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Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management

Hotel Management Department

Studying Customers and Staff Perception towards

All-inclusive Programs at Resort Hotels
A proposed Frame for a Doctorate Thesis in Hotel Management

Submitted BY
Hany Essam El-din Mohamed Emam
B.Sc. Hotel Management, 2005
M.Sc. Hotel Management, 2008

Hotel Management Department
Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management
Helwan University

Studying customers and staff perceptions towards all-inclusive
programs at resort hotel

 Aims of the Study

1. To study customers and staff perception towards all-inclusive
programs in resort hotel
2. To identify all-inclusive programs strengths and weaknesses
3. To develop all-inclusive programs performance in Egypt

 Introduction

Hadjiphanis (2005) illustrated that in the service industry, definitions

of service quality focus on meeting customers’ needs and requirements, and
how well the service delivered meets customers’ expectations and perceived
quality of service was dependent on the comparison of expected service with
perceived service, and thus, the outcome of a comparative evaluation

As reported by Van Hoof et al., (1996) resort constantly conducts

research to determine who their customers are, where they come from, and
how they make their leisure travel decisions. Modern data processing, hotel
guest histories, credit card spending information, questionnaires, and
surveys all help marketers identify major source markets. When they know
where the majority of their guests come from. They can focus their efforts
on buying heavier media coverage in those areas.

It is stated by Paris and Zone-Paris (1999) that the all-inclusive is

among the most vibrant, dynamic and fastest growing sub-sectors in the
tourism industry. While, Powers and Barrows (2006) added that all-
inclusive resort is growing in popularity throughout the Caribbean. The all-
inclusive resort offers unlimited use of its product (including unlimited food
and beverages, sports equipment and facilities, and entertainment) for a set
pre-paid price.

At an all-inclusive resort, accommodations, meals, soft drinks,

gratuities, recreational activities, entertainment and most alcoholic drinks are
included in the daily rate. Many also offer a selection of sports and other
activities included in the price as well. They are often located in warmer
regions. The all-inclusive model originated in the Club Med resorts which
were founded by the Belgian Gérard Blitz. (

Issa and Jayawardena (2003) stated that All-inclusive concept goes

much further and covers practically everything resort has to offer, including
all drinks, taxes, transfers from and to airport to hotel and sports, with
tipping being prohibited. A result of such a price package, in most cases, is
money being eliminated from the holiday experience and the visitor
knowing in advance what their holiday is likely to cost, laundry, car hire,
dining off-property and shopping. Some resorts` rates also include airport
transfers, snakes, scuba diving, weddings, horseback riding, spa treatments,
golf and more. As almost everything is paid for before leaving home, guests
can relax without worrying about currency exchange rates, local tipping
customs, running out of cash or exceeding their budget.

While, Sandals (2001), stated that there are some resort hotel applied
Ultra All-Inclusive which includes all meals, local and imported beverage,
and recreational facilities including massage and also unlimited services and
activities. He also mentioned that, there is another type of All-Inclusive
called super All-Inclusive which are suitable in super clubs and country
clubs. This type also covers all services and unbelievable extras in their

Dabbas (2000c) illustrated that the employee turnover rate at most

major resorts has increased substantially in recent years, leading to increased
personnel costs. It has also made it more difficult to develop a personnel
organization with the skill and experience to provide high-quality service.

In term of all-inclusive disadvantages Swarbrooke (2000), stated that

The main criticism of All-Inclusive resorts is that they greatly reduce the
spin-off benefits of tourism for local businesses. As All-Inclusive package
tends to include all meals, drinks, entertainment, and all or most sporting
activities. Tourists don't need to spend money on eating out in local
restaurants, drinking in bars, and water sport activities

Bakers (2007) mentioned that disadvantage of taking an all inclusive

holiday is that after reaching the resort, everything you do has to be paid for
and some resorts also have limited access to activities. If not careful, a
vacation you thought would help you to get away from it all may actually
turn into a vacation that is restrictive and more costly. A trip to the mainland
and back is the only feature offered by some packages. That means that they
get you to the resort and back, to leave for home. All other visits and
excursions become your responsibility and you have to pay for it. All-
inclusive packages provide you with a cheap vacation, but you should be
sure that where you are going is all-inclusive.

 Research Methodology.
As for methodology of the study, the study will depend upon two sources
as follows:

1. Secondary Resources
An extensive Literature reviews will be conducted to collect secondary
data in relevant subject areas, a number of resources will be used such as:
 Books
 Magazines
 Periodicals
 Researches
 Literature reviews
 Internet

The literature reviews will be used as the basis for establishing the
research tool i.e. (guest questionnaire, interviews with managers)

2-Primary Resources
They are represented as followed:
 Guest questionnaire
 Employees questionnaire
 Interviews with resort management

In other words, the questionnaire form will develop based upon the
relevant review of literature, then approved by five experts in the field of
hospitality industry. Two of them are academic, while the other three experts
are working in five star hotels and resorts to produce the final questionnaire
that will be later administered to guests.

Staff questionnaire will also be developed to discover the advantages

and disadvantages of all-inclusive resort hotels program and one to one
interviews will be conducted with resort management to find the
effectiveness of applying all-inclusive program on resort hotels.

The data will be then be tabulated and analyzed and a number of

recommendations will be suggested

 Bakers, J. (2007), "Advantages and Disadvantages of Cheap Travel

Available from:
[accessed 26 April 2010}

 Dabbas, N. (2000a),"Resort Management", El Hamid, Jordan, P.5.

Hadjiphanis, L. (2005), “A Customer’s Expectation and Per eption OF 

Hotel Service Quality.” Journal of Business Administration, Vol. 4 No. 2

 Issa, J and Jayawardena, C. (2003), "the "all-inclusive" concept in the

Caribbean". International journal contemporary hospitality management [online], Vol.15,
No. 3

 Paris, J. and Zona-paris, C. (1999) “100 Best All-Inclusive Resorts

of the World”, The Globe Pequet Press, Guilford, pp.167-170

 Powers, T. and Barrows, C.W.(2006),"Management in the Hospitality

Industry", Eighth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New Jersey, P.4.

 Sndals, k. (2001)"Fundamentals of management", Mc graw hill, United

States, P. 175.

 Swarbrooke, J. (2000) “Sustainable Tourism Management”,

Biddles Ltd, Guildford and King's Lynn, pp.330,332.

 Van Hoof, J.R., McDonald, M.E. and Vallen, G.K. (1996),"An

Introduction to Hospitality Management", First Edition, Irwin, United
States of America, pp.95-99.

.) 
]Accessed 25 April 2010[
‫المنتجعات‪.‬‬ ‫دراسة ادراك العمالء و العاملين تجاة البرامج الشاملة في فنادق‬
‫الهدف من الدراسة‬
‫‪ -1‬تحديد ادراك العمالء و العاملين تجاه البرامج الشاملة فى فنادق المنتجعات‬
‫‪ -2‬معرفة نقاط القوة و الضعف للبرامج الشاملة‬
‫‪ -3‬تحسين اداء البرامج الشاملة فى مصر‬
‫فى وقتنا الحاضر نرى أن عمل المنتجعات و القرى السياحية اصبح على مدار العام و نادرا‬
‫ما نرى منتجع يغلق ابوابه فى فصل معين ألن تكاليف اغالق المنتجع و الحصول على العمال اعلى‬
‫من تكاليف بقائه مفتوح على مدار العام عالوة على توافر نسب معقولة من االشغال تغطى تكلفة‬
‫العمالة على االقل طوال العام‬

‫البرامج الشاملة ‪ All-inclusive‬هي عبارة عن برامج تشتمل على خدمات اإلقامة ‪،‬‬
‫خدمات األغذية والمشروبات ‪ ،‬باإلضافة إلى الخدمات الترفيهية حيث تعرض الخدمات بسعر مجمع‪.‬‬
‫وتطبق البرامج الشاملة بكثرة في فنادق• المنتجعات حيث أنها تمتاز بوفرة الخدمات الترفيهية‪.‬‬

‫ويعتبر نادي البحر المتوسط• هو أول نادي قام بتطبيق• مفهوم البرامج الشاملة‪ .‬كما تعتبر‬
‫أيضا ً منتجعات البحر الكاريبي• من أشهر المنتجعات التي تطبق البرامج الشاملة ثم بدأت بعد ذلك في‬
‫االنتشار والتوسع• حتى وصلت إلى مصر لما لها من مميزات عديدة تنعكس على النزيل وأيضا ً على‬

‫وظهرت هذه البرامج أيضا ً في منتجعات مصر وخصوصا ً في منطقتي الغردقة‪ ,‬شرم الشيخ‬
‫و مرسى• علم ‪ ،‬كما تطورت الرحالت الشاملة حتى أصبحت تأخذ شكل السعر المستقل لألفراد•‬
‫الراغبين في السفر إلى جهات عديدة في أسرع وقت وبأقل األسعار• لقضاء إجازتهم‪.‬‬

‫نجد ان أغالبية المنتجعات تقدم منتجات و خدمات متماثله ولذلك ترى هذه المنتجعات أنها‬
‫ليس لها بديل سوى تقديم شئ يميزها مثل البرامج الشاملة ‪ all-inclusive‬لتتميز بها فى ظل‬
‫المنافسة الكبيرة بين المنتجعات كميزة تنافسيه‪.‬‬
‫سوف يعتمد الباحث على المصادر• التالية‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬المصادر الثانوية_‬

‫سوف يتناول هذا الجزء استعراض االتى‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬الكتب‬
‫‪ ‬المجالت‬
‫‪ ‬الدوريات‬
‫‪ ‬االبحاث‬
‫‪ ‬الدراسات السابقه‬
‫‪ ‬األنترنت‬
‫وسيتم األستفادة من الدراسات السابقة حتى تكون أساس لالدوات البحث (استمارة استقصاء التى‬
‫توزع للضيوف• و المقابالت الشخصية مع المديرين)‬

‫‪ -2‬المصادر األولية ‪:‬‬

‫تتمثل تلك المصادر فيما يلى‪:‬‬

‫‪ ‬استمارة االستقصاء التى توزع على الضيوف•‬
‫‪ ‬المقابالت الشخصية مع المديرىن‬
‫‪ ‬استمارة االستقصاء التى توزع على العاملين‬

‫استمارة االستقصاء يتم تطويرها• بناء على الدراسات المرجعية وبعد هذا سيتم عرضها على خمسة‬
‫خبراء فى مجال صناعة الضيافة‪ ,‬اثنان منهما يعملوا فى المجال االكاديمى• بينما الثالثة االخرين‬
‫خبراء يعملوا فى منتجعات الخمس نجوم للوصول• الى استمارة استقصاء نهائية توزع على‬

‫بناء على ما سيرد من الخطوات السابقة و البيانات التي سوف يحصل عليها الباحث سيتم تحليل هذه‬
‫البيانات و يتم عمل ملخص لما قد تم التوصل إليه من نتائج و سوف يقترح التوصيات المناسبة التي‬
‫تناقش موضوع• البحث‪.‬‬
‫كلية السياحة والفنادق‬
‫قســم الدراسات الفندقية‬

‫تحديد ادراك العمالء و العاملين تجاة البرامج الشاملة في‬

‫فنادق المنتجعات‬

‫إطار بحث مقترح لرسالة ماجستير في إدارة الفنادق‬

‫مقدم من‬
‫هاني عصام الدين محمد إمام‬
‫بكالوريوس إدارة الفنادق ‪٢٠٠٥ -‬‬
‫ماجستير ادارة الفنادق ‪2008 -‬‬

‫مقدم الى‬

‫قسم الدراسات الفندقية‬

‫كلية السياحة والفنادق‬
‫جامعة حلوان‬


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