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Saupin’s School

Subject: English
English Worksheet CA2
Class III

Name:………………..… Roll no. ……… Section: …… Date: …………….…….

Unseen Comprehension
Q1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow-
The World’s Biggest Family
The world’s biggest family lives in Baktawng,a mountain village in Central
Mizoram, a state located in the north-eastern part of India.The village has
become a major tourist attraction in the state because of this family.
Ziona Chana,is the head of the world’s biggest family of 181
members,which include his 94 children and more than 40 grandchildren.
They live together happily under one roof in a house called’ Chhuan Thar
Run’ or New Generation Home. The family has more than 100 rooms in the
four-storey building.
Ziona owns the Baktawng village. He is considered the king and religious
leader by his people. He is a carpenter by profession and runs his own
furniture business. All the older male members work there. He also has a
poultry farm, piggery and vegetable farms. The men of the family look after
The local village school was not large enough for all of his children and
grandchildren to study in. So, Ziona built his own Primary and High schools
for them.His older children are teachers there. He also built a stadium in his
village. His many children form many football teams and take part in the
local football league.
Ziona says that he has named all his children and grandchildren and he
remembers the names of each member of his family. Ziona’s family is self-
reliant. They grow their own crops. All family members work together as a
community; they share their earnings and help each other.
Everyone in the family loves and respects each other. They live together in
harmony.The older women take care of cooking . The children and
grandchildren also help. The family consumes 90 kg of rice and around 60
kg of potatoes every day. They eat simple meals. The children eat first
followed by the elders who eat together. Once the meal is over ,the whole
area and utensils are cleaned. Ziona believes that cleanliness leads to good
health. The daughters do the cleaning and washing.
Ziona says, “I am lucky that God has given so many people to take care of.”

1. Baktawng has become a major tourist attraction because :

a) it has a poultry farm, piggery and vegetable farms.
b) it has the best Primary and High schools.
c) it has the world’s biggest house.
d) it has the world’s biggest family lives there.
2. Ziona is a:
a) teacher b) farmer c) furniture maker d) prince
3. Which of the following would NOT be a good choice in todays times.
a) To have too many children. c) To share and care
b) To be self reliant d) To live in harmony
Vocabulary Words
1. prey
meaning-an animal that is caught and killed by another for food.
synonyms-the hunted,victim.
antonyms-predator, hunter
2. predators
meaning-an animal that kills other animals for food
synonyms-, hunter,captor
3. predict
meaning-to foretell something which will happen in the future
synonyms-forecast, foresee
near antonyms-disbelieve, doubt
4. escape
meaning-run away, get away
synonyms- ,breakout
near antonyms-remain captive, stay
5. amazing
meaning- astonishing, causing great surprise or wonder.
synonyms-awesome, stunning
antonyms-ordinary, insignificant
6. separate
meaning-to divide into parts
synonyms-detach, split
antonyms-to connect,join together
7. discovered
synonyms- uncovered, detected
antonyms-missed, overlooked
8. realised
meaning-become fully aware of (something) as a fact.
near antonyms-be unaware/unknowing
9. struggling
meaning-making an effort to achieve something
antonyms-slacking,giving up.
10. communicate
meaning-share or exchange information,news or ideas.
synonyms-connect, convey
antonyms-conceal, withhold
11. alien
meaning-belonging to a foreign country/area
synonyms-unknown, unfamiliar
antonyms-familiar, native
12. self-reliant
meaning-not dependent on others
synonyms-self-sufficient, unaided
antonyms-dependent, helpless
13. harmony
meaning- a state of existing together peacefully
synonyms-order, uniformity
antonyms-imbalance, conflict
14. cuddle
meaning-hold close in one’s arms as a way of showing love or affection
near antonyms-let go, release
15. comfortable
meaning - at ease.
synonyms - restful, relaxed
antonyms - troubled, uncomfortable
Q2. Choose the words from the table that are closest in meaning to the words
in bold below.

escape free capture stay

separate connect detach join

struggle surrender give up strive

predict doubt disbelieve foresee

harmony conflict imbalance order

alien foreigner native familiar

discovered overlooked disregarded found

comfortable troubled uncomfortable relaxed

amazing ordinary insignificant awesome

realised be unaware of understood be unknowing.

Q3. Make sentences with the words given below.

a) discovered-
b) communicate-
c) harmony-
d) struggle-
e) realise-
Q4. Match the words in Column A with their opposites from Column B.
Column A Column B
1. prey capture
2. comfortable dependent
3. cuddle predator
4. self-reliant troubled
5. escape let go
Q5. Write each of these word lists in alphabetical order.
i) shark, whale, dolphin, tuna
ii) judo, archery, boxing, gymnastics
iii) bread, bead, dirt, bind
iv) Alex, Amir, Abram, Arion
v) lemon, lesson, lead, left
Q6. Ring the conjunction in each of the following sentences.

a) My pet goat will eat almost anything but he likes green grass the best.

b) We could go to the playground or we could go to the movies.

c) It was snowing so school closed for the day.

d) Mathew went to the beach and he learned to surf.

e) I was hungry so I ate an apple.

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