Botulism - Zoonotic - Chlebicz 2018

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Bulgarian Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 2014, 17, No 4, 241266

ISSN 1311-1477; online at



S. M. NUM1 & N. M. USEH2,3

Department of Veterinary Pathology and Microbiology, University of Agri-
culture, Makurdi, Nigeria; 2Department of Veterinary Pathology, Ahmadu
Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria; 3Laboratory of Molecular Biology of Infec-
tious Diseases, Department of Population Medicine & Diagnostic Sciences,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, United States of America


Num, S. M. & N. M. Useh, 2014. Botulism in man and animals. Bulg. J. Vet. Med., 17,
No 4, 241–266.

Botulism is a rare, acute and highly fatal neuroparalytic disease that affects both man and animals. It
is a worldwide problem that has been reported in several countries, with limited management options
that are still being researched. Confirmation of diagnosis of the disease is a problem, especially in
localities where facilities for conducting the traditional mouse bioassay are not readily available. In
this review paper, the authors highlighted the epidemiology of the disease in man and animals and
summarised the new research trends and reports on novel diagnostic methods that could save time
and enhance patient survival. It was concluded that apart from ensuring a sustained global research on
the molecular dynamics of the disease, with the aim to evolving the most effective management pro-
tocols, with the highest probability of patient survival, human and veterinary public health officials in
the endemic areas should routinely educate the rural and urban communities on the public health
significance of botulism and the need to keep safe through strict adherence to standard preventive and
control measures.
Key words: animals, botulism, man


Botulism is an acute, severe neuropara- 1998). The disease is rare, but could cause
lytic disease affecting human beings and severe illness that is potentially lethal if
animals that occurs as a result of blockage not treated rapidly (Arnon et al., 2001;
of acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) release Coban et al., 2010). In vivo BoNT cleaves
from the synaptic vesicles at the neuro- proteins necessary for nerve signal trans-
muscular junctions due to the specific mission. The enzymatic cleavage results
action of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) in the inhibition of nerve impulses, lead-
(Hatheway, 1995; Hatheway & Johnson, ing to flaccid muscular paralysis, which
Botulism in man and animals

can affect the lungs and may require venti- tyricum are known to cause the disease
lator support (Kalb et al., 2011). A clini- (Schiavo et al., 2000). C. botulinum pro-
cal syndrome of cranial neuropathy and duces all seven known serotypes (A to G),
descending asymmetrical flaccid paralysis whereas C. baratii and C. butyricum pro-
has been linked to botulism by some au- duce only one serotype each (F and E,
thors (Shapiro et al., 1998). Cranial pal- respectively) (Hutson et al., 1993; Simp-
sies also characterise the disease (Sobel et son, 2004). In human beings, botulism is
al., 2007). Generalised muscular weak- caused mainly by serotypes A, B and E
ness, which is classical, may extend gra- and rarely by serotype F (Sobel et al.,
dually to all skeletal muscles leading to 2004), while botulism in animals is mainly
death due to respiratory dysfunction (Ta- caused by serotypes B, C and D (Cole-
keda et al., 2006). In waterfowl, drowning man, 1998). The anaerobic spore forming
is a common cause of death, because the C. botulinum serotypes/strains above have
neck muscles of the affected bird become been further classified into groups I–IV
paralysed and the bird is no longer able to based on metabolism and pathogenesis.
hold its head above water (Sharpe et al., Groups I and II include human pathogenic
2011). Botulism toxin is the most potent strains. Group I consists of proteolytic
toxic substance known to man, with seven strains producing types A, B and F toxins,
(A to G) antigenically distinct neurotoxins and group II of non-proteolytic strains
(Peck & Stringer, 2005). Since the first producing types B, E and F toxins (Smith
reported cases of food borne botulism in & Sugiyama, 1988). Group III strains
the late 18th century, botulism has gained produce either serotype C or D and are
attention not only as a threat to food pro- associated with botulism in animals, and
ducers and consumers, but also as a poten- group IV contains only strains producing
tial cause of crib death of small babies, as BoNT serotype G (Collins & East, 1998;
a deadly trap for intravenous drug abu- Lund & Peck, 2000). In the Baltic Sea
sers, and as a potent weapon for bioterro- area, where non-proteolytic group II has
rism (Lindstrӧm & Korkeala, 2006). predominated, a particularly high preva-
lence of type E has been reported (Hyytiä
et al., 1998).
Food borne botulism is a paralytic ill-
ness that is usually caused by ingestion of
Four clinical forms of botulism have been the toxins of Clostridium botulinum and
described and they include food borne, closely related species (Sobel et al.,
adult intestinal, infant and wound, al- 2007). Consumption of contaminated food
though rare, iatrogenic and inhalation in which neurotoxin has been produced
forms have been described as well (Arnon can result in food borne botulism, a severe
et al., 2001; Coban et al., 2010). Other disease with a high fatality rate. As little
authors writing exclusively on botulism in as 30 ng of neurotoxin can be fatal (Peck
human beings categorised it into three 2006). Infant botulism is an intestinal to-
main types namely food borne, infant and xaemia that affects children <12 months
adult intestinal colonisation, and wound of age; a similar disease also very rarely
botulism (Turton et al., 2002). Neuroto- affects adults, and occurs when competing
xins produced by Clostridium botulinum, bacteria in the normal intestinal microbi-
Clostridium baratii and Clostridium bu- ota have been suppressed (e. g., by antibi-

242 BJVM, 17, No 4

S. M. Num & N. M. Useh

otic treatment). Infant botulism has been 1982; Smart et al., 1983; Wobeser et al.,
reported in many countries, and in the 1983; Shayegani et al., 1984; Okoye,
United States, it is the commonest mani- 1988; Allwright et al., 1994; Woo et al.,
festation of the disease. Some reports sug- 2010; Hardy et al., 2011; Sharpe et al.,
gest a link to sudden infant death syn- 2011; Raymundo et al., 2012). There are
drome (Arnon, 2004; Fox et al. 2005). several reports of botulism in cold
Wound botulism is an infection in which blooded animals (Mengiste et al., 1990;
growth and neurotoxin formation occur in Nol et al., 2004; Merivirta et al., 2006;
wound in the body. For adult and infant Yule et al., 2006a,b; Gaunt et al., 2007;
botulism to occur there has to be intestinal Neimanis et al., 2007; Crauste et al.,
colonisation by C. botulinum, while wound 2008; King et al., 2009; Horowitz, 2010;
botulism occurs following wound conta- Khoo et al., 2011). Wound botulism has
mination by C. botulinum (Werner et al., been reported by several famous authors
2000). (Werner et al., 2000; Akbulut et al.,
2005a,b; Schroeter et al., 2009).
Typical C. botulinum infection causes
disease and mortality (Forrester et al., Botulism in humans is a disease that has
1980; Wobeser et al., 1997) and has been been reported worldwide. In the coastal
reported worldwide in man (Midura & areas of the North including Alaska, the
Arnon, 1976; Arnon et al., 1981; Aureli et Pacific coast of British Columbia, north-
al., 1986; Cox & Hinkle, 2002; Carlin et ern Canada and Greenland it occurs fol-
al., 2004; Frean et al., 2004; Barash et al., lowing consumption of traditionally pre-
2005; Fox et al., 2005; Johnson et al., pared foods (Dawar et al., 2002; Austin &
2005; Keet et al., 2005; Arnon et al., Leclair, 2011). Majority of the outbreaks
2006; Reller et al., 2006; Artin et al., are caused by consumption of the flesh of
2007; Fenicia et al., 2007a; Nishida et al., marine mammals and fish. Infant botulism
2007; Abe et al., 2008; Cameron, 2009; seems to be on the increase in the United
Fenicia & Anniballi, 2009; Umeda et al., States. Since 2004, the Centers for Dis-
2009; Lúquez et al., 2010; Rowlands et ease Control and Prevention (CDC) have
al., 2010; Sevenier et al., 2012; Fujinaga documented more than 2000 cases of in-
et al., 2013), and other mammals (Doutre, fant botulism in the United States, princi-
1967b; Barsanti et al., 1978; Doutre, 1983; pally produced by types A and B (NIOSH,
Farrow et al., 1983; Thiongane et al., 1996; CDC, 2006). The average annual
1984; Bernard et al., 1987; Yamakawa et incidence of infant botulism in Argentina
al., 1992; van der Lugt et al., 1995; Fuji- (2.2 per 100,000 live births) (Lúquez et
naga et al., 1997; Wobeser et al., 1997, al., 2005; 2007) is similar to that in the
Bohnel et al., 2003; Elad et al., 2004; United States (1.9 per 100,000 live births)
Lindstrom et al., 2004; Bӧhnel et al., (Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
2005; Walker et al., 2009; Johnson et al., tion, 1998). Only a small number of cases
2010; Williams et al., 2011; Schwarz et have been reported in Italy, Germany, the
al., 2012). The disease is known to also United Kingdom, Spain, Denmark, Japan,
affect birds (Doutre, 1967a; Hay et al., Australia (Fox et al., 2005), and Finland
1973; Forrester et al., 1980; Dohms et al., (Nevas et al., 2005). Although 26 coun-

BJVM, 17, No 4 243

Botulism in man and animals

tries in 5 continents have reported infant 2011; Ostrowski et al., 2012) and morta-
botulism, with United States, Argentina, lity, especially in sheep and cattle, range
Australia, Canada, Italy and Japan report- between 5–80% (Payne et al., 2011).
ing the largest number of cases in that There are several reports of food-borne
order (Koepke et al., 2008), it is believed botulism in European countries (Aureli et
that infant botulism is most likely under- al., 1996; Cowden, 2011; Pingeon et al.,
diagnosed or undetected in many coun- 2011). The fatality rate is approximately
tries (Bianco et al., 2008; Koepke et al., 5-10% of cases. The economic and medi-
2008; Rebagliati et al., 2009). Risk fac- cal costs associated with food borne botu-
tors for infant botulism are multifactorial lism are extremely high (Setlow & John-
and include breast feeding, and the intro- son, 1997; Peck et al., 2011).
duction of first formula feeding, consump- Intestinal toxaemia botulism is an in-
tion of honey and residence in a region of fectious form of botulism in which illness
high spore density and soil disruption results from ingesting spores, which is
(Long et al., 1985). Constipation appears followed by spore germination and in-
to be a risk factor but also is an early traluminal production of botulinum neuro-
manifestation of intoxication (Sobel, toxins over an extended period (Arnon,
2005). 1995; Fenicia et al., 2007a). Intestinal
Both food-borne and wound botulism toxaemia botulism is rarely reported in
are extremely rare in Ireland, unlike many adults. Inhalational botulism is not a natu-
European countries which routinely report rally occurring disease. The syndrome was
food-borne cases each year. Wound botu- described once among German laboratory
lism is much rarer, but both sporadic cases workers in 1962, with symptoms resem-
and outbreaks have been reported in Euro- bling those of food borne botulism (Mid-
pean countries in the past several years dlebrook & Franz, 1997). Deliberate dis-
(Burnens, 2000; Alpers et al., 2005). Most semination of botulinum toxin by aerosol
cases of food borne botulism in the United could produce an outbreak of inhalational
States are due to improperly handled botulism (Arnon et al., 2001). Iatrogenic
(primarily home-preserved) foods (Sobel botulism is caused by injection of
& Maslanka, 2012). Botulism attributed to botulinum toxin for cosmetic or therapeu-
commercially canned foods is rare. Proper tic purposes. Doses recommended for cos-
commercial canning, owing to controlled metic treatment are too low to cause sys-
temperature and processing time, renders temic disease. Higher doses injected for
food commercially sterile (free of viable treatment of muscle movement disorders
microorganisms, including those of public have caused anecdotal cases of systemic
health significance such as spores of C. botulism-like symptoms (Bakheit et al.,
botulinum, capable of reproducing under 1997).
normal non-refrigerated conditions during Clinically, human botulism presents as
storage and transport) (US Food and Drug descending flaccid paralysis, beginning in
Administration, 2012). In 2008, Dutch the bulbar muscles and involving at least
tourists on a mini-cruise in Turkey repor- one cranial nerve. The patients may com-
tedly developed food-borne botulism plain about difficulty swallowing, a dry
(Swaan et al., 2010). In animals, food- mouth, double vision, dysarthria, consti-
borne botulism is usually associated with pation and general fatigue. The onset of
feed contamination (Myllykoski et al., the symptoms usually takes place after

244 BJVM, 17, No 4

S. M. Num & N. M. Useh

two hours up to eight days after toxin in- Anza et al. (2014a,b).
gestion (Vossen et al., 2012). Some case
reports of intestinal toxaemia botulism
showed abdominal pain, blurred vision,
diarrhoea, dysarthria, dysphagia, horizon-
tal binocular diplopia, imbalance, and Laboratory investigation results were
weakness in the arms and hands, minimal normal in a case of fatal human botulism
Orbicularis oculi contractions and quad- in Kenya (Jones, 1980). In another report,
riparesis with normal reflexes. After ad- no significant biological abnormalities,
mission to the hospital, respiratory arrest except hypoglycaemia, were observed in a
occurred requiring intubation and ventila- 2-month old breast fed child with botulism
tion support (Sheppard et al., 2012). (Hoarau et al., 2012). Braun et al. (2005)
In animals clinical signs usually ob- documented the haematologic and plasma
served depend on the species involved and biochemical changes in cattle with botu-
these include sudden death, without clini- lism. The report showed that packed cell
cal signs, standing with head lowered, volume (haematocrit) was either normal
drooling salivation, terminal paresis or increased in some animals and the same
and/or paralysis (sheep), progressive mus- pattern was observed for total leukocytes.
cle weakness, recumbency, decreased tail Total protein, fibrinogen, aspartate amino
and/or tongue tone, dysphagia, respiratory transferase (AST), alanine amino trans-
distress, and death (horse), sternal recum- ferase (ALT) and bilirubin were also nor-
bency, reluctance to move, flaccid paraly- mal or increased in some animals. Serum
sis of the neck with the head and beak electrolytes (calcium, inorganic phospho-
resting on the ground in front of them, rus, magnesium, sodium, potassium, chlo-
wings drooping to the sides, closed eyes ride, bicarbonate) were either normal or
and diarrhoea-stained vent feathers decreased. Venous gases and pCO2
(chicken), acute onset, hind limb paraly- (mmHg) were also normal or decreased.
sis, quadriplegia within hours, diffuse Neutrophilia and hyperglycaemia with no
lower motor neuron dysfunction with im- other consistent haematologic or bio-
paired spinal reflexes in all limbs, lateral chemical abnormalities have also been
recumbency, normal cranial reflexes, ex- reported (Cobb et al., 2002).
cept for reduced ear, eye and lip reflexes, In an outbreak of botulism in black-
indicating impaired function of the facial faced spoonbills, Chou et al. (2008) com-
(VII) nerve, response to deep pain stimuli pared the haematologic and biochemical
by vocalizing, without moving the legs or changes in apparently healthy and sick
head (dog), mild depression, anorexia, birds before treatment and after recovery
recumbency, flaccid paralysis, dyspnoea, (about 17–30 days after treatment). No
quadriplegia (cat), flaccid paralysis affect- botulism-related differences were found
ing several individual animals simultane- for RBC count, Hb, PCV, MCV, MCH
ously or within a few days (cattle) (van and MCHC (P>0.05). Values of crea-
der Lugt et al., 1995; Elad et al., 2004; tinine, uric acid, ALP, ALT, AST and
Bruchim et al., 2006; Johnson et al., triglycerides all decreased (P<0.025) in
2010; Payne et al., 2011; Sharpe et al., recovered birds. Median BUN, UA, ALP,
2011). The epidemiology of animal botu- ALT, and triglycerides were more than
lism has been discussed exhaustively by double the levels observed in recovered

BJVM, 17, No 4 245

Botulism in man and animals

birds; mean creatinine was eightfold tein binds to gangliosides on the pre-
higher before recovery. The authors at- synaptic cholinergic nerve terminal
tributed the elevation in creatinine, uric through interactions with the heavy chain.
acid, ALP, ALT, AST, and triglycerides These interactions allow subsequent en-
in affected birds to anorexia, dehydration, docytosis into the neuron through several
and liver, kidney, and muscle damage. possible mechanisms involving synapto-
Although not statistically significantly tagmins I and II (BoNT/B and BoNT/G)
different (P=0.1), CK and mean phospho- and SV2 (BoNT/A) (Dong et al., 2006).
rus levels were also elevated by more than The toxin is then translocated into the
twofold in birds with botulism. The au- cytosol where its light chain (LC), a me-
thors believed that the higher levels of talloprotease, binds to, and cleaves solu-
uric acid and BUN in birds with botulism ble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor at-
may have occurred as a result of anorexia, tachment protein receptor proteins
dehydration, and kidney damage and all (SNAREs) (Simpson, 2004). This action
these factors may have contributed to halts the release of acetylcholine (ACh) at
these elevated levels. Sanford et al. the neuromuscular junction, leading to the
(2010) found no biologically relevant cessation of neurotransmission.
changes in haematologic and clinical che- Many authors described the patho-
mistry parameters of monkeys (Rhesus genesis of botulism and botulism neuro-
macaques) exposed to either BoNT/A1 or toxin (BoNT) in such a way as to portray
BoNT/B1 in the low-, middle-, and high the toxin as one whose lethality is second
challenge-dosage groups. to none. Botulinum toxin blocks the re-
lease of acetylcholine at neuromuscular
junctions resulting in flaccid paralysis
(Hill et al., 2010). BoNTs target and
Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) are syn- penetrate cholinergic nerve endings by
thesised by Clostridium botulinum as sin- receptor-mediated endocytosis. Upon aci-
gle chain proteins (approximately 150 dification of endosome-containing toxin
kDa). The toxins are exported outside the molecules, the L chain translocates into
bacteria by a yet to be known mechanism the cytosol and catalyses a zinc-dependent
and are proteolytically cleaved into a proteolysis of one of three proteins of the
heavy chain (H; approximately 100 kDa) SNARE complex, which play an essential
and a light chain (L; approximately 50 role in evoked neurotransmitter exocyto-
kDa), which remain linked by a disulfide sis. The BoNT/A L chain cleaves the syn-
bridge. The di-chain molecule constitutes aptosomal-associated protein SNAP25 at
the active neurotoxin. In culture medium neuromuscular junction (Herreros et al.,
or in food, BoNTs are non-covalently 1999; Humeau et al., 2000; Schiavo et al.,
associated to non-toxic proteins (ANTPs) 2000; Poulain et al., 2006). The highly
including haemagglutinin (HA) subunits specific binding of BoNTs to the target
and a single non-toxin non-haemaggluti- nerve endings involves protein and gan-
nin (NTNH) component, to form botu- glioside receptors that localise at the neu-
linum complexes of various sizes (Coues- ronal plasma membrane (Montecucco et
non et al., 2008). The induction of neu- al., 2004). Gangliosides of GD1b and
romuscular paralysis by BoNTs requires GT1b series are involved in binding and
three biochemical steps. First, BoNT pro- functional entry into cells of BoNT/A and

246 BJVM, 17, No 4

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BoNT/B (Kozaki et al., 1998; Kitamura et Very few reports are available in the lite-
al., 1999; Rummel et al., 2004a). The rature about autopsy of food borne botu-
protein receptor on neuronal cells has lism in human beings. The autopsy find-
been identified as synaptotagmin I and II ings on a man who died after a prolonged
for both BoNT/B and BoNT/G, and as illness caused by botulinum toxin expo-
synaptic vesicle protein SV2 (isoforms A, sure likely attributable to a commercially
B and C) for BoNT/A (Nishiki et al., prepared food source included pulmonary
1994; Dong et al., 2003; 2006; Rummel et embolus adherent to the left lower lobe
al., 2004b; Mahrhold et al., 2006). In con- pulmonary artery. The lungs displayed
trast, BoNT/C and BoNT/D seem to inter- diffuse congestion with chronic inflamma-
act only with gangliosides (GD1b and tion. An adherent thrombus was also pre-
GT1b) or phosphatidylethanolamine re- sent in the left posterior tibial vein. The
spectively (Tsukamoto et al., 2005). heart was mildly enlarged (440 g) with
BoNT escapes the gastrointestinal mild atherosclerotic and hypertensive car-
tract to reach the target cholinergic nerve diac disease. There was a maximum of
endings, probably through the blood and 75% focal narrowing of the right coronary
lymph circulation (Maksymowych et al., artery and a maximum of 50% focal nar-
1999). The upper small intestine is known rowing of the left anterior descending
to be the primary site of toxin absorption coronary artery. Other findings included a
(Sugii et al., 1977; Bonventre, 1979), but patent foramen ovale (0.2 cm in diameter)
BoNT can also be absorbed from the sto- and mild hepatosplenomegaly. Apparent
mach (Maksymowych et al., 1999). In diffuse muscular atrophy of the upper and
addition, BoNT is able to cross other lower extremities was also observed. Mic-
epithelial cell barriers, such as the epithe- roscopically, sections of quadriceps and
lium of the respiratory system, explaining gastrocnemius muscle showed scattered
why botulism can also be acquired by degenerating muscle fibres, with baso-
toxin inhalation (Park & Simpson, 2003). philic change along with scattered angular
Penetration of BoNT through an epithelial atrophic fibres. Sural and peroneal nerves
cell barrier and its subsequent migration displayed no significant histopathology
to cholinergic nerve endings are the essen- (Devers & Nine, 2010). Inflammatory
tial first steps of botulinum intoxication. demyelination of cranial nerve tissue has
In another study, it was demonstrated that been reported as well (Filozov et al.,
BoNTs and large toxin complex (L-TC) 2012). The ultrastructural pathology of
bound to bovine aortic endothelial cells Japanese patients that developed botulism
via sialic acid, suggesting a possible traf- following the consumption of arashi-
ficking pathway for BoNT in food borne renkon revealed neurogenic change in the
botulism (Yoneyama et al., 2008). The skeletal muscle. There was denudation of
binding of serotype C1 and D BoNT and the nerve terminal area (Tsujihata et al.,
L-TC to sialic acid on rat intestinal epithe- 1987). Another autopsy diagnosis of the
lial cells promoted their transport through first outbreak of botulism in Japan re-
the cell layers (Inui et al., 2010; Niwa et vealed bronchopneumonia, congestion,
al., 2010) to corroborate the report of haemorrhage in vagal nerve, myocardium
Yoneyama et al. (2008). and endometrium, gastric erosion, cloudy
swelling of kidneys, enterocolitis, focal
necrosis of liver and adrenals, demyelina-

BJVM, 17, No 4 247

Botulism in man and animals

tion of cranial nerves, and focal hyaline to types A and C (Whitlock & McAdams,
degeneration of striated, smooth muscles 2006). Oedema of the cervical fascia
and myocardium (Toyoda et al., 1980). along the nuchal and supraspinous liga-
The necropsy findings in suspected C. ments, extending caudally as far as the
botulinum neurotoxin type E intoxication lumbar region (Kinde et al., 1991) and
in catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) included muscle fibres of the inguinal area have al-
intestinal intussusceptions, ascites, pale so been reported in equine botulism (Os-
proximal intestines with engorged serosal trowski et al., 2012). Aspiration pneumo-
blood vessels, splenic congestion, and a nia and pulmonary oedema have been
reticular pattern to the liver. Significant reported at euthanasia in cows (Braun et
histopathologic findings were limited to al., 2005). Cobb et al. (2002) found no
cerebral, splenic, and hepatic congestion, conclusive gross or histopathological le-
splenic lymphoid depletion and perivascu- sions in cows.
lar oedema, vascular dilation and oedema
of the gastrointestinal tract, and perivascu-
lar oedema in the anterior and posterior
kidneys (Khoo et al., 2011). In an out- In human beings the differential diagnoses
break of botulism type C in herring gulls, of botulism includes Guillain-Barré syn-
affected gulls had dry, tacky subcutaneous drome (GBS), myasthenia gravis, stroke
tissues at post mortem. The proventriculus syndromes, Eaton-Lambert syndrome, and
and ventriculus were bile-stained and tick paralysis. Less likely conditions in-
empty, the gall bladder was full, and the clude tetrodotoxin and shellfish poisoning,
cloaca was distended with urates and fae- antimicrobial-associated paralysis, and a
ces. All affected and healthy birds had host of conditions due to even rarer poi-
moderate to abundant fat stores (Neimanis sons. A thorough history and meticulous
et al., 2007). Histopathologically, amyloid physical examination can effectively eli-
(Congo red stain) was seen in vessel walls minate most competing diagnoses. GBS, a
of the spleen and occasionally in other rare autoimmune, demyelinating polyneu-
organs. Affected gulls often had abundant ropathy that follows an acute infection
haemosiderin (Perl’s stain) in Kupffer (with Campylobacter jejuni in one-third
cells, and two affected birds had moder- of cases), presents in 95% of cases as an
ate, multifocal distension of renal tubules ascending paralysis and never occurs in
with urates and the tubular epithelium was outbreaks (Pascuzzi & Fleck, 1997). Five
attenuated. Mild, acute skeletal myocyte percent of GBS cases present with the
degeneration in limb and pectoral muscles Miller Fisher variant that is characterised
and mild to moderate, subacute muscle by the triad of ophthalmoplegia, ataxia,
necrosis in limbs were observed in af- and areflexia, which are easily mistaken
fected gulls. for descending paralysis (Willison &
Typical or pathognomonic necropsy O’Hanlon, 1999; Asbury, 2000; Sobel,
lesions are not considered a feature of 2005). Other authors have also docu-
equine botulism (Ostrowski et al., 2012). mented the differential diagnoses of infant
However, it is believed that oedema of the botulism and categorised them as infec-
head and neck may be prominent, al- tious (sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis),
though inconsistently observed, in ne- metabolic (electrolyte abnormalities – hy-
cropsy finding associated with cases due ponatremia), Reye’s syndrome, hepatic

248 BJVM, 17, No 4

S. M. Num & N. M. Useh

encephalopathy, hypothyroidism, organic take up to 7 days to complete. Rasooly &

acidurias, subacute necrotising encepha- Do (2008) developed an in vitro cleavage
lomyelitis), toxins (heavy metals, alco- assay for SNAP-25 (synaptosome-associa-
hols, organophosphates, anticholinergics, ted proteins of 25 kDa) for measuring the
narcotics) and neuromuscular (poliomyeli- toxin activity with the same sensitivity as
tis, infantile spinal muscular atrophy, that of the mouse bioassay. The assay was
acute polyneuropathy: Guillain-Barré syn- reported to be far more rapid and could be
drome), congenital myasthenia gravis, automated and adapted to many laboratory
muscular dystrophy and congenital myo- settings, and has the potential to be used
pathy, tick paralysis) respectively (Cox & for toxin typing. The authors were of the
Hinkle, 2002). Diphtheritic neuropathy is view that the method was a better alterna-
also listed elsewhere as a differential di- tive to mouse bioassay, since it was an in
agnosis for botulism (Cherington, 2004). vitro experiment that required no animal
In cattle, differential diagnoses of botu- use that could be associated with compli-
lism include hypocalcaemia, hypomagne- cations. Piazza et al. (2011) developed a
saemia, carbohydrate overload, and sev- rapid and sensitive in vitro assay, the Bo-
eral toxicoses including mycotoxin, lead, Test Matrix E assay that combines im-
nitrate, organophosphate, atropine or at- munoprecipitation with high-affinity en-
ropine-like alkaloid (Kelch et al., 2000). dopeptidase activity detection by Fӧrster
resonance energy transfer (FRET) to rap-
idly quantify BoNT/E activity in avian
blood with detection limits comparable to
Mouse bioassay of serum, gastric con- those of the mouse lethality assay. BoTest
tents/vomitus, stool/enema material, sus- Matrix E detected picomolar quantities of
pect foodstuff, wound tissue, environ- BoNT/E following a 2-h incubation and
mental swab (in case of bioterrorism); femtomolar quantities of BoNT/E follow-
stool microbiologic culture positive for ing extended incubation (24 h) with 100%
Clostridium botulinum organisms, wound diagnostic specificity and 91% diagnostic
microbiologic culture positive for C. bo- sensitivity. Sensitivities close to mouse
tulinum, electromyography and rapid re- bioassay, without the use of animals, in a
petitive electromyography (20–50 Hz) simpler format were achieved by Poli et
findings compatible with botulism, mis- al. (2002) who developed sensitive and
cellaneous (essentially exclusionary) stu- specific colorimetric capture enzyme
dies of possible help in diagnosis: edro- linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) to
phonium (tensilon) challenge, serum toxi- detect Clostridium botulinum neurotoxin
cology screens, porphyria evaluation, serotypes E (BoNT E) and F (BoNT F) in
lumbar puncture with appropriate ancil- assay buffer and human serum. The use of
lary studies, brain studies, imaging studies the rapid ID32 kit A produced by
(computed tomography, magnetic reso- bioMérieux identified Clostridium botuli-
nance imaging) are necessary in confirm- num within 4 hours, with a setback, as
ing clinical botulism in the hospital some of the strains could not be correctly
(Doyle, 1989; Angulo et al., 1998; CDC, identified (Brett, 1998).
1998; Hatheway, 1998). The limitation of Several polymerase chain reaction
mouse lethality bioassay is that it is la- methodologies have been developed and
bour-intensive, low throughput and can improved over time for the laboratory

BJVM, 17, No 4 249

Botulism in man and animals

diagnosis of botulism (Franciosa et al., sler et al., 2005; Dixit et al., 2006; Stan-
1996; Chaffer et al., 2006; Prévot et al., ker et al., 2008). Denaturation high-
2007; Hill et al., 2010). A specific and performance liquid chromatography has
sensitive combined selection and enrich- been used as a tool to detect neurotoxi-
ment PCR procedure was developed for genic Clostridium botulinum (Franciosa et
the detection of Clostridium botulinum al., 2004).
types B, E, and F in faecal samples from Amplified fragment length polymor-
slaughtered pigs. Two enrichment PCR phism has been used to identify strain
assays, using the DNA polymerase rTth, types (Myllykoski et al., 2009). Lindstrӧm
were constructed. One assay was specific & Korkeala (2006) exhaustively reviewed
for the type B neurotoxin gene, and the the application of DNA fingerprinting
other assay was specific for the type E and methods such as random amplified frag-
F neurotoxin genes. Based on examination ment length polymorphism, repetitive
of 29 strains of C. botulinum, 16 strains of element-based PCR, and pulse-field gel
other Clostridium spp., and 48 non- electrophoresis in the diagnosis of botu-
Clostridium strains, it was concluded that lism. In a study that compared the various
the two PCR assays detect C. botulinum DNA fingerprinting methods for use to
types B, E, and F specifically. Sample investigate type E botulism outbreaks, it
preparation prior to the PCR was based on was reported that strain differentiation
heat treatment of faecal homogenate at was unsuccessful with the automated ribo-
70 °C for 10 min, enrichment in tryptone- typing system, producing a single charac-
peptone-glucose-yeast extract broth at teristic EcoRI fingerprint common to all
30 °C for 18 h, and DNA extraction. De- group II strains. Random amplified poly-
tection limits after sample preparation morphic DNA (RPAD) analysis of C.
were established as 10 spores per g of botulinum group II strains was not consis-
faecal sample for non-proteolytic type B, tently reproducible with primer OPJ-6 or
and 3.0×103 spores per g of faecal sample OPJ-13, apparently discriminating be-
for type E and non-proteolytic type F with tween epidemiologically related strains. A
a detection probability of 95% (Dahlen- modified PFGE protocol was judged to be
borg et al., 2001). The use of degenerate the most useful method for typing epide-
primers to amplify A, B, E, F BoNT for miologically related C. botulinum type E
botulism diagnoses had been reported strains, based on its ability to type all
several years earlier (Broda et al., 1998). strains reproducibly and with an adequate
Multiplex PCR have been developed and level of discrimination (Leclair et al.,
improved diagnosis of botulism (Lind- 2006).
strӧm et al., 2001; de Medici et al., 2009). SYBR green and other quantitative
A PCR-enzyme linked immunosorbent real-time PCR methods showed very high
assay (PCR-ELISA) is used to detect specificity for the detection of C.
Clostridium botulinum infections (Fach et botulinum (inclusivity and exclusivity,
al., 2002; Carlin et al., 2004). Wu et al. 100% depending on the method used)
(2001) used immuno-polymerase chain (Akbulut et al., 2005a; Fenicia et al.,
reaction (Immuno-PCR) to detect Clos- 2007b; Fach et al., 2009; Kirchner et al.,
tridium botulinum neutoxin type A. Seve- 2010; Satterfield et al., 2010; Fenicia et
ral other immune-detection methods have al., 2011). Fach et al. (2011) developed a
been reported (Cadieux et al., 2005; Ges- robust macro-array method based on the

250 BJVM, 17, No 4

S. M. Num & N. M. Useh

GeneDisc Cycler designed for simultane- type of BoNT present. Subtype identifica-
ously testing the bont/A, bont/B, bont/E tion has also been achieved through mass
and bont/F genes encoding the botulinum spectrometric analysis of the protein toxin
neurotoxins types A, B, E and F. BoNT itself and does not require the presence of
producing clostridia and non-BoNT- DNA from the toxin-producing bacteria.
producing bacteria isolated from clinical, Tryptic digests of A1 and A2 subtypes of
food and environmental samples were BoNT were analysed by mass spectrome-
tested using this macro-array and results try, and peptides unique to either the A1
were compared to the reference lethality or A2 subtypes were subjected to tandem
test on mice. The bont genes were cor- mass spectrometry analysis to confirm
rectly detected in all C. botulinum type A, their identities. With this method, BoNT
B, E and F strains available, as well as in typing is accomplished in a few hours and
toxigenic C. baratii type F and toxigenic subtype identification within 24 h (Kalb et
C. butyricum type E. No cross reactivity al., 2005). Endopep-MS is also used for
was observed with non human-toxigenic diagnosis of botulism in animals (Hede-
bacteria, C. botulinum types C, D and G. land et al., 2011). Wang et al. (2011) de-
The identification of the bont genotype veloped an improved detection method for
using the macro-array was correlated to BoNT type A in stool by mass spectrome-
toxino-typing of the BoNTs as determined try. Very recently, also, the detection of
by the mouse bioassay. An “evaluation Botulinum neurotoxin Type A via BoNT/
trial” of the GeneDisc array performed A endopeptidase activity was reported
blind in four European laboratories with (Lévêque et al., 2013). This method was
77 BoNT-producing Clostridia as well as confirmed to be 100 times more sensitive
10 food and clinical samples showed that than the traditional mouse assay, poten-
the developed macro-array is specific and tially providing rapid read-out of small
reliable for identifying BoNT/A-, amounts of toxin for environmental sur-
BoNT/B-, BoNT/E- and BoNT/F-produ- veillance and quality control of pharma-
cing clostridial strains and for screening ceutical preparations.
naturally contaminated food and faecal
samples. The test has a low detection limit
(c.a. 5 to 50 genome copies in the PCR
reaction microwell) and is promising for
monitoring BoNT-producing clostridia in Currently, the only approved therapies
different kinds of samples including food against BoNT intoxication are pre-
and clinical samples. exposure prophylaxis with a vaccine and
The advent of toxin proteomics in the post-exposure administration of sera con-
molecular diagnosis of botulism marked taining anti-BoNT antibodies (Arnon et
the beginning of an end to the limitations al., 2001). Upon cellular intoxication,
associated with the identification of botu- however, it is imperative to provide fast
lism neurotoxins. Endopep-MS, a mass acting neuro-modulatory drugs to recover
spectrometry-based endopeptidase method neurotransmission through acetylcholine
for detecting and differentiating BoNT in (Ach) release, to at least restore partial
buffer has been developed. This method muscle function. Thus, a potential small
rapidly determines the presence of BoNT molecule pharmacological treatment could
in a sample and differentiates the toxin provide many benefits over these anti-

BJVM, 17, No 4 251

Botulism in man and animals

body-based approaches. Most small mole- synaptic junctions most depleted of ace-
cule research efforts have targeted the tylcholine (Zakhari et al., 2011).
metallo-proteolytic properties of the BoNT Vaccination with an appropriate anti-
light chain (LC) protease. However, no gen usually produces neutralizing antibod-
small molecule therapeutics has been ap- ies that bind to and clear toxin from the
proved to date (Capkova et al., 2009). circulation before it enters nerve cells and
The cholinergic agonist 3, 4 diamino- block neurotransmission. Immunity from
pyridine (3,4-DAP) is a potent reversible botulism, however, has the disadvantage
inhibitor of voltage-gated potassium chan- of precluding an individual from realising
nels, which has been shown to facilitate the potential benefits of therapeutic
recovery of neuromuscular action poten- botulinum toxin, if such a need were to
tial post botulinum intoxication by block- arise. Vaccination is an effective strategy
ing K+ channels (Flet et al., 2010). of providing specific protection against
Aminopyridines 3,4-DAP and 4-aminopy- exotoxins such as botulinum toxin by eli-
ridine (4-AP) facilitate recovery of neu- citing neutralising antibodies that would
romuscular action potential post botulism prevent the binding of the toxin to an ap-
intoxication by reversibly blocking vol- propriate receptor and promote clearance
tage-dependent K+ channels (Adler et al., and degradation by phagocytes. Toxoid
2000). This action promotes Ca2+ influx, and recombinant vaccines have been used
driving signal transduction and ACh re- to treat botulism and several research
lease at the synapse. The mechanism by works have been documented on these
which aminopyridines inactivate the Kv (Kiyatkin et al., 1997; Martinez & Wobe-
channel is unknown, but through molecu- ser, 1999; Zhou & Singh, 2004; Lee et al.,
lar modelling it has been hypothesised 2007; Webb et al., 2007; Baldwin et al.,
that two putative receptor sites found 2008; Smith, 2009; Zichel et al., 2010).
within the tetrameric channel are impor- Recent reports suggest these recombinants
tant in this overall process (Caballero et are effective against cattle botulism (Gil et
al., 2007). Unfortunately, 3,4-DAP dis- al., 2013; Cunha et al., 2014).
plays toxicity largely due to blood-brain- Supportive intensive care together
barrier (BBB) penetration. This moti- with antitoxin therapy helps recovery from
vated the design of carbamate and amide botulism (Sobel, 2005). Arnon et al.
conjugates of 3,4-DAP. The carbamate (2006) reported that prompt treatment of
prodrug was intended to be a slowly re- infant botulism type A or type B with hu-
versible inhibitor of acetylcholinesterase man botulism immunoglobulin G intrave-
(AChE) along the lines of the stigmines nous (BIG-IV) was safe and effective in
thereby allowing increased persistence of shortening the length and cost of the hos-
released acetylcholine within the synaptic pital stay and the severity of illness. To
cleft. As a secondary activity, cleavage of date, the only specific treatment for botu-
the carbamate prodrug by AChE should lism is administration of botulinum anti-
afford the localised release of 3,4-DAP, toxin. Antitoxin arrests the progression of
which in turn, should enhance the pre- paralysis and decrease the duration of
synaptic release of additional acetylcho- paralysis and dependence on mechanical
line. Being a competitive inhibitor with ventilation. Antitoxin should be given
respect to acetylcholine, the activity of the early in the course of illness, ideally <24 h
prodrug was intended to be greatest at the after onset of symptoms (Tacket et al.,

252 BJVM, 17, No 4

S. M. Num & N. M. Useh

1984; Chang & Ganguly, 2003), because

antitoxin neutralises only toxin molecules
that have yet to be bound to nerve end-
ings. To prevent botulism, low acidity, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
low oxygen and high water concentration
of forage which favour C. botulinum spo- Research funding by the Academy of sciences
re germination (Townes et al., 1996) for the developing world (TWAS), Trieste,
should be avoided. Wet and moldy hays Italy (grant no. UNESCO FR: 3240262728) to
which are risk factors of botulism (Hunter N. M. Useh is gratefully acknowledged. The
authors thank Professor Dr. Manfred Rein-
et al., 2002) should not be fed to animals
acher, Director, Institute of Veterinary Pathol-
(Johnson et al., 2010). Pflug (2010) sug- ogy, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Ger-
gested that to effectively control food many for providing the facility to prepare this
borne botulism, efforts should be concen- manuscript via a Deutscher Akademischer
trated on reducing human errors in the Austauch Dienst (DAAD) grant no. A/ 11/
delivery of the specified process to con- 06980 to N. M. Useh.
tainers of food. All other risk factors of
botulism that are applicable strictly to
human beings should be avoided as pre-
ventive and control measures. Abe, Y., T. Negasawa, C. Monma & A. Oka,
2008. Infantile botulism caused by Clos-
tridium butyricum type E toxin. Paediatric
CONCLUSION Neurology, 38, 55–57.
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cause of its lethality. Therefore, a sus- 2000. Antagonism of botulinum toxin A-
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man and animals in different countries is
Akbulut, D., K. A. Grant & J. McLauchlin
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best management protocols at all times. sis of wound botulism and tetanus among
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Allwright, D. M., M. Wilson, & W. J. J. van
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