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Discussion Report

# 12 Topic - How to get Mainstream Media to Talk About Culture

Initiator - Bettina Forget Participants - Laura Kneale, Lara Beupre, Sundus Abdul Hadi, Carole Boucher, Shelagh Plunkett, Heidi Barkun, Melanie Grondin, Cogo Riot, Josh Usheroff, Jim Howray (?) Discussion Key Points Objectives Engaging with mainstream media to increase the visibility of culture Benefits Reaching the largest possible audience, as well as reaching a new audience (ie not an audience already in the cultural sphere) Changing the dialogue about culture, increase the appreciation of culture by the electorate Giving artists increased visibility so artists can become financially self-sustaining Definition of mainstream media Traditional newspapers, national and local TV, national and local radio Question: do we, as Anglophone artists, tend to target English media? What are the obstacles to engaging with francophone media? Strategies Use the ripple effect: a) start by targeting smaller, local media outlets, b) then create a buzz, c) the information travels up the chain to the larger media outlets a) Community Media Your local media outlets include community radio and TV stations, community newspapers, bloggers Also consider guerrilla tactics such as posters, stickers, mobs Benefit of supporting your community media: break your artistic isolation, network, create interesting ideas-driven content Readership of local, community newspapers is up, so you can reach a large audience. Question: Do we need mainstream media to access a mainstream audience? The Buzz Creating a buzz can be a challenge if your cultural event is of a short duration, which means you need to consider a long-term communication strategy.

Discussion Report


Your message is the most important ingredient: make it easy for the editor and create a press release which has a hook they can sell to the editor. Suggestions: make it topical, focus on your community. Consider tailoring the tone of the release to the media outlet youre targeting. The Mainstream Media Content Paradox More Canadians attend cultural events than sporting events, yet sporting events get a majority of the mainstream media coverage. We can change this by explaining the financial impact and social benefit of culture in Canada get people to demand coverage of cultural events. Newspapers print what people want to read. Other strategies of getting the word out Get involved with groups and associations, they will help you promote your event Take your cultural event to where the audience is

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