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Estrella, John Carlos S.

BA Political Science
WRP 0108 | 2nd Semester SY: 2022-2023

BK 5: FEU Core Values

The core values of Far Eastern University which are: Fortitude, Excellence, and
Uprightness have been inculcated in every student since they first set feet in this institution.
These values have driven and molded the student I am today. And I do plan of continuing to live
up to these values as they placed a crucial role in my development – not just as a student but as a
human too.

The challenge of living up to these values is its application in real-life context. Tempted
by the oppressive system, a person may have the tendency to simply conform and bypass their
ideologies in exchange for compensation and greener pasture. This is the reality of life. Not
everyone is born with silver spoon. Life tends to lean on the elite few of the society. Therefore,
people who are not part of the one percent are left with scraps – killing each other to have a share
of the crumb. In this case, ideologies no longer become part of the equation. The only thing
people have in mind is how to survive and sustain their lives. As disheartening as it may sound,
but this is the reality of life. Unless, there will be a total abolition of the current capitalist society.

On my end, I am quite privilege to still live up to my ideologies because of the fortunate

economic status of my family. Therefore, I could still live up to my core values without even
considering its repercussion on my survival.

For Fortitude, I will fiercely fight for the rights of the minority and oppressed sector –
particularly women and the queer community – in the society by hopefully becoming a legal

For Excellence, I will do everything everything with extreme effort to produce the quality
output to help other.

For Uprightness, I will try as much as possible, to always be blatantly factual and true
with my intentions and plans – particularly if it concerns the sector (e.g., women and the
LGBTQIA+ community) that I plan of representing in the future.

I know these may be too ideological in nature, as for sure, someday in the future, the
current system will haunt me back at night. But I will try, at the best of my ability, to live up with
the core values – as these defined me and the person that I am the person that I will be.

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