dự án về tiết kiệm năng lượng

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Xin chào các bạn, tôi là hiền đây.

Tôi là thành viên của tổ 2, rất vui khi

được đứng đến để thay mặt nhóm tôi trình bày với các bạn về chủ đề ‘
tiết kiệm năng lượng’.
Nhắc đến tiết kiệm năng lượng, chắc hẳn nhiều bạn sẽ đặt ra những câu
hỏi như: “ Năng lượng là gì ?” “ tại sao phải tiết kiệm năng lượng” và “
làm thế nào để tiết kiệm năng lượng”.
Vậy bây giờ hãy để tôi giải đáp nhưng thắc mắc của bạn về tiết kiệm
năng lượng nhé

cc c Hi guys, I'm hiền here. I am a member of group 2, very happy to

stand up to represent my group to present to you on the topic of 'saving
When it comes to saving energy, many of you will probably ask
questions such as: "What is energy?" “why to save energy” and “how to
save energy” right?
So now let me answer your questions about energy saving.
Simply put, energy is a natural resource; is a form of matter derived
mainly from two: solar energy and energy in the ground.

As you know energy is very important in our daily life. We use

energy for almost everything we do. However energy is limited. We
should do the following things to save energy. Firstly, we should use
electricity more efficiency, we had better reduce our electricity bills by
replacing an ordinary 100-watt light bulb with an energy-saving bulb,
turning off the light and other electrical appliances when we don’t you
them or unnecessary. In addition, many of you have bad habits such as
opening the refrigerator for a long time when not needed, that wastes a
lot of power.So from now you should limit the numbers of times the
refrigerator is opened and the time it is opened. Secondly, we needed to
saving water by taking showers instead of baths because baths use tiwce
as much water as showers. And turning off the faucet after use.The next
tip is reducing the use of fossil fuels like gas, coal, oil. It is not only
saving enery but also protect our environment. To do this, we can go to
school or go to work by bike or public transport instead of car and
motobike. In short we should try our best to save energy for our future
and for our planet’s future.

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