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Refer back to the reading by Schoenbach, et al. (2012).

● What are the major differences between vertical and horizontal text sets?
● Hypothesize and explain an example of a situation where one type of text set
may be more beneficial than the other


A teacher creates a collection of multiple texts before they begin instruction which are

called text sets (Zimmermann, 2019). There are vertical text sets which comprise of different

reading materials on one topic (Schoenbach et al., 2012). Referring back to the reading while

teaching the topic- Hitler to grade 11 students, there can be a variety of reading texts like a brief

description of the Mein Kampf, the ideas of Mein Kampf from a textbook or a passage from the

Mein Kampf. Thus would help different levels of students specially the ones on a weaker level to

be able to read texts at a simpler level which helps them understand better. It helps to build their

confidence and strengthen their prior knowledge and enable the student to take on deeper and

extensive reading (Creating text sets, n.d.).

Horizontal texts are a bit different from vertical texts. The main difference being that

horizontal texts are selected following a particular theme and collating material around it with

different viewpoints (Schoenbach et al., 2012). Referring back to the same example of teaching

Hitler, there can be a variety of texts like a passage of Mein Kampf with the details of the

Holocaust survivors. There could be more data like a poster or a pamphlet or an article which

talks about the main topic anti – Semitism. These kind of texts help to build understanding and

knowledge and then with the additional texts it helps deepen the knowledge by building their

interest and making reading fun.

Both the kinds of texts have their benefits and drawbacks in working towards building

knowledge. What needs to be done is a selection of the correct type of texts that needs to be

used. The main focus must be on the goal of what needs to be inculcated. For example, when the

goal is to make the students write a persuasive essay where different perspectives need to be

considered it is important to ensure students read newspapers and articles and can conclude

based on their readings and so in such a situation horizontal texts are more beneficial.

It is very important for the teacher to select appropriate texts related to the topic which

help students to build on to their knowledge. Both vertical and horizontal texts should be selected

based on the interest of the students and their level of understanding and comprising the

requirement of the curriculum. Both vertical and horizontal texts are helpful to develop the habit

of reading among students so that they are equipped to handle more complex situations

eventually (Schoenbach et al., 2012). It is rightly said by Gail Ivey, that when teachers make the

shift from textbook oriented classrooms to multi text classrooms, the focus shifts from content to

concepts (as cited in Creating text sets, Para 1).


Creating Text Sets. (n.d.).

Schoenbach, R. Greenleaf, C. Murphy, L., Cziko, C. & Hurwitz, L. (2012). Reading for

understanding: How reading apprenticeship improves disciplinary learning in secondary

and college classrooms. John Wiley & Sons (Inc).

Zimmermann, L. (n.d.). Filling the gaps: Text sets build background knowledge and improve

comprehension of informational texts.


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