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Commercial Circular No. 65 of 2015 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (Bharat Sarkar) MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS (Rail Mantralaya) RAILWAY BOARD No. TC1l/2003/2015/Refund Policy/1 New Delhi, dated 66.11.2015 The General Managers, All Indian Railways Sub: Gazette notification on amendments in the certain provisions of Refund Rules-Comprehensive Refund Rule. REF: Commereial Circular no. 64-of 2045 dated 05.14.2015 In continuation of above mentioned letter cancellation of tickets and refund of fare Rule-2015 have been notified through e-gazette G.S.R.836(E) and is available on the website of Ministry of Urban Development under the head e-gazette and copy of the same has also been uploaded under the head Commercial Circular on indian Railways website A copy of brief on important changes made in the Refund Rule has also been uploaded along with the gazette notification. Wide publicity should be given through different media at regular intervals and the changes in refund rule should also be updated on the different locations on the website of zonal Railways, Indian Railways, CRIS website or IRCTC website etc., ee ’f (Vikram Sifigh) Director (Passenger Marketing) Railway Board. No. TCiV/2003/2015/Refund Policy New Delhi, dated 06 .11.2015 Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to: CRB, MT, FC, PS/MR, PS/MOS(R) for information please CCMs, All Indian Railways CCM (PM)s, All Indian Railways, CCO, All Indian Railways The Managing Director CRIS, New Delhi for necessary changes in the software. IRCA Chelmsford Road, New Delhi, for making necessary correction slip in Rule No, 213 of IRCA Coaching Tariff No. 26 part I (Vol-I) MD/RCTC, New Delhi ADGIPR for wide publicity. 9. Managing Director, Konkan Railway Corporation, Belapur Bhawan, Plot No. 6 Sector 11, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai-400614. 10. ED(FC), ED(C8IS), EDV(T), ED(Chg.), DDTC(G)-lI, DDTC(G), JDF(C) cM (Vikram Sigh) Director (Passenger Marketing) Railway Board Sakona en i ue-s300499 REGD.NO. DL 33004/90 Che Gazette of Gundia EXTRAORDINARY sere Tas 30-10 () PART H—Seetion 3Sub.sesion() sate vente PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OB] 7 Fare, ANT, eRe 9, 20158 AA 1S, 1987 No. NDW DELRI, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBDR 4, 215/KARTIKA 13,1937 wiaet corte) afer Amr, 2015 ‘aU, 636(@) rita eecare, aff, 1989 (1989 T 24) Bt TET GOT TATET (2) i fe (a) Bare efter coer (1) gre wee aR a wera ge ae ee aT (Rene eT a Pee i wx aftere) Fra, 1996 3, er orth FRrara after wee Be, EAA awfBepen fee Peo ara @ a eh ar ate Far sar @, Prafafac fra aanht &, ar (1) efter are afte re — (1) a Fae a ae a er ah (Ree TRE ax Fre oT afeeTa) fev, 201541 (2) 312 wae, 2015 Aras at 2, aftorarh age Perit, re aes Pai (6) are lt aftr carer rat cabs & re or AE aretha Pez Pt amet ar arte Frege tts ent’; (en) “aries awa aR er oath cae A one aac feet wh a wh ae are eve oe eh re aa vere a flip aT Te (ate sore’ & Rear gare ier @, st Rar seraeT sree vere ater sa wre Pe, faite ard & fru weet Pear aT et amciranrs » 2 THE GAZETTE _OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY. [Pann MSs, 3) (9) "pipe Cave" aE er eve afte g Re eee ak Te A GRA EE: (2) Siar Rare ate ars ae B Pare a Paes ord Par err 2; (3) “Pecan aye Bem, quem Samba oe agge wae, sree hie abe ea a AE se afta g | (a) “are af fone & dar cere Pave aie Pere Rar area eve Pelt ad & Pre a eh Behe orefira A we & she avers ee, aR AER, Hate Hae oT wee (oy fe fone Seo Bh Der eae afte Bonet aera ar ones Fae a lars ero a nT aftrrat & rere ore fiery ort 8 ; (areca ee" a ee are afar &, iy Frere a afer er errant ak ar ale Bs reer Fore seta Hear aren & (8) “aera fre” 8 ear rar fe afi @ Pee Pet ae ar te a orca Peer (ey era ea as aT 8 ate Pa aie oth ange err ence rater ar tr Bae x & (3) Sree eax” @ Der ait tet anlar, ee ae Peel ft are Fare gl, Beate or Balt ter Bers swe scarica St ae Peas oft Feat eee Per a ater ae ee Pre aR AE sorta wis dt 8, aftr; (2) ewe” a 8S were fesse at te ower fewe ar arn foe oft 2 faq Pre stenfer diam sz, Seto wre Pore ar Pet orcfiter sere Peek ar ahh wer aire a Ager aT Peet Be A Bee wate; (3) "SS oe" & ee erat ae sagt aA aIeT Pee are ae Far ae 8, are A aE Powe aa A oT Brandt wg fewe se eats ar eects ean A aw A TE Phe A ae TET Hee AT TE Ree mn ec afta 8: (ex) “soars Reve Berens af aren sah art ai Rowe eta & at oor mB ot ie st ger eR 3 foc ort far sa 2 re ag TR aT Te yore Reve” 208 te Foe air § Pa aE area al eae: (2) vel atta Rea” 8 ag fee afte 8 Rr Te te we aT te af aT a WE BL (3) See ree aren foerg er wf ee, —) = Fae art ovat ania ced ee, ere fave ry, aa Ger ve Frere & aftara BAe fee ard wea TA eT ere Meee aT GE ear sa, at Ferg er fear Cer mT TTT fe Rare wr tra aT oT ET AT AC PRT STAT | (2) 4 Prov ser ariel anf ge gu, afepe fed, orca, feet te setter fae feet ax, oD feet at Frere afters 8 Fre fee ome eat ant Sar aa me a sseger Fear omg, war Peary ar woke sft ie eer maze aver Fenet ate or Fata A spoegen & wrer ar Cea arte Hae ar MeN FH He a FH RAEN AT ae seorr afer fier age Pear se (am Tare 40) RS: FMT 3 wig (5) or Ret ner, at ara & fy, Pee ark et an ara Be Rh ana A oT A UE, ‘Farag at afbara Prarferhere gare ager stan — (i Rome ore we aret are re, aE Rae a, see Sere Bah Rew ava fe aes @, A: ogg sea & 9, ares far ara 2 ae (i) eT are BA aT tere, AR Poems ar Fas a PARR aerate ee are Fear HET a; ae (a) Reve or€ wer area eee alte rar arom GT Te era A Aira feet arte ae aT aera Fre et sera gene ae sa ra a ot () forre 3, arrearor pratery ib pehaere ch alte daifle ere B oearas B dare et Ag, wT ‘Rear & fore eat & ferme Fafearea Z, Pree wearer fare area Phar oar 2; ate (0 oe reser PARDO ae, ES gree aT Hoa ar A ara sage we a Bat oe acarettg| 4, Fae sore er se a Rat ar ow ete aR ge, one ee ae, eta aptiag ste ancy, oh, & Fre Peet At aareiina Rove fag dt eam alte fede Soh oretie ate ae ART Fy ars wach zea ofeach Fae ae eT eM 5. rag aren Rona capecer ear ate ora ee aft cg & Fy San ee at Fe ver re 8A HR we pe te RR arc rs eae Pre a ear rar see - {ip 3A fe a, Resme ore ore ta we tee Ce Fe eq Pret ome; (iy eRe eB ret Ret At ee, a aro Sh ats BE 2400 WE a Ree at wee Par ome & feiftster wore art mae rare Tere Peat TET | 6, sorager sear emt & eco oe afar — (1) 8 ft 3 sede ana ca ge, AAR RA gfe Peo wt ar are a sae FARA are ECT 2 Fe Gat Sere reze Ht rege Pear aT @ at Seven ware Hee pT Pre Her oT et fer ore — (=) af Rowe wordt & aqyfas vere A amare St eet cETeT fey, see Rear war & a carey ere Af a ween oh fhe Sr ah archi ry ae g Sea aT eam A Pr Bat eeu, arareeita Mt Bae A ate arerE a wpe ara & Faw at aa eo, eee A fre om at ate wan, Petty Aol fer are eo Ft are ze ye oe AP cea Tee AT at A araft; (a) af Foor Sorat & sega eee & eet areata we A areg oe & Als eae & Fer eae Pea som fal coer sare ae CF) 8 PRR cere ware pra ae Fh owls vet Eu REST Te PRET “afie aftera at (2) uP A gar sre ert orgy wear a age are we Aare oe dh eC PAT Bra rer & at cee TT Fe CH FARE cee ire eg we ah TAA EU, KEEN WATE roe a care after Gr; aie (ey ar, Batt art arearer orett (tome cy) ase a sifaf ae aeey A Reve ve sea eT 4 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Paver T—See. 30) (2) a1 erga mea ye ae aE ae OR Re aA after a Per TET 9) 3 cm ah atieg at rar Fre ae Felt ET Reve ar Pb ga eae A eer, Ret ge abet At afb areata ate aa are ait ar aeeregat Te Ay a aT aaa Fe Pa ae see weds tee gar FF ee lr ae Pe Te ear A et ae Pe er ceo Fa ars Pear iret @ | 7. sr oe aft Ree ar er tte Re cere we sare. — (1) eh Phe are a Bae aT fier apfiawe fare at eee & Fire eq var oa 8, mgt Pata Ta whe aes Bary FTE sau bara ra are a Reva ager mT a Ae Pere a et ie ar ree fee fee sg Phar ar &t (2) a8 Ret orf arco ore (ares eee ar BARS TE Te A one et Pen aH seen ahaa Rene wr cee Sere ore aT (0) Sams ary sear are 8 see A Re pare ace al oe aT ln as Rese Fe ar ere wfttare el fer TET | (4) ct oir weet % fry rar wre eH BRET IE 21:00 a A OG: 00 aH ha (area sre sr) Pe ot are er Brena a tg reat Rare ar sen le Pare Beare Fe Be Pear sera Sa A ae, Prerear sfaTs ae erate aT a ea a a ale aT een (5) deter er aver sears ey ae ager, Merecders Ch ange atc aes ert a afer gees atte veal at, oa ene, gh AE aca Aree aT ae rake oT aT Tee ger Der A Seve TAT et 19:00 ar ate 06 :00 a5 (arent ea Ata OP wear aC a Pe fe were arene ae a rare et oar aR Bie arg sha (6) sate sere ar sien wo B tare irq on are PA A ra are ah aT er ata evecare a Pew orereer e Fear a & gh he fee actin Pee a HE are sg ae TERT sear rar 6% aqare HeTANT | 8. Reet (ork ake § fae) Barer Ba Pere Ret cemeH e wRRaTA,— (1) € fe, dort ream & ee fear sen ate aL rare St wh a Beara Bt aT & SBR were Parra Bi, at art & Prerg w fear gio ate ang Bese A zen Bi, Rene scar eee ge Per ae ae ‘mea et ree ae ve she aera set aH ae So fer aT A arom area ee TAT | (2 ache Sarees A a Pq ary gfpa Reps A en i, Fra 63 orga Prema after 9) Serta ener Bae Pca are Oat Ret A a, Hae 7H org aT AT (4) Sects & mere St aw Fee ae foe (QA gT aT are oA) ca A, BR Ree ace are ce fh ‘arr ar sneer a are after aftr pet Raat Beat ane PARe Pe ae wee ta Shae ores Par EAT (©) area a8 Bere BA wea APR AT ae ae gw eae at A A RAR st a ser ara are attache (et are) ew Pe ne anh eT TAT A ATH tear ae aT Ae a ae ‘eaebin ware 1 at ee 3 wane eR Ta HE saat at ote star apf ares ft ner 8, 2B fee ea Ran & alba Pa creatine flee segetigen art reer wet (ft ee oa) ee me ty Ror aru atte new HP at aTaT ATCT err a a te Fer 7 ree aah at eer Per ware Par at RAZ PRM aT at 6.) eae en ane A ae re aN Hak ET Ree or ee eri, ga ga Pt oT free fig & ate ort a ore at oe acta Ee aS a PB aaa a A BR ere a eA i (or Tw 31) FT 2 SRT 5 sare Frere ar get are ee arf 5 srt ghee ha A 8 se sea TET TE EH TT eT Be ter a 8 cae eh aw at aA rere i Sta TE aA (i HR ao ant aT & Fry ore AE et Reve aT Ga Pave A ee, TE TAR a fee gfe @ ate ora ar ore yah ar efter TH 8, oe at a searenh Pe a mrar A RE A any H fee ate wee ave sobaifede & aa ava sara store wor da, Reve ota Ce aT sofarhege arn ant scorays Bik tablet ge a ore ae Be aurea rec ere A sien eter ote anaren & are ak Herre ot aga Tea ae 8 ae oe oe TT frat aren ae Paee ote ee ae aR arr a Par aT ET TE wet ca TATE ae seen Fer (ar ape ot 2 ay at rw are fa sre a Beers ata arch a sr ste ET fave (a are et Baty gran ae wae eae Mr Ta HT TTL (7) a Res fh arg eH reo a re Ree ce et Po sr a Shae tl ae TET et Rear, Ht QE wet ae, PRs reer Tees ME & Rear stg aitera ara ag BATT (8) aR Rae spare ea A ta Pe am Pe oe al Par ora @ a lone ate are re aR ae 8 Sh oe Tat Sent ae Pee a aE ae re Et | (9) Rea eA ge ge ym, ar are eA Ea oe Pere wt er aa acre Peo se & oe at hee ea: Per Fear eT etic RA ge ser rear aan a ANE Te sor aes ae ao (10) aa wheat A, ware Rat 9, Far 13 5 sue (1) ate (o) ae Fae 14, 16, 17 ate 108 alti ara ater gare aaron tac ore er oan ser er ae at we te ec art nibenfige @ AE ses seers & al aVh see aa re maT afer a, Fe wT Prergar afters atrerer fiftare He mre a oe soe att outer ree am ena RT eT sprees are are aretha ta ereeara aie der Fe (arora) wt ao are, abe ceca Bt Frere ren ar ee re rer tr (ome) aren een Te Be, a Fe sare Fear ae 9. rng ere Rew cere We HARA. (1) SUPT (2), (8), (46), (6) (7) are SaRT (GH ah vf feet anor freer gee Fee carer Feet re ar ere ge aT em (2) args so etter rer fat Fy Parner pea, Fer 7 rer Ree Pra TET 1 (3) 1 a fire arr arr fe a eT eer Rewer gga Tear Ree een gee Tt FL afega aren Hohe ome efter eet eg, a aeap mPa Ae Pale ware we aCe cigee itera ea af & are gion Sh 5 aga ore Pee Ya ange sea Bee ater fe a “ape Fe rer ae Pea eT (4) er cer ret re ar are ae oT aT ae TA eee wer a eT ese 13 ava Pafrafta feer are (8) Sat Re erg er are ee er @, aed foe ce Te Fae 14 Bre FR Aen sre | (6) Ret at 3 Fea aren ar me reo gee Ree er afer Fra 16 are AR Te 6 THE _GAZBTTE_OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, [Pare JIS. 30i2 (re sae a ea A Te oH a we Ta A at et ee Ree aT safer Far 48 rer fara Pear sree ere ret ster ie, af aE A, Fa er Bear are (8) FS gobi comet ae are ft Prat ST ge ena err sere, re is camer are of, gee wee foward Rear ara 10, sarge age ara Pee apr ware AE sora ne, Pere oa are arort Pearl &, cape Ray weg Ah Baar ge Pare Sty ee a se Psy A ar ome ate 2a Fa et x area A FT Te em A RE HT Ree om aera ara B ve weer ae aeom Ft rgee Fer sear & Pa rr: (0 a ae re see tea RARE eB, Pere Fra 6 argc Psat aa; he (ip a ac vee AT area FRE scat aT fa aA, At Rea fas 7 ere Par smart eee sere ere a Fe ae Rs eg ce et Te EA hom, PAT arena Reyer era 1 qReps, areas, a dhe aie Re eC aero eee a gh Rae (1) afer a areata after atc Fee ara ees Par ara alt Sah 3 he sehr eg referer Fat See HB Ft a7 et eet Re fit, Pat soe best art srr a eft ore fer seegrt — (iy Po steer arate # orang 9h here oe Pern, el wa: fee awe Beer eer a, er spa rer ear eae ga gia Fy Rare aon ears rae ae a Se aan GE area ne Fear ste (ip Se eo, et arse ie TE 8, Wee aT area aT ee a eae Se (iy er me a ser Bh Fe, Fae Ree area TATE gE eT eae ae nee ate (hy) area ele fie fe a FR a eee Pea aT A (2) frp at areca, anata atta Pee ae ae aT ek Rr oft Ah ake set ne eg ar so Roe er Ph mere Bo Fem Pe kt Pl Fe, Pett ae erat ee Pree Barone gar Pra aeemt — (iy Bre it rer rare 8 sore 3 eer es ore &, frat yea: Peer ge Ppa ar a, tt Sarat er are se PBs ee Por are ya, Rear seme rea ozs aT an parte a ara ae Peer ara (6) er on, Fat a are Ar Ea, Png ar aca aT een ea ee array (ars 39) re TORS ETT z i) afar eae Ft eer 3 ar Ahh Far, fore Fare areeror ot ier oft rk S, aE orrceror eter eieer are dt TE aR (iv) are, a te ce a Pea ae ac Par aa (2): AE ar are aes TAT Pr TCA eH, Tena, Fre ae tere sah softan (1) ae outa (2) tomhit ana ete arch (4) waft (1) ar sata (2) 3 anda arent ear ar pe Pera ae Ow are aT PRAT TET | (5) eae fore Ft err oct Bara ar eft Par a a Ar oH ae ere ae ‘acre 82 Ree ar ae a | (6) Pag Fee, rere satan (1) aie soft (2) fh aftr ar a afta Praca &, ce Bear rer 8, Arq nord acter rege Rear are — (arr ee aT Pr eee eT ie Fee are TCH Ee Te He, ah (2) vita Ps area Rene at ar eno art Be TEE aT A, (2) 9a eH, argh ara Ut AR rm 25% aeTAT 60% ETON FATE ATT rT eT a, Ht fae ese sere gael Fy aT aA Fa (ay at aera cee re ar eT 412, ar wr Pheer oh & sage Suh HE wR 1) Fores Ai Fa, arp ft ope eet Yer 9 ote set Poh fore Rett Gomes aot fre an fas, FE cene ware sae fe aT sega ht, Fixe Some wh Fre ag REA arcane oe fre, wr tre, af ae a, are Fe sore at Pei ard serie wea Be (years sree, ate il) stats % fare atten (9) area rater eae eh cer ere Tea ve BT APT ag Fide eve tre en Fer eg a ak Phos 8; (9 tat anaes Pear ar 12) seta (1) Fiber Reka omer ws are dt rae | (0) ft er Poe, Fer re wat (4) 3 orf argent area aftr Pear a & eae RT oar? iy cearcor pre Prargare ae Eo, seth — (0) me eC SIT, a ee er aT a Sree ase PAT se wet EET at oer sara gare Fra ra a a (6) rg ere aT, Haar are ara ml, TA a PA cE AS se TTT AT | 48, Rae Par ee reo ara ey wre a Fear era ar ant wee aT —(1) aR ae ater ara ee ear ere ee ee ee a ar aE a te Bae are eT MT we @, ot archer, areca ar seta apa Reece anh anal A, ga acd afer TAA aT AE “cee re a Freer ere ets at Fear mn ae ae Per a tae Pea sre, () Pee st er wears aeae TR aR aT ae Fear TT | 8 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:EXTRAORDINARY [Pacer TI sae. 30), (ip eh ater are wea Fy Let A wer 8, Are. A ere ear area a a EA aatverrat ee ax fear oer 2 | (2) er era area sere emg Powe ® eRe oT aT A aH aT ATE RTE RT Phe atte, Ror & eee aor 3 weary brag tee Par aay & SY Prey oar ag aera ogre rel at (9) sat ADA, Fae are Ree & er Roe we orca ere amr at al, ae Ray tt satan fa, sre ee ek ar a tree tg ghar cerry ars at Pera widen ee Ba ear ara a ay a faite sare septa fae fear, wftarr ae Fear oe, earirbe tnt Pret sat ara ft 2, RT ect ere ar WE are fare te ae ve da 8 ae Perc tere we sa Sart eFC Fe TET | 4, or ee wren et BAH ark A eH st wr ce gl To Tec TPA Fa, are ar ratte Ree @, FRR A) rena core BAH a ae aT, we ANE REO Ta TENET AT afte ae ere ger after pa sre, WP AR Revere wear Tea a te a See atte Rey eatin we Ra Fs {evr gle, ge wd are dal area TROPA ree ae Eth 8 a Pee omit sears hae Be tigen er qe ae ge a ar 16. airs on age ee wRETE (1) Sa ene Harr cede Bare, 28 Bee, fee sifirg wor 8 arse At 8 &, AE uiBera era ee at eT ATT (2) sr¢i ek ach Atay arth oar eee Ran &, wet art Tee, fone era a aa femarer at Powe fe cate amet so afte afar Faw 25 & feat ptt cee a oe ser sara fee eer Frere sate var arom athe Pare Ay Ae eae a PR ry sa ay reg eat a 416, Rerun ear Be ares AT re ara A ew eRe Beret ae HA—L1) sa GEM, BE tea Saf eaten Raat Bs ey, ered H Ah ava eran Sar ea a A gg ET AT seer rea, ar fl ae, er Pro eh in Fer ake corer rare eMgUT HF, TAT RH Bt are arr re Fear aReRRat aa alt are Fear ereRT- (65) sete een aT TE tach at a sea mre ach ae A ion era eee af saetbafice aga Hove Sar (6) se anf ter phere gar dh ar gear Ht mrt ge BY at ome ara Tet a BARR aT (9) oe ah ry wr a cer ae Fle a ae a oH (2) a8 aera aT i Se seer ear art Pelt Pear ala ro ar eer a ae re orga eR A a Fle gene A ab Te af ete oper edtere pet a weg T Aa aT agar ar rca en en amen ae Fe oY Aer eer xara FR ar Pere eT S18 apa are Qh ane ae Tee TE Sel fee Paar ara ear aT | (0) sat a, ate ar Rar ae aT aT A omer I Ty, axe ar Fe ae ar eT, Bt afte Pear rer se Re te co ot, ae a By amy TT PFT TH, eee ATT sendin Fn er, fra Pear seg 1 (4) Fe Oo Toren, Se eae Areas are anere Te pe wey a ore eel afta Frere ata 8, aah are aft 2 el Yeemnél at atafita seu & alk ars) ge erga Eros ar ave wor aft (om wre 3 ae ETT 3 sare Re sarees ot as aver a oe AL fir Poe AY fe A AR Price Beery aa ra ot TE gE ar Pre etc Rr sg ae we See ae are re 3 Pre Sy # afta ear se 7. ara et Radler afar aver Tt Hae Ae wae ere wr afer — (4) set ee eat oe Fear a oer at arene nr et & at erage Fe Fre sare rear et re ae er ars fe ra Pe Pier anare we ea rea, wees — (9) ak Passe arenes ee aft Pa tara wea Sh Free te ee ot ere area sie: a (=) aft eve arate tare or arama beta Soft & Pee, at arergae flee ar swereggng Sore at Ferg te ea Be Free (=r atc) te ae sa (xy Ree ara fara Fe @, St rarer tare Peer ake at St Pree tar atte Ate ae jar (wf ae ergo Both te &, aa he Pre anger organ Aah rere oe ae aie “Et ce Ah Fe ire are acre ie ar ker (2) safer (1) oni rere alae a aa steor ag Te fe rare erat 9 fae ahr aca ot cpbarftge at ter war-Tr weg FA oe PT oT St fase, feed aT crete afte fr at dhe anger te seen at eee eV) 8 teen Pe ara abe ae Ror pa tes ES fist waa ae Rar era Br 18, a aT at ae apa Rhee Ae a eh a et Rr after a gre Se fase aren eee aera crt Pee Poe lt Par at 8 Ree oh ara wot sare ter berg sare Per sar @ ae ae ger oh, Pe Gea wees ara oh, Fra te steer afer eae, son ert a Res eat Te PT OTT reg ver err re wera ar a foe a hr eet ae anfenftfe arest ame aA gee ae Pear re, FT sa aes Fa at Ree ere ear a Ae Te eS 2 gee Pr oi Rewer Par ar ar Ree ao & aoa eet ae she ster ame ah TET Prasat often Page ¥ areca ee errs ee aT oe at TTT TE TS fe ATED 19, ete ge, Resor ar eG, 2 a Rap Pe — (1 et, gar Pera ro} Bae A ae a Ra aE fear arr (2) 2 at Pape fare ara Frere ar wer Has Pe area fz en arta ate ata eee gen FDA are ge eM ate HL (0) ae atte guy, Fer ere rE aT Pape Pope Ae rca nea, mea pe ta gee Pe rh ae Fir ea A UTR 3 en He GAB 2 aT ae CAR. 2 ake ee ewe aw ters aT are cave are eh ae wa @, a Oa rere Rd Rah ae eee ere A ear aA FATT eT swan rer att Fy to aft aT a ATE wT arg owe or ae Bh ae A gary Powe ae mt (A) ae atte ge ar fra ree ae fee eat Gar Rowe ges Pert & sree TER aT HVAT seta rar & ae ae Fe (8) Heer ere are rar er Pe, SPB mare a saree ot Pear TET (8) Ware fe tae tora orceen are Fe at par are A, A ava ond agi Re eT 19 TEE _GAZBTTE_OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, [Paves Ilse.) (6) a wa Page fr a reat ait fe Beech geen Rhone diac ter ei aS a ‘year ier a @, at me oy Rhee (8) BPP are Bara nag Gx Per 25 wars BAER spare fara eT Pra TET (7) su er ap soe Fat Rone a Fhe ora fe aa Gyr Powe, ge Per 10 wii seagen pare fares TET ea aE GT PT TET (8) water (3),(4).(5) atte safer (6) & arsite Here ware °6} ara ‘rca sftara sige ae Rear ‘Srey, Frere Aree, seek ber gon ar fer ar wa Bae, gue we oe Phe ra epee Fr szrer ate Rat 3 sear to re oe Bore eget tan & obs A ra A rT se aT sac fe tte are, 206, A pas che ae ET gS tone BA Beate afters Fea Sarum, fg ae ara st wet ATE 8 a ye Pees a Ce we eH eae aes aT Oya zane Far aT | (9) a ar, Pay ein ge, Fora or ee, we aT Papa ee Oe a oA. Rae eT aes swore ee Fr &, Cor EET a ager ere warn a AH fe Re eT A ae eT, at ST eo sare er arfifoass vars, aftary, tet Gaara Se og, star ag araere Rl, SfeTT reset arate Fivere wt 50 sftere eacamer sae enfin wt wary, Yeudt i mae Fy ae gare arr Pare a ao rel ee gy eC, 6 PTT ate eee Te ee altars wT he 20, Rear ate Pitre foe aren fmt re wen tae ahora Fett afte Patt Rare sorter ar Padus eve ae fee ebay foe ag Peet torr # ore re ae ae itn ett archery rear Pre ae ares Pet ey Ca eave vere see 8 ae ge FT area SOFT ARE ETT | 24, ree Reed wo argent — (1) Peart arnt Pe Be ergs wer Pry AE arr al Ph are (2) aa art Pee ar at Pras 35 aft rr sa @h at Pree orem war & a eet BaP aT sara te war aT PAT TERT 22, af aT AGE oh & at ere Reve & Pere we eh Rene re a Pe are aT A ara ATT ess ger Fg ae or frre art Tene mer Pata Te AT Pa TE, aE are a a @ @ (oy ae rare Sat Reet oe | aed fone cee Fe aT ae Rare aon ware, AEE sat aren arte at @, | a At aaett ae came en ait wa aia TT Pre eA aram Prrarsmar’) | wee Seager Fe ae wd wr wftara ae Rear area mer Fave Te Ee a TSH Te PEAT | (@ [ae ame oe San Sf aor we Bag age a we eT set 8 arar arta aie @ | atc ew stare ft Remit ar feve we elites ft ret vee Gh Gar a gar a (2) a art one rege ec eer re re aw er or Frey ar afery PARA re Se seh oy ree and) Pear st reap Ree ve aaa (1) 3 PAPE wie Phar a a 23, ae OAR At reer waa (Aree) Ret atare Bs fy wat —1) eo Fert eae sy ei rc a eh Pht Be, hc are, aE ake Prem waar Pe [Tas 3) sre aT a ore u ach, Be gem Pe sree Pa ar Qa ar re PsP oe aft aps Ta om aes ah a Sisters ave Par aren aie art aca wee wea A arden Ba ae tae a Ser eT wer arierfban veerm (afters) a fara ararftere & betes fasta Pan sar & yor Stare ery RA BT sifsara & Fry order ae aT (2) 94 Fea (1) 4 Paha iae afeRaitel F attore rmbt & ear 3 seer ae Bh par hae ae PT eard fet TT at. #, Ateftn/2009/2015)sfeara fe] Fi wera Bary, artes Freee (artt Peery ate MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS [alway Board) NOTIFICATION [New Deli tho 4th November 2015 Tn exercise of the powers conferred by sub-tection (1, read with clause 16) of subsection () of Section 60 of the Keitways Act, 1989 (24 af 1989) and in supersession of Railway Passengers |(Cacellation of tickets and refund of fare) Rules. 1998, excep a8 respect things don or omits fo be done before sch supersession, the Ceatral Government horeby wes the following rls, unely = |. Short ile and commencemient—(1) Thess rules may be call the Railoy Passengers (Cancellation of Picket and Refine of Fare) Ses, 2015, (2) They stall come into force onthe 12th day off Novernber, 2015, 2 De ilfows.—In these wes. unless the context otherwise requis, (a) “ARP mens advance reser ation period upto which a reserved ticket enn be booked far 4 fate journey cate i 48) “otbprised agent” means a person suthorise ya clay adinistion sue reserved or anvexerved tickets and 19 cancel served ticket, (6) “cleskage” means a charge levied by a nallway administonion for ie eletial work rendre hy it in the retend of Fares (a) “confirmed ticket” means a Gckel on which a berth or seat has been confirmed (6) “estiniton station” means the station tor which the ticket has boen issue, (. Sfare” includes tasle fare, supplementary charge on superfast trains, rerecvation fee and other applicable ruiscellaseeus ebargess (@) °RAC ticket” means Reservation Against Crcculliton ticket on which p at fas been reseeved against requisition Fora beat ard a berth may he subsequently provided against eancelatin, ey, (9) “ralway ticketing centre” menns a place where reserved or unreserved tchsts awe iste hy aitwey employee oe Uhrougi ne authorised gent “reservation tee” means the charge, in adition (9 the fare, levied by a railway administration for the veservation of | esthorseat “reserved ticker” means a journey ticket on which a besth or seat has been reserved; (fo "station means railway sation and inclades other revervation office or rai lickoting contre in the vane ety, () “ation mostee” means a rilway emptoyee, by whatever name called, having overall charge of » ribway station and includes any other railway enipfoyee entborsed tb grant setond af Fre a # stations 2 seqson fick, Int as ickel ora special ticket for & reserved cariage ua louis car aloo we special an (on) “ticket” means a single journey teket ve any hal retuna ticket but does not inca Hs 2 TTHE_GAZETTE_OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY, [PAR TI—See. 3) (0) “TDR” sneans ticket depust recep issue to the passenger in ew of the surtendene Heket, a the sation where the ticket has been surrendered by the passenger or in cake of Gicket hooked Utvsugh internet, the fiket deposi receipt fled onliae: 0) “Tutal ticket" mean u ticket with shocter sdvance reservation period, issue to meet the rucuiens of those Passengers who have to cavel ht Sort notice (9) “uweserved ticket” mnesns& ake in while reservation hs been made; (q) “wsitlited ticker” means sicker on which no berth oe seat has ee allot 4. Station master to refund fares.~1) Subject to the ether provisions of these ries, every refs! of fe on unused luneserved ticket shal, when such ticket & presented far refund of fare to the sation msi of Heket ising station, be granted by such station muster aller verifying the genuineness of the ticket trom the record of the 2) Suibjct (othe other provisions these roles, every rolund of fare on confirmed tickets, RAC tickets and waite Tsted tickets shall, when such tickets are presented Jor refund of fare to the stition master of ticket isting ation, be granted within dhe Une limits prescribed in these rules, by such station master afer verifying the getuigenest of te tickers through eoraputer or fern the recor the aston Prose tha (3) inease oC tickets which were issue for tavel from a ston other than the ticket isssing slstion, refine of fare all be ndiissibe a = 18) the ticket issuing sation, if the ticket is suendored belo the sehedtled Gepartre of te Ucn from the station fron yiese the ticket is valid for travel and Gi te jonrmay commencing station, if the sicket is surendered within the tn nits prescribed in these ules; nd (6) refund! of fare may also be granted by the station master of a station other than the Heket issuing station and journey conumencing station subject 16 the condions tht = (0) the Gch is surrendered for round of fare during working hours of the reservation oer an before the preparation ‘of rewervation chart, ofthe concerned train, Fr the stalin Fran where the tickets vale ud i) the genuineness of the ticket and is particulars are verte a the tend From recon of the station satingsstion Dough camper o¢ 4, Lay of eleckaxge Subject tothe other provisions uf these rules. he sation master shall levy a elerkage che er pastenger for cancellation of unreserved, wei-listed and RAC ticket st te nite uf rupees thi fox second las uneoserved ticket and nupees sity Fr scone! lass resarved ticket und other cesses, 5, Refund on cancellation of unuseel unreserved tickesim~ If un unreserved tckel is presente (0 the sation master for cancellation, dhe refund of fare shall be male on every sub ticket afer deducting he ceska (ithe tckot is presented for cancellation within three hoa’ oF he issbe of tc, (ii) in cate of ticks isued in advanes, if the ticket is resented upto 2400 hours of the day precoding the day of Journey. 6, Refund on cancellation of umused reserved tickets— (I) Subject to the provisions of these cules, if & confirmed ticket is presented by tho passeager or his reprseaiaive te a sation mnsier foe cancellation. the refund of fre shall be made ater ducting cancelation charges frotn tie fee as fellows (6) ifthe Hoket is presented for eaneolation more than Feety-cight hours in advance of the scheduled dpartare ofthe trun, 2 minimiam per pissenger cancellation charge shall be deducted! a the Mat rate of recs fw Handed a forty for air conctioned frst class a: executive clas, pecs two hunted for ir conditioned-tT tier or fst clas, supees ce hundred and eighty for air condttionedTi-tie or -econoy ara conditioned ebair cor rapes one hhundied ond twenty for sleeper class un rupees sist tor second els: (0) ifthe ticket is prosented for cancellation between forty-eight hours and upto twelve hours before de scheduled departure of the train, the cancelltion charge shall be ‘wenty-ive per een, of the fare subject othe mibionuen ef the cencellation cage referred to in eles) (0) ifthe ticket is presontel for eoncelation within welve hours before the schshitel departure ofthe (rin an upto four touts before the scheduled departaze ofthe train iespactive of distance, tie cancellation charge stall be Fitty per eet. ofthe fare aubject tothe minimum ofthe cancelation charge refered wn clause {a}, (2) the passenger may get the ticket cancelled from any Passenger Reservation Sysiem (PRS) counters or designated cureat counters, Corr rs 3000 reg #1 UaeH eT 3 (@)_Norefund shall be granted on the confirmed ticket ales four hours before the scheduled departure ofthe tai, {3} In case; on a purty ticket or x Fumily ticket issued for travel of more than one passenger, sone passengers hive ‘conftmed reservation and otners a or RAC oF waiting ist, fl refund of fre, less clerkage, shall be admissible or confined passengers also subject tothe condition thi the entire eket ie surzencered For cancellation upto Ahirty minutes before the ceduled depactre of the trai, 7, Refond on cancelation of unused RAC or walttsted tickets —(1) Where # RAC tie or walclised Keket is presente (or cancellation, the rfid of Cave shall be muade after deducing the eerie Tf he tiket is presented {er cancellation ypo tiny minses before te scheduled departure ef the tsi irapactive of the distance @} The passenger may get the RAC ticks: or waittised ticket cancelled from any Passenger Reservation Systn(PRS) counter or designated current counter, (G) No refund ef fare shall be grented on RAC ticket or wait ste ticket after thity minutes before the scheduled departure of the tain A) Tease no Facility of cancelation of RAC ticket or witli tcke se vith PRS is available st the lation originating the journey for night tains lenving between 2100 hovrs and HSIN hewrs factual departure), the fun ‘of fare shal be udiisible atthe station within Fes to hours ates the opening oF reservation oie. (3) Tn remot and ily areas as identtied by the Zonal Railways. with the rier approval ofthe Govern Manager and Printed in the time table, for night tains feoving between 1900 hours and O60 hous. (sci departure), the refund shall be adevsuible at the stalion witha list (9 hours afer the opening of reservation or booking occ. in ease there iso reservation counters ne honking office or current counters avaliable i Un sre (6) Where confirmed reservation has heen provided to RAC of weittisted ticket holder at eny tine wpto final preparation of reservation chart, such ticket shall be rete as a rererved ticket wad cancellation charge shall be payable in accordance with ral 6 8. Refund on cancellation of tickets Gooked through internet (and ectiekets)—(1) The etches shall be raneelled through interselane te rtd of fare shall be ereditel ta the ascuunt Irom which hooking transaction took place, after dedusting te, appicuble charges and in ease of tickets, the foket shall be earwelled atthe reservation counter and thereatier cn online application, refund due shall be edited tn dae secant than which booking transuetion took place. (2) Jin case of «confined ticket booked through internet, end of fare shal be grantad in vecordance with ale 6. [Incase of RAC tickets booked through interme, refund of Fave shall be granted in secwrdanice with tle 7 (4) In ese of estiekets booked through internet (confimed or RAC), such tokese shall be cancelled online or online ‘TDR shall be ited within the tine Tits preserbed under these rales for obtaining rund LE) In case of waittisted e-ticket on which stats oF all the passengers is a waiting lst ew after preparstion of reservation chat, names of alf such passengers booked on that Passenger Neane Record (PNR) shall he dropped fromthe reservation chaet and refund of fare sal be ereditd to the oun! from which bonking tranystion took after deducting clerkage aval in case of watlisied /tichets, such tckeld shall be cited a the ‘computerised Passenger Reservation Systen (PRS) counter within the ime Hits reser ane thee ules and theetlercetuad can be claimed ootine and the refund shall be ereited to he cezoant (rors which booking transition took place, in necordaie with le 7 (© In case, on a pasty e-ticket or a family eticket ised for tavel of more than one passenger, some passengers leave confirmed reservation and olhess are on RAC ee waiting list, fll refund of are, Less clerkage, sll be ‘aimissible fr confirmed passengers ulso subject to the condition thatthe ticket shal be cancelled ‘online oF ‘online TDR shall be filod fr all te pastengers upto thirty minutes before the scheduled! depavture ofthe ta Ui) In case of party e-ticket or family erick sued Fr travel of more than one passenger. some passengers lave confirmed seszrvation and others are on tho Ust of RAC or waiting Li, then in cust of passengsis an RAC ce Waling list not traveling, aeeriicate shall be obtained From the ticket checking wf? to that effect ar stun fare shall be processed live throug TDR, indicating the details of dc een Issel Hy eke checking sath and the onfine TDR shall be filed upto seventy-two hours of actual ariva ofthe rin a passengers” destination and the original cerifiesteisgued by the ticket chucking sat? shall be sont through post to Tndion Railway Catering and! Tourism Conporation (IRC), snd the fare shall be eeFunded by Infian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation (IRCTC) to the cusiemr's acount eer due verification (2) No sefund of fare shal be edmissible on the tickets having confirmed reservation incase the Lickel isnot cancelled ‘or TDR not filed online spa Four hours before the schodlod deporte of che rain. (No zeCond of fre shall be admissible on RAC e-tickets in eave the ket ‘po thirty minutes before the schedule! departure of the tn, isnot cancelled or TDK aot filed ontine “ THE _GAZBTTE_OF INDIA: EXTRAORDINARY [Pane Il-S0e, 301 (9) In case of canceilaion of anins, aulomatic full rend of tase on confirmed of RAC ectickes shal be dteely ‘reited to the account from which booking transaction took plece an! onine cancellation a filing af TDR sail ‘not be required in such ease, (10) In other circumstances, the refund shall be oisible 28 per te tee Hit mentioned in rule 9, sub-ees (1) ad (2) of rule 13 and rues 14, 16, 17 and 18 subject Figg of online TDR and wherever a cetfcate from Fcket beoking staf? is required, the passenger shall vbtsin the sume to that effect hereupon refund uf fare shal) be processed online though TDR, indicating the dais ofthe sal cortificale and the ovginal cceiicate shall be sat through post to the fnian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation CRCEC, al thereater the fare 406 sual be refined by Indian Reiiway Catering and Tourisiy Corpurtion {HRCC) te the eusoiner’s avcuual alte five veritiation. 8. Refund on eancetiaton of guused tatkal fckets—{1) No ytund of fre shal be admissible on confine teal Tickets except under certain eircumstanoes mentioned in ub-akss (2), (3b (4 (5). (6). (7) andl subse 8). 2), Grant of efun for unased wait listed ttkl kets shall be governed by cule 7 @)_In-ense of party tatkl ticket or Family thal cket sibel for travel Fo meee than ane passenger, some pamsengers have confirmed reservation and ors ere on waiting it, full red of fave less eletkags sill hs adele fo contirmest pessengers also subject to the condition th entire lathe ticket fs surrendered for cancellation gpto iry minus before the scheduled departure wf the tain (8) Crant of sefand in esse of noa-commencement oF mitsing of journey due to lee nuing of tin shall be ‘governed by rule 13, ) Cancellation of ticket where railway admizisteation is unable 10 provide aecommodition shall be governed by rule 14 (6) Refund of takal ticket on account of discontinuation of jaurney due to dlsocation of tain services shall be governed by rule 16, (7) Refund of fave on tatkal tickets when passengers are rade to travel in ower class for wanl of aocomsmodtio shal be governed by rule 18 and the relund of dference between inkal chartes, ian, shal also be granted, (8) No duplicate tka tickets shall be issued: Provided tht duplicate etka ticket may be issued in exceptional circumstances on paynieatof ful fie ictudng atl whatpes ©. Refunel on eanedation of unused multiple journey tekels—Wen an unined sks invelving more than ove vurney is surrendoted for eanceation, the entre ticket shal be treed as one single journey ticket and ref Of fare ofthe entice ket, inexpective of reservation status of diferent laps of journeys, shall be granted as pet seservation status of is ap of journey, as under. (i) reservation status of fat ap of journey ie wantinned refund shal be granted in aecondanee with sue 6; amd iy ifveservation status oF frst lap of joumey is RAC or waiting is ‘fun shall be granted, i accordance with ale Explonation-~The cancellation charges oF clerkage shall be levied only once ev the eatve amount vf ticket and nut separztely feeb lap af jouruey 41, Postponement or prepouement of journey on a confirmed, RAC pr svaltliste ticket — (1) The postponement of journey on confirmed ur RAC or waite! ket shall be allowed in the same elass and for the same destination ar any higher class by the samo tin or by any ollie Guia Tor any subsequent. days, subject condition that (0 the ticket is surencered during the weekiig hours of seservetion office at least forty-eight hats before the Sched departure of the tain in which the ticket was oxginally bockeek sec to eatin on timings of this fuelity imposed by zilway udimiaistation from time to times ‘the confirmec! or RAC or wai-ised accommodation i valle inthe kan fn Whiets Frosh rseovaion is requned id in ese of contizmed ticket, fresh reservation fue forthe clay for Which reservation i require is pis and iv) incase of RAC or waittste Lickel, clerkage charge fs pe The preponement of journey on confirmed or RAC os waiLlisted ticket shall be allowed in the same cass and for the same destination or any higher class by the same rain a by any other ran fer ny earlier days, sabjet to ‘condition shat-

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