Quality Function Deployment

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Quality function deployment

Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method developed in Japan beginning in 1966 to help transform
the voice of the customer into engineering characteristics for a product.[1][2] Yoji Akao, the original
developer, described QFD as a "method to transform qualitative user demands into quantitative parameters,
to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into
subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process."[1] The
author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in
value engineering.

House of quality
The house of quality, a part of QFD,[3] is the basic design tool
of quality function deployment.[4] It identifies and classifies
customer desires (What's), identifies the importance of those
desires, identifies engineering characteristics which may be
relevant to those desires (How's), correlates the two, allows for
verification of those correlations, and then assigns objectives
and priorities for the system requirements.[2] This process can
be applied at any system composition level (e.g. system,
subsystem, or component) in the design of a product, and can
allow for assessment of different abstractions of a system.[2] It
is intensely progressed through a number of hierarchical levels
of What’s and How’s and analyse each stage of product
growth (service enhancement), and production (service

The house of quality appeared in 1972 in the design of an oil

tanker by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.[4]
A house of quality for enterprise product
The output of the house of quality is generally a matrix with development processes
customer desires on one dimension and correlated
nonfunctional requirements on the other dimension.[2][6] The
cells of matrix table are filled with the weights assigned to the stakeholder characteristics where those
characteristics are affected by the system parameters across the top of the matrix.[6] At the bottom of the
matrix, the column is summed, which allows for the system characteristics to be weighted according to the
stakeholder characteristics.[6] System parameters not correlated to stakeholder characteristics may be
unnecessary to the system design and are identified by empty matrix columns, while stakeholder
characteristics (identified by empty rows) not correlated to system parameters indicate "characteristics not
addressed by the design parameters".[6] System parameters and stakeholder characteristics with weak
correlations potentially indicate missing information, while matrices with "too many correlations" indicate
that the stakeholder needs may need to be refined.[6]

Areas of application
QFD is applied in a wide variety of applications viz product design,[7] manufacturing, production,
engineering, research and development (R&D), information technology (IT), support, testing, regulatory,
and other phases in hardware, software, service,[8] and system organizations. organization functions
necessary to assure customer satisfaction, including business planning, packaging and logistics,
procurement, marketing, sales & service. QFD is also deployed in quality improvement, quality
management, military needs and consumer products. Customer services Applications for Education
improvement [5] and services in hotels etc.

The concepts of fuzzy logic have been applied to QFD ("Fuzzy QFD" or "FQFD").[9] A review of 59
papers in 2013 by Abdolshah and Moradi found a number of conclusions: most FQFD "studies were
focused on quantitative methods" to construct a house of quality matrix based on customer requirements,
where the most-employed techniques were based on multiple-criteria decision analysis methods.[9] They
noted that there are factors other than the house of quality relevant to product development, and called
metaheuristic methods "a promising approach for solving complicated problems of FQFD."[9]

Derived techniques and tools

The process of quality function deployment (QFD) is described in ISO 16355-1:2015.[10] Pugh concept
selection can be used in coordination with QFD to select a promising product or service configuration from
among listed alternatives.

Modular function deployment uses QFD to establish customer requirements and to identify important
design requirements with a special emphasis on modularity. There are three main differences to QFD as
applied in modular function deployment compared to house of quality:[11] The benchmarking data is
mostly gone; the checkboxes and crosses have been replaced with circles, and the triangular "roof" is

1. Akao, Yoji (1994). "Development History of Quality Function Deployment". The Customer
Driven Approach to Quality Planning and Deployment. Minato, Tokyo: Asian Productivity
Organization. ISBN 92-833-1121-3.
2. Larson et al. (2009). p. 117.
3. "Frequently Asked Questions about QFD" (https://web.archive.org/web/20131213044623/htt
p://www.qfdi.org/what_is_qfd/faqs_about_qfd.htm). QFDI.org. QFD Institute. Archived from
the original (http://www.qfdi.org/what_is_qfd/faqs_about_qfd.htm#What%20is%20the%20Ho
use%20of%20Quality%20Why%20it%20isnt%20a%20QFD) on December 13, 2013.
4. Hauser, John R.; Clausing, Don. "The House of Quality" (https://hbr.org/1988/05/the-house-o
f-quality). Harvard Business Review. No. May 1988. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2
0160416131507/https://hbr.org/1988/05/the-house-of-quality) from the original on April 16,
5. Chahal, Amrinder Singh; et al. (2011). "Managing Class Room Quality Better: A Journey
Thru QFD". Quality World (January): 4–11. SSRN 1829993 (https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/pa
6. Larson et al. (2009). p. 119.
7. "History of QFD" (http://qfdeurope.com/en/history-of-qfd/).
8. "Quality Function Deployment (Draft)" (http://www.di.ufpe.br/~req_case/Seminarios/Prioridad
es/qfd.pdf) (PDF). di.ufpe.br. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20160303232457/http://w
ww.di.ufpe.br/~req_case/Seminarios/Prioridades/qfd.pdf) (PDF) from the original on March
3, 2016.
9. Abdolshah, Mohammad; Moradi, Mohsen (2013). "Fuzzy Quality Function Deployment: An
Analytical Literature Review" (https://doi.org/10.1155%2F2013%2F682532). Journal of
Industrial Engineering. 2013: 1–11. doi:10.1155/2013/682532 (https://doi.org/10.1155%2F20
10. "ISO 16355-1:2015" (http://www.iso.org/cms/render/live/en/sites/isoorg/contents/data/standar
d/06/26/62626.html). ISO. Retrieved 16 April 2019.
11. Börjesson, Fredrik; Jiran, Scott. "The Generation of Modular Product Architecture Deploys a
Pragmatic Version of Quality Function Deployment" (https://web.archive.org/web/201212312
fd). Archived from the original (http://modularmanagement.com/en/articles/modular-function-
deploymentr-concepts-qfd) on December 31, 2012.

Larson, Wiley J.; Kirkpatrick, Doug; Sellers, Jerry Jon; Thomas, L. Dale; Verma, Dinesh, eds.
(2009). Applied Space Systems Engineering. Space Technology. United States of America:
McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-340886-6.

Further reading
Hauser, John R. (April 15, 1993). "How Puritan-Bennet used the house of quality" (http://sloa
nreview.mit.edu/article/how-puritanbennett-used-the-house-of-quality/). Sloan Management
Review (Spring 1993): 61–70. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/20150910093401/htt
p://sloanreview.mit.edu/article/how-puritanbennett-used-the-house-of-quality/) from the
original on September 10, 2015.
Tapke, Jennifer; Muller, Alyson; Johnson, Greg; Siec, Josh. "House of Quality: Steps in
Understanding the House of Quality" (http://www.public.iastate.edu/~vardeman/IE361/f01mi
ni/johnson.pdf) (PDF). IE 361. Iowa State University. Archived (https://web.archive.org/web/2
0031105103546/http://www.public.iastate.edu/~vardeman/IE361/f01mini/johnson.pdf) (PDF)
from the original on November 5, 2003.
"General principles and perspectives of Quality Function Deployment (QFD)" (https://www.is
o.org/standard/62626.html). ISO.org. International Organization for Standardization.
December 2015.

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