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actually construction work, making proper arrangements at

start the
hually start
Todmaintaining the smooth operation of the construction
construction materials and workers 18
lled site manag All available resourcesare optimally utilized only when site
gementent is good. Hundreds of types of construction materials are stacked up on
-Scale constr struction works, many equipment and machines have o be installed on the
mction sector and hundreds of skilled-unskilled workers are appointed. It is necessary

crmine suitable place for all,

to a:
determine a to ensure electricity, water,
access routes, general
eafety, etc. before starung the construction work. When the construction work is spread
wide area, the importance of the site manager increases further.
Bofare starting the work of site management, the following plans and forms should be
available with the site engineer:
@Site Plan
(im) Service Plans
Gv) Construction Specifications.
The site plan should include the boundaries of the construction site, access road, roads,
rain water drains, communication lines, water-electricity achievement sources, north
direction etc.
The building plan should have all the plans, front view, side view and other details
prepared on the appropriate scale of all the levels/floors.
Service plan should contain details of water supply and drainage lines and disposal points.
The type, quality, manufacturing process, etc. of all the necessary materials should be
mentioned in the construction specifications.


ne construction project is carried out as a camp at the construetion site, in which the
Bites for
various construction activities are determined. The work of setting up of this
mp at the construction site is called job layout. The better the camp looks, the faster the
Construction work will be done.
r e setting up camp on the site, a plan of the construction site is made, in which the
ndction premises, access and circulation routes, stores of material, equipment ete.,
neworkplaces of the workers are shown and the job layout is completed accordingly.
e construction work should be carried out non-stop, in a smooth and satisfactory
e r , the material should not have to
repeatedly picked up and kept here and there,
82 Construction Management

of workers, safety of all the worl.

heavy machines should not
obstruct the movement

is necessary. The
Construction-Site Management 833
maintained, for this purpose, joblayout is i ) Types and number of materials and machines.
should be
layout is prepared. (v) Security system and labour facilities.
started on the site only after job progress of the construction
reviewed according to the wor
The job layout should be should be changed according
to the demo nder the
Und job layout, the
following rooms/chambers have
material and machines to be set up for
and the position of the
and out-of-use
machineries should be removed ffrom various tasks:
of the work. The remaining next stages of construction. and Control Room
site so that space
is available for the 1. Site Office
the construction
2. Stores
LAYOUT Sheds for cement and lime
5.3 3.
of a civil construction:
Following are the principles ofjob iayout 4. Open storage space
vehicles, equipment, machinery, tc, 5. Sheds for equipment
) Site enclosure: Construction materials,on the construction site and a barb-wir
should be surrounded by adequate space 6. Space for steel reinforcement
or fence should be enclosed
around it. 7. Raw housing
for laborers (if sufficient land is available at the construction
construction materials should be near tha
(ii) Material stores: The stores of 8. Entry, exit and check post.
construction site so that the material does not have to be carried much.
The job layout for a building is shown in Fig. 5.1. The following is an explanation of the
(iii) Circulation area: Heaps of material should be placed in such a way that there
work of the machines. layout:
is no obstruction in the operation of the workers and the
(iv) Warehouse-shed: The construction material which gets destroyed on storing in
the open atmosphere., such as cement, lime, paint etc., should be stored within the Barbed Wire/Curtain

(v) Vehicle access: Adequate wide ways should be available around the construction Labour's hut Bricks& Tiles FineAggregate Coarse Aggregate
Store Store Store
site so that trucks and other vehicles loaded wich goods can reach the nearest point
of construction.
(vi) Control over EntryExzit: There should be satirfactory management of the safety Vehicle Road
of the material at the construction site. There should be effective control at entry Cement i
exit gates.
(vii) Facilities: Water, electricity, first aid and other necessary facilities should be Timber
provided at the construction site. Store
Under Construction
(viii) General protection: The management of the construction site should be such Building
that the safety of all personnel and visitors remains intact.
(ix) Reinspection: In the course of work. due to change of circumstances, if some
modifications are to be made to the original job Steel
layout, that should be done easily. Store
--- ----

Vehicle Road Gate
An enclosure is first made
around the construction site for
barbed wire fences are made or job layout. For the enclosure, Hardware Scaffolding9 Plumbing Electrical Equipment&
galvanized iron curtains are made. If the construction area l5
large enough, the construction site is marked a Material Material Store Store Instruments

The following things affect

by burying stone pieces at suitable distances.
the job layout: DVG
Indication 4. Bricks Stacks
i) Type of project-building,
dam, bridge, tunnel, water
1. Mortar/Concrete Mixing Site
Site Officee
2. Coarse Aggregate Pile 5. Water Tanks
(ii) The location of the project bridge etc. 3. Fine Aggregate Pile 6. Site Engineer
site-hills, plains, forest, population, river, etc.
(i) Availability workers local or non-local workers.
Fig. 5.1 Job Layout for a Building
Construction-Site Management 85
84 Construction Management
activities are conductod Deotection from sun and rain:
oct sunlight, rain, getting exposedConstruction
Room: All the instructions and ordero
ahd 2. materials should be protected from
and Control to moisture,
storm outbreak.
1. Site Offce here, n e c e s s a r y Material that
the overseers
controlled from
and workers.
the site office. This From
room should be very close to the main entranof the deatroyed/wasted due to stacking in the open should be stacked under can
any suitable
wander around. The site office oS shed/cover.
not have to
from outside do the work site: The material should be stored near the
that people coming ar

from far away takes labour and time is also wasted. place
e s t a b l i s h e d in
this r o o m . 3. of use. Carrying
site engineer is
separate gates
for entry and exit at terial
There should be staff. The entre
2. E n t r a n c e / e x i t Gate:
handled by the security Away from the trenches: The construction material should be stacked at a sufficient
these should be
construction site and
that vehicles such
as jeeps,
trucks Da
etc. can get
passed dietance from the foundation trenches and other trenches, so that it does not spread
should be kept such and fill the foundation and doesn't cause obstruction in circulation.
gate width
through it. in the job layout, then he Away from fire: The material which is likely to get destroyed by fire; Such as wood,
placing two gates is not possible Daint, oil, petrol etc., should be stored carefully. Smoking should be prohibited near
should be arranged.
Iffor some reason.
divided into two parts
and entry/exit pai

gate should be
such stored material.
material, stores and warehouses shoua
For storing construction
3. StoreWarehouse: material being delivered to t 6. Heavy materiala: Heavy construction materials, bêam trusses, machines, cranes
so that the
room as possible
be as ciose to the control etc. should be stored in proper place so that no accidents occur during their handling
construction site c a n be
the construction
set up at one corner of
Mini workshops should be (b) Specials:
4. Mini wvorkshop: mechanie, carpenter, joiner
as welder, fitter,
electrician, 7. Cement: Cement should always be stored under a closed shed, on a slightly paved
site for trade artisans such
bender etc. to do their respective works. Aoor so that it is safe from rain and external water. Cement bags should be placed at
5. Necessary services: The appropriate
locations for the essential services such as
be determined in the
a distance of 30 cm from the walls and at a height, no more than 12-15 bags (bags)
telephones, etc. should should be placed in a stack.
electricity and lighting. water pipes,
should be stacked under the roof and away from moisture, because it
job layout. 8. Lime: Lime
moorum/brick soling should be made for easy access gets quenched by getting
moisture from the atmosphere.
6. Service Roads: Service roads of
Water should not get collected on these roads. Building Timber should be protected from direct sunight and dampness. Free
within the construction site. 9. Timber/Wood:
the sleeper rows.
materials should be stacked away from the roadway. air transmission must be maintained between
the location for ballast and clinkers should be stored in 2m x 2m x 0.5m stacks.
7. Residence for Workers: At the large-scale construction sites, 10. Ballast: Concrete
determined. from soil, waste and other pollutants.
residential settlements to be set up for the workers should be It should be protected
from spreading and scattering due to strong wind, water
8. General security: For the safety of the materials, equipment, machines and workers 11. Sand: To prevent sand
the day. Moorum does not fly normally but starts
kept on the construction site and for the control of the site, a sufficiently high wall should be sprinkled on it during
should be placed around its piles.
24-hour so bricks
or barbed wire fence should be placed around the construction area and a to flow due to heavy rains,
in in stacks so that they can be
watchman should be The entry/exit at the construction site should be
provided. tiles should be kept open,
12. Brick-tiles: Bricks and such place so that there is
stacks should be placed in
through controlled gates only. counted if necessary. These The height of the stacks
construction site.
movement at the
no hindrance in labour
5.5 STORING AND STACKING OF MATERIALS AT SITE should not exceed 1.5 meters. at a sufficient distance
reinforcement rods should be placed
It is necessary to stack the construction material at the appropriate points at the work 13. Steel: Steel sections and outbreak of moisture and there
where there is no
from the main structure, in place
place so that it can be avoided to take up much space at the construction site and the
is no problem in handling it. should be stored in a safe
material's unnecessary
different building materials.
Different places are set up in the job layout to store
Materials: The flammable material Flammable
14. Hazardous manufacturer/supplier.
instructions of the
The following points should be kept in mind while
storing building materials on thesite locked celVchamber as per the materials.
from other
materials should be stored away which is not used on
the work and
(a) General: construction material construction
The removed from the
1. Minimum 1.Unused material: be immediately
Space: Construction materials stould be stored at appropriate places as wasteful,
should be done so that there is no
such way that it covers at least part of the construction area and does not hln
a 8 remaining to other works or its public auction should
the construction work. Along with this, the safety of construction materials B1te and sent
obstruction at the work site.
also be maintained. sio
86 Construction Manegement Construction-Site Management 87


is increasing rapidly,
asetion agency/contractor is spent in the
payment of the workers and there is a
and machines
in civil
e c o n o m i c a l and have a s
the co
ossibility of
of.loss in place of profit. Therefore, it is very important to take full work from
of their help and Periop
Now the
quickly with
workers. Not
all the machines at the construction site.
the work gets
completed very
work of the when the const d the workers
compared to the
quality in the needed only uctiion h e workers do not
get the construction materials on time or they are not given clear
quality construction a r e in c o n t i n u o u s use. They
machine remain
and nillhng dl work instructions by theinchargeor their work is not properly monitored, the workers start
for civil
after the foundation work is completed such aor s soil
concrete mixers and vibrators are needed. hiring
work related to
them is going on, w behind on the work schedule. when workers gather in large numbers at one place
consider renting/hi
Considering this
fact, o o n t r a c t o r s JABheir
work is not allocated properly, they waste time. Therefore, to keep the project
when the concrete
work is started.
m o r e
beneficial. tia necessary to keep control over the workers and take full work from them. An
and machines
the construction equipment machines should
be installed at the we nerienced work in-charge can contribute significantly in this direction.
equipment and work
Therefore, the
be removed and sufficio The following points should be kept in mind while organizing labour at the construction
that after completion of their work, they can
place in such a way
room can be
made for other
machines. site
are to be considered
while installing equipment and machines a t I t is difficult to arrangeworkerson a short notice, so the labour contractorinspectors
The following things should be given a copy of the labour schedule so that they can arrange the desired
the construction site:
should be such that normal safety i number of workers on time.
) Installation of equipment and machines
maintained at the construction site and it helps
the workers in their work, and ) There should be as many workers under one in-charge/supervisor, on whom he can
does not create any obstacles
(i) To maintain ease of operation and progress of work, machines should be installed
maintain complete control and up the right job. Generally, there should not
be more than 6-10 workers under one in-charge.
where they are needed, such as concrete mixers should be placed near piles of raw
materials (cement, sand, ballast etc.) and vibrators should be installed in the place
(gii) Skilled/semi-skilled/unskilled workers should be employed according to the type of
work. Whena mason has to do the work of a labourer, that work is not economical.
ofconcrete pouring or at the top of the form wark (shuttering). iv) The workers should get the necessary tools/materials on the site. Workers should not
(ii) In view of their operation and safety of workers, adequate open space should be left sit while waitingfor construction material to arrive or to be vacant. Arrangement
around the machines. When operating one machine, the work of another machine of sufficient materials for the day should be done only in the morning.
should not be interfered.
(v) Frequent handling of material should be reduced, otherwise the transportation
(iv) The machines which are not working fora long time, should be
work site and sent to workshop shed or
removed from the expenditure increases and the wear and tear of the material is also high.
transferred to other work. (vi)The number of workers should be increased/decreased according to the demand of
(v) A complete account/record of the movement of
construction sites should be maintained. equipment and machinery at work. Work should not be stopped in the absence of workers or workers should not
(vi) To protect valuable and delicate be left idle in the absence of work.
moisture etc., a shed should be equipment
and machines from rain, (vi) Permanent appointment of some workers is in the interest of work. These workers
arranged over them. Electric
sunlight, dust,
left unattended in the motors should not be should be given work training.
(vii) Parking of freight vehicles (trucks) (vii) Drinking water should be available at the construction site. Often, workers go
should be
itself. arranged at the construction site away from work and go away in a round of drinking water and sit and smoke bidis/
(vii) On large-scale projects, a mini cigarettes.
where the repair, workshop should be set up at the
oiling, greasing ete. of the construction site, (1x) An account must be kept on the progress of the workers and if the daily progress
(ix) While preparing equipment,
equipment layout, general safety of machinery can be done. 1s less, the workers should be warned so that the labourers work diligently, by not
should be kept in mind.
equipment and machines passing their time during the working hours.
5.7 x)Workers appointed on a task should not bechanged again and again, because time
ORGANIZING LABoUR AT SITE 18 lost in explaining the work to new workers and project expenditure also increases.
expenditure of the workers the civil x1) Workers should stay at the construction site. Workers work
expenditure incurred the
hours, then this on
construction works is 30 to 35%
construction. If the of the getting housing facility.
more efficiently by
from the workers fortotal
expenditure can increase up to work is not taken
50%. In this ful
case, the
permissible pront o
88 Construction Management

.What is
a job layout? Why is it considered necessary? Give a clear answer.
Explain the principles of a job
. What information and forms are required for job layout? Briefly describe them.
4. Explain the
factors affecting job
. w n t e down what layout. (B.T.E.)
should be considered while storing material at the construction site.
6. A 10-foor building is to be
constructed on of 60 m x 20m
an area
middle of a plot measuring 120mx 80m.
The 60-meter strip of plot is
in the
road and has facilities:access. For the construction
the following outside adjacent to a paved
site, prepare the job layout
Site office,
cement, sand, securitylcontrol
room, space for the stacks of
construction material like steel,
crane etc. ballast, light, etc., warehouse, space for
sheds, necessary equipment-mixer,
Determine suitable sites for work vibrator,
parking etc. facilities for workers, truck
7. While
installing the equipment/machines at the
that you will
keep in mind. construction site, write down the
8. Explain the points
organizing of labours at the
Explain briefly the measures that site.
can be taken at the
implementation of the
project. workplace for the economical


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