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Nahdatul Fikra M.Mas'ud





Research investigation as a work

Research investigation as a work refers to the process of conducting systematic and in-depth
research to explore, analyze, and generate new knowledge or insights in a specific field. It
involves investigating a research question or topic using various methods, collecting data,
analyzing findings, and drawing conclusions.

Here are some key aspects of research investigation as a work:

1. Research Question: A well-defined and focused question guides the entire investigation. It
should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Literature Review: Conducting a thorough review of existing literature helps identify gaps
in current knowledge and provides a foundation for the research investigation.

3. Research Design: Choosing an appropriate research design is crucial for addressing the
research question effectively. Common designs include experimental studies,
surveys/questionnaires, interviews/focus groups, case studies/ethnography.

4. Data Collection: Collecting relevant data through various methods such as observations,
interviews/questionnaires/surveys, document analysis ensures gathering accurate information
related to the research question.

5. Data Analysis: Analyzing collected data using appropriate techniques allows researchers to
derive meaningful insights from their findings. Qualitative analysis may involve coding
themes/categories while quantitative analysis includes statistical tests.

6. Findings & Interpretation: Presenting the results/findings obtained from data analysis
objectively is essential in order to draw valid conclusions supported by evidence.
7. Conclusion & Implications: Summarizing the main findings of the study along with their
implications for theory/practice contributes to advancing knowledge in that particular field.

8.Recommendations for Further Research - Identifying areas where further exploration is

needed based on limitations discovered during your own study can help guide future
researchers' investigations

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