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Some universities offers online courses for students.

Do you think this is a positive or

negative development for students?
Due to the advancement of technology, online learning is provided at various universities for
pupil. Despite some drawbacks of this development, I believe that is a positive development
and outline main benefits.
On the one hand, one disadvantage is though the interaction between instructor and student in
an online session is limited. The teacher has to attend to the queries of other students as well,
so they may not be in a condition to give more than a couple of minutes to each student.
students typically focus on computer screens for extended periods of time while feeling less
emotion. As a result, they might learn passively and lack motivation to learn new things.
On the other hand, an Internet-based lesson provide students with significant convenience.
Instead of joining a traditional classes, they may take an online class taught by the same
instructors on their suitable time, while staying in their own place. Furthermore, The majority
of international students who come to college from far-off hometowns have to pay expensive
prices for things like housing, transportation, and basic necessities. Because of this, taking
online classes makes it simpler for individuals to save a large amount of expenses. Not only
that, online education allows students more control over their schedules, making it easier to
balance study and recreational activities. individuals have more time to gain real-world
experience than traditional classes. 
To summarize, I think that online courses provided by colleges considerably support students
in achieving higher education and that their benefits much exceed their drawbacks.

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