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NIM : 01918146465

Nama : Rolan Fernando

Kelas : MI Semester 6
Mata Kuliah : Tata Kelola Informasi

Pemetaan Business Goal, IT Goal, dan IT Process

Menggunakan COBIT 4.0
(Studi Kasus : Bank Daerah XYZ)

1. Pemetaan Tujuan Perusahaan dengan Business Goals

No Tujuan Perusahaan Business Goal Perspective
1 Terwujudnya bank daerah yang a. Increase revenue Financial Perspective
terpercaya, sehat, dan b. Return on investment (a, b)
2 Menggerakkan pemberdayaan a. Service avaibility Customer Perspective
ekonomi rakyat dalam rangka b. Automateand integrate (a)
turut serta berperan menuju the enterprice value
masyarakat yang maju, mandiri chain Internal Perspective
dan sejahtera c. Improve and maintain (b,c)
business process
3 Meningkatkan kualitas a. Service avaibility Customer Perspective
pelayanan b. Improve customer (a, b)
orientation & service
4 Menuju tenaga kerja yang a. Acquire and maintain Learning and Growth
profesional skilled and motivated Perspective (a)
b. Improve and maintain Internal Perspective
operasional and staff (b)
5 Meningkatkan kerja sama dan a. Increase revenue Financial Perspective
besinergi dengan pihak lain. b. Obtain reliable and (a)
useful information for Learning and growth
strategic decision perspective
making (b)

2. Identifikasi Business Goal Ke IT Goals

No Business Goals COBIT IT Goals (Kode)
1 Expand market share 25, 28
2 Increase revenue 25, 28
3 Return on investment 24
4 Improve customer orientation 3, 23
5 Service availability 10, 16, 22, 23
6 Automate and integrate the enterprice value chain 6, 7, 8, 11
7 Improve and maintain business process 6, 7, 11
8 Improve and maintain operasional and staff 7, 8, 11, 13
9 Obtain reliable and useful information for strategic 2, 4, 12, 20, 26
10 Acquire and maintain skilled and motivated 9

3. Identifikasi IT Goals Ke IT Process

IT Goals Keterangan IT Processes
2 Respond to governance requirement in line with PO1, PO4, PO10, ME1, ME3
board direction
3 Ensure the satisfaction of end users with service PO8, AI4, DS1, DS2, DS7,
offerings and service levels DS8, DS10, DS13
4 Optimise the use of information PO2, DS11
6 Define how business functional and control AI1, AI2, AI6
requirements are translated in effective and
efficient automated solutions
7 Acquire and maintain integrated and standardized PO3, AI2, AI5
IT systems
8 Acquire and maintain an integrated and AI3, AI5
standardized IT infrastructure
9 Acquire and maintain IT skill that respon to the IT PO7, AI6
10 Ensure mutual satisfaction of thitd-party DS2
11 Seamlessly integrate applications and technology PO2, AI4, AI7
solutions into business processes
12 Ensure transparency and understanding of IT cost, PO5, PO6, DS1, DS2, DS6,
benefits, strategy, policies and service levels ME1, ME3
13 Ensure proper use performance of the applications PO6, AI4, AI7, DS7, DS8
and technology solutions
16 Reduce solution and service delivery defects and PO8, AI4, AI6, AI7, DS10
20 Ensure automated business transactions and PO6, AI7, DS5
information exchanges can be trusted
22 Ensure minimum business impact in the event of PO6, AI6, DS4, DS12
an IT service disruption or change
23 Make sure that IT services are available as DS3, DS4, DS8, DS13
24 Improve IT’s cost-effeciency and its contribution PO5, AI5, DS6
to business profitability
25 Deliver projects on time and budget meeting PO8, PO10
quality standards
26 Maintain the integrity of information and AI6, DS5
processing infrastructure
28 Ensure that IT demonstrates costefficient service PO5, DS6, ME1, ME3
quality, continuous improvement and readiness for
future change

4. IT Processes
Domain Detail
PO1 Menentukan rencana strategis TI
PO2 Menentukan Arsitektur Informasi
PO3 Menentukan arah teknologi
PO4 Menentukan Teknologi Informasi (TI), Organisasi
dan Hubungan
PO5 Mengelola Investasi IT
PO6 Mengkomunikasikan Tujuan dan Arahan
PO7 Mengelola Sumber Daya Manusia
PO9 Menilai dan Mengelola Resiko TI
PO10 Mengelola Proyek
AI1 Mengidentifikasi solusi yang dapat diotomatisasi
AI2 Mendapatkan dan memelihara Software Aplikasi
AI3 Mendapatkan dan Memelihara Infrastuktur
AI4 Mengaktifkan Operasi dan Penggunaan
AI5 Menyediakan sumber daya teknologi informasi
AI6 Mengelola perubahan
AI7 Instalasi dan Akreditasi Solusi dan Perubahan
DS1 Menentukan dan mengelolah tingkat layanan
DS2 Mengelola Layanan dari Pihak Ketiga
DS3 Mengelola Performa dan Kapasitas
DS4 Menjamin layanan yang berkelanjutan
DS5 Menjamin keamanan sistem
DS6 Mengidentifikasi dan Mengalokasikan Dana
DS7 Mendidik dan Melatih Pengguna
DS8 Mengelola Service Desk dan Insiden
DS10 Mengelola permasalahan
DS11 Mengelola data
DS12 Mengelola lingkungan fisik
DS13 Mengelola operasi
ME1 Mengevaluasi dan mengawasi performansi TI
ME3 Menjamin kesesuaian dengan kebutuhan eksternal

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