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Heat Treatment of Steel MODULE TITLE Nominal Duration Module Code or Number Purpose HEAT TREATMENT OF STEEL One

module EA 682 To enable students to describe the common heat treatment procedures applied to ferrous alloys and to relate the resultant microstructures and mechanical properties. This module will be modified in line with the requirements of the national metals and Engineering Standards when they become available. The module contains the knowledge and skills identified and agreed by all state/territories. It has been developed on the assumption that these will be reflected in the Standards. Prerequisites Summary of Content EA 695 Ferrous Alloys 1. The iron-carbon equilibrium and plain carbon steels. Suggested scope: Iron-carbon phase equilibrium Austenite-ferrite transformation Austenite-pearlite reaction Ferrite-pearlite steels Influence of grain size and carbide distribution on mechanical properties.

Relationship to Competency Standards

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel

Suggested Activities: In general use should be made of appropriate audiovisual material, case studies and plant visits. Where possible use should be made of mechanical testing, optical and electron microscopy (transmission and scanning) equipment. 2. Microstructure and properties of slowly cooled steels. Suggested Scope Effect of temperature structure and properties. Suggested Activities: Practical work such as: Heat treatment of steel Ferrite-austenite transformation. 3. Effects of alloying elements in iron-carbon alloys. Suggested Scope: The 8- and 2- phase fields Distribution of alloying elements in steel. Effects of alloying elements in the kinetics of 8/2 transformation. Structural changes resulting for alloying additions. Transformation diagrams for alloy steels. Suggested Activities: Austenite grain growth and thermal grain refining Metallographic preparation and examination of microstructures of annotated samples Austenite grain size (AS 1733-1976). and composition on

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel 4. Isothermal transformation of austenite. Suggested Scope: Austenite grain size Formation of pearlite Formation of baiting Role of alloying elements Mechanical properties of pearlite and `bainite Temperature Time Transformation (TT) diagrams. Suggested Activities Methods of determination of Grain Size of Metals. 5. Quenching treatments. Suggested Scope: Formation of martensite Morphology and crystallography of ferrous martensites mechanical properties of martensites Retained austenite Quenching media - stages of quenching, effect of variables. Thermal and transformation stresses, quenching defects. Suggested Activities: Quenching media and variables. 6. Transformation of austenite continuos cooling Suggested Scope: Cooling curves Continuous Cooling diagrams. Transformation (CCT)

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel

7. Hardenability and heat treatment. Suggested Scope: Factors affecting hardenability Use of TTT and CCT diagrams Hardenability Testing Hardenability and heat treatment. Suggested Activities: Hardenability of steel Jominy test (AS 1770-1975 Method for the end-quench Test for Hardenability of Steel). 8. Tempering Suggested Scope: Tempering of plain carbon steels Mechanical properties of tempered plain carbon steels Tempering of alloy steels. Suggested Activities Tempering of steel. 9. Special heat treatments. Suggested Scope: Austempering Mertempering (marquenching) Maraging steels High-strength, low-alloy (HSLA) steels.

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel 10. Surface treatments. Suggested Scope: Carburising Carbonitriding Nitriding Induction and flame hardening Other methods Suggested Activities Case hardening steel 11. Heat treatment defects. Suggested Scope: Nature and prevention of defects - surface - structural and property - stress-related - dimensional - tempering Suggested Activities Quench cracking of steel. Delivery Learning outcomes Learning Outcome 1 Assessment criteria On completion of this module the learner will be able to: Describe the common heat treatment procedures applied to ferrous alloys. 1.1 Successful completion of practical exercises and demonstration of ability to carry out heat treatment procedures. 1.2 Submission of reports covering practical work, research assignments, plant visits, etc.. Conditions Assessment methods Written test which may include multiple choice, short answer or essays. The test should cover theory material and relevant practical work, assignment or plant visit material.

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel

Learning Outcome 2 Assessment criteria

Recognise produced

and explain the microstructures by heat treatment of steel.

2.1 Successful completion of practical exercises and demonstration of ability to carry out heat treatment procedures. 2.2 Submission of reports covering practical work, research assignments, plant visits, etc..

Conditions Assessment methods Written test which may include multiple choice, short answer or essays. The test should cover theory material and relevant practical work and assignments. Practical test to demonstrate successful preparation, examination and interpretation of microstructures. Learning Outcome 3 Use a knowledge of the factors which affect the transformation behaviour of austenite to correlate the structure and properties of heat treated steels. 3.1 Successful completion of practical exercises and tutorials and demonstration of ability to correlate the structure and properties of heat treated steels. 3.2 Submission of reports covering practical work and assignments. Condition Assessment methods Written test which may include multiple choice, short answer or essays. The test should cover theory material and relevant practical work and assignments.

Assessment Criteria

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel Learning Outcome 4 Describe the defects which may be produced in steel components by poor heat treatment practice 4.1 Successful completion of practical exercises and demonstration of ability to recognise types and causes of defects related to heat treatment. 4.2 Submission of reports covering practical work, assignments and plant visits. Conditions Assessment methods Written test which may include multiple choice, short answer or essays. The test should cover theory material and relevant practical work, assignments or plant visit material. Learning Outcome 5 Describe the procedures and application for surface hardening of steel. 5.1 Successful completion of practical exercises and submission of reports covering practical work, assignments and plant visits.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteria

Conditions Assessment methods Written test which may include multiple choice, short answer or essays. The test should cover theory material and relevant practical work, assignments or plant visit material.

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel

Suggested Learning Resources 1. Plant/Equipment Required ITEM QUANTITY

METALLOGRAPHIC SAMPLE PREPARATION LABORATORY Access to: Air Conditioner Air Compressor Belt grinder twin Cut off machine - small wheel - large wheel Desiccator cabinet Grinder, Polish bench twin Polisher attachment automatic Polisher, electrolytic Ultrasonic cleaner Mounting Press MICROSCOPY LABORATORY Air conditioner Desiccator cabinet Microscopy metallographic research - large - student - interference Profile projector Specimens annotated sets metallographic TV camera and monitor and recorder MECHANICAL TESTING LABORATORY Extensometer - proof stress Indicator - dial - 0/100 mm Microscope - Measuring Brinell test Hardness Tester - Vickers Hardness Tester - Rockwell Hardness Tester - Brinell Hardness Tester - Micro Impact Tester - Charpy Tensile Tester - Universal 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 15 1 1 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 5 1 2 1 5

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel HEAT TREATMENT WORKSHOP Furnace - muffle - electrical Furnace - Fluidised bed DEFORMATION WORKSHOP Rolling mill (laboratory) Press hydraulic Ductility tester 1 2 1 1 1

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel

2. Major Texts & References AUTHOR Avner S H TITLE DATE PUBLISHED

Introduction to Physical McGraw Hill Metallurgy 1974 2nd ed NSW University Press 1973

Byrness J J (ED) Testing & Treatment of Materials Reference Books:

Suggested references include

American Society for Metals Metals Handbook ASM 10th Ed Iron, Steels. Vol. 2 Heat Treating Vol. 9 Metallography & Microstructures Bain E C & Paxton Alloying Elements in ASM 1966 HW Steel Brooks C R Gifkins R C Heat Treatment of Ferrous Alloys Optical Microscopy of Metals McGraw Hill 1979 Pitman 1970 Vol. 1 Properties & Selection:

Honeycombe R W K Steels, Microstructure Edward Arnold 1981 & Properties Atkins M. 087170093X Pradhudev Steels Handbook of Heat Treatment McGraw-Hill of Steels 0074518313 Heat Treatment & Processing Principles Krauss G. ASM Atlas of Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagrams for Engineering Steels ASM.


Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997

Heat Treatment of Steel Boyer H E Totten E G . Practical Heat Treating Handbook of Quenchants & Quenching Technology ASM ASM

Actrac Products Ltd/ Australian National Training Authority 1997


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