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Dental Anatomy

Dr. Mohamed Al-Dilami.

 Permanent maxillary premolars.

 Maxillary first premolar.
 Maxillary second premolar.
 Mandibular first premolar.
 Mandibular second premolar.
 The permanent maxillary molars.
 Maxillary first molar.
 Maxillary second molar.
 Maxillary third molar.
 Mandibular first molar.
 Mandibular second molar.
 Mandibular third molar.
 Deciduous teeth.
 Maxillary deciduous teeth.
 Mandibular deciduous teeth.
 Dental Anatomy.
Permanent Maxillary Premolars

The maxillary first premolar is larger than the maxillary second

.premolar. They succeed the deciduous molars
They are also called bicuspids (having 2 cusps), but this name is not
widely used because the mandibular first premolar has one
.functional cusp, and the mandibular second premolar has 3 cusps
The Premolars are between the canine and molars and share between
:them in
:The form .1
The buccal aspect of the premolar resembles that of the canine and the
.occlusal aspect of the premolar resembles that of the molar
:The functional .2
The premolar can tear the food as the canine and it can grind the food as
.the molars
:The position .3
The premolar is situated between the canine and the molars and they are
.in the center of the dental arch

:Some characteristics common to all posterior teeth

Greater relative facio-lingual measurement as compares with the .1
.mesiodistal measurement (maxillary)
.Broader contact areas .2
.Contact areas nearly at the same level .3
.Less curvature of the cervical line mesially and distally .4
.Shorter crown, cervico-occlusally when compared with anterior teeth .5
Maxillary First Premolar

:Principle identifying feature

.Two sharply defined cusps, buccal 1mm longer than the lingual .1
.Mesial slope of the buccal cusp is longer than the distal slope .2
Two roots, buccal and palatel (lingual). The bifurcation is at middle 1/3 .3
.of the root
Developmental depression on mesial surface of the crown extending to .4
.the root
.Central developmental groove interrupts the mesial marginal ridge .5
.The occlusal outline is angular .6

:Buccal Aspect
.The crown is roughly trapezoidal .1
Buccal surface of the crown is convex with a strongly developed .2
middle buccal ridge which is continuous from the tip of the cusp to the
.cervical line
The mesial outline of the crown is slightly concave above the contact .3
.The distal outline is almost straight line above the contact area .4
A pointed buccal cusp tip with along straight mesial slope and a short .5
.curved distal slope
.The contact areas are nearly at the same level with each other .6
The contact areas (creast of curvature) lie immediately occlusal to the .7
.half way point from the cervical line to the tip of the buccal cusp
Mesial height of contour at the junction of the occlusal and middle 1/3.
Distal height of contour slightly apical to mesial.

:Lingual aspect
The crown is tapered towards the lingual because the crown is .1
.narrower mesiodistally in the lingual aspect
The lingual cusp is smooth and spheroidaly, the cusp tip is pointed .2
.with mesial and distal slopes meeting at 90 degree angle
The lingual cusp is shorter than the buccal cusp by 1mm and displaced .3
. mesially

:Mesial Aspect
The crown is roughly trapezoidal, the longest uneven side is towards .1
.the cervical line and the shortest is toward the occlusal portion
The tip of the cusps are well within the confines of the root trunk, that .2
is measurement from the tip of the buccal cusp to the tip of the lingual
cusp is less than the bucco-lingual measurement of the root at its cervical
.The cervical line has less curvature (1mm) than in any anterior tooth .3
The buccal outline is convex, the crest of curvature is within the .4
cervical third (near the junction between cervical and middle 1/3) and
.then is straight less convex to the cusp tip
The lingual outline is convex; the crest of curvature is within the .5
.middle third (near the center of the middle 1/3)
The mesial marginal ridge is at the level of the junction of the middle .6
and occlusal third and is crossed by mesial marginal developmental
.The root is bifurcated for half its total length .7
The mesial developmental depression starts from the contact area .8
.extend to the bifurcation area
:Distal Aspect
:The differences from the mesial aspect are
.The curvature of the cervical line is less than mesially .1
.There is no developmental groove crossing the distal marginal ridge .2
There is no developmental depression. So The crown surface is almost .3
.convex at all points
The root trunk is flattened on the distal surface above the cervical line, -4
.(with no development groove leading to bifurcation)

:Occlusal Aspect
It resemble an unequilateral hexagon, the buccal sides are equal. The .1
mesial side is shorter than distal side, and the mesio-lingual side is shorter
.than the disto-lingual side
.The distal crest of curvature is buccal to the mesial crest of curvature .2
The bucco-lingual dimension is much greater than the mesio-distal .3
The occlusal surface is circumscribed by the cusps and marginal .4
A central developmental groove divides the crown bucco-lingually, it .5
crosses from distal side to the mesial which joins with the mesial
.marginal groove
.The lingual cusp is pointed more sharply than the buccal cusp .6
In the mesial and distal triangular fossa there are two developmental .7
grooves (mesio-buccal and disto-buccal groove respectively) joins the
central groove. The junction (joins) of the grooves make developmental
.pits (mesial developmental pit and distal developmental pit)
 TBC: Tip
of buccal Cusp.
 MBCR: Mesiobuccal cusp ridge.
 MBDG: Mesiobuccal development groove.
 MTF: Mesial triangular fossa.
 MMDG: Mesial Marginal development groove.
 MMR: Mesial Marginal ridge.
 MLCR: Mesiolingual cusp ridge.
 LTR: Lingual triangular ridge.
 TLC: Tip of lingual Cusp .
 CG: Central Groove. ( Central development groove ).
 DLCR :Distolingual cusp ridge.
 DMR :Distal Marginal ridge.
 DTF: Distal triangular fossa .
 DPDG: Distobuccal Development groove .
 BTR: Buccal triangular ridge.
 DBCR :Distobuccal cusp ridge.
Maxillary Second Premolars
:Principle identifying features
.The buccal and lingual cusps are more nearly at the same height .1
.The mesial slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than distal slope .2
.The mesial surface has no developmental depression .3
.A single root .4
.The occlusal outline of the crown is more rounded or oval .5
The central developmental groove is shorter and more irregular with .6
.more supplemental grooves on the occlusal surface
.The marginal ridges are wider .7
.There is no mesial marginal groove crossing the mesial marginal ridge .8
The Occlusal shape more oval (rounded) than the first premolar -9
.which is more angular
Mandibular First Premolar

It is always smaller than the second. It is situated between the canine

.and the second premolar and resembles in function and shape

:Buccal Aspect
The crown is roughly trapezoidal in shape with a prominent middle .1
.buccal ridge which is continuous from the cusp tip to the cervical line
The cervix of the mandibular first premolar crown is narrower .2
.mesiodistally than the crown width at the contact areas
.The mesial slope of the buccal cusp is shorter than the distal slope .3
.The contact areas are broad and at the same level .4
The tip of the buccal cusp is sharp and located mesial to the long axis .5
.of the crown
The buccal surface of the crown more convex than in the maxillary .6
.The root is 3 to 4 mm shorter than the mandibular canine .7

:Lingual Aspect
The major portion of the crown is made up of the lingual lobe ,this
.makes it resemble the canine
The crown and root tapers lingually and the occlusal surface inclines .1
.greatly cervically
The lingual cusp is poorly developed but it is pointed and is always .2
small. So the entire occlusal surface is usually seen well from this view
.since the lingual cusp is very short
There is a mesiolingual developmental groove divides the mesiobuccal .3
and lingual lopes, and it extends into the mesial fossa of the occlusal
The mesiolingual developmental groove is evident at the mesiolingual .4
.line angle

:Mesial Aspect
The tip of the buccal cusp nearly reaches the center of the root and the .1
convexity of the lingual outline of the crown will be lingual to the lingual
.outline of the root
The buccal outline is very curved and the crest of curvature is near the .2
.cervical third of the crown
The lingual outline is less curved than the buccal with the crest of .3
curvature in the center of the middle third near the tip of the small/short
.lingual cusp
The linghth of the lingual cusp is 2/3 of the buccal cusp from the .4
.cervical line to the cuso tip
The surface of the crown mesially is smooth except for the .5
.mesiolingual groove
.The lingual cusp is thin and short .6
:Distal Aspect
.The distal marginal ridge is higher with less lingual inclined .1
.There is no curvature of the cervical line .2
There is no distolingual developmental groove on the distal marginal .3
The distal marginal ridge runs at approximately 90 degrees to the long .4
axis of the tooth and therefore does not have the marked gingival incline
.see on the mesial marginal ridge
.The major portion of this aspect of the crown is smoothly convex.5
.The surface of the root is exhibits more convexity than was mesially .6
.A shallow developmental depression is centered on the root .7

:Occlusal Aspect
.The buccal ridge is prominent .1
The mesiobuccal and distobuccal line angles are rounded and .2
.The crown converges sharply to the center of lingual surface .3
.The marginal ridges are well developed .4
There is a big buccal triangular ridge and a small lingual tringular .5
.There are two fossae: mesial and distal .6
The mesial contact area is smaller than the distal contact area because .7
it is constricted by the mesiolingual developmental groove, which found
.in most type of the mandibular first premolar
The Central groove is often absent due to the prominence of the .8
.transverse ridge in the center of the occlusal surface
Much of the buccal surface is visible in this view due to the lingual .9
.inclination of the buccal cusp

:Principles Identifying Features

.A great lingual inclination of the crown .1
Two cusps: The buccal is larger and the lingual is like a more .2
.developed cingulum
.The mesiolingual developmental groove .3
Mandibular Second Premola
1t is the largest of the mandibular premolars and has two common
The three cusps type which occurs mostly. which appear more .1
.angular from the occlusal aspect
The two cusps type. which appear more rounded from the occlusal .2

:Buccal Aspect
The buccal cusp is shorter and less pointed than the .1
mandibular first premolar, but the outline of the crown and root
.from the buccal aspect resembles the first premolar
.The buccal cusp is the largest and longest cusp on this tooth .2
The contact areas are broad and near the same level. at the .3
..junction of the occlusal and middle 1/3
The contact areas appear to be higher because of the short .4
.buccal cusp
The root is broader mesiodistally than that of the mandibular .5
.first premolar
.The root apex is blunt .6
:Lingual Aspect
.1t shows considerable variation from the crown portion
The lingual cusps are more developed than the mandibular .1
.first premolar, making the cusp or cusps longer
The lingual cusps are slightly shorter than the buccal cusp, so .2
we can see the lingual portion of the buccal cusp from this
:A. In the three cusps type
There are two lingual cusps: the mesiolingual cusp which is
larger and longer than the distolingual cusp, and they are
divided by the lingual developmental groove which is displaced
.distally from center
:B. In the two cusps type
There is a large lingual cusp of the same height as in the three
cusps type. There is no lingual groove but there is a
developmental depression distolingual where the lingual cusp
.ridge joins the distal marginal ridge

:Mesial Aspect
The crown and the root are wider buccolingually than the .1
.mandibular first premolar
The buccal cusp is not nearly centered over the root trunk and .2
.it is shorter than the mandibular first premolar
The lingual lobe development is greater, making the lingual .3
.cusp or cusps longer
.There is no mesiolingual developmental groove on the crown .4
.The root is longer with a blunt apex .5
:Distal Aspect
This aspect is similar to the mesial aspect, except that more of
the occlusal (Three cusps) may be seen because the
distolingual cusp is the smallest and shortest cusp, and the distal
marginal ridge is at a lower level than the mesial marginal

:Occlusal Aspect
:A. In the three cusp type

.The occlusal aspect is square in shape .1

The buccal cusp is largest; the mesiolingual cusp is next, .2
.and the distolingual cusp is the smallest
Each cusp has a well-formed triangular ridge separated by .3
the deep developmental grooves converge in central pit and
.form a y shape on the occlusal surface
In the 3-cusp type, there are three occlusal pits, with the .4
.central pit the deepest of the three
There are three developmental grooves starting at the .5
.central pit
A. Mesial developmental groove travels in a mesiobuccal
.direction and ends to the mesial triangular fossa
B. Distal developmental groove travels in a distobuccal
direction and ends in the distal triangular fossa. This groove
.is somewhat shorter than the mesial groove
C. Lingual developmental groove separating the two
.lingual cusps and ends on the lingual surface of the crown
.Supplemental grooves are often seen .5

:B. In the two cusp type

It appears rounded more than the three cusp type, where as .1

.the mesiolingual and distolingual line angles are rounded
There is one well developed lingual cusp directly opposite .2
.the buccal cusp in a lingual direction
.There is some tapering lingually of mesial and distal sides .3
There is a central developmental groove ending in the .4
mesial and distal triangular fossae, and there is supplemental
.grooves radiating from the central groove
Mostly there is a developmental depression crossing the .5
.distolingual cusp ridge
The Permanent Maxillary Molars

These teeth is the largest and strongest maxillary teeth in the bulk and .1
.anchorage in the jaws but shorter than premolar in crown and root
In general these teeth have large crown with 4-well-formed cusps and .2
one supplemental (fifth cusp, tubrical or cusp of carabilli) in the maxillary
.first molar and it has 3 roots 2 buccal and one lingual root
These teeth lower or upper appear in oral cavity when child is 6 years .3
.old, and the mandibular molars precede the maxillary molar
These teeth have no predecessors, as they erupt behind the deciduous .4
Maxillary First Molar
:general landmarks
.It is the largest tooth in the maxillary arch -1
It has four well-developed functional cusps and one supplemental -2
cusp, which called ( cusp or tubercle of Carabelli ), it is located lingual to
.the mesiolingual cusp

It has three roots ;mesiobuccal ,distobuccal, and lingual ,these roots are -3
. well separated and well-developed
.The lingual root is the longest root -4

:Buccal Aspect
The crown is roughly trapezoidal, since the cervical line (represents) .1
.the shorter of the uneven sides
When looking to the buccal aspect, we see the distal side of the crown, .2
.this because the obtuse character of the distobuccal line angle
.Parts of four cusps are seen .3
The mesiobuccal cusp is broader than the distobuccal cusp and its .4
mesial slope meets its distal slope at an obtuse angle while in distobuccal
.cusp these slops meet at right angle approximately
The buccal developmental groove divides the two buccal cusps into 2 .5
approximately equidistant. So in general the Mesiobuccal cusp is wider
.mesiodistally than the distobuccal cusp

The cervical line does not have much curvature from mesial to distal .6
.but in general its convex toward the root
The mesial outline of the crown is nearly straight path downword from .7
.cervical line and reaches the crest of contour at contact area mesially
The contact area mesially located at the junction of the middle and .8
.occlusal third of crown
The distal outline of crown is convex. The crest of this curvature is .9
.located at the half of distance from cervical line to tip of cusp
.The contact area distally located in the middle of the middle third .10
All three roots maybe seen from this aspect and the axes of roots are .11
.inclined distally
The point of bifurcation of the 2 buccal roots is located approximately .12
.4mm above the cervical line
There is a deep developmental groove buccally on the root trunk .13
.which starts at the bifurcation and progresses down word
 DBR :distobuccal root .
 LR : lingual root.
 MBR : mesiobuccal root .
 CL :cervical line .
 DBC : distobuccal cusp .
 MLC :mesiolingual cusp.
 MBC : mesiobuccal cusp .
 BDG :Buccal developmental groove.

:Lingual Aspect

.The outline of distolingual cusp is round and approximately semicircle .1

The lingual developmental groove is confluent with the outline of the .2
distolingual cusp and progressing mesially and cervically and ending at
.the point at the center of lingual surface of the crown
.We cannot see the buccal cusps from lingual aspect .3
The mesiolingual cusp is the largest and longest cusp on this tooth, and .4
.take about 3/5 from the mesiodistal dimention of tooth
The angle formed by the mesial outline of crown and mesial slope of .5
.mesiolingual cusp is almost 90 degrees
The angle formed by the junction of mesial and distal slops of .6
.mesiolingual cusp is obtuse angle
.The distolingual cusp is so spheroidal .7
The fifth cusp appears attached to mesiolingual surface of mesiolingual .8
cusp and the cusp ridge of fifth cusp is 2mm cervically to the ridge of
.mesiolingual cusp
All roots are visible from lingual aspect and the lingual root is the .9
.largest and longest one, and it's conical in shape
All of mesial outline of mesiobuccal root maybe seen from this aspect .10
.and part from its apex
.The mesial outline of distobuccal root is seen above its middle third .11
:Mesial Aspect
From mesial aspect the only cusps in sight are the mesiobuccal, .1
mesiolingual, and fifth cusp because the buccolingual dimention of crown
.from mesial side is greater than buccolingual dimention from distal side
The distobucal root is hidden by the mesiobuccal root because the .2
.mesiobuccal root is broad and flattened
The outline of crown buccally makes a short arc buccally the crest of .3
this curvature within the cervical third of crown, the outline then becomes
slightly concave as it progresses downward and inward to the
.circumscribe of mesiobuccal cusp
The tip of mesiobuccal cusp located within the projection of .4
.mesiobuccal root base
The outline of crown lingually is convex; the crest of this curvature is .5
.near the middle third of crown
The mesial marginal ridge is irregular and the outline curve cervically .6
.about 1/5 of the crown length
The cervical line is irregular and curving occlusally not more than .7
.1mm at any point
The mesial contact area located closer to marginal ridge more than .8
.cervical line
The level of bifucation is closer to cervical line more than that found .9
.between roots buccally
The lingual root is longer than the mesial root but narrower from this .10
:Distal Aspect
Most of buccal surface of crown may be seen from this aspect because .1
the buccolingual measurement is greater in mesial side of crown than
.distal side
The distal marginal ridge dips sharply in cervical direction exposing .2
.part of occlusal surface ridges of crown
.The cervical line is almost straight from buccal to lingual .3
.The distal surface of crown in general convex .4
.The distobuccal root is narrower at its base than others .5
.The bifurcation area here is more apically than others .6
The outline buccally and lingually from this aspect is similar to that of .7
.mesial aspect

:Occlusal Aspect
The maxillary first molar is rhomboidal in shape, the acute angles of .1
this shape are mesiobuccal and distolingual and obtuse angles at
.distobuccal and mesiolingual
The measurement of crown buccolingually in mesial side is greater .2
.than distal side
The mesiodistal measurement of crown at lingual side is greater than at .3
.buccal side
In this tooth we have 4 major cusps and one small minor, the fifth cusp .4
"carabelli cusp" in the lingual surface of the mesiolingual cusp. Buccal
cusp tips are sharper than lingual cusp tips
The mesiolingual cusp is the largest cusp; it is followed by .5
.mesiobuccal cusp, distobuccal, distolingual and fifth cusp in size
:The occlusal surface is described as follows .6
A. 2 major fossae and 2 minor fossae. The major fossae are central fossa,
mesial to the oblique ridge, and distal fossa, distal to the oblique ridge.
The 2 minor fossae are the mesial triangular fossa and the distal triangular
B. The oblique ridge. This ridge crosses the occlusal surface obliquely; it
is formed by union of the triangular ridge of the distobuccal cusp and the
distal ridge of the mesiolingual cusp, this ridge follows the level of the
.marginal ridge of the occlusal surface
.C. Mesial marginal ridge and distal marginal ridge
D. Central developmental groove starting from the central fossa and
progresses in a mesial direction and terminates in the mesial triangular
E. The buccal developmental groove radiates from the central fossa
.buccally between the 2 buccal cusps and terminates at the buccal surface
F. Transverse groove of the oblique ridge joining the central and distal
G. The distal oblique groove which connects with the lingual
.developmental groove
.H. The fifth cusp groove
The occlusal surface is within the confines of the cusp ridges and .7
.marginal ridges
Maxillary Second Molar
:Principle identifying features
.There is no fifth cusp, only four cusps .1
Rhomboidal occlusal outline and narrower mesiodistally than that in .2
.maxillary 1st molar
Roots less divergent approximately have same length with distal .3
.Both distal cusps greatly reduced in size .4
The crown is slightly smaller than the maxillary 1st molar in the lingual .5
."but it has same dimension buccolingually" buccopalatelly
The apex of the palatal root is on line with the distopalatal cusp tip .6
.instead of the palatal groove as which found in the first molar
The apex of the mesiobuccal root is on line with buccal groove of the .7
crown instead of the tip of the mesiobuccal cusp as which found on the
.first maxillary molar
Maxillary Third Molar
:The principle features
The third molar of both arches are often congenitally missing or .1
.Root length and curvature are vary from one to another .2
.The crowns are also vary in size .3
.The crown is shorter and narrower than second molar .4
.The roots are usually fused to one large root .5
.The bifurcation is only in the apical third .6
.Almost occlusal outline resemble heart-shape .7
.There is a little or no distopalatal cusp and palatal cusp is larger .8
The tooth show three function cusps, one palatal and two buccal or it .9
.may show 4 cusps
The distal marginal ridge could be replaced by oplaque ridge in heart .10
. shape
Mandibular First Molar
:Buccal Aspect
.The crown is roughly trapezoidal .1
The mesial contact area is at the junction of the occlusal and the middle .2
.The distal contact area is a little lower than the mesial contact area .3
.The cervical line slightly curves apically .4
There are two developmental grooves between the cusp acting as lines .5
of division between the buccal cusps. The mesiobuccal developmental
.groove is shorter than the distobuccal developmental groove
The mesiobuccal, distobuccal and the distal cusp are clearly visible, .6
and the mesiolingual and distolingual cusp tips are seen because they are
.higher than the others
The mesiobuccal cusp is slightly wider than the distobuccal cusp, .7
together making 80% of the mesiodistal width, the distal cusp makes the
.rest 20%
Mesial outline of the crown is somewhat concave at the cervical third .8
.up to its junction with the convex outline of the contact area
The distal outline of the crown is straight above the cervical line to its .9
.junction with the convex outline of the distal contact areas
.The buccal cusps are flat occlusally, and the distal cusp is rounded .10
The point of bifurcation of the two roots is about 3mm below the .11
.cervical line

:Lingual Aspect
There are three cusps seen: mesiolingual; distolingual; and the lingual .1
portion of the distal cusp. The mesiolingual is the widest mesiodistally
.and has the highest cusp tip, and the distal cusp is the lowest
.The two lingual cusps are pointed and form obtuse angles at cusp tips .2
The lingual developmental groove extends downward for about 1/3 of .3
.the crown length and acts as a line of division between the lingual cusps
Part of the mesial and distal surfaces of the crown and root trunk may .4
.be seen from this aspect

:Mesial Aspect
The crown is rhomboidal in shape with a lingual tilt of the buccal .1
The 2 cusps and one root only are to be seen, the mesiobuccal, .2
mesiolingual cusps and the mesial root because the buccolingual
measurement of the crown and root is greater at the mesial side than that
.it is at distal side
The buccal outline of the crown is convex at the junction of the .3
cervical and the middle third, (buccal cervical ridge), then the outline
.becomes straight to the buccal cusp tip
The lingual outline is less convex with the crest of curvature at the .4
.center of the middle third
.The cervical line is irregular, higher lingually than buccally .5
The buccal cusp is flat and the lingual cusp is sharp with greater cusp .6
The mesial marginal ridge is located 1mm below the level of the cusp .7
:Distal Aspect
Because the crown is shorter distally than mesialy, most of the buccal, .1
.lingual and occlusal surfaces can be seen from the distal aspect
.The distal cusp is located buccal to the tooth long axis .2
The distal marginal ridge is shorter and curves cervically to form an .3
.obtuse angle
.The cervical line is irregular .4
.The lingual border of the mesial root maybe seen .5

:Occlusal Aspect
The crown is rectangular in shape; mesiodistally is longer by 1mm than .1
The buccolingual measurement of the crown is greater on the mesial .2
side than on distal side, and the mesiodistal measurement of the crown is
.greater on the buccal side than in the lingual side
More of the buccal surface of the crown can be seen than of the lingual .3
There are five cusps: mesiobuccal is the largest, mesiolingual, .4
.distolingual, distobuccal and then the distal cusp
.The distal contact area is on the distal cusp .5
:There are four developmental grooves .6
.a. Central developmental groove: It's centrally located
b. Mesiobuccal developmental groove: It divides the mesiobuccal and
.distobuccal cusps
c. Distobuccal developmental groove: It divides the distobuccal and
.distal cusps
d. Lingual developmental groove: It divides the mesiolingual and
.distolingual cusps
:There are three fossae .7
a. Central fossa: it's roughly circular, bounded by the distal slope of the
mesiobuccal cusp, mesial and distal slope of the distobuccal cusp, the
mesial slope of the distal cusp, the distal slope of the mesiolingual cusp
.and the mesial slope of the distolingual cusp
.b. Mesial triangular fossa: It's distal to the mesial marginal ridge
.c. Distal triangular fossa: It's mesial to the distal marginal ridge
:There are three pits .8
.a. Central pit: in the center of the central fossa
.b. Mesial pit: in the mesial triangular fossa
.c. Distal pit: in the distal triangular fossa

:Principle identifying features

.Five cusps; two buccal, two lingual and one distal .1
The buccal surface is curved and lingually inclined with two .2
.developmental grooves
.The crown is wider mesiodistally than buccolingually .3
.Occlusal outline is rectangular in shape .4
.Two well developed roots: one mesial and one distal .5
.The large central fossa which is circular in shape .6
Mandibular Second Molar
:Buccal Aspect
The crown is shorter and narrower mesiodistally than the mandibular .1
.first molar
There is one developmental groove dividing the mesiobuccal and .2
.distobuccal cusps which are equal in size
There are two roots, mesial and distal, those are less broad and are closer .3

:Lingual Aspect
Only the lingual cusps are seen because the tips of the lingual cusps are
.higher than the buccal cusps

:Mesial Aspect
The cervical ridge buccally is less pronounced and the occlusal surface .1
.is constricted buccolingually
.The cervical line shows less or no curvature .2
.The two roots may be seen from this aspect .3
:Distal Aspect
.Absence of the distal cusp and the distobuccal groove .1
.Most of the occlusal surface can be seen from this aspect .2

:Occlusal Aspect
.It's roughly rectangular .1
The central groove is in the center, with buccal and lingual grooves .2
.meeting with the central groove at a right angle
There are four cusps, two buccal and two lingual ( mesiolingual and .3
.disto lingual)
.Many supplemental grooves radiating from the developmental groove .4
Mandibular third Molar
:Principle identifying features
The crown is similar to the mandibular second molar and more .1
.Two roots under developed and often fused .2
.Four cusps (It may be more) .3
.Lingual inclined buccal surface .4
.A great number of supplemental grooves .5
Deciduous Teeth
The deciduous teeth are 20 in number. They start erupting at the age
of 6.5 months (mandibular central incisor), and they finish at the age
.of 20-30 months (mandibular and maxillary second molar)

:Importance of the deciduous teeth

.To allow proper mastication .1
.Prevents malocclusion .2
.Guides the eruption of the permanent teeth .3
.Esthetics and phonetics .4

The deciduous teeth roots fully form after 1.5 year, and after 1-2
years, resorption to these roots starts until exfoliation of the
.deciduous teeth occurs

The eruption pattern of Man's dentition

Deciduous teeth Age (in months)

Mandibular Central Incisor 6.5
Mandibular Lateral Incisor 7
Maxillary Central Incisor 7.5
Maxillary Lateral Incisor 8
Mandibular First Molar 12-16
Maxillary First Molar 12-16
Mandibular Canine 16-20
Maxillary Canine 16-20
Mandibular Second Molar 20-30
Maxillary Second Molar 20-30

Permanent Teeth (In years)

Mandibular Maxillary
Central Incisor 6-7 7-8
Lateral Incisor 7-8 8-9
Canine 9-10 11-12
First Premolar 10-12 10-11
Second Premolar 11-12 10-12
First Molar 6-7 6-7
Second Molar 11-13 12-13
Third Molar 17-21 17-21
Maxillary Deciduous Teeth

:Central and lateral incisors

.The mesiodistal width is more than the cervicoincisally dimension .1
.The root, crown ratio is increased .2
From the mesial aspect, the crown appears thicker because of the short .3
.crown length

From the labial aspect, the crown is more constricted at the cervical .1
.area, so the cusp and slope are seen more developed
.Mesial slope of the cusp is longer than the distal slope .2
.The mesial and distal contact areas are at the same level .3
.The root, crown ratio is increased .4
From mesial aspect, the crown appears thicker labiolingually because .5
.of the short crown length

:First molar
There are 4 cusps (mesiolingual" the largest", mesiobuccal, .1
.distobuccal, and distolingual "smallest")
.There are 3 roots (lingual, mesiobuccal, and distobuccal) .2
:Second molar
There are 5 cusps (4 well developed and one supplemental), which are .1
the mesiolingual "largest", mesiobuccal, distobuccal, distolingual, and the
."fifth cusp "supplemental cusp
.There are 3 roots (lingual, mesiobuccal, and distobuccal) .2

Mandibular Deciduous Teeth

:Central and lateral incisors

They are wider mesiodistally in relation to their length more than the .1
.permanent mandibular incisors
.The root, crown ratio is increased .2
.The labiolingual width appears more due to the short crown's length .3

The labiolingual dimension is much less than the maxillary deciduous .1
The cervical ridges are less pronounced than the maxillary deciduous .2
.The distal slope of the cusp is larger than the mesial slope .3

:First molar
There are 4 cusps (mesiolingual "largest", mesiobuccal, distobuccal .1
.and distolingual "smallest")
.There are 2 roots (mesial, and distal) .2

:Second molar
There are 5 cusps (mesiobuccal, mesiolingual, distolingual, distobuccal .1
.and distal)
.There are 2 roots (mesial, and distal) .2

:Principle differences between deciduous and permanent teeth

:A. General differences

The deciduous teeth are 20 in number, yet the permanent teeth are 32 .1
.in number
.The deciduous teeth are smaller in all dimensions .2
.The deciduous teeth show less morphology variations .3
The enamel of the deciduous teeth is whiter, and more opaque, so .4
.they are whiter than the permanent teeth
The enamel of the deciduous teeth is thinner (0,5-1 mm), while in .5
.the permanent teeth it is (1.5-2.2 mm)

:B. Crown's differences

.The crowns of the deciduous teeth are more constricted at the cervix .1
.The cervical ridges in all deciduous teeth are more prominent .2
The inter cuspal distance of the deciduous teeth is more constricted .3
The crowns of the anterior deciduous teeth are wider mesiodistally .4
.compared with the crown's length

:C. Roots differences

.Lake of root trunk in the deciduous molars .1
.The roots of the deciduous teeth are shorter, weaker, and narrower .2
The roots of the anterior deciduous teeth are longer in proportion to .3
.the crown
The roots of the deciduous molars are more flared wider than the .4
crown to allow more room for the developmental of the successor
.permanent teeth
Dental Anatomy
The pulp cavities of the permanent teeth
:Dental pulp ( pulp tissue )
It Is the soft connective tissue component of the tooth. It occupies the
.internal cavities of the tooth (pulp chamber and root canal)
:Its functions
.Formation of dentin .1
.Nutrition .2
.Sensory .3
.Defensine .4

:Pulp cavities
It is the central space in the dentine of the tooth (both root and crown)
which contain the dental pulp in a living tooth. Generally the pulp cavity
.resembles the external outline of the tooth

:Pulp chamber
It's that portion of the pulp cavity which is located in the anatomical
.crown of the tooth

:Pulp canal (Root canal)

It's that portion of the pulp cavity which is located in the anatomical root
.of the tooth

:Apical foramen
Is the constricted opening of the root apex where the blood and nerve
.supply enter to the pulp cavity

:Lateral canal
.Is a lateral branch of the root canal
:Pulp horns
They are pointed upper or lower ends of the roof of the pulp

:Maxillary incisors
Each incisor has one pulp cavity which is wider mesiodistally than -
.The central incisor has a wider pulp cavity than the lateral incisor -
The central incisor in young age has 3 pulp horns and the cross section -
.of the pulp chamber is triangular in shape with rounded corner

:Mandibular incisors
.The cross section of the pulp chamber is more oval in shape -
The mandibular lateral incisor tend to be a little large than the -
mandibular central incisor in all dimensions and the pulp chamber is also
.They have usually one pulp canal but two canal may be found -

:Maxillary canine
.It is the largest pulp chamber labiolingually in the mouth -
.There is one pulp canal and one pulp horn -
.The cross section of the pulp chamber is oval in shape -
:Mandibular Canine
.Is similar to the maxillary canine, with less dimensions

:Maxillary premolar
:First premolar .1
root canals " small percentage may have 3 root canals". 2 pulp horns, 2
one under each cusp. The buccal horn is higher, 2 separated apical

:Second premolar .2
pulp horns extending one to each cusp. Normally there is one root and 2
:one root canal, but we may see 2 root canals having
.Two separated apical foramena -
."One apical foramen "joined in the apical 1/3 -
." One apical foramen "joined in the apex -
.The cross section of the pulp chamber is oval in shape -
:Mandibular premolars
.The cross section of the pulp is oval in shape
First premolar: One root and one root canal with two pulp horns, the .1
.buccal is higher

Second premolar: One root and one root canal, with 2-3 pulp horns .2
.depending on the number of cusps

:Maxillary molars
:First molar .1
The pulp chamber from occlusal aspect is triangular in shape, with four -
pulp horns each one extending to a cusp, the mesiolingual pulp horn is
.the highest
There are 3 roots, each has one root canal but the mesiobuccal root -
.may have 2 canals
:Second molar .2
Same as in 6 but slightly smaller and the mesiobuccal root has one root

:Mandibular molars
:First molar .1
From occlusal aspect, the cross section of the pulp chamber is -
.rectangular in shape
The pulp chamber is wider mesially than distally at its buccolingual -
dimension. There are 5 pulp horns extending each one to a cusp. The
mesial root has 2 root canals, one buccal and one lingual with the distal
.root has one root canal

.Second molar: Same as First molar but with 4 pulp horns .2

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