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RSAF - We need to bounce the CA7 every Sunday around 3.

00 to
4.00 EST


In CA7 there will be a job OPS206 which runs at 04:00 AM. You can bring down CA7
at 03:00 as long as there are no jobs running.

Below steps to be followed.

1) Post off OPS206 in CA7 and the job will go to the input queue on HOLD

2) Then go to SDSF type log for the syslog go to the bottom

Type command

/f ca7,/logon ( RSAF ID ) ( RSAF PASSWORD )


3) Once you have entered this command, look for the following message

Operator is logon to terminal

4) Once you see the above message.

You are ready to bring down CA7 and CA11

5) First you bring down CA7

/f ca7,/shutdown,z3

6) Then again it will ask to reenter the command again

/f ca7,/shutdown,z3

7) Then look for the message

CA7 ends

8) Now you bring down CA11

9) Enter the following command

/=shutdown All

10) Look for the message

CA11 ended

11) Once CA7 and CA11 are both down

12) Go to the input queue in SDSF and release OPS206 so that it can run.

To release the hold, type A in front of job OPS206

13) Once OPS206 completes

14) Now you are ready to restart CA11 and CA7

15) You must remember CA11 comes up first

Then CA7 comes up

16) Go back to SDSF syslog i.e log

17) Enter the following command

/s ca11

18) In the log look for the message that says

TASK initialization complete

19) Once you see it CA11 is up

20) Now we have to bring up CA7

/s ca7

21) In the log look for the message that says

Initialization complete

22) Then CA7 should both be up

23) Logon to ca7 to make sure, it's up

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