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<8 eurofins Product Testing " EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE & 12) Equpmentininded for use i potently explosive tmosphere Dsetive 201424 Anne (8) Cantesle Number EPTATATEX2870X issue 4 1A) Eauorent SOLDO™ Limit witch bor series SF (SIF), SS (SIS) 15] Manutacturer: ROTORK INSTRUMENTS ITALY S.R.L. 6) Ate Va Perio 17-24050 ol Ss (80) aly [7] Ths equipment and its accepted variavons are specie inthe annex to this Cerete [2] Eurfins Product Testng tly Sr, Notified ody n 0477 n accordance wih Arie 21 ofthe Directive 20T4S8IEU ofthe European Pariament and of te Counc of Zot February 2014, certs tat tis ‘Squipment has been found to comely wit the Exrertia Heath and Safety Reguremont relating fhe Sesign and eorstncton of eaupment nlnded fr use i peentaly explosive atmospreres glen Sonex lof the Drecive. The examination and test resus are recorded Inthe voniental Report WePT22REL0aD119020 [9] Compliance wih the essential heath and safety requirements is assured though the vetfcaton of ‘hem and by conglance wih te folowing harmonize stands EN IEC 60079-02046, EN 60079-11:2012, EN 60070-1:2014 110] Ifthe sign is placed ater the Carfcate number, it indcstes that the equipment is subject to the Specal conditions fr sae Use specie in the annex to tis Cera (1) This EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE relates only othe design the exam andthe tests of he species equipment Fomor requremenis of the Ovectve 2014/24EU apply to te manufacture and supply of this aunt These requrements are ot cbect of his Cotes {121 The enupmentsnatincce son ) she olonng sings 140) 200 as ExhinGTioa®e: Tmnt10¢ bs” ExibINC TAC. Trasc pp ERWICTOSC..T127°6 Db Place and det ofesue “Torino, 0808-20 oe Eons Product Testng Hay Sr. Va. Guorgne 2 - 10158 Torna - ala Netfed Body N-0477 £8 eurofins Product Testing 3) na) 19 annex Q EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N. EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 4 Equipment description “The iit switch box seras SS wih body in stainlss stool and SF wit body in alumisum alloy Iataal (also refared to SIG and SIF tespecivaly ee eleticl dovces used to inca the Boston for example vales and actuators, by means ofeecrcal signal and visual indestr ‘These srs mounted on actuator or manual va win external evr or gear The cable ens are machines according metic ISO 865-1 thread (MZOx1 or MZSxt 5) NET thvead 0”) or aternatvety canbe plan. ‘The it sutch boxes can be confgured by the manuactuer according one of he flowing main configurations: “ain Configuration 1: Gox with mpl apparatus swiches, Upto eur contacts SPOT (or2 KOPOT) eectomectania! or red ype, + Malin Configuration 2: Boxwih simple apparatisswiches + SMT Endo Line montong ‘encapsulated resistors Up io feurcontcts SPOT (or2 xDPOT)etcromechanical or red yp, + Main Configuration 3: Boe wih simple apparatus switches + THT End of Line mantring (ot encapsulates) resistors Up to fur contacts SPOT (or2 xDPOT) elacromechanical or rod typ. + Main Configuration 4 Box ith Ex cerifedindetve proxy switches Up to four procmty swiches «Main Configuration 8: Box th Ex certified transmit and potentmetr. Up's one postion tancmiter mechanicaly ‘connected to the iiomal camshaft and te petentometer + Main Configuration 6: Box with single apparatus switches, Ex cerfed Wansmiter and peteniometer Up to two contacts SPOT (or 1 x DPDT) electomechancl or teed type, and one postion transmitter mechanally connected tothe remal canna and the ptentamelet, + Main Configuration 7: 80x with € cartes inducbve proximity switches, Ex ceifed transmit and potonometr. Up two proximity ewiches and ene poston wansmitec machancaly connected to the eral camshaft and the potetometor Configurators witha lower numberof stones can be realzed. The iit swices are mounted on Crcut bear or dedeated support pate and are interfaced to the camshaft, tis component Intrvenes meznanialy (or ectoraghetcaly) onthe suthes changing the sat. Some PCBs used nth above mendonod conguratons can alo clude resistors used to craw a Small quanty of cuent fom the assoced apparatus and tren alowing to ery remetly @ poental wing wtetupton or shor eat (his tahngue lscaleg Ene of Line manta) ‘ion the equipment marked accorng the itnstely efe requirements can Be powered vp ‘onl by means of nrinse safety bares (assisted paras). inthis case each such has tobe connected oan indvial channel of nine safety brie and i case of presence of double throw coriact (2g. SPDT and DPDT switch) only one cantata te \CCREDIA, Euros Product Testing Waly Sr - Via Cuergr6, 21 - 10186 Terno Hala Noted Boay N 0477 £8 eurofins | Product Testing 4) EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N.EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 ‘an be used and then he common connection owe intinsialy safe barrier is fomasen Depending onthe ambient temperature range al the above mentoned contguratons can be aio ‘rovded wit a maximum numba of two surge potecos (upto two Independent channels ach ‘e) connected in pari wi the iit aches te racine afety related slsctreal parameters and Clot these devees are taten ino account by the manulatre in the final nut parameters ‘marked on the Ex equpmont ‘The eit swch boxes can ako be used without er connection to the itnsicaly ate apparatus nly forusein Zone 21 ard inthis case the potecion pe 6B’ and EPL s "Do ‘The equipment can be manufactured wi deren o-ngs and gaskets mater, these variants afi the extnsion ofthe equpmentambentemperatue rangos as faows EPDM gaskets: S06 + 00° Siicone gaskets 60°C - 105°C Electrical parameters Safety relate eectica parameters applicable to the intrinsically saf ye of protection +o with simple apparatus swcnes Uca0V ie 100mA Pe 750mW_ _UeOuH —CeouF "Bon with imple apparatus ents * SMT Endaf Line mentoring encapsulated resietore Uesoy te toomA. PL 300mW — UeOul CR Ou "Bor with sips apparatus snthes + THT End of Lina manorng (nat encapsultd) resistors Ursov th 10DmA PL 20mW Lm OUH — CROUF *Box with Ex carted inductive proximity svtches andor Box wth Ex cored transmitor and patentomotr ‘Tha safety related electrical parameters correspond to those defined foreach indvitual akeady ceed Ex Equpment internal) instal Note: Ci and Li parameters lated tthe oh y at involved: ni te [otector are summed fo the parameters of fe sich fo whch ted. usta typeof cect x 250 Vac: 4A 247W ote: Surge protectors arent alowed i tis version TEES etic een EASE eacncoae CA iomia Buch Se ‘Eurofin Prouet Testing Waly $1 - Via Guogne, 21 -10186 Tone Rata Netted Body N 0477 + eurofins Product Testing ua ANNEX €& 4) EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE. N. EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 Warning abel Do not open in a gaslust explosive atmosphere Duo to Fisk of ttc hazard the enclosure mst be cnly leaned with a dam cbth Do not open whan energized = Fr sat instucion refers to 1OM Routine tests None ambient temperature range, temperature limits and _Boswihse mpti wach Sens | ey seatvcoe rence [teow [8 as ee Eset be demeres a ACCREDIA CREME ve msnscimutnanpnesomneny —DroeiveResponnble i a peas Piece zahee Euros Prouet Testing Waly S 1 - Via Guogee, 21 - 10758 Torna - Kale Noted Body N 0477 eurofins Product Testing ta, ANNEX €) wa EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N. EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 vosiapceriscs |aarngierts | escrca | Gilets) [eotgwcs _[permetee | spe Petr atoms using erts Go |uanrgrtsce | emcne! “ba fengorsueroce |uasingcrtzcs |umangrerece [sic cs edebn [Sees pension | supe Pec eos uss [seagate ™ [BPE see rons Product Testing Illy Sr. - Via Guorgne, 21 - 10186 Torino = aa Noied Boay N.0477" eurofins Product Testing ta ANNEX | ia EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N.EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 4 ferenowcronae |Nunrgerisca |raangcertsce |everca! aus |r Dar set ites_| Se Pte tos career T Iempontse oe Iusageertace | emia an ‘der ramet | Suge Pec some - Ming (sca Note 1. The equpment temperate ange deste he wot cmpanen arbi! enpaauefage ‘Brame Bar coed paaton ransnior an cored nce ace. “raat anon eporaire ange 40°0 > 485 Inductive ste ae epertre ange “60 100°C ‘he coupmert tamper onge nthe case 40°C 85°C (ie wesion wh icone gasket hs fo been Danio Buena Eons Product Testing lly S¢-.- Via Guogee, 21 - 10786 Tenino Hala Noted Body N-0477 3) 4) 116) um 118) Eee ¢ eurofins Product Testing an ® EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE, N.EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 ‘Net 2 hen he suge protec sna he catty rcod put ciel pornstars mars on te It igh box ue Be reaances aramaar land Lae hen by he sige pec caiese (Gunmedsowe ch ince seine when eae) Nate 3- Wen th equpment corns ses hes have tobe of he ne pe Nat 4- Won aod cried poxinty sutchestrnamer are ieedn the equines. he marked temperature cane eed othe manu anion eparatre a deamibed yn crite of ee Svs. Fsteore when ers tan one ead cred pony eel are tari) inclu, he reves aie empertur values ech temperature casein soos terparere ‘Snail sup pranlerse edvod toate colton acer targeahe nae ‘elim sth foe [Assossmont Report n° EPT-22.REL.03/2119020 ‘This EU-Type Examination Certfoate ie released afer the postive oul of the conformity Assessment of the Counel Directive 2014/34EU and to harmonized tecneal standards Ist {his crtcate performed by the Not Body Euetins Product Testing aly Sand reported the Assesoment Rapa above tod ‘Special condition fora safe use ‘cola tal varsions - Poort locos charging hazard, see nsuction mania for deals ‘Aosloale cnt inlet sate version SF encloses are mainly mace of alumina mtrl and tna a proper inetaltion has o be ‘abeered when piace in environment asad Zone 0 and Zane 20 to alsa ion Razard fe to mpact or fiction Each switch inated inthe equpmont has tobe powered oly by a single channel of cerifed inna safe bare: Where enangeover contacts afe cluded in sche, only one cont at {ime can be used and ten ne commen seca connection of wo inns safely baer can Be oneved, Essential Health and Safety Requirements ‘Assured by complance wits hamonzed standards ayy Eros Preduet Testing Waly Sr. - Via Guogne, 21 10186 Teena Kata Noted Boay N 047 “8 eurofins Product Testing tia ANNEX & m4) EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N.EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 [19] Descriptive documents ‘The equpment object of thie Cevticate are deserted by the falling documents that are scheduled documents and teefore they cannot be modfed wincut he expt authozabon of ennted sy Fie of ocak Bement [new [Date Teck nte 720. 2 os ora0H “Drawing and scheme (Shedule drawing and related = ae ermwing) 208 022002 “instar & Operating wal F nny sate Ost 2onsene isto ye of svtche, conponenisand eee [A carson Tempe fable isis] fos ona Fig diagram ae ie 1 |aso3 am cofguratns Cha as o[asaxam Gesrenc dance betwen tare condcing ars [ANE olos.or022 Note Ac is nce before the ie of docurante that are new or reveed (20) Torms and conditions ‘The product aby rests withthe Manufacturer, his representative or, in the absence of a Fepreteniatve, wih the ipor, in aczordanes th te General Product Safely Drectve Doves. ‘The folowing condons may render this cetiate vals ‘changes inthe design orconstucton ofthe product, ‘+ changes oramendments to he Diecive; + changes or amendments inthe stands which fom the basi for documenting omplance wi ie essental equremans ofthe 2014/S4EU Drectve, BENT msc ntternsgmney Oi en SE eatin Eons Product Testing Waly Sr.- Via Guogne, 21 - 10186 Torino Kaa Noted aay N 0477" 113) 1a) <3 eurofins Product Testing ANNEX EU-TYPE EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE N.EPT 17 ATEX 2870 X issue 1 21) History & ae 0 | Frat Emision Date 2022017 1 [The equipment as been asassad acoorang othe Hadad ENTES ‘30078-02018. Ana iit sien box coniguraton that inches SMT Endo Line Trontorng encapsulated resistors has een added - Anew int swten box coniguraton featuring suge protectors has been ‘pe Psion ransmites have been icles in heli of aeody corted snd the maximum surface temperatures have ambient tomperature range and power ‘Supply partes fr great ex, 8062022 131318) /N Dionisio Bucchies ae, Eurotns Product Testng tay Srl - Via Guorgre, 2 - 10156 Toro Noted Boay N 0477

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