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Name: Lyah Jessille O.

De Los Reyes

Grade: 11-initiative

“women’s empowerment is the process in which women elaboraye and recreate what it is that they can
be, do, and accomplish in a circumstance that they previously were denied. Empowermentcan be
defined in many ways, however, when talking about woman’s empowerment, empowerment means
accepting and allowing people (women) who are on the outside of the decisionmaking process into it”.

Empowerment is the process of increasing the capacity of individuals or groups to make choices and to
transform those choices into desired actions and outcomes. Empowerment is a process. Through the
process, an individual becomes an agent of change. More simply put, it’s the “can-do” factor, going
frorm “I ca’t to “I can.”

“empowerment should means that women gain the ability to challenge and combat their oppression. In
practice, it has come to mean marginally improving their material circumstances.”

As a woman, you should have the capacity to make choices and transform those choices into action and
outcomes. You should possess self-worth, confidence and freedom to choose your needs and
requirements. And then work to achieve the same.

As a man, you should give the opportunity to the women around you to make choices, whether in
education, employment, decisionmaking health, lifestyle, and beyond. Lend the trust and support to the
women around you to choose for themselves.

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