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M1 L2: CIA

In your own words, (1) how will you define Integrative Medicine (IM)? (2)
How will you differentiate Integrative Medicine from Alternative Medicine?
Type in your answer in the reply section.

From a personal perspective, Integrative medicine focuses on healing the

whole individual, encompassing not only the physical body, but also the mental,
emotional, social, spiritual, and environmental aspects of a person, as they hold
that these aspects of the self influence one's total health. Integrative medicine
promotes less invasive procedures whenever possible and offers natural
solutions for treating health and medical issues. In order to attain optimal health
and recovery, integrative medicine "integrates" all facets of your well-being.
However, integrative medicine cannot replace primary health care, even so
integrative medicine is also beneficial to the patient in improving its knowledge
of his/her overall being. Based on my own knowledge, an example of
Integrative medicine includes yoga, meditation and acupuncture, which I believe
can also help in reducing stress and depression.

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