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C. Look at the words highlighted in the paragraphs and use them to complete the table below.

firstly, besides, for instance, furthermore, in other words, the way I see it,

however, first of all, apart from that, finally, also, personally, I believe

Listing / Adding points:

________________________, ________________________, to begin / start with, secondly, _____________________,

in addition, moreover, _______________________, ____________________________, ____________________________,
___________________________, lastly, last but not least, _______________________
Expressing contrast:

_________________________, but, although, while, on the one hand, on the other hand
Giving examples:

_________________________, for example, such as

Giving opinion:

________________________________, ________________________________, in my opinion / view, from my point

of view

D. Imagine that the head teacher of your school has announced that computer classes are now
compulsory for all students in primary and secondary schools. Do you think this is a good
idea? Make a list of advantages and disadvantages in the table below. Do you think there are
more advantages than disadvantages?


• Students will become skilled at using computers, as well as the Internet.

• Students will be able to use computers quickly and effectively which will help them
when doing work or research for other subjects.
• Computers will help students learn more about the world around them and help them
keep up with the latest developments.


• Money that would have been spent on other things such as sport facilities, will have to
be spent on buying computers and later on, repairing and updating them.
• Students may develop an unhealthy interest in computers, which may result in them
not doing other things like sports and hobbies that could help them develop other

E. Read the writing task below and write a paragraph expressing your opinion. Use your ideas
from activity D.

Computer classes should be compulsory for all students in primary and secondary schools.
Do you agree?


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