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La operación de New Fortress Energy es ilegal

Por candida-cotto 
julio 19, 202

Unofficial Translation:

How much money will the company New Fortress Energy (NFE) be earning at the expense of the
need for electric power generation in Puerto Rico?

The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USCI) awarded Weston Solutions, Inc. (Weston) a contract
for the total amount of $522,837,996 for temporary power generation at the Puerto Rico Electric Power
Authority (PREPA) plant in Palo Seco. The announcement of the contract, which is for a period of eight
months, was published on the company's website and in Business Wire magazine on June 29. The
contract is for the installation and operation of a plant for the generation of 200 MW (megawatts) of dual
fuel and supply of natural gas.

This is the second contract that Weston has with the US Corps of Engineers to supply temporary
generation at the Palo Seco plant. The first contract was agreed last March to supply 150 MW of dual fuel
generation for the San Juan plant. According to Weston, this will allow "carrying out maintenance and
repair work on the electrical system and grid of Puerto Rico."

The information of this second contract was published on the page of Weston and Business Wire on
March 17.

For these temporary contracts, the US Corps of Engineers issued a notification that it had available the
sum of $5 billion. Although the contracts are awarded by the US Corps of Engineers, the money comes
from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Where does New Fortress come in here?

The point is that in both cases Weston and the subsidiaries in Puerto Rico of NFE, New Fortress Power
PR LLC and NFE Energía LLC, in both publications, it is recognized that they are associated for the
installation, operation and purchase of gas from NFE.

In other words, New Fortress was already selling gas to PREPA in a $1.5 billion contract; Now with the
privatization of PREPA in the hands of Genera, which is also a subsidiary of NFE, it will still sell the gas to
Genera and the same will happen with the so-called temporary contracts, Weston will buy the gas from


For Pedro Saadé Lloréns, an expert in Environmental Law and knowledgeable about the history of the
installation of the gas port in San Juan, of the NFE company, it is questionable who is doing adequate
supervision, monitoring these relationships and operations in the face of uncertainty and system failures.

He explained that the background for these temporary contracts is that Luma Energy took advantage of
the situation of Hurricane Fiona to raise the need for additional generation. Even when he pointed out that
one of the difficult points facing the country is that it is known that there are deficiencies in the energy
system, Saadé Lloréns questioned whether the solutions that these companies are giving us are the
correct ones, and those that are possible for the country.

The questions include the fact that the NFE facilities were built with the approval of the Puerto Rican
government, that did not require it to comply with environmental laws, processes and requirements, for
which reason community and environmental groups, and even the office of Congresswoman Nydia
Velázquez, presented their objections to the Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) FERC
confirmed that NFE had to present an application for the construction and operation of said port to the

Even though FERC ordered it to stop the operation, this has not happened and it continues to operate.
New Fortress Energy even challenged the FERC's determination in court, and lost.

In other words, the operation of NFE is illegal.

Mr. Saadé Lloréns denounced that both FERC and the government of Puerto Rico have the responsibility
to pass scrutiny on this process of the NFE operation, instead of being a discretionary one at the
convenience of a particular operator, as it seems to be.

Professor Agustín Irizarry, a member of the Queremos Sol coalition, reacted to the US Corps of
Engineer's measures:

“The United States Congress wants to sell gas and has found a perfect pliers in the Corps of Engineers
that only has military solutions and classic solutions to energy problems. He doesn't do an energy
conservation program, or a program to micro-grid solar systems even if his life depends on it. The only
thing they know how to do is get a contractor to bring in a machine that burns methane, put it anywhere,
for example, Afghanistan, Iran, wherever they invade, and then run a military base. That structure is the
one they use when they call them in an emergency.”

Regarding the government of Puerto Rico, he denounced that, "government is not interested in
implementing solutions with renewable energy storage either, so it turns around and tells the United
States government to find solutions and the solution it brings is that."

He added that the only structure that the US Corps of Engineer's follows to award contracts, is the call the
Corps makes for proposals.

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