, and the obstacles and challenges
become even more daunting. The player must use their quick reflexes, strategic
thinking, and problem-solving skills in order to navigate through the game world and
reach the exit door.

Overall, "Haunted Asylum" is a thrilling and heart-pumping game that will

keep players on the edge of their seats. With its eerie atmosphere and challenging
gameplay, it is sure to provide a fun and exciting gaming experience for players of all
skill levels.


Escape to the Haunted Asylum" is a mobile game app that is sure to captivate
players who enjoy horror, survival, or thrilling games. It is designed to create a sense
of anxiety and terror as players navigate their way through the game world. The
game's key features are what make it engaging and challenging. Players must collect
three keys to unlock the exit door and escape the haunted asylum while avoiding a
relentless monster that is fast and agile. To increase their score, players can collect
gems while they explore the game world.

The game has a limited number of lives, and losing one happens when the
monster catches the player. As players progress through the game, the difficulty level
increases, with the monster becoming faster and more aggressive. Along with the
monster, players must overcome various obstacles and challenges to reach the exit
door. Hidden passages in the game world must be discovered to progress through the

"Haunted Asylum" requires quick reflexes, strategic thinking, problem-solving

skills, and patience to successfully guide the character to safety. The game's features
create a thrilling and suspenseful experience that is sure to keep players engaged and
on the edge of their seats. Overall, "Escape to the Haunted Asylum" is a game that
offers a spine-tingling adventure that is not for the faint of heart.



   This study refers to a mobile application that is designed to give entertainment

and practice the skills of the user. It allows users to engage in a mobile application
that is deeply engaging. This game is designed for those who desire a thrilling and
exciting experience where their resourcefulness abilities can be put to the test.


Specifically, the project aims the following objectives:

  1. To enables users to be strategic and analytical to assess risk and reward.

  2. To provide an alternative learning option to users in an entertaining manner.

  3. To design a mobile application that will help the users to think logically.

 4. To this horror game is designed around moments aimed to immediately surprise or
shock the player when they do not expect it, as well as create a sense of dread while
they are playing this game.


The result of the study will be of great benefit to the following:

User/Player. Horror games also help in releasing these chemicals which act as
adrenaline which is usually associated with fight or flight and is also known as the
fight or flight hormone, but also plays a huge role in reducing the effects of
depression and anxiety.

Researcher. Apart from being thrilling, such scary plays may help people or
researchers deal with the real world. In a study by Scrivner and his colleagues, some
visitors to a haunted house said it taught them useful things about themselves, such as
realizing they'd handled the fear better than expected.

Future Researcher. Horror games are hugely popular and have inspired generations
of amateur sleuths. But their appeal is more than trivial; they have surprising mental
and emotional benefits and can even help to explain the biases of real eyewitnesses.


The player must escape the haunted asylum as he avoids the monsters that are
chasing him. However, the player will also be in danger because of being bitten by a
monster until the game ends.

This study refers to a mobile app created to amuse users and help them develop their
skills. It enables users to interact with an intensely engaging mobile application.

A sense of dread is intended to be evoked when playing this horror game via moments
that are intended to instantly surprise or shock the player when they least expect it.
Additionally, the player of this mobile application will support the user's logical

This means that, within the confines of this game, a player's worries or concerns may
contribute to the narrative's potency, generating something spookier than perhaps
even the author meant. Unfortunately, this reliance on the imagination can
occasionally be a double-edged sword. The character do not have the ability or skills
to kill the monster. The game contains 3(three) levels only and for the 4th level is for
"to be continued". Also, the game can be played or installed only for pc and android
users, not on ios.


Anxious. Characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some


APK. The Android Package with the file extension apk is the file format used by the
Android operating system, and a few other Android-based operating systems for
distribution and installation of mobile apps, mobile games, and middleware. It can be
written in either Java or Kotlin.

Asylum. A form of protection that allows an individual to remain in the United States
instead of being removed (deported) to a country where he or she fears persecution or
harm. Under U.S. law, people who flee their countries because they fear persecution
can apply for asylum.

2D. A 2D game is one that uses two-dimensional graphics, such as sprites, tiles, or
vector art, to represent the game world and the characters.

Diegetic. (Of sound in a movie, television program, etc.) occurring within the context
of the story and able to be heard by the characters

Double-edged sword. A situation or course of action has both positive and negative

Dread. A feeling of great anxiety and fear about something that may happen.

Emerge.  Means to come out from an enclosed or dark space such as a room or

a vehicle, or from a position where you could not be seen.

Flee. Run away from a place or situation of danger. 3. Spooky - sinister or ghostly in
a way that causes fear and unease.

Nondiegetic. Sometimes called commentary or non-literal sound, the non-diegetic

sound is any type of sound that does not specifically exist within the world of the film
itself. In other words, it's the type of sound that characters in a film are not able to
hear, but that we can.

Pique. A feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one's


Sleuths. A person who investigates crimes, a detective.

Terrified. Cause to feel extreme fear.

Thrill. To affect with a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, as to produce a

tremor or tingling sensation through the body.

Vigilant. To describe someone who keeps awake and alert to avoid danger or


This chapter provides an overview of previous research on knowledge sharing and

intranets. Considers literature relevant to aims and explains the nature of the research
project. It is composed of related studies, related literature, and technical background.

Mobile applications are the most common way of mobile application and
mobile tools are the first tools for user interaction. Uses mobile applications to access
various information about users. Additionally, users are searching to select suitable
applications among millions (Wang, 2018). Nysveen et. al. (2020), Showed that
although consumers use all services on mobile devices, entertainment and game
services are primarily selected Recently, mobile games as a popular cultural product
especially among young people within the scope of mobile applications have become
one of the most important mobile marketing and advertising tools.

A mobile game is a video game application based on a mobile device. In late

2007, the appearance of smartphones made mobile gaming accessible and available to
play for users. Today mobile device users can play a greater variety of games not only
simple, embedded games but also games on downloaded apps (Feijoo, 2021). Mobile
games could be defined as game applications that could be played on portable,
wireless devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Mobile games seem to be more casual and have an easy learning curve than
hardcore gaming. They allow the users to play the games in short periods of time,
more accessible and convenient for the users to play than other gaming platforms.
Mobile games still have a lot of opportunities to develop and gain in the market.
Mobile gaming is playing an increasingly important role in the entertainment industry.

Novitz (2018) notes in her research regarding survival horror that this genre of
game briefly eases players’ anxiety or terror after successfully surviving a challenge,
whereas other games reward players with accomplishments in mastering components
of the system. In her article Scarcity and Survival Horror Novitz states, “Rather than
seeking to provide the player with a sense of power, success, and affirmation that will
encourage them to continue to reinvest their time and effort in the game, survival

horror games make the player feel vulnerable and afraid, often by removing the sense
of control and self-determination present in other forms of gameplay”.

Survival horror video games, therefore, emphasize a player’s goal of survival.

Unlike other categories of video games, the main goal of survival horror is to stay
alive by maneuvering through horrific situations. Video game analyst Bernard Perron
(2020) emphasizes the fact that the disadvantages bestowed upon the protagonist,
such as “not so powerful weapons and limited ammo and health,” are the main
components of survival horror. In this way, the disadvantages increase the character’s
vulnerability to overwhelming events in gameplay (Perron, 2020, p. 55).

Survival horror is designed to constrict a player’s control in the game via

restrictions of movement, lack of resources, and/or an enclosed area or location
(Kirkland, 2019). All these elements increase a player’s vulnerability with the intent
to provoke fear and anxiety. Survival horror emphasizes the player’s desire to stay
alive throughout the game, which is what sets it apart from other subgenres of horror.
Once the player completes a challenge, the player’s pleasure (or relief) overrides fear
or anxiety; This pleasure provokes the player to continue playing the game.

In a mobile game, the fictional environment allows gamers to experience

events without harsh consequences. With little to no consequence, reality and the
fictional environment are separated. Likewise, gamers cognitively process the horrific
elements with the understanding that they are fictional. As a result of their cognitive
awareness, players are in control of both the experience and their emotional responses
(Bantinaki, 2020). As game developers continue to improve methods for immersing
players in digital environments, survival horror video games are also designed to
prompt negative emotions of fear and anxiety. This is done by manipulating narrative
and sensory perception.

Monforton (2019) argues that a video game’s ability to produce and harness
the player’s emotions relies heavily on audio components
withingameenvironment.Likewise,according to Kromand (2018), survival horror’s
use of overly intensified audio suggests that sounds are a key component to provoking
fear. He argues that survival horror “purposely creates uncertainty” for the player by
blurring their understanding of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds (page number). In

this way, players are unable to clearly determine the sounds of the fictional game
environment from those of reality. Therefore, players progressively become more
immersed in the game. An increase in player anxiety and uncertainty is also the result
of the game’s sound design, which may or may not work within the game’s visual
frame (Kromand, 2018, pg 16). An analysis of three survival horror games --
BioShock, Silent Hill 2, and F.E.A.R. led Kromand to conclude that the genre uses
diegetic and non-diegetic sound to build tension or panic rather than to provide hints
or cues for gamers.


This section shows the technical background of the project that discusses the
development tools and technologies used in developing and implementing the system.
Software Specification
Software Description
Android OS Android
RAM 2GB for Android
Internal Storage 3GB for Android
Table 1: Software Specification

The application needs an Android phone with a minimum of 2GB RAM and a
minimum of 3GB internal storage. The application can also be used in any Android
phone with a minimum of 500 MB of RAM and a minimum of 2GB and tablets.

Hardware Specification
Hardware Any Brand
Android Any Brand
Screen 3000x1688px
Resolution 720
Display/Graphics 2D
Table 2: Hardware SpecificationAs for the Hardware Specification, the researcher
decided on any brand of hardware and Android, while the screen is 3000X1688px,
then the resolution is 720 and the Display/Graphics is 2D.

Conceptual Framework


Requirements needed  Data Gathering

to develop a mobile
 Brainstorming Escape to the
 Developer Haunted Asylum: a
 Designing and
 Design 2d Mobile Game
Reference developing a Application
 Construct 2
Software mobile game

Detailed information
about the proposed
mobile game

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the conceptual paradigm of the study which tells the details
about the proposed mobile game application which is the escape to the haunted
asylum: a 2d mobile game application. This study would help the user entertain and
have fun.

The first box represents the input of the undertaking. The first arrow pointed
towards the second box indicates the process of the proposed game application.
Another arrow points towards the third box which presents the output of the research



This chapter includes the analysis and methodologies used to make the mobile
game application. As well as the requirements needed to run the system are explained.


This study is concerned with designing, producing, and evaluating
instructional programs, procedures, and products, using a descriptive developmental
research methodology. Escape to the Haunted Asylum, a 2D platform mobile game
application was the focus of the research. The framework for this study, which
includes the primary objective of the research outlined in the proposed application, is
introduced. Figure 2 presents a modified representation of the game implementation
process. The diagram appears as follows:

Figure 2. Agile Model

Throughout the study, the researchers employed and adhered to the agile approach
model of software development. The purpose of requirements analysis is to determine
what the user anticipates from the project's goals and how to address any problems
that may arise while creating the game. The programmers will visualize the desired
outcome and divide the workload among the group members during the planning and
designing phases. The primary section of this study is called "Develop," and it
discusses the method of creating the game. The programmers or developers will
evaluate the product's functionality after it has been developed, fix any bugs that were
discovered during testing, and then make it available to other users. Reviews and
feedback must be taken into consideration after the game has been implemented to
track and monitor the game's performance.


To fully understand the process that the researchers conducted, it is necessary to

provide the software and hardware specs and needs of the application employed. The
users will be able to determine whether the program is compatible with their devices
by being aware of these. The software for developing games, Build box, which is
primarily used to create mobile apps, was utilized to build this game. The creation of
in-game graphic designs requires Adobe Photoshop in a critical capacity. The gaming
software was made using an optical mouse and a USB keyboard as necessary

Hardware Descriptions

Processor X86_64 CPU architecture; 8th generation intel core or newer, or

AMD CPU with support for a Windows Hypervisor

RAM 8.00 GB or more

System Type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

Keyboard USB

Mouse Optical Mouse

Monitor 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution

Table 3. Hardware Requirements

Software Description

No-code development Buildbox focuses on game production without the use of

platform programming, coding, or scripting. Developers, designers, and other
gamers without a background in game creation or coding make up the
software's main target audience.

Design Application Adobe Illustrator enables you to express your original ideas through
shapes, color, effects, and typography.
Create stunning designs quickly for desktop and mobile platforms that
can be used for print, online, applications, video, animation, and more.

Photo Editor The most popular photo editing and alteration program on the market is
Adobe Photoshop. Its users can do everything from fully featured
group picture editing to creating detailed digital artwork that appears to
have been done by hand.

Compiler You can create apps for Android phones, tablets, and Android Wear
using Android Studio, which offers a unified interface. Android Auto,
as well as Android TV With the use of structured coding, you may
separate your project into functional components that you can
separately develop, test, and debug.

Operating System Windows 10

Table 4. Software Requirements

Software Requirements specification

Operating System Windows 10 and higher

Programming Language Construct 2


Offline Users




The system design for this study is shown in Figure 3. ESCAPE TO THE
HAUNTED ASYLUM: A 2D Survival Mobile Game Application was developed to
unwind and relieve tension while also developing various mental abilities and
problem-solving techniques. Only Android smartphones can use the game's offline
executable program. The game's functionality will be upgraded by the developers in
response to user feedback, giving players a better overall experience.
Using Buildbox, researchers created a user-friendly interface. The in-game
graphics are designed in Photoshop, and the APK file is built in Android Studio


Figure 4. System Architecture (ver. 1)

Package Kit
(APK) File


Game Audio
Carta Android
User Engine

Adobe Adobe
Photoshop Illustrator

Figure 5. System Architecture (ver. 2)

The proposed system, which includes the features and capabilities of the
gaming app, is shown in Figures 4 and 5. This includes the framework for the gaming
application required for this research. The application contains a button that is divided
up into three (3) sections: start, help, and quit. The researchers will create a game app

with five phases. The player's current progress was restored when they made the
decision to leave the application.


The data flow diagram that depicts the interaction between users and the
gaming app is shown in Figure 6. This demonstrates how users would communicate
with one another or use the suggested game application.

Escape to the Haunted Asylum: Anyone can use this app, including kids, teenagers,
and adults (ages 10 to late 40s). The start, settings, sound, and exit buttons, as well as
the stores and accomplishments section, are all included in this game's features.
Users: These are the users who can use any Android-based smartphone to access the
application while it is offline.


Figure 7. Use Case Diagram

A graphical representation of a user's possible interactions with a system is

called a use case diagram. The user (player) responds to the experience, as shown in
the table above, and this starts the cycle of software improvement. The program is
improved by the developer in response to player comments.


The researchers supplied an evaluation survey form to further evaluate the

game app after using the black box testing approach. The ISO/IEC 29110 standard,
which focuses on applications in the game business, a sector that creates software,
served as the foundation for the creation of the questionnaire. Five (5) characteristics
of ISO/IEC are used to describe the quality of software. These are listed below:

 Functionality. The functionality of the system features will be examined

to determine whether the system or component must function properly.

 Reliability. This is the capability of the system or component to operate
for a predetermined amount of time under specified conditions.

 Usability. A user-friendly program is one that is simple to understand

and utilize. The intended design and graphics are simple to recognize.

 Efficiency. It indicates that the system executes commands precisely and

successfully. It makes use of network, CPU, and memory resources.

 Maintainability. It indicates that the system is stable and simple to


Rating Range Equivalent/Interpretation

4 3.51-4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.51-3.50 Agree

2 1.51-2.50 Disagree

1 1.00-1.50 Strongly Disagree

Table 5. Likert Scale

The percentage and frequency distributions for data display as well as the
weighted mean were used by the researchers to establish the outcome of the system
evaluation. The evaluation criteria offered by the researchers are listed below.

Learning ability is the game application’s capacity to teach the user how to utilize it
and it features in an intuitive manner.

Operability is the ability of the game app to allow the user to control and operate.

Attractiveness is the capacity of a software product to appeal to users.

Maintainability is the ability of gaming software to be updated and changed.

Corrections, enhancements, and changes to the requirements and functional
specifications may all be included.

Analyzability is the capacity of the game app to analyze for flaws or system failure
Stability is the ability of the game software to prevent unintended and unanticipated
impacts from alteration.


To gather opinions and impressions from 100 respondents about the game
application, the researchers developed an ISO-Based survey. After tallying the results,
the survey's instructions are as follows:

The relevance of the sub-characteristics scale is graded using the following

interpretations: 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = agree, and 4 = highly agree.
Please check the box next to the appropriate field.

4 1
3 2
Features Strongly Strongly
Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

A.    Functionality
Users can use the game app
offline effectively.
The game runs well in the

All the buttons of the game app

are functioning well.
The application lets the user
apply their thinking skills while

B.    Reliability

The game app can be used

without runtime errors.

The game app does not affect

other applications while being


C.    Usability

The game app is user-friendly.

The game app’s instructions and

functionality are easy to
Users can easily adapt to the
game app.
The users find the game app

D.    Efficiency

The game app is not lagging.

The game controls are

functioning well.
The game is played in accordance
with the instruction given.

The game has a sci-fi genre.

E.    Maintainability

The game app can be easily

The game app can be tested
Table 6. Evaluation Tool


The researchers' schedule and timeline, which includes the things they are
doing, are shown in the table below. The Gantt Chart was used by the researchers to
guide implementation and track the progress of your project's timeline while they
followed the assigned plan. This will also enable them to oversee the weekly tasks
that need to be completed

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

2022 2022 2022 2023 2023 2023 2023 2023

Thesis Title
Title Proposal
Collecting Data
System Building

Table 7. Schedule and Timeline


The researchers consist of three people, each of whom is assigned a separate
set of duties. In the table after that, the tasks of the group are listed and explained.

The person in charge of organizing the group's workload distribution, acting as

team leader, developing, testing, and debugging.

Application Designer

The person that is responsible for designing the project.

Sound Editor

The person is responsible for editing the sound effects of the project.

Data Researcher

The person is responsible for researching and collecting data needed in the

Document Writer

The person who will record every detail of the game's design, as well as any
revisions and updates, and who will also make any necessary document adjustments.

Table 8. Team Members and their Responsibilities


Lindo, Ian M.  Data Researcher

 Document Writer
Solit, Christian A.  Document Writer
 Application Designer
 Programmer
 Sound Editor
Surtida, John Joseph R  Data Researcher
 Document Writer

This chapter presents the results and discussion related to the specified
objectives of the developed system. Also, the analysis and interpretation of data are
also presented in this chapter.

The researcher has successfully completed all the specific objectives of the
system project entitled ESCAPE TO THE HAUNTED ASYLUM A 2D MOBILE
APPLICATION this chapter shows the screenshots of the system as the objectives of
the study and how the screenshots work. This study aims to give attention to avoid
prohibited act.
The following figures show the system design interface of the system. This
shows the different dynamics of the system, with the use of appealing system design.

Figure 8: Home Page

Figure 8 show the home page of the system, the logo of the game will appear
once the game application launched. The user should touch the play button to access
the menu.

Figure 9: Menu screen

Figure 9 show the menu of the game, allows users to change various settings in the

Figure 10: Level selection

Figure 10 shows the selection of level once the user taps the select level the user will
see the levels and stages of the game and there will be different obstacles encountered
in each level.

Figure 11: Game interface

Figure 11: Game interface
Figure 11 show the game interface and allows the user to interact or break into
the SSgame space.

The developers conducted a survey that consisted of four categories, and each
category has corresponding questions. This survey is used to determine the
functionality, usability, and reliability of the system developed by the developer. The
survey criteria consist of four parts: functionality, reliability, usability and


Criterion Weighted Mean Interpretation

The game characters and equipment’s are sufficient 3.04 Agree

with high 2D resolutions.
The game characters and equipment’s are sufficient 3.2 Agree
with high 2D resolutions.
The system allows me to add, edit, update the game 3.08 Agree
The users are able to test and practice their logic, 3.08 Agree
coordination and survival skills in reaching the goal
of the game.
Overall 3.1 Agree

Table 9. functionality criteria and weighted mean results

N= 50 Legend: Strongly Agree: 3.51-4.00; Agree: 2.51-3.50; Disagree: 1.51-2.50;

strongly disagree: 1.00-1.50.

The survey’s first criterion focuses on the software’s functionality. The results

of the respondent’s experience with the game application’s operation are presented in

table 9. The majority of respondent find the game application to most likely to

AGREE that the software’s functions and purpose satisfied them. This criterion’s

weighted mean is 3.1.

Criterion Weighted Mean Interpretation

The game app is user-friendly. 3.04 Agree

The game app’s instructions 3.08 Agree
and functionality are easy to
Users can easily adapt to the 3.08 Agree
game app.
The users find the game app 3.08 Agree
Overall Total 3.07 Agree
Table 10. usability criteria and weighted mean results

N= 50 Legend: Strongly Agree: 3.51-4.00; Agree: 2.51-3.50; Disagree: 1.51-2.50;

strongly disagree: 1.00-1.50.

The usability of the developed application is the second criterion in the survey,

as indicated in table 10. The majority of the respondents AGREE that the applications

is user-friendly and entertaining to use the weighted mean for this criterion is 3.07.


Criterion Weighted mean Interpretation

The game app can be easily 3.04 Agree
The game app can be tested 3.02 Agree
Overall Total 3.03 Agree
Table 11. Maintainability criteria and weighted mean results

N= 50 Legend: Strongly Agree: 3.51-4.00; Agree: 2.51-3.50; Disagree: 1.51-2.50;

strongly disagree: 1.00-1.50.

The maintainability of the developed application is the third criterion in the

survey, as indicated in table 11. The majority of the respondents AGREE that the

applications is user-friendly and entertaining to use the weighted mean for this

criterion is 3.03.


Criterion Weighted Interpretation


The 2D graphics are well designed and does 3.02 Agree

not show any lags.

The game provides a satisfying level c The 3.08 Agree

2D graphics are well designed and does not

C\configuration/ customization in order to

adapt to players needed (the ability to

customize audio setting and game difficulty).

Are you having fun playing the game? 3.14 Agree

The game was challenging from start to 3.08 Agree


Are you familiar with this game? 3.04 Agree

Are you addicted in games? 2.92 Disagree

Overall Total: 3.04 Agree

Table 12. Reliability criteria and weighted mean results

- N= 50 Legend: Strongly Agree: 3.51-4.00; Agree: 2.51-3.50; Disagree: 1.51-2.50;

strongly disagree: 1.00-1.50.

The software overall reliability is the fourth and last criterion in the survey.

This part will be used by the respondents to assess whether the application credible.

Table 12 reveals the majority of the respondents are most likely to AGREE that the

application can be utilized without causing run-time errors and does not interfere with

other application while in use. This criterion has a 3.04 weighted me

Criterion Weighted mean Verbal Rank


Functionality 3.1 Agree 2

Usability 3.07 Agree 3

Maintainability 3.2 Agree 1

Reliability 3.04 Agree 4

Overall Total: 3.10 Agree

hTable 13. mean scores, interpretations and rankings

- N= 50 Legend: Strongly Agree: 3.51-4.00; Agree: 2.51-3.50; Disagree: 1.51-2.50;

strongly disagree: 1.00-1.50.

Table 13 shows the mean score based on the gathered survey, verbal

interpretations, and rankings of each criterion. Maintainability criterion as 1, with a

weighted mean 3.2. with a weighted mean 3.1, functionality criterion is ranked 2. A

usability criterion is ranked third with a weighted mean 3.07. the reliability criterion is

ranked last with weighted mean 3.02.

The overall results reveal the majority of respondents are AGREE that the proposed

game application meets the criterion for functionality, usability, maintainability and

reliability, with overall total weighted mean 3.10.

Chapter 5


This chapter includes a summary of the findings, conclusions based on the

survey and software evaluation results, and recommendations for enhancing the study.

This research was carried out with the goal of developing a game
application that does not require an internet connection and improves user’s metal
effort and cognitive ability.
To attain the objective of the study, the researchers used a descriptive
developmental research method in conducting the study. The Google form were used
to construct the survey criterion. To determine the results of the system evaluation,
the researchers used the frequency and percentage distributions for data presentation
and weighted mean. to analyze the survey, the 4-point Likert scale and verbal
interpretation were used. Weighted mean is the statistical method used to calculate the
results of the survey.
Based on the software evaluation the functionality criteria had an
average mean of 3.1, the usability criteria had an average mean of 3.07, the
maintainability criteria had an average mean of 3.2, the reliability criteria had a 3.04
average mean. Moreover, the overall average mean was 3.10, which predicted that the
respondents were satisfied after using the game application. In general, the outcome
indicates that the game application was successful.
The final result of the study reveals that the game application has met its
objectives and expectations based on the response on the survey.

Therefore, based on the result of the survey, the study concluded the
The game application’s development satisfies the users.
The user’s logical and coordination skills are challenged in order to successfully
complete the game’s missions.
The proposed game application is appropriate for both youngsters and adult.
The findings of the software evaluation are important in achieving the study

The researchers strongly recommended in making a little to no modifications
on the developed game software. However, for the future researchers and aspiring
game developers, this study might be a guide if they have plans on creating similar
The researcher of this study further recommends the following:
Add skin for each of the game character.
Add weapon for character skills.



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