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PURPOSE: The purpose of this activity is to have students work together to reach
consensus on a controversial issue. It helps them realize that sometimes there are
no right and wrong answers.
OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to: 1. Evaluate various types of information and
decide what traits and other factors are of most importance for long-term survival
in an emergency situation.
2. Effectively present their opinions and arguments either orally or in writing.
Three days ago, nuclear war broke out around the world as a result of the conflict
Russia and Ukraine together with their Ally Countries with massive attacks in all
heavily populated areas. For the first 24 hours, radio broadcasts reported
tremendous damage and loss of life in all areas, including the Philippines. The
total annihilation of most of Earth’s population. For the past 48 hours, there have
been no broadcasts. Fortunately, the people listed below were able to reach a
fallout shelter in time to take cover and survive the initial devastation. You must
assume that those in the shelter, as far as you know, the only survivors of the
war. Here is the dilemma, there are twelve people in the fallout shelter, but there
is no enough food, water, and other supplies to keep them all alive until the
atmosphere is safe. To survive, the people must stay inside the fallout shelter for
at least three months. The problem is that if all of them stay in the shelter, all of
them will starve to death or dehydrate. There are only enough supplies to allow
seven of the twelve people to survive. Your task is to decide, based on the
information given, which people will be allowed to remain (and live), and which
people will be required to leave the shelter (and probably die). We will assume
that those who are selected to leave will do so peacefully. The issue is the survival
of humans on Earth. The bottom line is that if human beings are to repopulate the
Earth, such repopulation will begin with those survivors chosen by you. Carefully
evaluate all information about each of the twelve persons. Consider their health,
experiences, age, sex, and intelligence. Then decide which seven will be allowed
to stay in the shelter and which five must leave.
1) On a sheet of paper, list down the seven people you would like to survive and
repopulate the Earth, stating your reasons for keeping them. Then list of five you
would want to leave the shelter and state the reasons for not keeping them.
2) After everyone in the group made his/her decisions and formulated his/her
reasons, the leader will summarize all the reasons and reach a consensus among
the group as to who should stay and who should go without a force or physical
struggle and or fight. of the group. Remember that those who survive will
repopulate the world and eventually establish a brand new government and the
kind of society the next generation will experience.

1. SCOTTY TUMBS UP Age: 43 IQ: 112 Health: Good

Education/Training: 2 yrs college, 2 yrs. military Work Experience:
15 yrs. farming successfully, street Basketball player. with war
shock acquired during his military years in service always
with the Armalite riffle.

2. Name: GERALD OVERSON Age: 35 IQ: 98 Health: Fair

Education/Training: High School Diploma at the FEU:
Work Experience: 10 yrs. general construction laborer. Alcoholic
and cannot work if not under the influence of liquor
3. Name: JULIE ANN SAN PEDRO Age: 13 IQ: 120 Health: Excellent
Education/Training at La salle Green Hills : Middle school student
Work Experience: None. - Always hungry and cannot sleep
with an empty stomach. Loves to cook healthy food
(learned from her dietitian parents.)
4. Name: BARBIE FORTES Age: 25 IQ: 142 Health: Good
Education/Training: PhD in Music Theory in UP Diliman. Work
Experience: 2 Year Teaching at College Level. lesbian, hates to
be with men and very closed to women.

5. Name: ALICE DIZON Age: 50 IQ: 140 Health: Fair

Education/Training: Master’s degree in psychology at the UST:
Work Experience: 15 yrs. as mental health case-worker; 10 yrs.
director of local mental health Counseling service. Too bossy
and having personal conflict with John Pratt because
allegedly, he at tempted to rape her.
6. Name: PAOLO KONTI Age: 8 IQ: 150 Health: Good
Education/Training: Elementary School Student Work
Experience: None. Diagnosed with ADHD (hyperactive)
never tired of asking so many questions
7. Name: DANN PADILLA Age: 27 IQ: 104 Health: Excellent
Education/Training: Tech School Graduate from TESDA : Work
Experience: 10 yrs. heavy construction and welding . Cross eyed
but very compassionate and considerate and he is a good
8. Name: JOHN PRATT Age: 33 IQ: 125 Health: Fair
Education/Training: College Degree in Chemistry in Mapua: Work
Experience: 12 yrs High School Chemistry Teacher. Drug addict
and he cooks myth for himself and introduce it to others
9. Name: SARAH GERON. Age: 19 IQ: 105 Health: Fair
Education/Training: High School Graduate at the UST: Work
Experience: 3 yrs experience in retail sales. With background
in Midwifery but cannot focus without music and junk
10. Name: MARJORIE BARRIENTOS Age: 39 IQ: 133 Health: Poor
Education/Training: Medical School Graduate at UP Manila Work
5 times failed in
Experience: 10 yrs general family medical practice.
the Medical Board Exam and very moody.
11. Name: JOEL TORRES Age: 60 IQ: 127 Health: Good
Education/Training: 4 yrs. college, major in business at the Ateneo De
Manila University. Work Experience: 10 yrs bank teller; 20 yrs financial
Cannot sleep with other people. he
advisor and bank president.
wants to sleep alone in a room.

12. Name: FREDRICK PAULATES Age: 54 IQ: 132 Health: Excellent

Education/Training: Highly trained as a general laborer at SMDC and DMCI
he is the
Work Experience: 25 years US Navy electronic technician;
Builder of the Bunker. With good background in filtration
especially when he is with john Pratt.

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