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A very good morning to the honorable judges, wonderful teachers, fellow contestants, and
my dearest audiences. My name is PIRAIYALAGI daughter of MUNISWARAN. I am very honor
and glad to be here today sharing my taught and views on a topic that is very dear to me
which is The King : the guardian of the constitution

A king, historically known as the monarch, has always been considered as the
guardian of the constitution. A king is a ruler of a monarchy, and their duties include
ensuring that the laws of the country are upheld and that the people are protected and
given a fair and just society. A king's role in a constitutional monarchy is to uphold the
constitution and to work in the best interests of the country. This essay will discuss the
king’s role as the guardian of the constitution and how important this role is in a

Firstly, a king's primary role as the guardian of the constitution is to ensure that the
constitution is followed by all members of the government, including the monarchy.
The constitution is a set of rules that define the powers of the government and the
limits of those powers. This means that the monarch must know and understand the
constitution, must be committed to it, and must ensure that he or she is working
within it. He or she must uphold the principles enshrined in the constitution such as
democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and freedoms.

Secondly, a king is responsible for ensuring that the laws of the country are upheld.
The monarch has to make sure that the judiciary is independent and that the laws are
fair and just. He or she must ensure that the legal system is functioning correctly and
that everyone has access to justice. A king's duty is to make sure that there is no abuse
of power by any member of the government or the society, and that the constitution is
not being violated in any way.

Thirdly, a king is responsible for providing leadership to the nation. The monarch is
expected to act as a role model for the nation. He or she must follow ethical behaviour
and display outstanding moral ideals and principles. The king must ensure that the
citizens feel secure, protected, and confident in their government. It is the monarch's
duty to ensure that the government's leadership is transparent, democratic, and
accountable to the people.

Lastly, the monarch is responsible for representing the country on both national and
international levels. The monarch must act as the symbol and embodiment of the
nation's values and traditions. The king's role as the guardian of the constitution
extends to protecting the country's interests while supporting other countries' interests
on an international level. The king must ensure that the country is respected and that
its interests are well represented on the world stage.

In conclusion, the king's role as the guardian of the constitution is vital to a

functioning democracy. The monarch's duties to ensure that the laws of the land are
upheld, ensure an independent judiciary, provide leadership, represent the country and
uphold its values, and traditions. A constitutional monarchy, if implemented correctly,
can help to ensure that the power of the government is regulated by the constitution
and that the country progresses towards a just, fair, and democratic society.

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