Communication Notes 28 Dec

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YaraJonquage-t uualy tzwesen the age f voice,

Incluoling ene ,pitthk otheratriues excluding Jevd.
reko ene,pith,alcent k emper tempe
(emmuniarienk il an essenhal
rosady impacts
eature ef nen Verkal

51ence-Silence is decipherabte in diterent umys

Cammuniaten. 6Tlen e
7E is impertant part ef
perden -in-charge. t shou hat thec
hakes Geua
attentien. E Can als e comprehendel=
Peron requirts
im the Laerg Lvay. ilene rta tes a lackgrotund
qer ekcive Cemmunicaiern. Leng sansE Silences
are a sign tdísinterest t peeple.

Hdvantagek Nem-Verbral (ommunicahiorn

verbal cermmunicahien.E
St Cemplementá he
amplifea hadds meanngteit.
mene than
Odding audis k video engages
Mere Jerds.
T e replate verlal communicatiem
l e heinstate the mLuage k repeat it.
centact ,physial (entach (an help comnunica.fe,
3 asishing peeple Lshe cant hear.
1t saves time
Diadvantages et Nem-Verbal (arnmunicahen
LJreng interpeelztien
kqestuvel uil ledl
mUsBing out impertant signd
pinecient communicaion.
ulure und, there is ne uniesalit in
nen vet
tommuni cotion
t cannet Le aed by ithelt, it neds suppert q
erta (mmunicanen
I t doesn't support 5taying put ena topic.

net subjechive.

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