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Supplementary note:

Model, theory and FOR

Model, concept, theory and FOR Ref:

• A model of practice helps organize one’s thinking whereas a FOR is a

tool to guide one’s intervention
• FOR: tell you what to do, how to evaluate and intervene with clients
• For has research to support the principles guiding evaluation and
intervention which is essential to evidence-based practice
• EBP: choosing intervention techniques based upon the best possible
• Model of practice and FOR has been used interchangeably
• Theory: a set of ideas that helps explain things
• Research is used to support or to refute theories
• OT borrows theories from other disciplines
• The analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
• Two components: concept and principle
• Concepts:
• Ideas that represent something in mind
• Range from simple concrete to complex abstract
• Expressed through the use of symbols and language
• Principle: explain the relationships between two or more concepts
Model of practice
• Takes the philosophical base of the profession and organizes the
concepts for practice
• Helps OT organize their thinking around occupation, unifying the
features of OT profession.
Model, theory and FOR Ref:

• Theory: well-backed explanation of why something in the nature world is

what it is or operates the way it does
• PEO FOR based on the theory that there is an existing interaction between person,
environment and occupation
• Research use theory to develop and test hypotheses in hopes to further build valid
and reliable constructs or model (theories made up model)
• Model: purposeful representation of reality in approximation to a theory
• MODEL and FOR sometimes used interchangeably
• Is a mode for which therapists can use to organize their thinking, skills and
vocabulary for their profession
• FOR: guidance tool for practical applications: how-to device for evaluation
and intervention
• Theory: ” a set of interrelated assumptions, concepts and definitions
that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying
relationships among variable with the purpose of explaining and
predicting the phenomena”
• Theory ranges in scope and complexity
• Is a key element in problem setting and in problem solving
• Model of pract

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