Workplace Meeting Final Term

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Workplace Meeting

• Rabbia Zubair

• Mahnoor Tahir
Rabbia Zubair
What is Workplace
r Idea
Workplace meetings are typically
defined as three or more individuals
coming together to discuss a work-
related matter. They are typically
scheduled in advance, last between
thirty and sixty minutes, and can be
conducted face-to-face, or through
social discuss.
Most common type of Meetings
Information Decision- Problem- Innovation
sharing making solving
meetings meetings
meetings The focus of
The majority of Problem-solving
These meetings business decisions meetings are one
meetings is to come
are all about are made in of the most
up with new ideas,
informing meetings. These difficult meeting
designing or
attendees about a meetings are to types to hold.
specific issue or create unity These decisions
products, or
sharing around the can be crucial to
developing entirely
information. decision that is the development of
new approaches for
created. a team or product.
your business.
Meeting Etiquette - Codes of Conduct
while attending Meetings

Try to find Never attend Always keep Do not attend

out what the meetings without your cell phone phone calls
meeting is all a notepad and on the silent or during
about. pen. vibrator mode. meetings
Meeting Etiquette - Codes of Conduct
while attending Meetings

Superiors Never be late for Be a good Maintain your

must create meetings. listener. And be body posture.
an agenda Polite.
before every
6 tips to make work meetings more
productive and valuable

1. Always plan 2. Start on time. 3. Stay focused.

your meetings in

4. Give everyone a 5. Clarify action 6. Recap after the

chance to speak. items as you go. meeting.
MAHnoor TAHir

It's important to schedule and hold

Why is it
meetings because they provide
employees with the opportunities
to discuss their thoughts, ideas
important to and concerns in a comfortable
and collaborative environment.
schedule a This can boost energy levels,
work culture and collaboration

meeting? among coworkers.

6 REASONS of conducting meetings
Here are common reasons to hold meetings with team members:
1. Sharing important company information
Scheduling company-wide meetings remain informed of significant changes
happening to the company and encouraging them to engage and share updates on
their departments to keep everyone informed and engaged.

2. Making key decisions.

There may be moments where team members or senior employees make
important decisions that could impact their department or the company overall.
This can lead them to schedule a meeting with each other to share ideas and
feedback with one another.
6. Asking for feedback
If you're searching for ways to improve processes within the organization,
consider conducting a meeting where employees share their feedback and
3. Providing updates on a project's status
You can regularly schedule meetings with employees to learn how far they've
progressed with their tasks, if they believe they can submit the assignment on time
and what additional resources they need to complete all of their work items. These
meetings can be important as they provide you with insight into the employees'
performances and how on track you are to submitting the entire project by the client's
expected due date.
4. Brainstorming new ideas
An effective way to develop innovative ideas is through conducting brainstorming sessions with
your team. These collaborative meetings encourage employees to listen to each other's ideas
and express their own opinions.

5. Solving organizational challenges

Meetings can be an effective place for employees to use their problem-solving skills and critical
thinking skills to solve any ongoing organizational challenges.
Managing Meetings with
5 tips to help you plan, host and
document your meetings.
Holding meetings can be challenging,
especially when you have staff in
different locations around the country or
around the world.
Workplace makes it easy to connect,
share your work, and have real human
interactions with anyone in your
organization, anywhere, and at any time.
How to do it in Workplace

1. Prepare for your meeting with polls

2. Create an event in your team group
3. Set up your Workplace video call
4. Take notes and document action
5. Go live to broadcast a meeting
Benefits of Tips
Centralize all meeting materials: video
recording, notes, and event planning.
Meeting notes make collaborative, have
people add their own notes to the
Workplace document.
Document action keep items and track of
jobs to be done.
Hold meetings anywhere, anytime with
Workplace by video and audio calling.
Broadcast a meeting to share project
results and showcase your team's work to
your department or the entire organization.
Prepare yourself for business
meetings and follow a few simple
rules to make yourself stand out like
a star performer instead of a sore thumb.
Here are six suggestions.
1. Come prepared. If there is an agenda,
review it.
2. Think before you speak. Admittedly, this
is easier for some people than others,
based on their communication style
3. Be willing to speak
5. Ask questions
6. Put your phone away
Workplace meetings are an important
element of business management.
Meetings enable you and your employees to
communicate and share information,
solve problems or resolve disputes, improve
performance, build teamwork and move
projects forward.
Thank you!

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