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VinaCert voo-14 Phign ban/ Revision: 02 nate Noay higu Iue! Validated from: 49/10/2018 QUY TRINH DANH GIA CHUNG NHAN HE THONG QUAN.LY AN TOAN THC PHAM! PROCEDURE FOR AUDIT AND CERTIFICATION OF FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM THEO DOI HIEU CHINH TAI LIEU! DOCUMENT REVISION LOG Ngay stra doi! aaron eo ‘Tém luge higu chinhl Revision summary co.oamsore |= Ban Nanh lil Republish ~~] = 8 sung tou qua trinh ching nh thee VOO-10; Sika lai-cdch dang tr stage 1 va stage 2 ding theo ISO/TS 22003:2913; |Add Certification Flow Chat as VOO-10: Edt the way using "Stage 1" and"Siage 2" same as 'SO/TS 22003:2013 = bam 1S mét sé néi dung tai Phy lye 1 va Phy lye 3 theo yéu cdu ofa ISO/TS £22002:2013/ Regulate ceary of Annex 1 and Annex 3 as ISO/TS 220032013 01; 081032017 = Chinh sia dinh dang van ban song ngi thanh 2 cot Vigt-Anh riéng bigt* Edit format of the document into 2-column separately for each language = Bidu chinh ngi'dung ghi cha v8 céc phat hign.trong trang 1 cia bio c4o anh gia FOO- 11-01, FO0+11-04/ Eait the content about note of findings in page 1 of FO0-11-01, 00-11-04 02; 48/10/2018 = Me Cap nhat cae ndi dung ap nhat ola ISO 22000:2018 vé bi crit: cla t6 chite, xi fy ri ro va cor NGi, dénh gid nding Ie cla. cae yéu tb duoc phat tridn bén ngoai, Khai ni¢m kiém soat mdi nguy bao gdm cc bién phap kiém soat tai CCPs, OPRPs, ké hoach HACCP, céc didu kién PRPs, vige tun thi va higu Ive thuc thi ké hoach HACCP, PRPs/ In 4.2:2.3 update the content of IS: 22000:2018 about the context of the organization, in | response to'risks and opportunities, in assessing competence of extemally developed elements, the introduction of the concept of a hazard control plan covering control measures at CCPs and OPRPs, HACCP’ pian, PRP's conditions, compliance and validation of HACCP plans, PRP's. ~ BO cac tu Viet tat va dinh ghia do 3 néu & VM va VOO-10' Abandon the Definitions and Abbreviations mentioned in VIM and VOO-10 = Cap nhat cc yéu edu méi cla (SO 22000:2018 vao bao cdo danh gid FOO- 11-01/ Update the new requirements of {SO 22000:2018 in FO0-11-01 Audit report for ISO 22000 Phe duyet! Higu lye/Valicity H6 théng/Systematicity. Kha thilFeasibility Approval Ngay/Date AB y 40.2018 AB10/2018 18/102018 kg ten! [— Sign le Ho tén/Name Nguyée Au fag Thi Huong fang Thi Hvong Chive danhr Téng giam dol Glam dée chiing Areal | ~—~Gigm ae chang hen! Position. Director General Certification Director Certification Director yoosts (QUY TRINH BANHIGIAHTOLATTP 1. Taitigu vign din 4. Citid documents ‘VMIM, VO0-10 {SO 17021; ISO 22003; IAF GL 2, IAF MD 1; IAF MO 2; IAF MD 3; IAF MD 4; IAF MO 5; IAF MD10;, JAF MD11; ‘VM, VO0-10 180 17021; ISO 22003; IAF GL 2, IAF MD 1; IAF MD)2; IAF MO 3; IAF MD 4; IAF MD 5; 1AF MD10; IAF MD11 2. Muc dich va Pham vi 2. Purpose and Scope 21 Bua ra ede yeu edu, thi tue cho vige danh gid he théng quan Wy an toan thye phim (vi dy theo 180 22000, TEVN 6603, ..) VinaCert khéng loai trir phdn nde ella cdc quy tinh, b phan, san pham hay dich vy ta Khoi pham vi chang nhan khi ma céc yéu té nay nh, hwéng 16% tinh an toan thye phdm trong cdc sn phdm cudi cing. 22 Tién hanh danh gid hé théng quan Wy, ATTP theo cdc chuong trinh danh gia sau’ - Banh gid giai doan 1 ~ Banh gid giai doan 2, ~ Banh gid giam sat, ‘Banh gia tiép theo, = Banh gié mé rong; + Banh gid lai ~ Banh gié chuyén 66i 2.7 Specify requirements and procedures for the food safety management system audit (as ISO 22000, TCVN 5603...) VinaCert body shall not exclude part of the Processes, sectors, products or services from. the scope of cerification when those processes, sectors, products or services have an influence on, the’ food safety of the’ end products. 2.2 Implement the audit of the FSMS according to the following audit programs: Stage 1 audit Stage 2 Audit ~ Surveillance audit Follow-up:sudit, Extending aust Re-audit Transfer audit 3. Vide tit va Dinh nghia | 3. Definitions and Abbreviations ‘As specified in VMIM and 00-40 Nhu G3 quy dinh trong VMM va VO0-10 4 Noidung Luu 68: Nhu twu a8 ca quy trinh anh gia ching nhan QMS 'VO0-10 Ngoai cdc yéu cau va trinh ty chung 441 véi anh gié hé théng quan ly chat lvong V00-10. cn tu’n thi cae yeu chu sau day 66i voi dan gia HTQL ATTP ‘4 Content Flowchart: As the chart of QMS Audit and Certification Procedure 00-70 Apart from meeting with general requirements. in VO0-10, moreover, have to meet the following requirements for FSMS audit 44 Chyong trinh danh gia 4.1 Audit program Didm kiém soatiCheckpoint Biéu mau/Forms Trach nhigm/ Responsibility Lua chon chuyén gia ATTP duoc phe duyét diing sode theo ting Finh vuc! Selection of audit team based on category Nhan vig PCN tiép nan ding ky phai 06 nding lye, kin nghiém trong finh ve ATTP/ Staffs of Certification Dept with competence, experience:in food satery FO0-10:01 10-04 Bang din gidt tinh manday déi oi DG FSMS kém FO0-10-01/ Calculation of audit time for FSMS audit that attached FOO- Trvéng PCN/ Head of Centiication Dept Nhan vién PON! Staff of Certification Dept Page 275 Rov 05, TOROS voostt {QUY TRINH BANH/GIA HTL ATTP ‘Thai gian cho danh gia xem phy Wyo 3. Ca nhan thye hign xde dinh gian danh gia sé duoc dao'tao, vé cach xc éinh thoi gian dénh gid theo Phy luc 3 cca quy trinh nay. Tir hd so dng ky ching nhan cia KH, tuéng, PCN sé phan cong xir Iy hd so cho nhan vin 6 ‘ign thire, kinh nghiém pha hop v6i fintyvure, pharm vi ma KH ang ky ching nhgn gidp cho vie xc inh ngdy @anh gid, thoi gian dénh gid va mia vy (néu can) 48 tao didu kign cho doan danh gia danh gid s6 dong san phdm, tinh ve va pham vi thre phdm due t6i uu nhat cho pham vi ching nhan | oda KH 6, hi x8y dung chong trinh dah gia, nhan vien urge giao xem xét Gang ky ching nhan phai dya vao kién thie 44 dugc dao tao vé FSMS, vé tinh we, pham vi ma lng don xin chung: nhén dé ra chon ngay danh gid, théi gian danh gid va mua wa {(khiph hop) sa0.cho dean, danh gia co thé danh gid 161 vu nhat sO dong sam pham, finh vec va pham vi xin ching nhén ca dng don Phai luv tai bang chiang tinh toan thoi gian danh sia Ca nhan thy hign. xem, xét dang ky ching nan phi duge dao tao va xem xét toi Phan Jogi dng ky trong céc Tinh wee va logi hinh trong chuBi thye phan; ‘Cac teu chudin, van ban quy pham phép Wuat ve ATTP lién quan; bao gém cde chyong trinh tien quyét (PRP), | chwong tinh én quyét van hanh OPRPs, | Cée nguyén tée phan tich mBi nguy, danh gia méi nguy va xac inh diém kiém soat toi han COPS, Ké hoach HACCPs; Két qué cila cc cude danh gid trade do (néu £6) Cac yeu cdu knde v8 nang tye xem xét dang ki ching nhan theo VO1-07 Luuy: Ap: dung d4nh gia da diém theo Phy luc 1 Quy tvinh nay ‘Ap dung danh gid tich hop’ theo Phy luc 2 Quy | trinh nay Pham vi chiing nhan FSMS éuge céng nhén theo Phuiluc céng nhan tai ting thai diém tong eng Cac nguyén tas. quan ly an toan thie phém | ~ Refer to Annex 5 for audit ume determination. The individual determining the audit time and duration will be trained on how to determine those requirements using Annex 3 in this procedure: Based on the certficatin. application, the Head of the PCN will ession the contract to appropriate employee who possess the knowledge and experience relevant to the sector, category that the applicant is seeking, certification aiming at chosing the audit time, day, season (ff applicable) such that it provides the audit team with the opportunity to cplimaily audit the client's product lines, categories and sectors. When developing the audit program, the individual reviewing the application shall make judgement of the time, day and season (where applicable) for the audit based on hisher knowledge, experience in FSMS of the categories, sectors and product lines of that specific client such that the audit team. will be albe to offer the client the best possible audit for the scope seeking certification. The evidences of calculating audit time shail be record! Personnel carrying out application review must successfully compete training in and consider: Classification of applicants in the food chain categories and sectors; FSMS — standards Relevant regulations; Food safety management principles including pre-requisite programs (PRP's); operational pre-requisite programs OPRPs Hazard analysis, hazard assessment and dertermine of critical control point CEPs; (HACCP plans, Results of previous audits (ifany) Other requirements of competence for application review as specified in'VO1.07 Note: Application for multi-site audit follow Annex 1 of this, Procedure Application for multi-system integration audit follow ‘Annex 2 of this Procedure The accrediated scope for FSMS following the latest accreditation schedule and legal 42 Banh gia ching nhan 4.2. Contification audit ding code theo: tung finh vue! | FO0-11-03 4.2.4, Giai dogn 1: 4.2.1. Stage 1 Audit Diém kiém soaCheckpoint | Biu mau/Forms: | Trach nhigm/ Responsibility [CEDG ATTP avo phé duyat | FO0-11-07 (AA TE Paae 3715 Revi 02 TORT QU TRINH BANH GA HTOL TTP ‘voo-11 The auditorTE approved in ] FO0-17-04 each category F09-10-05 ‘Banh gid ial doen 1 phai thyo hién tai hién tredng Chuyén gia danh gid xéc dinh cae didu kien ten quyét PRPs phai phi hop véi cade yeu cdu cia tiéu cchudn {SO 22000:2018/TCVN 5603 vai cdc yéu céu! {wat dinh 5 lién quan. VinaCert thong bao cho khach nang rang két qué cia danh gia giai doan 1 6 thé dn dn vigc ti hodin hoe hy bd dénh gid giai doen: 2 Myc tieu cla @éinh gid giai doan 1 18 cung ep dinh hung cho ké hoach danh gid giai doan 2. nham tang thém sw hiéu biét vé hé thong quan ly ATTP trong béi ednh cae mdi nguy vé an toan thc pham cba 18 chée duge nhan biét, phan tich, ké hoach HACCP va céc PRP, chinh sach va myc tiéu, va tinh trang ca td chic 68 sn sang cho cue dan (gid bai vie xem xét cic noi dung nhur: a) Hidu rb 1 chive va bdi canh cia té chic by Hiéu r6 nhu cdu va‘mong doi clia cac ben quan tam 6) Hoach dinh hé théng’quan ly ATTP hing quy inh v8 ATP lién quan phai duoc ap dung He théng quan ly ATTP:duge thiét ké nham at dug chinh sach ATTP cia té chive Cae chyong trinh thy hign HTQL an téan thye pha phai minh bach trong qua trinh Enh gia (giai doan 2) fg théng quain ly ATTP bao gdm dy di cae ‘quy trinh, cde phuong phap cho viée nhan biét va danh gia cac méi nguy an toan thy pham cila 16 chic, va tip theo la lya chon va phan loa cde bien phap kiém soat do luong d) Tham tra lién quan dén PRPs va ké hoach idm sot mdi nguy €) TO chic phai nhan dién duoc cac PRE: rang ching phu hop v6i cong vige kinh doanh ( vi du cdc yeu cau vé luat dinh va phap dinh) f) _vigc thém traicac bign phap kiém saat, xac minh hoat d6ng va cae chong trinh cai tién cho phi hop v6i cdc yéu cau tiéu chuan cla hé théng quan ly ATTP, @) cdc tai igu cdainé théng quan ly ATTP va vige s4p xép tai nhing noi thuan ioi cho trao di thong tin néi b6, va voi bén cung cp lin quan, céc khach hang va nhing ben quan tam knac, ve Ny Go ble ky ote tigubd susie Suge xem xet val hode théng tin can duge biét trude. Khi mot td chive ap dung két hop cdc bién phap kiém, sot duoc phat tin bén ngodi, gia doan 1 phi xem. Stage 1 audits shall be conducted on sites. Auditors shall determine pre-requisite programs (PRPs) in compliance with the 22000:2018/TCVN $603 and other relevant legal requicements and regulations: The client shall be informed that the results of the stage 1 audit may lead to postponement or cancelistion of the stage 2 audit The objectives of the stage 1 audit are to provide a focus for planning the: stage 2 audit by gaining an | understanding of the FSMS: in the context of the organization's food safety hazard identification, analysis, objectives, and, in particular, state of preparedness, for audit by reviewing the extent to which: Where an organization has requirements of ISO HACCP plan and PRPs, policy and the organization's a) Understanding the organization and its context ) Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties ©) Food safety management system planning: relevant food safety legisiation is implemented the FSMS is designed to achieve the ‘organization's food safety'policy, the FSMS implementation programme justifies proceeding to the audit (stage 2), the FSMS includes adequate processes and methods: for the identification and assessment of the organization's food safety hazards, and subsequent selection and categorization of control measures (combinations), 4). Verification related to PRPs and the hazard control pian €) the organization has identified PRPs that are appropriate to the business (eg. regulatory and statutory requirements), f) the validation of control measures, verification of activities and improvement programmes conform to the requirements of the FSMS standard, 9) the FSMS documents and arrangements | are in place to communicate internally and with relevant suppliers, customers and interested'parties, and h) there is any advitional documentation which needs to be reviewed andor information which needs to be obtained in advance: implemented an Page ar Rav 02 10208 QUY TRINH ANH GIA HTOL ATTP vyoo-11 x81 fai Tea Wong he thong ATTP a8 xd dint néu KEL] exiernally developed combination of control hop cae bign pha kibm soat co: measures, the stage 1 shall review the = Phihop vei té chic documentation included in the FSMS to determine if = puge phat trién phi hop voi yéu céu eda | the combination of control measures 130 22000 va, = is suitable for the organization , = Buge cap nhat was developed in compliance with the Tinh sn sang cia cdc dy quyén ign quan phai duoc requirements of !SO 22000, and idm tra ki thu thap thOng tin vé tuan thd cc Khia can phap Wy. Ngoai vige sirdung cac bigu mau nhy» d6i voi dénh gid hign trudng ca VO0-10, qué trinh danh gié phai dya trén cac tai ligu do PCN giti cho:dean danh gia, bao gém: 4. Phiéu ghi chép danh gié FO0-11-03; FO0-10- 05 2. Mau Bao: cdo danh gid (FO0-11-01 (voi ISO 22000), F90-11-04 (voi HACCP/TCVN 5693) Bat ky ndi dung’ ndo cia bao cdo FSMS ma 43 duge danh gid 6 giai Goan 1 va duge xae dinh thyc hign dy di, hiéu kyo va phi hop voi cdc yau cu, thi.e6 thé khong cdn phai danh gid lai & giai doan 2. Tuy nhién, chuyén gia danh gia phai dam bdo ndi dung’ da duoc dant gia & giai doan 1 tiép tue phy hep véi cdc yéu c&u chung nhan: Trong tuéng hop nay, bao cao danh gia giai doan 1 phai bao gém cdc phat hién va tinh trang ré:rang vé sy pho hp da direc lap trong danh gia giai doan 1. ‘Thai gian gilva giai doan 1 va giai doan 2 phai khdng duge dai bon 6 thang. Giai doan 1 phi duoe lap tai nu thd gian gita hal gsi doan on 6 thang, ~ ig kept up to date. The aveilability of relevant authorizations shall be checked when collecting the information regarding the compliance to regulatory aspects In addition to using the forms as those of the:onsite: audit of VO0-10, the audit process must be based on the forms provided by PCN to: all member of audit team, incluldes: 1. Audit note sheet F00-11-03; F00-10:05 2. Form of Augit report (F00-11-01 for ISO: 22000; FO0-11-04'for HACCP/TCVN 5603) Any part of the FSMS. that is: audited during the: stage 1 audit and determined to be’ fully implemented, effective and in conformity with requirements, may not need to be re-audited during the stage 2 audit. However, Auditor shail ‘ensure that the already, part of the FSMS continue to conform to the certification requirements. In this case, the audit report shall include these findings and shall clearly state that conformity has been established during the stage 1 audit ‘The interval between stage 1 and stage 2 shall not be longer than 6 months. Stage'1 shall be repeated if a longer interval is needed 42.2.Giai dogn 2 - Banh gid chang nhan: ‘Banh gié ching nhan dirge tién hanhtai cer sova cde diém dang hoet é6ng ctia Khach hang 4.2.2.Stage 2 - Certification audit: The certification audit shall be conducted at the customers facilities (on-site audit), and operational sites Diém kiém soat/Checkpoint Bigu mau/Forms: Trach nhigm/ Responsibility | CGDG ATIP duoc phe duyét ing code theo timg finh yuo! The auditor/TE approved in each category F00-10-03; F00-10-04, F 00-10-05; F00-10410, FO0-10-17; FO0-11-01; FO0-11-03; FO0-11-04 TAA TE ‘42.2.4 Chuan bj danh gia giai doan 2: Thad tye nh VO9-10 42.2.1, Preparation for stage 2 audit: The procedure as 00-10 42.2.2 Tai ligu danh gia chong nhén PCN chuyén cho chuyén. gia dnh gid tai ligu danh gid giai doan 2 (audit pack stage 2) gdm: 4. Ké hoach @anh gia FOO-10-03- ban cudi- pf, 2. Mau danh:sach tham dy F00-10-04 - ban text, 42.2.2. Certification audit documentation The PCN shall send to the team leader the audit pack stage 2 including: 1. Audit plan F00-10-03 — finaliversion in paf, 2. Sample form of list of participant FO0-10- 04 text Audit note FO0-11-03; FO0-10-05 Page ars Rev 02, TORTS yoo-tt ‘QUY TRINH DANH GUAHTOL ATP 3, Phigu ghi chép Ganh gid FOO-17-03, FOO] 4 Results of the audit stage 1 (FOO-17-01 10.05 CA record) pdf, 4 Kt qua anh gia giai Goan 1 (F00-11-01 5. Sample form for the audit certification hd so HOKP (néu c6)- ban paf, report F00-11-04 (for {SO 22000), FO0-11- 5. MBu bao 040 Banh gia ching ahan FOO- (04 (for HACCP/TOVN 6603) 11-01. (v6i ISO 22000), FO0-11-04 (vei | 6 Form Technical comment (if necessary) HACCPITCWN 5603) 00-10-09 6 Mu phiéu: nhgn xét cla chuyén gia ky] 7. AuditLog FO0-10-17 thuat (néu c&n) FOO-10-10 (Other documents provided by the client 7. Audit Log Fo0-10-17 ‘Cac tai lieu kha do khdich hang cung cp 42.23 Tign hanh danh gia ching nhgn Nhu véi danh gié HTQL chét long theo VO0-10, Noa ra: Chuyén gia dénh gid xem xét én béi canh ota tb shite, nhu du va mong doi ctia cc bén quan tam. Xd ly 1 10. va Co hdi, danh gia nang Ive cia cac yéu 16 duge phat trién ben ngoai, khai niém kiém scat méi nguy bao gém cdo bién phép kiém soat ai CCPs, OPRPs, k8 hoch HACCP, cac diéu kién PRPs, viéc tuan thi va hiéu lyre thyc thi ké hoach HACCP, PRPs, Dénh gid ce dibu kign PRPs theo FO0-11-03 Phat hign dénh gid ISO 22k duoc chia thanh 5: logi: Pha hop; khuyén cao (Ob); Khong pha hep inhe (minor NC); Rhéng phis hop nang (major NC) va Tei han (Critical NC). Voi méi loai duoc nhan dién va ap dung ché tai Certification audit performance 4. Follow: Vo0-10 Moreover, ‘Auditors shall consider the context of the organization, the needs and expectations of interested parties in response to risks and opportunities, in assessing competence of externally developed elements, the introduction of the concept of a hazard control plan covering control measures at CCPs and OPRPs, HACCP plan, PRP's conditions, compliance and velidation of HACCP plans, PRP's. ‘Assess PRPs condition under FO0-11-03 form, Audit findings of ISO 22000 are divided into types: Conformities; Observations (OB), Minor Nonconformites (Minos NC), Major Nonconformities (major NC) and Critical Nonconformities: (Critical sau: NC). Each type is identified and dealt with as tollows: Tear | | Aue phat ‘indir eo mote ond tai "0 | escrintion Sanctions: os eve! Chananhén | Games| | Certoato Pal] Bap ong yeu cha | Batyeu hu | Bat — yee a ee tap _| teu chutn clu Canto | Compliant with | SaleTactory | Satstacioy OB [x Tar tor Gm | TS chow | Nh ehine| | | iy | te standart | anh oid chua aii | khdng cd | roan requitements bing ching dé két | nahi. vy phat Coser | > —fasulcient | The | Ascorihaton | Fhuanr a 16-4 ide | the hi: Tey vation | evidence 10 | organization | | wen nhige, Vics make a | have no | | + ie antng: kita | sé xem et conclusion on | implementat rghi c&i tbo. ota | cde ibn nghi 2 rnon- | on ay. chuyen gia a | cal te nay ‘conformity at | However, HTQL ATTP cla | wong lin enh the auet ime | vice shat 1S chic naty céna | gi gidm sat sobservatves | consider the han thiga hon | gin nid | by the exgens | observatves By _]+ Sy Rhong Gp] V6 chie phar | T—ehiie to continue | in the latest KPH | ung yeu edu situ | thee ign | phi ob he fufiting tho | survettanco etudn —nhung | mann d0ng | nozeh thye | | | FSMS of ime | vs khong anh hung | khde! pve | ganization dln he théng va | Chi ep ching | HEKP. MEE soon. Tie Tre sy phi hop ala | chi sau khi | HOKP 38 compliance | organization | organization 8P HoKP _auce | aye tndm | | | wit standard | must tae | must make ores — Page oE = Rev CORE 00-11 ‘QUY TRINH BANH GiA HTQLATTP + Su Khong Gap | chap nnan. oo | te ta lan | Trequrements, | corective | plan te fing ybu cau h@.| thé phai dant | génh gid | | but does! not | actions. The | implement tnéng tai Seu ma | gid bd sung | gidm sat cause: effects | certiicate | comective guy 1, chure a gan nhat ‘on the: system | shat be | actions. The ‘hid ip and produot | issued only | actions shail Sy | +Lasu hong dip | Cam REC thon | TS chore: compliance; | aftor the | be verifed at KPH | ong you edu tisu | ciém —hoan | phai co Ke ‘ton eciions | the tatest dn | chub gy anh | thanh HOKP | hogeh thye comptance | taken are | surveillance: | muding én he | tat cube op, | hig wth accepted, | visit théng ATTP. két thie, Bat | HOKE, requirements | The follow. 4 C6 sw khing | bube —phsi | com kde of. the | up euclit phi hopnhe mang | danh gid 6 | thoi han documentation | might — be tin ne théng. Tinh | sung a tam | noan thaah system — that | reavired. he thing a: 06 | tra HBKP tai | va chuyén tne thon 3.NC ne tai | vin prong, | bing. ‘organization mot bophan hose | hoge tei hién | ching. khi have’ scbscing 1 NC nhe | trong fhoan thanh establishest tn 3 be phn Hoxp. Bbn'| | a vnon- | Commit the | the thoi aim || | no | comprence: | completing | organization cam Két witty standard | time — for | shat make ichya oan requirements | comeatve | plans for shan alfecting the | actions at | implementing HOKP thi FSMS the closing | the comectiue inh chi + There is| meeting. — | actions, ching oh systematic — | The commit — the: Sy | Ua ee Wrong tan | Dong cuse | Binh — chi minor non. | adtstionat | completing KPH | thd you cu cla | anh gid. | igu Wve ‘conformance | audit is | time and send rghi | phép wat én quan | Chuyér- sang | ching chi The roquited to | evidenve: of ‘én | dén ATP! ma t8 | thoi ciém | cho Bémkni systematic | very the | corrective tron | chic 6 nghia vu | thich hop 26 6 bang means having || corectve | action | phdi thuchien ‘ching, 68 3. minor non | actions at | fulfilment The |, tuan thd conformiies at'| the office or | certiicate will ‘one part ar the | on site ‘be suspended! same minor # te actions ‘non-contoemnity ere not token ‘on 3parts, wnt the ‘committed time CANE | Nat maatingy| Stopang | Suspending the auditing end | the: cersficate requirements | arranging | vat there is of tas and | another enough regulations | suitable. time | evidence of. telating to food | for auditing | canformty. | safety that' the | organization is obliged — to ‘comply with 42.2.4.. Related information review Thd tyc theo VO0-10 Follow VO0-10 42.25 Bao cdo anh Thi tye nhuVOO-10 Trong qua trinh dénh gia Chuyén gia dénh gié si? dung cac bidu mau d& diye cung odp tai MBu b80 cdo Banh gia ching nhgn ISO 22000: F00-11-01, HACCP/TCYN 5603: FO0-11-04 ‘ching nhan 4225 Certification audit report Follow V00-10 procedure During audit, aucitor use the forms is provided in 4222 180 22000 certification aust report form: FOO-11- 01, HACCP/TCVN 5603: FO0-11-04 42.2.6. Hop Ket thae ‘Tho tye theo Vo0-10 42.26. Closing meeting Follow VO0-10 4.2.3 Xem xét cdc bao cdo danh gié va hanh dong khdc phuc: 423 Review of audit report and correc actions Page 75 Revi 02, 10206 voo-ts Thi tye theo VOO-10, QUY TRINH BAN GIA MTQL ATP Follow Voo-10 : | Tiép nhan Hanh dng khac phuc Thil tye theo 00-10 42.3.4. Receiving the corrective actions Follow vo0-10 423.2. Kem xet 42.532. Review Thi tyc theo V00-10 Follow VOO-10 4233, Chip nhan 42.3.3. Acceptance Thii tye theo V00-10 Follow V00-10' 4.3 DANH GIA GIAM SAT 43, SURVEILLANCE AUDIT Thitye nh ¥00-10 Follow Y00-10 ‘Chu ky dnh gié giém sét phy thude vao bain chat san phém san xudt vi mit 49 nguy co nung Khéng qua ‘vetthang Tuong ty nh aanh gié ching nhan, Chuyén gia anh gia duge cung cp, sir dung vi gibi hé sordanh ‘14 cho PCN bao gém: Danh sach tham diy cude hop FO0-10-04 Ghi chép danh gia FO0-11-03, FO0-10-05 Bao co danh gia gidm sat FOO-11-01 (ISO ‘00-11-04 (HACCP/TCVN 5603) Nhan xét clla chuyan gia kj thuat (néu 06) The surveillance: audit cycle depends on the: characteristics of products and level of potential hazards but does not exceed 12 months. Similar to. initial certification audit, The records provided, used and send to PCN by auditor includes: Attendance record! -FO0-10-04 ‘Audit note F00-11-03, F00-10:05 Surveillance Audit report — FO0-11-01 (ISO 22000); F00-11-04 (HACCRITCVN 5603) ‘Technical comment (if necessary) F0-10-10 Audit log — FO0-10-17 00-10-10 = Autit log 00-10-17 44 DANH GIA BO SUNG 4.4. FOLLOW UP AUDIT Thi tye nh VOO-10 Follow'VOO-10 45 DANH GIA MO RONGINANG CAP Thi tye nhu'VOO-10 5. EXTENDING/UPGRADING AUDIT Follow vO0-10 “46 DANH GiA BOT XUAT ‘G6. IRREGULAR AUDIT ‘Tht tue nh V90-10 Follow VO0-10 “7 DANH GIA CHUYEN BOT ‘47. TRANSFER AUDIT Thi tye nur VO0-10 Follow vo0-10 4.8 DANH GIA CHUNG NHAN LAI ‘48. RE-CERTIFICATION Thi tye nhy V90-10 Follow voo-10 5. Trich nhigm, Gao tao va nhan thie Trréng PCN cd trach nhigm dao tao cdc chuyén gie dann gia HTQL nhan thire quy trinh nay; Trvdng, PCN 66 tréch nhiém hung din, gidm sat cchuyén giadanh gia thy hién ding quy trinh nay \Van phéng ¢6 trach nhigm t8 chute cdc cube dann gia theo thong bao cla PCN; KD cé trach nhiéen cung clip cac thong tin ban dau cilia Khach hang cho PCN va phéi hop voi khéich hang t8 chic trao chung chi khi:cé yeu cau PCN c6 tréch nihigm l@p churong trink dann gid, thdm tra hd so’ va kien nghi GDCNicap ching chi. Doan danh gidce teach nhiém lapké hoach dann gi, lién hanh danh la, hoan thanh bao cdo dan gid, thdm tra cdc hanh dong khée phyc eda khach hang VinaCert dam bao duy tri quyén sé hiru déi voi cae bao edo 5. Responsibility, training and awareness Head of PCN shall be responsible for training auitors for the MS complying with this procedure: Head of PCN shall be responsible for controling the auditor to comply with this procedure The VP shall be responsible for organizing the audits in accordance with the PCN's notices; The KD shall be responsible for providing the customer's initial information to the PCN. and coordinating with the customer to organize granting certificate if requested. PCN are responsible: for audit progsamming, verification and proposing Certification Director to | grant certificates | Augit team are responsibie audit plan, conducting | aucits, accomplishing audit reports, verifying corrective action of clients Rev 02 TORTS yours ‘QUY TRINH DANMGIA TOL ATTP VinaCert ensures that the ownership of the report is maintained by it 6. Héso leu 6. Records: Ap dyng cdc yéu cau nhu V00-10, ngoai ra: Follow as V00-10, moreover: Noi luu7 jan wu T 7 HB so Profile [Rare | Beaton | noteaion tne 7. | Phiéu ghi chép danh gia/Audit note FO0-17-03 PCN 6 namiyears 2. | Bao cdo Banh gid 1SO 22000 (soba. ching | FO0-17-01 FON ‘6 namiyears rnhén, giém sat) ‘Audit Report (Pre-auditing, certification, surveillance for SO 22000) Bao co Ganh gid HACCP/TCVN 5603 (so FO0-11-04 PCN ‘Gnamiyeers 0, ching nhan, gidm sat)/ Audit Report (Pre-auditing, certification, surveillance) for | HACCP/TCWN 5603 7. Sy bao mat: 7. Confidentiality Nhw voo-10 Follow 2s V00-10 8 Phylye 8 Annex Phy lye 4: Bang quy dinh vé lay mau da diém | Annex 1: The number of sites to be audited TO chive da diém ta t6 chic cb mot choc nang trung tém duge xde dinh (nhung khéng nhat thiét 1 try s& cia t6 chive) ma tai 66 c6 cae hoat dong FSMS duc Ién ké hoach, duoc kiém soat va dug quan ly va mot mang lui cae site ma tat 28: hode mét phan hoet dng uo thyc hién Vidy vé da aiém ia: - Cae t8 chic vei hoat dong nhueng quyén + CBng ty sin xubt voi mot node nhidu site ssn xudt va mang lu6i cdc van phéng kinh doanh + Td chive dich vu véi nhidu site cung eép dich vy twong ty = Ce t8 cha vei nhiéu chi nhanh Vina@ert ching nhan cho 8 chirc da diém 6% cing mot hé théng quan I. voi cae diéu kign sau day: + Tat cd cde site van hénh dui sy kiém soat va quan ly cia HTQLATTP theo quy dinh trong clia ISO 22000:2018 hose cde HTQL ATTP lién quan khac; + MOt cube danh gid noi bo phai tién hanh tai méi diém trong vong 1 ndm tre6e khi ‘ching nhan © Cc phat hign danh gia cia cae site riéng bigt can phai duge xem xét bao quit ton 6 hé théng va su Khdo phuc phai due thyc hign mét each phir hop Vige lay mu da aiém chi duge ap dung cho cdc loai A, B, E, F, G (xem bang 3.2) va.cac td che cb hon 20 diém van hanh qué trinh when mutt ite sampling is used multi-site organzation is an organization having an identified central function (but not necessarily the headquaters of organization) at which certain FSMS activities are planned, controlled ot managed, and @ network of site at which such activities are fully or partially carried out Examples of possible multi-site organization are: Organizations operating with franchises: ‘A manufacturing company. with one or more production sites and a network of sales offices; service organization with multiple sites offering a simitar service - organizations with muttiple branches VICB is certifying a multi-site organization under one management system, providing that the following conditions apply: All sites are operating under one centrally controlied and administered FSMS as | defined of IS 22000:2018, or equivalent for other FSMS: ‘An internal audit has been conducted on each site within one year prior to certification; © Audit findings of the individual sites shall be considered indicative of the entire system ‘and correction shall be implemented accordingly The use of Multi-site sampling is only possible Page SS Revi 02 10R01e yoo-1t QUY TRINH ANH GiA HTL ATTP ‘tuong ty vor categories. Ap dung ca cho lan anh gia ching nhan, cae cudc danh gis giém sét, G4nh gid chieng nhén lai. Vinacert phai lam 1 quyét dinh cla minh vé ly mau cho. ching nhan da diém + Trong treeng iy mau da diém, sau khi chung, han, chyong trinh danh gid noi bo hang ném | phai bao gém t&tcd cc site cla 18 chic * Khi VinaCert l4y mau Ga diém, VinaCert six dung: chong trinn lay mau d& dm bao higu lye olla cuge danh gis FSMS say day ap dung: + Vi 18 chite 06 20 diém hoae it hon, tat o& cdc diém phai duge danh gia. Viee tay mu ccho hon 20 digm phai theo ty Ie 1/5, Tat c& cde site phai duge ka chon ngdu nhién v8 sau cude nh gia khong mét site dugc lay mau nao cd sy khong phil hop (aghia la khong éép ting ngudng ching nhan ISO 22000) + ltnhat hang nam VinaCert phai thyc hign mot cube danh gia tai van phong trung tim he théng quan ly ATTP = it nhat hang. nam, VinaCert phai thue hig Ganh gid giém sét di voi $6 site lay mau. uge yéu chu = Cac phat hign danh gia cla cac site riéng bigt cn phai duoc xem xét bao quat tan bd he théng va sy khéc phyc: phai duge thye hign mét cach phu hop Tor categories A, B, €. F & G (refer to Table 3.2) ‘and for organizations: with more than 20 sites operating similar processes within these categories. This applies to the initial certfication, surveillance, and recertification audits. VinaCert shall justify its decision on sampling for multi-site certification + Where multisite sampling is permitted, following certifcation, the annual internal audit programme shall include all sites of the organization © Where VinaCert offers multi-site sampling, VinaCert shail utilize a sampling programe to ensure an effective audit of the FSMS where are the following spply. + For organizations with 20 sites or less, all sites. shall be audited. The sampling for more than 20 sites shall be the ratio of 1 site per 5 sites. All sites are randomly selected ‘ang, after the audit, no sampled sites may be non-conforming (i.e not meet certification thresholds for ISO 22000) At least annually, an audit of the central office for the FSMS shall be performed by VinaCert + Atleast annually, surveillance: ausit shail be performed by VinaCert on the required number of sampled sites; ~ Audit findings of the sampled sites shall be considered indicative of the entire: system and correction shall be implemented accordingly ih ve Idy mau da diém Bang quy The number of sites to be audited when multi-site sampling is used Total number of sites Number of sites to be audited | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | a7 | 28 betweent ‘and 20 Number of sites above 20 o 1,2[s[¢fsloelsrle Additional number of sites to Sead on o 4} a} att iale2l ele Number of sites to bevaudited | x a [ai [a [at [a | 2 | 2 [a2 Phy luc 2: Yéu cdu ddl vol danh gid tich hop |Annex 2: Requirements for multisystem nhiéu he théng: Nhu Phy Iye 2 V00-10 integration audit: As Annex 2 of VO0-10, Phu luc 3: Cach tinh manday (thdi gian) cuge danh gia FSMS + Thdi gian tdi thiéu phaii bao.gém ca danh gia giai doan 1 va dénh gid giai doan 2 cia dénh gia ‘Annex 3: Determination of Audit time of FSMS - The minimum time includes stage 1 and stage 2 of the initial certification audit but does not include the time for preparation of the audit nor for writing the Page 1015 Fee 02 TOR vvoo-11 QUY TRINH ANH GIAHTOL ATP ‘chung nhan ban dau, KhOng Ke thoi gian chuan by danh gid, vist bao cao danh gia ~ Théi gian dinh gid ti thibu bi véi dann gia FEMS chi finh bao gém cho 1 HACOP study; - Mt HACCP study turong Ung véi mét phan tich méi nguy mot tap hep sén ghémidich wy co cdo méi nguy tyong ty va co obng nghe sén xudt twong tu, va néu 06 thé, céng nghé bo quan giéng nhau - BB trénh tng lp trong trubng hep mathe théng | quan ty lién avan khde 04 06 va dug ching nhan bi VinaCert, thoi gian’bd sung fa khong c&n thiét (Bang 3.1), Trong truéng hop mét cue anh gia tich hop; bao gdm FSMS, vie: giém thigu thoi wong dann gia co thé avong ap dung név duoc minh chézng valu tai feu. ~ Thdi gian t8i thiéu cho viée danh gia tai co so” ‘cho vige thy hign sain phdm vavyhoac dich vy cua 18 chire phai la 50% t8ng_ thoi gian danh gia (ap dung cho tat c& cae loai hint: Ganh gid) = Sélugng chuyén gia cho méi ngay danh gid pha due céin nhéc da trén higu qua danh gia, nguén lye ela t8 chae éuge anh gid cing nhy nguén lye cia VinaGert - Trong!truéng hop c&n hop bd sung, vi dy hop téng két, phéi hop, hop doan danh gia, thi viée tang thai gian Ganh gid 06 thé on thiét - Téng 86 nhan vign lign quan dén bat ki khia canh an toan thye phdm phai thé hign la s6 han vién lam viée toan thei gian. Trong trudng hep 16 chire chia nhan vign theo cdc ca va san phém ho&e qua trinh tung ty, thi 56 nhan vie lam vige toan thai ian phai duvet tinh dyva trén ca chinh (bao gdm c& nhén-vién mia vu) thi tinh thém od nhan vin hanh chinh = Mgt 66 code cy thé thuge ldy mau da diém (Phy Iye 1) va didu nay cothé duo xem xét 48 tinh thoi Gian. danh gia. ~ Khi vie ldy mu cde dim duge théng qua, cae ia’ dim mu phai duoc chon truée khi 4p dung tinh thoi iwong dann gia. Vi thé thoi Iveng danh gid. phai direc 4p dung voi mdi diém phi hop vdi | yeu cu olla phuc luc va bang 3.1 = Néu pham vi cia moi td chic khach hang cy thd cb nhidu hon mét code, vige tinh thoi gian dénh gid phai duce xem xét tir thoi gian dann gid co ban duoc khuyén cdo, Théi gian bé sung duoc yéu' cau cho méi nghién cia HACCP (Vi dy, t6i thié 0.5 ngay dann gid cho mdi nghién cou HACCP) = Nhting nhan t thém vo c6 thé phai tang dan | theo thoi gian danh gia t6i thiéu ( vi dy 96 lugng én phdm, $6 lvong day chuyén sin phdm, phat ‘audit report. = The minimum audit time is established for the | audit of an FSMS which includes only one HACCP study = AHACGP study corresponds to a hazard analysis for a family of products/services with similar hazards and similar production technology and, where relevant, similar storage technology. = In order 10 avoid duplication where another relevant management system is in place and cettified by VinaCert, additional time is not required (See Table 3.1). In the case of a combined audit involving the FSMS, a reduction of the audit time can be implemented if justified and documented, = The minimum time for on-site auditing of the product andlor service realisation of the organization shall be 50 % of the total minimum audit time (applies to all type-of audits) = The number of auditors per audit day shall take into consideration the effectiveness of the audit, the resources of the organization being audited as well as the resources of VinaCer. ~ Where additional meetings are necessary, €.g review meetings, coordination, audit team briefing, an increase in audit time may be required - The number of employees involved in any: aspect of food' safety shall be expressed as the number of fulltime equivalent employees (FTE). When ani ‘organization deploys workers. in shifts and the products andlor processes are similar, the FTE will be calculated based on employees on the: main shift (including seasonal workers) plus office workers, - Certain categories are subject to multisite sampling. (Annex 1) and this: may be taken into account when eaiculating the audit time - Where sampling of sites is allowed, the sample of sites shall be selected’ before applying the: audit duration calculation. Therefore audit duration calculations. shall be applied to each site in accordance with the requirements of this annex and Table 3.7 - If the scope of one specific client organization covers more than one’ category, the audit-time calculation shall be taken from the highest recommended basic audit time, Additional time is required for each HAGCP study (i.e. a minimum of 0,5 audit day for each HACCP study) = Other factors may necessitate increasing, the minimum: audit time (e.g number of product types, Page T178 Rev 05, ROE yoo-1s QUY TRINH BANHIGIA HTQL ATP finén san pham, 88 long dim kiém soat gioi han, 6 lugng chwong trinh tian quét c6 thé van han, dign tich xdy dung, cor sé ha t&ng, kidm tra phong) thir nghigmm trong nha cn phién dich vién) - C&ch xae dinh thdi gian danh gia t6i thigu danh gid ban dau'Ts, theo ngay, dug tinh nhu sau; Ts Tot Tat Tyst Tere Trong a6: To Thi krgng nh gia tai dim aanh gia Tw Séngay danh gia khi nghién céru thém HACCP, Tys SO ngay danh gid toi su thidu hut lien quan

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