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Rule 2:

all other, most other, many other, few other, very few, one of the যুক্ত Superlative Degree কে
Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ

প্রথমে very few + Superlative এর পরের অংশ + verb এর plural form + so/as + Superlative
Degree এর Positive form + as + মূল sentence এর subject.

Superlative: He is one of the best players in the team.

Positive: Very few players in the team are as good as he.

Superlative: Iron is one of the most useful metals.

Positive: Very few metals are as useful as Iron.

Comparative into positive

Rule 1:

Than any other/all other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ

No other + any other/all other এর পরের অংশ + verb + so/as + Comparative Degree এর
Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.

Comparative: kibria is greater than any other boy in the class.

Positive: No other boy in the class is as great as Kibria.
Comparative: Dhaka is larger than all other cities in Bangladesh.
Positive: No other cities in Bangladesh is as large as Dhaka.

Rule 2:

Than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ

Than এর পরের অংশ + verb + not + so/as + Comparative এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত
sentence এর subject.

Comparative: Rony is bigger than Bony.

Positive: Bony is not as big as Rony.
Comparative: He is stronger than I.
Positive: I am not as strong as he.
Rule 3:

Than most other / than few other যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার

Very few + most other/few other এর পরের অংশ + verb এর plural form + so/as +
Comparative এর Positive form + as + প্রদত্ত sentence এর subject.

Comparative: The gold is most useful than most other metals.

Positive: very few metals are as/so useful as gold.
Comparative: A. K. Fazlul Haque was greater than most other politicians in Bangladesh.
Positive: very few politicians in Bangladesh were as/so great as A. K. Fazlul Haque.

Rule 4:

No less/not less ……..than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ

No less/not less এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত যায়গায় as বসে এবং than এর পরিবর্তে উক্ত যায়গায় as বসে। আর কোন
পরিবর্ত ন হয় না।

Comparative: He is no less intelligent than you.

Positive: He is as intelligent as you.
Comparative: Kripa is not less clever than shipa.
Positive: Kripa is as clever as shipa.

Rule 5:

No sooner had ….than যুক্ত Comparative Degree কে Positive Degree তে রুপান্তর করার নিয়মঃ

No sooner had এর পরিবর্তে as soon as + subject + verb এর পরিবর্তে past form + than এর পূর্বের
অংশ + than এর পরিবর্তে কমা বসে + বাকী অংশ।

Comparative: No sooner had he seen me than he ran away.

Positive: As soon as he saw me, he ran away.
Adjective - Degree of Comparison

Degree of Comparison
Adjectives are words we use to describe a noun or pronoun. It is a word
which qualifies (shows how big, small, great, many, few, etc.) a noun or a
pronoun is in a sentence.

Adjectives are usually placed just before the words such as naughty boy,
blue umbrella, rotten apple, four coins etc.

Now read the following sentences:

1.   Rahat is a tall boy.

2.   Hari is taller than Rahat.

3.   Avi is the tallest of the three.

The Adjective ‘tall’ is in the Positive Degree. Here adjective is in simple form
and represents the presence of some quality in the thing or person we speak
about. It simply tells us “how Ram is” and there is no other person or thing
in this sentence used to compare Ram with. Positive Degree is used when no
comparison is made i.e. when we speak about only one person or thing.

The Adjective “taller” is said to be in the Comparative Degree. It represents

a higher degree of the quality than the Positive. It is used to compare the
qualities of two persons or things. Here height of Hari and Ram are
compared and shows the difference of quality between the two.

The Adjective “tallest” is said to be in the Superlative Degree. It represents

the highest degree of the quality. It is used when more than two objects are

So, there are three Degrees of Comparison.

1. Positive degree.

2. Comparative degree.

3. Superlative degree.

      1.   “Than” is used after the Comparative Degree. “The” is used before the
Superlative Degree.

      2.   Do not use the Double Comparative and Superlative, such as more
better and most loveliest.

      3.   A few Comparative are followed by “to”, instead of than; as, inferior to,
superior to, junior to, senior to.

      4.   Each, every, either, neither, when used as Adjectives, go with singular
Noun. Example- Every boy was punished.

Name: ___________________________ Date: __________________

Adjectives: Degree of Comparison
Fill in the blanks with correct forms of Adjectives within the brackets:
 My sister is _____________ than your sister. (old)
 Your painting is ___________than mine. (good)
 Who is the _________ dancer in the class? (good)
 Of the three mangoes this is the _______________. (large)
 Avi is the _____________ boy in the class. (strong)
 Which is the _____________ river in the world? (long)
 Lithium is the ________________ of all metal. (light)
 Apple is _____________ than Guava. (sweet)
 This is the ______________ building. (tall)
 Mangoes are considered the ____________ fruits in the world. (sweet)
 Ravi is the _______________ man in this area. (rich)
 Iron is the _______________ of all metals.(useful)
 Tennis is one of the ______________ games.(interesting)
 Parmod is ………….. (strong) than Vinod.
 He is the ……….. (bad) student in the class.
 This seat is …………….. (comfortable) than that one.
 The dog is the ………… (faithful) animal. 
 The white box is…… (heavy) than the black box.
 Delhi is ………(hot) than Mumbai.
 A goat is ………….. (fat) than a dog.  
 Pritam is an ………….. (industrious) boy.
 Sarita is the ………….. (careless) girl in the class.
 Sabina’s marks are the …………. (good) in the whole class.
 The baby looked……. (cheerful) today.
 The cat is the ………. (lazy) of all animals. 
Framing WH question
1.Mary and John had been quarreling for many years due to some misunderstandings.

2. Through the instrumentality of Launcelot, Jessica conveyed her message to


3. Simon received an e-mail from a company.

4. Children were playing in the garden.

5. She had been constantly eavesdropping.

6. The students were making noise in the classroom.

7. The Board Examinations are going to be conducted from tomorrow.

8. Portia disguised herself as a male lawyer in the play.

9. Mary baked a cake for her 20th birthday.

10. She was reading an autobiography of M.K. Gandhi.

11. William was retrained as a mountaineer.

12. An exceptional battle had begun inside the train on the move.

13. With the help of the technology, I started responding the treatment.

14. Jacob invites my family members for birth celebration.

15. The man tried to snatch her gold chain.

16. Cones are the most popular means of application of mehendi.

17. 20 billion messages are sent every month worldwide.

18. The queen of violets saw by her side the converted violet.

19.  The morning routine started with tea.

20. Performing an act of kindness produces a positive attitude.

21. We went to rocky beach and saw the spread of the majestic ocean.

22. It must answer the experimental test.

23. Spider webs are delicate, yet very strong.

24. Saina is exceptional.

25. Dialogues throughout the book are lively.

Mathematics (Chapter-13)
Class 10 30 90 40 80 60 40 80 60 85 20 60 20 70 100 15 95 115 35
Class 30 20 40 90 30 35 110 85 60 115 20 20 40 50 70 80 60 90 90
This table show the home study time of the student of class 6 and 5

i. What are the maximum and minimum home study times for each class?
ii. Find the average home study time for class 5 and class 6.
iii. Draw histogram for class 5 and for class six.

Village Population Area Density

(People) (sq. km) (People per sq. km)
P 1350 18 a.___________
Q 3030 b._____________ 120
R c.______________ 25 80
S 1900 12 d.______________

(A) Fill in the blanks (a), (b), (c), and (d).

(B) Which village has

(i) The largest population

(ii) The largest area

(iii) The largest population density?

(C) Which village is more likely to have a large market?

(D) Nobab lives in one of these villages, and says “my village has a huge area but a habitable zone is
limited due to the river”. Which village is he more likely to live?

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