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1. What is wet processing?

2. What are the application area of wet processing?

3. What is wet processing engineering?
4. What is the process sequence of wet processing?
5. What is pretreatment?
6. Write the process sequence of pretreatment.
7. What are the sources of water in textile industry?
8. How many types of impurities are found in water?
9. What is the hardness of water?
10. What are the measuring units of water hardness?
11. What are the types of water hardness?
12. What is temporary hardness?
13. What is permanent hardness?
14. What are the disadvantages of water hardness in textile processing?
15. What are the classification of water according to water hardness?
16. What are the problems in wet processing associating with hard water?
17. What is soap?
18. What are the disadvantages of soap?
19. What is detergent ?
20. Write about different types of detergent .
21. What are the disadvantages of detergents?
22. Differentiate between soap and detergent.
23. What is singeing?
24. Why do we do singeing ?
25. What is the necessity of singeing in textile ?
26. What are the advantages of singeing ?
27. What are the problems of singeing?
28. Why gas singeing method is popular than other methods ?
29. What is bio-polishing?
30. What is the importance bio-polishing?
31. What is desizing ?
32. What are the objectives of desizing?
33. What are the factors of size removal efficiency?
34. What is sizing?
35. what are methods of desizing?
36. What is scouring?
37. What are the objectives of scouring ?
38. What are the process types of scouring?
39. What is bleaching?
40. What are the aim of bleaching?
41. What is bleaching agent?
42. What is mercerizing?
43. What are the purposes of mercerizing?
44. What is mercerizing process?
45. What is color?
46. Why a object show color?
47. What is color fastness?
48. What are dyes?
49. What is dyeing?
50. What are pigments?
51. What are the differences between dye and pigments?
52. What is adsorption ?
53. What is sorption?
54. What is desorption?
55. What is exhaustion?
56. What is fixation?
57. Why dyes are soluble and pigments are not?
58. What are the types of dyeing?
59. what are direct dyes?
60. Why direct dye is so called?
61. What are the properties of direct dyes?
62. Write the classification of direct dyes?
63. What are acid dyes ?
64. Why acid dyes is so called?
65. What are the properties of acid dyes?
66. What are the classification of acid dyes?
67. What are basic dyes?
68. What are the properties of basic dye?
69. What are classes of basic dyes?
70. Why basic dye is more suitable for acrylic fiber?
71. What is after treatment?
72. What is the meaning of vat?
73. Why vat dyes are so called?
74. What are the properties of vat dyes?
75. What are the types of vat dyes?
76. Which dye has the best colorfastness among the four dyes?
77. Which dye has the worst colorfastness among the four dyes?
78. What is printing?
79. Write the flowchart of textile printing .
80. What are the differences between dyeing and printing?

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