6 Conscious Experience

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CONSCIOUS EXPERIENCE attention away from the here and now into

a private world or make-believe; the urge

to daydream seems to come in waves,
• Consciousness is a state of awareness of surging about every 90 minutes and
the external environment of our own peaking between noon and 2pm.
thoughts, feelings, sensations and
Day dreaming or fantasy or “mind wandering” is
an involuntary but controllable state of
• Awareness of an external and internal consciousness directed to achieve certain
stimuli at any given time. purposes

• Consciousness is an awareness which People day dream in order to satisfy or fulfill an

allows us to attend and exert some unsatisfied need or desire.
control over our actions toward the
Day dream provides mental and emotional
stimuli (arenas, 2004).
relaxation to our body and mind.
Nature of Consciousness
Day dreaming is normal and desirable but when
• Nature of consciousness range from done excessively, it is detrimental to our mind,
being wide awake to being in the body and quality of life.
deepest state of sleep, with wide
Kinds of Day Dreaming
variation on how aware of us on outside
• 1. Realistic fantasy – the day dreamer
Natural States of Consciousness dreams on real-life problems and
• Normal waking consciousness – the total difficulties. This is a family oriented
awareness of the outside world. It is fantasy
classified into focused consciousness,
• 2. Autistic fantasy – the daydreamer is
flowing consciousness , and divided
indifferent to external realities.
• 3. Reverie – the daydreamer is being
• Focused consciousness – a
absorbed in dreamlike contemplation or
state of normal waking
unrelated images, scenes, events or
consciousness that is directed
memories that may extremely confuse
toward a single focus. the daydreamer.
• Flowing consciousness – our
• 4. Hypnopompic image – the person
consciousness pass from one produce vivid dreamlike images when
focused consciousness to he starts waking up
daydreaming. Mentally absent Sleep
• Divided consciousness – two • Definition: Innate, biological rhythm
conscious activities occur at the
same time. WHY DO WE SLEEP?
• Repair and restoration theory – body
• Fantasies that people construct while has to be repaired and restored after
awake; apparently effortless shifts in the whole day work after whatever has
been worn out. waves produced are the delta waves. so deep
that some children wet their beds, sleep walk or
• Adaptive respond theory or
even experience night terrors.
evolutionary theory – the individual has
a regular pattern of waking up and STAGE 5: REM (RAPID EYE MOVEMENT): Sleep
sleeping as means of protection occupying 20% of an adult’s sleeping time, The
REM stage is the last stage in the cycle. During
this stage, the eyes usually move fast in
different directions while our breathing
pattern becomes irregular. Our limbs may also
become paralyzed though the feeling is
temporary. Blood pressure also rises since the
heart rate increases. This may lead to erections
in males. People who are awoken from this
stage may have bizarre tales or wild dreams.



• Sleep disorder characterized by

difficulty in falling asleep or remaining
asleep throughout the night


Stage 1:INTRODUCTION TO SLEEP • Hereditary sleep disorder characterized

by sudden nodding off during the day and
• They keep drifting in and out of sleep and sudden loss of muscle tone, often
can easily be awakened. The eyes have following moments of emotional
some muscle activity because they excitement.
usually move slowly. SLEEP APNEA
• Sleep disorder characterized by
• The second stage is characterized by the breathing difficulty during the night
slowing down of the eye movement while and feelings of exhaustion during
the brain waves also slow the day.
• Interrupted breathing during
sleep; cause of very loud snoring
Stage 3: SLOW WAVE SLEEP: the brain waves
• Hypersomnia: extreme daytime
are much slower and these are referred to as
delta waves. They are combined with faster
waves which are smaller in size. • Apnea can be treated by
Stage 4: DEEP SLEEP: they are in a state of deep • Surgery
sleep It is quite hard to wake them up and the
• Weight loss may occur in adults


NIGHTMARES • Occurs during stage 4; common

among children than adults; boys are
• Frightening dreams that occur
during REM sleep and remembered.
likely to walk in their sleep than
• Ex. Falling, running
May occur once or twice a month; brief
• Characterized a unusual sound in the
and easily (unfortunately) remembered
mouth caused by the movement of the
Imagery rehearsal: mentally rehearse the upper and lower jaw at any time of the
changed dream before you go to sleep sleep cycle. It is not true that teeth
again; may help to eliminate nightmares grinding is caused by the parasites
living in the persons intestines.


• Frightening, often terrifying dreams

that occur during NREM (stage 4) sleep
from which a person is difficult to
awaken and doesn’t remember the

• Most common in childhood;

may occur in adults

Nightmares vs. Night terrors

• Nightmares: Bad dreams

• Occur during REM sleep FIGURE 5.3 Development of sleep

• May occur once or twice a patterns. Short cycles of sleep and
month; brief and easily waking gradually become the night-day
(unfortunately) remembered cycle of an adult. While most adults
don’t take naps, midafternoon
• Imagery Rehearsal: Mentally
sleepiness is a natural part of the sleep
rehearse the changed dream
before you go to sleep again;
may help to eliminate Measuring Sleep Changes
• Electroencephalograph (EEG): brain
• Night Terrors: Total panic and wave machine; amplifies and records
hallucinations may occur electrical activity in the brain

• Occurs during Stage 4 sleep • Beta waves: small fast waves associated
with alertness and being awake
• Most common in childhood;
• Alpha waves: larger, slower waves emphasizes internal conflicts, motives,
associated with relaxation and just and unconscious forces
before falling asleep
• Wish fulfillment: freudian belief that
• Delta waves: very large and slow waves many dreams are expressions of
associated with a move to deeper sleep unconscious desires
and a further loss of consciousness.
• Manifest content vs. Latent content

• Dream symbols: images that have a

deeper symbolic meaning

• Activation-synthesis hypothesis: dream

content may be affected by motor
commands in the brain (that occur
during sleep) that are not carried
FIGURE 5.6 (a) Average proportion of time out Dreams: Fritz Perls
adults spend daily in REM sleep and NREM
sleep. REM periods add up to about 20 percent • Most dreams are a special message about
of total sleep time. (b) Typical changes in stages what is missing in our lives, what we
of sleep during the night. Notice that dreams avoid doing when awake, or feelings
mostly coincide with REM periods. that we need to re-own

Physiological Sleep Problems Lucid Dreaming

• Sleep Apnea: Interrupted breathing • Person feels fully awake within the
during sleep; cause of very loud dream and feels capable of normal
snoring thought and action

• Hypersomnia: Extreme daytime Hypnosis

• Altered state of consciousness
• Apnea can be treated by characterized by intensely narrowed
attention and increased openness to
• Surgery
• Weight loss
• Mesmer: Believed he could
• Breathing mask
cure diseases by passing
• Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS; magnets over body; true
Crib Death): Sudden, unexplained death of “animal magnetism”
healthy infant (infants should sleep on back (“mesmerize” means to
or on side to try to prevent) hypnotize)

Dreams • Must cooperate to become

• REM rebound: extra rapid eye
movement sleep following REM sleep • Hypnotic Susceptibility: How easily a
deprivation person can be hypnotized—this is a
stable, measurable trait
• Psychodynamic (freudian) theory:
Hypnosis Can’s and Cannot’s • The Hypnosis Label Disinhibits:
On stage, once you are “in a
• Hypnosis CAN
hypnotic trance,” your
• Help people relax responsibility for actions is
removed; you can do whatever
• Reduce pain
you want!
• Get people to make better
More Stage Hypnosis
progress in therapy
“Tricks of the Trade”
• Hypnosis CANNOT
• Hypnotist as Director: Once they are in a
• Produce acts of superhuman trance, the “volunteers” are suddenly the
strength show’s stars, and they will act like it. The
hypnotists only need to direct
• Produce age regression them.
• Force you to do things against • Stage Hypnotists Use Tricks: Stage
your will hypnosis is 50% deception and 50%
taking advantage of the situation


• Mental exercise designed to produce

relaxation or heightened awareness

• Concentrative Meditation: Attention is

paid to a single focal point (i.e., object,
thought, etc.)

• Produces relaxation response

and thus works to reduce stress
• Receptive Meditation: Based on
widening attention span to become
aware of everything experienced at a
Stage Hypnosis
given moment
• Simulation of hypnotic effects.
• Mantra: Word(s) or sound(s) repeated
• Tricks of the Trade: silently during concentrative meditation

• Waking Suggestibility: People • Relaxation Response: Occurs at time of

on stage do not want to spoil relaxation; internal response that
the act, so they will follow any prevents activation of adrenal glands

• Selection of Responsive Sensory Deprivation (SD)

Subjects: Any “volunteer” who
does not get hypnotized in the • Any major reduction in amount or
stage group and does not follow variety of sensory stimulation
instructions is “voted off.”
• Benefits emotional needs

• Sensory enhancement • Usually crave drug

• Relaxation • Can be as powerful as

physiological addiction
• Changing habits
Stimulants (Uppers)
• REST: Restricted Environmental
Stimulation Theory: Makes it easier to • Amphetamine: Synthetic stimulants
change bad habits that excite nervous system

• Dexedrine and
Methamphetamine are two
types of stimulants

• Amphetamine Psychosis: Loss of

contact with reality because of
Drugs and Altered States of Consciousness amphetamine use; user tends to have
• Psychoactive Drug: Substance capable paranoid delusions
of altering attention, judgment, Cocaine
memory, time sense, self-control, • Central Nervous System stimulant
emotion, or perception derived from leaves of coca plant; also
• Stimulant: Substance that increases used as local anesthetic
activity in body and nervous system • From 1886-1906, Coca-Cola did
• Depressant: Substance that decreases indeed have cocaine in it!
activity in body and nervous system • Highly addictive drug

• Anhedonia (Inability to Feel

Pleasure): Common after
cocaine withdrawal

Designer Drugs

• Chemically engineered version of an

existing drug; made to skirt drug laws

• MDMA (Ecstasy): Chemically similar to

amphetamine; created by small
variations in a drug’s structure

• Risks of using MDMA are


• May cause severe liver damage

Psychological Dependence • Repeated use damages
• Psychological Dependence: Drug serotonergic brain cells
dependence based on psychological or
Caffeine hallucinogenic effects; also an
anesthetic and has stimulant and
• Most frequently used psychoactive drug in
depressant effects
North America; present in colas,
chocolate, coffee, tea Marijuana

• Causes hand tremors, sweating, • Cannabis Sativa (Marijuana; Pot):

talkativeness, tinnitus, suppresses Leaves and flowers of the hemp plant
fatigue or sleepiness, increases
• Active chemical: THC
• Effects: Relaxation, time
• May be hazardous to pregnant
distortion, perceptual
women if used excessively
• Caffeinism: Physiological dependence on
• Psychologically, NOT
physiologically, addictive
• Symptoms: Insomnia, Some Health Risks of Using Marijuana
irritability, loss of appetite,
• Causes precancerous changes in lung
chills, racing heart, elevated
body temperature
• Can suppress immune system, perhaps
increasing risk of disease.
• Natural stimulant found mainly in
• Activity levels in the cerebellum are
tobacco; known carcinogen
lower than normal in pot users.
• May cause stomach pain, vomiting,
• Pot may damage some of the brain’s
diarrhea, confusion, tremors
memory centers.
• Addictive
Sedatives: Barbiturates
• Responsible for 97% of lung cancer
• Barbiturates: Sedative drugs that
deaths in men, 74% in women
depress brain activity
two types :
Seconal and Amytal
Some Hallucinogens
Sedatives: Tranquilizers
• Hallucinogen: Substance that alters or
distorts sensory perceptions • Tranquilizers: Lower anxiety and reduce
• Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD):
Hallucinogen that can produce • Valium, Xanax, and Librium are
hallucinations and other psychotic three types
• Rohypnol: Related to Valium;
• Mescaline (Peyote) and Psilocybin lowers inhibitions and produces
(Magic Mushrooms) relaxation or intoxication.
Larger doses can induce short
• PCP (Angel Dust): Initially can have
term amnesia and sleep fermented and distilled liquors

• Date rape drug because • NOT a stimulant but DOES

it’s odorless and lower inhibitions
• Depressant
• Drug Interaction: One drug increases
• Binge Drinking: Consuming five or more
the effect of another
drinks in a short time; four or more for
GHB women

• GHB (Gamma-Hydroxybutyrate): • Serious sign of alcohol abuse

Central Nervous System (CNS)
depressant that relaxes and sedates;
combination of degreasing solvent and
drain cleaner
• Sedative effects may result in
nausea, loss of muscle control,
and either sleep or a loss of

• Inhibits gag reflex, so some

choke to death on their own
FIGURE 5.12 The behavioral effects of alcohol
• Addictive and deadly are related to blood alcohol content and the
resulting suppression of higher mental
Alcohol function. Arrows indicate the typical threshold
for legal intoxication in the United States.
• Ethyl Alcohol: Intoxicating element in
How a Drinking Problem
May Develop (Jellinek, 1960)

• Initial Phase: Social drinker

turns to alcohol to relieve
tension or feel good

• Crucial Phase: Person begins

to lose control over

• Chronic Phase: Person is now

alcohol dependent

Treatment for
Alcohol Abuse and Dependence

• Detoxification: Withdrawal
of the person from alcohol;
occurs in a
medical setting and is tightly
controlled; often necessary
before long-term
treatment begins

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

• Alcoholics Anonymous (AA):

Worldwide self-help organization
composed of
recovering alcoholics; emphasizes
admitting powerlessness over
alcohol usage and wanting to

Narcotics Anonymous

• was built in response to the

need for support groups for
other substances.

Prepared by:

Cherub Angenique R. Encabo

Instructor I

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