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A team of social psychologists from California has spent six years studying the reactions of people in cities
around the world to different situations. The results show that cities where people have less money
generally have friendlier populations. Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, which is often known for its crime, comes out
top, and the capital of Malawi, Lilongwe, comes third.
But what makes one city friendlier than another? The psychologists from California State University say it
has got more to do with the environment than culture or nationality.
They carried out a study into the way locals treated strangers in 23 cities around the world. The team
conducted their research through a series of tests, where they dropped pens or pretended, they were blind
and needed help crossing the street.
The study concludes that people are more helpful in cities with a more relaxed way of life such as Rio.
While they were there, researchers received help in 93 percent of cases, and the percentage in Lilongwe
was only a little lower. However, richer cities such as Amsterdam and New York are considered the least
friendly. Inhabitants of Amsterdam helped the researchers in 53 percent of cases and in New York just 44
percent. The psychologists found that, in these cities, people tend to be short of time, so they hurry and
often ignore strangers.

Solution: 1. B
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
1. Which best serves as the title for the passage?
A. What makes a city population less friendly
ns of people in cities B. The world’s friendliest city
less money C. The environment and culture of a city
s crime, comes out
D. The research of psychologists about different cities
ate University say it
2. According to paragraph 1, people living on a tight budget tend to .......
world. The team A. be more aloof
ed, they were blind
B. be more companionable
life such as Rio. C. be more ignorant
tage in Lilongwe D. be happier
dered the least
New York just 44
they hurry and 3. The word “they” in paragraph 3 refers to
A. strangers
B. cities
C. locals
D. researchers

4. The word “relaxed” in paragraph 4 mostly means

A. rigid
B. controlled
C. easygoing
D. disciplined

5. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

A. Citizens living in poor countries tend to be less friendly to strangers
B. Cultural diversity makes Rio an ideal place to live
C. Rio de Janeiro in Brazil comes out top in the most dangerous city for its crimes.
D. People in wealthier cities seem to rush because they are void of time.
6. Which could be the be
Do you ever speak with your mouth full of food. Do you forget to cover your mouth with your hand when you A. Mind your manners.
sneeze? If you are guilty of these ‘crimes’, then perhaps you should enrol on an Etiquete and Social Skills course. This B. Say please and thank y
is not just an ordinary course. It’s a course in manners. You will have lessons in good manners and how to behave in
social situations. C. Bad habits start from c
The person who teachers these lessons is Maggie O’Farrill at the Petite Protocol School, and her students are aged D. Maggies dream.
between six and twelve years old. She thinks this is the best time to teach kids. “At this age they are very easy”,
O’Farrill says. “When they get older, it’s harder for them to break bad habits. Children at this age want to be polite. 7. The word “properly” in
You can see that they’re trying. Maggie instructs the children to speak properly on the phone and walk correctly, as
well as telling them about basic table manners. These classes have become popular because parents want well- A. effortlessly
behaved children but they are too busy to teach manners at home. B. rightly
So, what do the children actually think of this course? The classes have proven to be popular with most of the C. thoroughly
children, and the teachers at school have noticed that the youngsters are treating each other with more respect. They D. fascinatingly
also feel the skills they have learnt will be useful to them in the future.
Maggie O’Farrill herself believes that such skills can be life-changing. “We’ll have children growing up who value
manners. Maybe we’ll see a change in direction for the better in society”. That, however, remains to be seen. Only 8. According to paragrap
time will tell.” the Etiquette and Social S
A. Pupils at the Petite Pro
B. The teacher believes th
age for learning.
C. At the school, children
D. Parents don’t view ma

Solution 6. A 9. The word “they” in Par

7. B A. the classes
8. B B. the teachers
9. C C. the students
10. C D. the skills

10. Which of the followin

A. The course in manners
B. All participants of the c
C. The course teaches chi
D. The teachers have noti
confident around their pe
6. Which could be the best title for the passage?
A. Mind your manners.
B. Say please and thank you.
C. Bad habits start from childhood.
D. Maggies dream.

7. The word “properly” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to

A. effortlessly

C. thoroughly
D. fascinatingly

8. According to paragraph 2, which of the following is stated regarding

the Etiquette and Social Skills Course?
A. Pupils at the Petite Protocol School range from toddlers to teenagers.
B. The teacher believes the children on the course are at an appropriate
age for learning.
C. At the school, children learn to keep their elbows of the table when eating.
D. Parents don’t view manners as important as other home-skills.

9. The word “they” in Paragraph 3 refer to

A. the classes
B. the teachers
C. the students
D. the skills

10. Which of the following is true, according to the passage?

A. The course in manners has lead to successful breakthrough’s in society.
B. All participants of the course have found it worthwhile.
C. The course teaches children how to conduct themselves in everyday
D. The teachers have noticed that the children on the course are more
confident around their peers.
Should the media earn money from content they don’t own?
Although digital cameras and camera phones have made it easier to capture newsworthy events, it A. bases
is social media that have revolutionized citizen photography. With news regularly breaking on
social networks, some journalists are now turning to them as (11) _______ of images as fast- B. sources
moving events occur. C. roots
Unfortunately, (12) _______ reporters have published user-generated content (UGC) without D. springs
permission. Despite official guide (13) _______ images posted on social media can be used
without permission if there are exceptional circumstances or strong public interest, debate
continues about whether this is (14) _______. 12.
With research indicating that around one in ten people would film or photograph a news event, it A. a little
is clear that UGC has a major role to play in the future of the media. (15) _______, if the media is B. every
to prevent its relationship with the public from souring, steps must be taken to ensure that people C. another
are properly rewarded for their work and that permission is always sought.
(Adapted from Compact Advanced – Cambridge English by Peter May) D. some

A. it
B. whose
C. that
D. whom
Solution: 11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. A
A. ethical
B. prejudiced
C. skeptical
D. dubious

A. However
B. Additionally
C. Therefore
D. Even though
16. What is the passage mainly a
Universities love overseas students – they are clever and hardworking, they bring different cultures to A. How to avoid culture shock when
seminars and student life and they pay their way. In Britain, universities are getting ready to enroll more B. How international students are ch
overseas students. The British Council has published a report predicting that overseas student numbers
could soar to more than 800,000 by 2018. In 2010, figures put the total at over 400,000 international C. How to become an overseas stude
students out of two and a half million students in UK higher education and it is clear that this influx is having D. The decline in the number of over
an enormous impact on universities and colleges.
These students bring welcome fees, of course, but they are also likely to be very intelligent students who 17. The word “soar” in paragra
inject new cultural influences and bring changes to the old university systems. Their demand for vocational
subjects such as business, biotechnology and information technology, rather than traditional academic A. ascend
subjects, is affecting what is taught as well. B. decline
The impressive expansion of foreign students has already had a significant impact on higher education. C. hurt
Overseas student numbers, including European Union students, have risen from 270,000 in 2002 to 400,000 D. slump
in 2010. During this time the number from China jumped more than tenfold, and numbers from India have
been going up. In contrast, the number of students from other countries has fallen, reflecting their
governments’ efforts to educate more of their young people at home, as well as competition from Australia 18. According to the paragraph 2
and the USA. But as the Asian tiger economies expand their own universities, the good news for places like A. abolish tuition fees for domesti
the London School of Economics is that there are more and more graduates looking to improve their B. bring only negative influences
qualifications or to pursue research in their subjects.
C. introduce new changes to the o
D. Increase the demand for core s

19. The word “their” in paragrap

Solution: 16. B A. universities
17. A B. graduates
18. C C. foreign students
19. B D. students
20. According to the passage, wh
A. The number of overseas students
B. Foreign students’ abilities are ofte
C. The number of foreign students fr

D. Some countries tried to persuade

Solution 12 A 13 C
14 B 15 B
16 C 17 D
18 C 19 D
20 A
is the passage mainly about?
o avoid culture shock when living in Western countries?
nternational students are changing Western university life
o become an overseas student?
cline in the number of overseas students at Western universities

word “soar” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

rding to the paragraph 2, overseas students can help to

h tuition fees for domestic students
only negative influences on the culture
uce new changes to the old education system
se the demand for core subjects

word “their” in paragraph 3 refers to

rding to the passage, which of the following is true?

mber of overseas students in Britain has already reached its limit
n students’ abilities are often underestimated by Western universities
mber of foreign students from India has fallen over a specific period of time

countries tried to persuade their young students to pursue their education at


Q1 Which of the following not provide evidence to support the Right & Obligation assertion in relation to non - current as
A Title Deeds
B Purchase invoices
C Vehicle registration documents
D Sales invoices

Answer D
n in relation to non - current assets:
LIFO can be used in IFRS?

A Yes
B No

Answer B

IFRS prohibits LIFO due to potential distortions it may have

on a company's profitability and financial statements
Q3 Which of the following would correctly describe the net realisable value of a two year old asset?

A. The original cost of the asset less two year's depreciation

B. The amount that could be obtanined from selling the asset, less any costs of disposal
C. The cost of an equivalent new assets less two year's depreciation
D. The present value of the future cash flows obtainable form continuing to use the asset.

Answer B
Q4 The Conceptual Framework identifies which of the following as an underlying assumption in preparing financial statements?
A. Going concern
B. Materiality
C. Substance over form
D. Accuruals

Answer A
Which one of the following items does not appear under the heading 'equity and reserves' on a company statement of financial position?

A. Share premium account

B. Retained earnings
C. Revaluation surplus
D. Loan stock

Answer D

Loan stock is a non-current liability.

A Share premium account is a statutory reserve.
B Retained earnings is otherwise known as the revenue reserve.
C Revaluation surplus is an unrealised reserve.
Which of the following items may appear as current liabilities in a company's statement of financial position?
1. Revaluation surplus
2. Loan due for repayment within one year
Q6 3. Taxation
4. Preference dividend payable on redeemable preference shares

A. 1, 2 and 3
B. 1, 2 and 4
C. 1, 3 and 4
D. 2, 3 and 4

Answer D

The revaluation surplus is part of equity. Dividends paid on redeemable preference shares are
treated like interest paid on loans, and are therefore accrued for as finance costs in the financial
of financial position?
Q7 A sole trader increases the business's number of motor vehicles by adding his own car to the business's fleet. Wh
accounting equation will change due to this transaction?
A. Assets only
B. Capital only
C. Assets and capital
D. Assets and liabilities

Answer C

The car increases assets and it is treated as capital introduced rather than as a liability of the business to its proprie
ar to the business's fleet. Which element(s) of the

of the business to its proprietor.

According to IAS 38 Intangible assets, which of the following statements are correct?
1. Research expenditure should not be capitalised.
2. Intangible assets are never amortised.
Q8 3. Development expenditure must be capitalised if certain conditions are met.

A. 1 and 3 only
B. 1 and 2 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. All three statements are correct

Answer A

Research expenditure is never capitalised, development expenditure is capitalised if it meets
certain conditions per IAS 38. Intangible assets are amortised over their useful life, if the life of
the asset is indefinite, then it does not have to be amortised

talised if it meets
A business compiling its financial statements for the year to 31 July each year pays rent quarterly in advance on 1
and 1 October each year. The annual rent was increased from $60,000 per year to $72,000 per year as from 1 Oct
Which of the following figures is the rent expense which should appear in the statement of profit or loss for year

A. $69,000
B. $62,000
C. $70,000
D. $63,000

Answer C

Aug to Sep 60,000/12*2 10000

Oct to July 72,000/12*10 60000
Rent expenses = 10,000 + 60,000 = 70000
ent quarterly in advance on 1 January, 1 April, 1 July
72,000 per year as from 1 October 20X3.
ment of profit or loss for year ended 31 July 20X4?
When performing a reconciliation between the bank transaction report and the cash at bank account, which two of the following would require an
Q10 entry in the cash at bank account?

A. Deposits in transit
B. Direct debit on bank transaction report only
C. Bank charges
D. Bank error
E. Outstanding cheque

Answer B, C
following would require an
Under IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements, which of the following must be disclosed on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other
Q11 comprehensive income?

A. Profit before tax

B. Gross profit
C. Revenue
D. Dividends

Answer C

IAS 1 requires revenue to be disclosed on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income. It does not specify that a company must disclose profit before tax or
gross profit on the face of the statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income,
however, most companies choose to do this. Dividends are disclosed in the statement of changes
in equity if they are paid or are declared before the period end
t or loss and other
Q12 Which one of the following statements correctly describes the principal purpose of an external audit of a limited company?
To help in the preparation of the company’s financial statements
A. _x000c_
B. To prevent fraud within the company
C. To examine and express an opinion on the company's financial statements
D. To help the directors in improving the company's financial reporting process

Answer C
B --> management's responsibility
There are auditor independence issues with regard to external auditors being involved in the
preparation of financial statements and in helping management to improve reporting
processes (options A and D).
--> It should therefore be apparent that option (C) is correct.
Audit risk can be split into three components: inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. For the following example, select the type of
Q13 risk illustrated.
"The organisation has a number of estimates in its financial statements"
A Inherent risk
B Control risk
C Detection risk

Answer A
Q14 In respect of an assurance engagement which one of the following is the least persuasive method of gathering ev
_x000c_ Inspection of a supplier's invoice
A. _x000c_
B. Reperformance of a client's supplier statement reconciliation
C. Reperformance of a depreciation calculation
D. Inspection of a sales invoice

Answer D
asive method of gathering evidence?
Q15 Which of the following is normally the most reliable source of audit evidence?
A. Internal audit
B. Suppliers statements
C. Board minutes
D. Analytical review

Answer B
Q16 Which of the following is not one of the components of internal control according to COSO?
A. Monitoring of controls.
B. Risk assessment process.
C. Control procedures.
D. Communication processes related to stakeholders.

Answer D
Q17 Which of the following assertions is assurance provider least concerned with when testing a non - current asset balance?

A. Existence
B. Right & Obligations
C. Completeness
D. Cut - off

Answer D

Cut-off is a financial statement assertion that affects classes of transactions, not account balances.
When restrictions that significantly affect the scope of the audit are imposed by the client, the auditor generally should issue which of
Q18 the following opinion?
A. Qualified opinion
B. Disclaimer of opinion
C. Adverse opinion
D. Unqualified report with ‘an emphasis of matter’ paragraph

Answer B
Q19 Accounting changes are often made even though this may be a violation of the accounting concept of:
A. Materiality
B. Consistency
C. Prudence
D. Objectivity

Answer B
Q20 Daniel Ltd's quick ratio has fallen from 1.9:1 to 1.6:1. Which one of the following might help to explain this declin
_x000c_ The allowance for receivables has been reduced
A. _x000c_
Credit control has been poor
B. _x000c_
C. The entitylevels
has purchased
Inventory have fallena property for cash
D. _x000c_

Answer C

If the entity has purchased a property for cash, this would reduce current assets without any
corresponding reduction in current liabilities.
ght help to explain this decline?
Q21 What is the trade surplus of Vietnam in the first six months of 2022?
A. 680 milion USD
B. 690 milion USD
C. 700 milion USD
D. 710 milion USD

Answer D
Q22 How much has Vietnam's GDP in the first-half of 2022 increased?
A. 6.42%
B. 5.74%
C. 3.87%
D. 4.28%

Answer A
Q23 For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded?
A. Physics and Chemistry
B. Physiology or Medicine
C. Literature, Peace and Economics
D. All of the above

Answer D
Q24 1024 Kilobytes is equal to?
A. 1MB
B. 1TB
C. 1GB
D. All are wrong

Answer A
Q25 What type of chart will you use to compare performance of two employees in the year 2022 ?
A. Column chart
B. Line chart
C. Pie chart
D. All are corect

Answer B
Q26 What is the inflation rate of Vietnam in the first six months of 2022?

A. 1.50%
B. 1.80%
C. 2.13%
D. 2.44%

Answer D
Q27 In the Excel spreadsheet, in cell A2 there is the value 25; In cell B2 type in the formula =SQRT(A2), then get the result:
A. 5
B. 0

Answer A
Q28 If 4 apples and 6 bananas cost £1.56 and 9 apples and 7 bananas cost £2.60, what is the total cost of one apple and one banana?
A. £0.32
B. £0.36
C. £0.40
D. £0.44

Answer A
apple x 4x + 6y = 1.56
banana y 9x + 7y = 2.60
--> x = 0.18; y = 0.14 --> x + y = 0.32
Q29 Which set of symbols should replace the question marks?





Answer A
Solution each line moves 45° clockwise from top to bottom.
A B C D E F G H. What letter is immediately to the left of the letter which is two to the left of the letter that comes midway between
Q30 the letter two to the right of the letter F and the letter two to the left of the letter D?
_x000c_ A
B. B
C. C
D. D

Answer B
Q31 Which is the longest river on the earth?
A. Amazon River
B. Me Kong River
C. The Mississippi River
D. Nile River

Answer D

Q32 Current standard CIT rate is:

A. 27% (applicable from 1 January 2014)
B. 22% (applicable from 1 January 2015)
C. 20% (applicable from 1 January 2016)
D. 20% (applicable from 1 January 2014)

Answer C

Refer to Article 11, Circular 11/VBHN-BTC
Điều 11. Thuế suất thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp
1. Kể từ ngày 01/01/2014, thuế su ất thu ế thu nh ập doanh nghi ệp là 22%, tr ừ tr ường h ợp quy đ ịnh t ại kho ản 2, kho ản 3 Đi ều nà

Kể từ ngày 01/01/2016, trường hợp thuộc diện áp d ụng thu ế su ất 22% chuy ển sang áp d ụng thu ế su ất 20%.

y đ ịnh t ại kho ản 2, kho ản 3 Đi ều này và các tr ường h ợp đ ược áp d ụng thu ế su ất ưu đãi.

g thu ế su ất 20%.
On 1 January 2016, company CRS Co purchased a 16-seat car for VND 2,640 million (including VAT) with proper invoices. The car will be
depreciated for five years.
Q33 What is the amount of the adjustment for non-deductible expenses, which CRS Co should make for the car in its tax return for the year

A. VND0 million
B. VND208 million
C. VND320 million
D. VND528 million

Answer A

Refer to Article 6, Circular 11/VBHN-BTC >>> Depreciation of the portion of cost in excess of VND1.6 billion/car for cars for the transport of 9 persons or fewer shall not be deduc
>>> In this case, the car has 16-seat >>> not subject to the above cap
Điều 6. Các khoản chi được trừ và không được trừ khi xác định thu nh ập ch ịu thu ế

2. Các khoản chi không được trừ khi xác định thu nh ập ch ịu thu ế bao g ồm:
e) Một số trường hợp cụ thể được xác định như sau:
- Không được tính vào chi phí được trừ khi xác định thu nh ập ch ịu thu ế: Ph ần trích kh ấu hao t ương ứng v ới nguyên giá v ượt trên 1,6 t ỷ đ ồng/xe đ ối v ới ô tô
chở người từ 9 chỗ ngồi trở xuống (trừ: ô tô dùng cho kinh doanh v ận t ải hành khách, kinh doanh du l ịch, khách s ạn; ô tô dùng đ ể làm m ẫu và lái th ử cho
kinh doanh ô tô); phần trích khấu hao đối v ới tài s ản c ố đ ịnh là tàu bay dân d ụng, du thuy ền không s ử d ụng kinh doanh v ận chuy ển hàng hóa, hành khách,
kinh doanh du lịch, khách sạn.
sons or fewer shall not be deductible.

Company A is an electric fan manufacturer applying the VAT credit method. Company A installed 50 electric fans
site. The selling price and COGS of an electric fan is VND500k and VND300k, respectively. What is the amount of o

A. VND 0 milion
B. VND 1 milion
C. VND 1.5 milion
D. VND 2.5 milion

Answer A

Goods manufactured and used for internal continuous production is not subject to VAT.
ny A installed 50 electric fans in its manufacturing
vely. What is the amount of output VAT?
Q35 Which of the following items are exempted from VAT?
A. Science and technology services according to the laws
B. Internet entertainment services
C. Software services
D. Teaching tools

Answer C
Company A is a travelling service company. Company bought a 7-seat car with the purchase price (before VAT) of
the amount of creditable input VAT in this case?

A. VND200 million
B. VND40 million
C. VND160 million
D. VND100 million

Answer A

Company A is a travelling service company, thus the car value for input VAT credit purpose is not subject
2 billion * 10%
urchase price (before VAT) of VND2 billion. What is

edit purpose is not subject to the cap of VND1.6 billion

At the end of 2017, BND Co, paid bonuses to its board of directors of VND3,000 million. Each of the five directors is paid an equal amount
of bonus. Two out of the five directors are not involved in the daily management of the company’s business.
Q37 What is the amount of tax-deductible expenses which BND Co will be able to claim for the year 2017?

A. VND3,000 million
B. VND1,200 million
C. VND1,800 million
D. VND0 million

Answer C

Refer to Article 6, Circular 11/VBHN-BTC >>> Only bonuses paid to BOD who are involved in the management of the company's business shall be deductible.
>>> Tax deductible expenses in 2017 = 3/5 * VND3000 million = VND1,800 million
Điều 6. Các khoản chi được trừ và không được trừ khi xác định thu nh ập ch ịu thu ế

2.6. Chi tiền lương, tiền công, tiền th ưởng cho ng ười lao động thu ộc m ột trong các tr ường h ợp sau:

d) Tiền lương, tiền công của chủ doanh nghiệp tư nhân, ch ủ công ty trách nhi ệm h ữu h ạn m ột thành viên (do m ột cá nhân làm ch ủ); thù lao tr ả cho các sáng
lập viên, thành viên của hội đồng thành viên, h ội đồng qu ản tr ị mà nh ững ng ười này không tr ực ti ếp tham gia đi ều hành s ản xu ất, kinh doanh.
Q38 Which of the following items would be the taxable income of a non-tax resident?

A. Income received within the Vietnam territory

B. Income received outside the Vietnam territory
C. Income received within and outside the Vietnam territory
D. Income portion exceeding VND9 million / month

Answer A
Q39 Which of the following cases would NOT be dependants for PIT deduction purpose?

A. Adopted children over 18 years old but being handicapped and unable to work
B. Mother over lawful working age having a monthly income of VND1.5 million from housemaid work
C. Children under 18 years old having a monthly income of VND2 million
D. Mother-in-law over lawful working age and having no monthly income

Answer B
Q40 Which of the following is the tax rate of income from securities transfer?

A. 0.1% * transfer price

B. 0.2% * transfer price
C. 0.5% * transfer price
D. 1% * transfer price

Answer A
Ms. Nga Le is a Vietnamese national with two dependents. On 1 January 2017, she signed a gross employment contract with salary of VND260
million per month. Her employer is not required to withhold compulsory insurance from her income.
Q41 What is the amount of Ms. Nga Le’s monthly net take home income?

A. VND 81.15 million

B. VND 78 million
C. VND 178.85 million
D. VND 184.52 million

Answer D

Salary 260,000,000 A
Self relief 9,000,000 B
Dependant 7,200,000 C
Assessable income 243,800,000 D=A-B-C
PIT 75,480,000 Đ = D*35% - 9,850,000
>>> Net take home 184,520,000 E =C - D
lary of VND260
Where a company provides construction and installation services including materials and equipment provision, which of the following is
Q42 the taxable price?

A. Construction and installation service fees excluding value of materials and equipment, VAT exclusive
B. Construction and installation service fees excluding value of materials and equipment, VAT inclusive
C. Construction and installation service fees including value of materials and equipment, VAT exclusive
D. Construction and installation service fees including value of materials and equipment, VAT inclusive

Answer C
Q43 Which of the following is the taxable price of imported goods?

A. The imported price exclusive of VAT

B. The imported price exclusive of VAT, inclusive of special sale tax
C. The imported price exclusive of VAT, inclusive of import tax
D. The imported price exclusive of VAT, inclusive of import tax and special sale tax

Answer D
Q44 How the VAT liability is determined in the VAT credit method?

A. Output VAT - Input VAT

B. Revenue * VAT rate
C. (Revenue - COGS) * VAT rate
D. Output VAT - Creditable Input VAT

Answer D
Which of the following transactions would be subject to Foreign Contractor Tax (“FCT”) in Vietnam?
(i) Repair of a Vietnamese internet cable offshore
(ii) Online training for the employees of a Vietnamese company where the server is hosted overseas
Q45 (iii) An intermediary arrangement for a Vietnamese company to provide services in Singapore
(iv) Granting of rights to a Vietnamese company to use the international brand name of a world-famous product in Vietnam

A. i and ii
B. ii and iv
C. i and iii
D. iii and iv

Answer B

B ((i) and (iii) are performed outside Vietnam >>> No FCT)

Refer to Article 2, Circular 103/2014/TT-BTC
Điều 2. Đối tượng không áp dụng

3. Tổ chức, cá nhân nước ngoài có thu nhập từ dịch vụ được cung cấp và tiêu dùng ngoài Việt Nam.
4. Tổ chức, cá nhân nước ngoài thực hiện cung cấp dịch vụ dưới đây cho tổ chức, cá nhân Việt Nam mà các dịch vụ được thực hiện ở nước
- Sửa chữa phương tiện vận tải (tàu bay, động cơ tàu bay, phụ tùng tàu bay, tàu biển), máy móc, thiết bị (kể cả đường cáp biển, thiết bị
truyền dẫn), có bao gồm hoặc không bao gồm vật tư, thiết bị thay thế kèm theo;
- Quảng cáo, tiếp thị (trừ quảng cáo, tiếp thị trên internet);

- Đào tạo (trừ đào tạo trực tuyến);
Q46 Which of the following is late payment fine interest of tax payable per day on the overdue amount from the over due date.?

A. 0.01%
B. 0.02%
C. 0.03%
D. 0.04%

Answer C
Q47 When is deadline submission CIT finalization dossier in Vietnam?
A. No later than the last day of the 3rd month from end of fiscal year
B. No later than the last day of the 2nd month from end of fiscal year
C. No later than the last day of the 4th month from end of fiscal year
D. No later than the last day of the 1st month from end of fiscal year

Answer A
Q48 When would they determine of VAT/CIT for goods:
A. Transfer of ownershipexpatriate
Money collectionthe and risk ofisthe goods
in Vietnam
C. Invoice issuance
D. Others

Answer A

CIT: Refer to Article 5, Circular 11/VBHN-BTC
Điều 5. Doanh thu

2.5 Thời điểm xác định doanh thu để tính thu nhập chịu thuế được xác định như sau:
a) Đối với hoạt động bán hàng hóa là thời điểm chuyển giao quyền sở hữu, quyền sử dụng hàng hóa cho người mua;

VAT: Refer to Article 8, Circular 14/VBHN-BTC
Điều 8. Thời điểm xác định thuế GTGT
1. Đối với bán hàng hóa là thời điểm chuyển giao quyền sở hữu hoặc quyền sử dụng hàng hóa cho người mua, không phân biệt đã thu được


mua, không phân biệt đã thu được tiền hay chưa thu được tiền.
Company A is liable to pay VAT under the credit method. The added-value invoice contains the following items:
Selling price: VND 100,000.
Q49 VAT (10%): VND 10,000.
Payment price: VND 110,000. What is the turnover for calculating CIT-able income?

A. VND 110,000
B. VND 100,000
C. VND 111,111
D. VND 90,000

Answer B

Refer to Article 5, Circular 11/VBHN-BTC >>> For enterprises paying VAT by the credit method, the turnover is exclusive of VAT >>>
CIT-able income = VND100,000
Điều 5. Doanh thu
1. Doanh thu để tính thu nhập chịu thuế được xác định như sau:

a) Đối với doanh nghiệp nộp thuế giá trị gia tăng theo phương pháp khấu trừ thuế là doanh thu chưa bao gồm thuế giá trị gia tăng.
Which of the following is the taxable price of goods and services used for exchange and internal consumption served for non-business
Q50 activities?

A. The selling price exclusive of VAT

B. The selling price inclusive of VAT
C. The taxable price of the similar kinds of goods and services
D. The taxable price of the similar kinds of goods and services at the performing time of these transactions

Answer D
TLN Co is a Vietnamese limited liability company. Hanada Co, a Japanese company, is considering transferring its capital contribution in TLN Co to Nahad
Q51 an Indian company. Which party will be responsible for making the tax declaration for the above transaction?
A. Hanada Co only
B. Nahada Co only
C. Nahada Co and TLN Co
D. TLN Co only

Answer D
pital contribution in TLN Co to Nahada Co,
Q52 A non-tax resident has an employment cost of VND800 million for his work in Vietnam in 2018. What is his annual tax liability?
A. VND225.825 million
B. VND200 million
C. VND160 million
D. VND80 million

Answer C

800 million * 20%

Q53 Which of the following would be classified as a non-current asset?
A. Cash
B. Prepayments
C. Land
D. Receivables

Answer C
Q54 Which one of the following can the accounting equation can be rewritten as?
A. Assets + profit – drawings – liabilities = closing capital
B. Assets – liabilities – drawings = opening capital + profit
C. Assets – liabilities – opening capital + drawings = profit
D. Assets – profit – drawings = closing capital – liabilities

Answer C

Assets – liabilities = opening capital + profits – drawings

Therefore, assets – liabilities – opening capital + drawings = profit
Q55 Which of the following statements is true?
A. A debit records an increase in liabilities.
B. A debit records a decrease in assets.
C. A credit records an increase in liabilities.
D. A credit records an decrease in capital.

Answer C

A debit records an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities. A credit records an increase in

liabilities and/or capital. Therefore only C is true.
Q56 Which of the following would be a credit balance in the trial balance?
A. Bank overdraft
B. Drawings
C. Purchases
D. Delivery outwards

Answer A
A sole trader had trade receivables of $2.700 at 1 May and during May made cash sales of $7.200, credit sales of $16.500 and received
Q57 $15.300 from his credit customers. The balance on his trade receivables account at the end of May was:

A. $1.500
B. $3.900
C. $8.700
D. $11.100

Answer B

2700 + 16500 - 15300 = 3900

If a sales representative is paid a basis salary plus commission for each sale made, this wage cost is best described as
A. a semi-varibale cost
B. a fixed cost
C. a variable cost
D. a production cost

Answer A
Q59 Which of the following costs are fixed per unit, but change in total, as production levels change?
A. Variable costs
B. Direct costs
C. Fixed costs
D. Step costs

Answer A
The retained earnings of Posti plc at 1 July 20X5 were $900,000. The retained earning at 30 June 20X6 are $1,080,000. The profit for the
year is $455,000.
Q60 What was the total dividend paid during the year?

A. $180,000
B. $275,000
C. $445,000
D. $635,000

Answer B
Retained earning
x 455,000 x = 900,000 + 455,000 - 1,080,000


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