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Year 4 SE_2023-2024


 Basics of Water Supply:

 Typical city to buildings water supply system constitutes of a

gravity/pumping based transmission and distribution system from
local/distant water source with needed water treatment system

WATER DEMAND: is the measure of the total amount
of water used by the customers within the water system
Types of demand
 Average daily demand  Maximum momentary demand
 Building type  Measured in liters per person
 Types of plumbing fixtures per day
 Hours of operation  Demand by individual
 Measured in gallons per person plumbing fixtures
per day ⚫ Measured in liters per minute
 Peak demand
 Demand during critical periods
of the day
 Municipal street main
 Depth 2 – 7 ft. from grade (1ft= 30.48cm)
 Pressure ranges from 50 to 70 psi(pound per
square inch)
 Usually adequate for low-rise buildings

 Static pressure (static head)

 Pressure exerted by water standing in vertical
 Pressure exerted by a 1-sq. in. column of
water, 1 ft. in height = 0.433 psi
 Up feed distribution
 Simple up feed
⚫ Water fed to fixtures in a building only by the incoming pressure of
the supply water. This method is good for buildings up to 5 to 6 stories

 Pumped up feed
⚫ Water fed to the fixtures in a building by increasing the pressure of the
supply water using additional pumps.

 Hydro-pneumatic up feed: operating by means of both water and air

or other gas a hydropneumatic elevator.

 Downfeed distribution

 Uses pumps to deliver water to a rooftop storage tank

of the building.

 The water in the storage tank feeds fixtures below due

to the force of gravity.

Building piping
 Piping is a system of pipes used to convey fluids (liquids and
gases) from one location to another. It includes pipe, fittings, valves,
and other piping components.

Water distribution
 City water supply is distributed through street mains. There are large pipes
that run underground below the streets.

 The water flows under pressure that must be great enough to overcome the
frictional resistance and static pressure of the distribution system.

 Upfeed distribution
When water is fed to fixtures in a building by the incoming pressure of , it
water is called upfeed distribution.

 For medium-size buildings, additional pumps have to be installed

to increase pressure.
 Down feed Distribution

 Uses pumps to deliver water to a rooftop storage tank of the building.

 The water in the storage tank feeds fixtures below due to the force
of gravity.

 Down feed distribution systems may be designed for building more

than six stories in height.

 Water is pumped to the roof of the building to storage tanks. The

water from the storage tanks serves the floors below due to the force
of gravity. 9


Supply piping materials
 Water pipes and fittings may be of brass, black steel, copper,
galvanized steel, or plastic. However, the specific type of materials may be
used for each particular piping system.

Steel and Galvanized steel
 Steel and Galvanized steel may be used for supply when water is
noncorrosive. It is made from mild carbon steel.

 In order to prevent rust and corrosion, the steel pipe is /put in a hot bath of
molten zinc. This process is known as galvanizing. Nominal sizes* of galvanized
steel pipe range from 1/8 inch to 12 inch, in several wall thicknesses. (1 inch=

Nominal size or trade size used for purposes of general identification; the actual size of a part
will be approximately the same as the nominal size but need not be exactly the same.
The pipe wall thickness is usually described using
terms Schedule 40, for standard wall and Schedule 80, for
extra strong wall. Schedule 40 is normally used for plumbing

 Plastic is most used in Rwanda in modern plumbing.
 Plastic pipes are produced from synthetic resins derived from fossil fuels.
 Four types of plastics are commonly used for plumbing pipes and fittings:
 (1) polyvinyl chloride (PVC),
 (2) chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC),
 (3) acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and
 (4) polyethylene (PE).

 Cross-connection and backflow

 Connection between supply system and any system containing non-

potable water

 Backflow prevention
 Air gap
 Atmospheric Vacuum breaker
 Pressure Vacuum breaker

 Steel and galvanized steel
 Copper
 Plastic

 Water supply accessories and controls:

 Valves (Gate valve - Globe valve - Check valve - Ball valve - Butterfly
 Water hammer arrestor
 Insulation
 Pipe expansion
 Pipe support
 Need for piping
 To transport water from source to the locations of use

 Requirements of Supply piping materials

 Efficient
 Low maintenance
 Non-corrosive

 Steel: inexpensive, used only where water is
non- corrosive.

 Top Galvanized Pipe Problems are:

 They clog easily: Over time, galvanized
pipes corrode and rust. ...
 They rust from the inside out. Galvanized
pipes can rust completely from the inside out. ...
 They aren't very resilient. ...
 Potential lead deposits in your drinking water 18
 Galvanized steel: Moderately corrosion

 Galvanized pipes are steel pipes that have

been dipped in a protective zinc coating to
prevent corrosion and rust.

 Brass, red: expensive, corrosion resistant to a certain
 Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, in proportions
which can be varied to achieve varying mechanical and
electrical properties.

 It is a substitutional alloy: atoms of the two constituents

may replace each other within the same crystal structure.
Brass plumbing pipes provide great rust resistance piping
if it's made of 67% to 85% copper.

 The best brass pipe grade is obtained when the alloy

contains 85% copper and is called red brass pipe.
 Copper: Less expensive than brass, corrosion
resistant systems.
 Copper pipes are commonly used in the
construction industry for water supply lines and
for refrigerant lines in HVAC (heating, cooling,
and air-conditioning)

 Copper pipes can be manufactured as soft or

rigid copper and offers excellent corrosion-
resistance and reliable connections.

 Plastic: Corrosion resistant, special types
required for hot water. CPVC stands for
chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. It is often
(but not always) a cream-colored or off-white

 This type of pipe can stand temperatures up

to about 180 F or so (this depends on the
schedule), so it and can be used for hot and
cold water inside of a house or mobile home.

 Some definitions (additional information)
 Fixture pressure : Pressure required to operate a
fixture; varies from 5 to 15 psi
 PSI: pound(s) per square inch
 gpm: gallon(s) per minute
 Fixture unit: An index of water demand by a fixture

 DL: Actual linear distance of pipe from street main to

the remotest fixture
 EL: Additional length of piping (in terms of friction
loss) equivalent to fittings, 50% of DL
 TEL: Total Equivalent Length, DL+EL
 Static pressure: Pressure loss due to height
(Height*0.433) 23
 Pressure components in an upfeed supply system

 Pflh = Pressure loss due to friction in piping

 Psm = Street or municipal main pressure
 Pf = Pressure required to operate a fixture (use the highest figure)
 Pht = Pressure loss due to height (static pressure): 0.433 psi/ft.
 Pm = Pressure loss due to water flow through meter
 (Pflh+Pf+Pht+Pm) should be equal to Psm

 Friction loss equation

 Pflh/100 = [Psm-(Pf+Pht+Pm)]*100/TEL
 Total water demand
 Calculated in gpm using Hunter's curve (or the algorithm provided by the
 Curve 1 (if Hunter's curve is used) to be used if there is any FV operated fixture in
the system
 Curve 2 (if Hunter's curve is used) to be used, if otherwise
 Demand for hot and cold supply to be calculated separately

 Pipe size
 To be determined using the sizing graph or By using this formula: Pf =
(4.52*Q1.85)/C1.85*ð4.87)  (Check the Hydraulics Course).
 Both friction loss and demand calculations will be required to find sizes

 Velocity of water in supply pipes

 Should not exceed 10 fps (For example, the velocity of water moving through
piping (measured in feet per second or fps) is not uniform across the diameter of
the pipe)
 Pipe size should be increased if velocity exceeds this limit.
Air chamber (hammer arrester)

 Clean-out plug 
 Drain-waste-vent system
 Soil stack

 Plumbing fixtures

Terms: Plumbing Fixtures


 Storm drain system

 Supply system
 Traps
 Venting
 Waste lines
 Water hammer

What is a plumbing system and how does it work?
 The plumbing system is really made
up of two systems:

1. Supply system that brings in

fresh water: 

What is a plumbing system and how does it work?
2. Drain-waste-vent system that takes out
used water and sewage. The drain-waste-
vent system, commonly abbreviated DWV,
also lets air in and waste gases out.

 Between these two systems are the fixtures

(sinks, tubs, toilets, and so on).

What is a plumbing system and how does it work?
 When designing a plumbing system, first consult the Rwanda
Building Code so that the requirements are met as the design is

What is a plumbing system and how does it work?
 In some cases, plumbing must be done by a
licensed plumber.

 Other areas allow anyone to do plumbing, but

the work must be inspected and approved
by the Engineer in charge.

What is a plumbing system and how does it work?
 Every plumbing system design begins with identification of needs.

 Consider the kind and number of fixtures along with the quantity of
both hot and cold water that will likely be used.
 With these needs in mind, select adequate piping for water supply
and DWV for each fixture.

 To increase efficiency and reduce costs, design the plumbing so that

fixtures are clustered close together.

 Well planned buildings have rooms needing plumbing placed back

to back or above and below each other.
What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 If your property is in town, the water supply is easily obtained by
tapping into the WASAC water main.

 WASAC employees make the connection to the water main and

install a water meter to measure water usage.

 Recommended pressure varies from 40–60 pounds per square inch

(psi) depending on the number of fixtures, the height of the building,
the length of piping, and the size of the piping.

What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 Water pressure is created by using a water pump to pump water, or
by allowing water to flow by gravity from a water tower.
 Water towers are filled by pumping water into them.

 They have the advantage of providing a more constant pressure

than water pumps.
 They also provide a reserve of water for peak use periods.

 Tall buildings may use the water tower principle and store water in
a storage tank on the roof of the building.

What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 To maintain water pressure, design and run supply lines as short and
direct as possible using a minimum number of fittings.

 Use pipe of adequate size, but do not use pipe larger than needed.

 Oversized supply lines cause a drop in pressure while undersized lines do

not deliver sufficient water supply.

 The correct size supply line is determined by estimating the demand for
water at each fixture.

What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 The most common size of supply line is ½ inch.

 Bathtub, dishwasher, kitchen sink, laundry sink,

lavatory, shower, washing machine, flush toilet, and
water heater all require the ½ inch size supply line.

 If a supply line branches off to supply more than

one fixture, the rule of thumb is a ¾ inch line can
supply three ½ inch lines and a ½ inch line can
supply three 3 /8 inch lines.

What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 The types of pipe suitable for supply lines
include: PVC (polyvinyl-chloride) and CPVC
(chlorinated polyvinyl-chloride) plastic,
copper tubing, and galvanized iron.

 Black iron and lead pipe should not be used

for supply lines.

What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 When the supply lines are drawn in the plan, care
should be taken to place the hot water line on the
left and the cold water on the right.

 To prevent the heat transfer from hot to cold

water, pipes should be at least 6 inches apart.

 In a good design both hot and cold lines should

have a shutoff valve at each fixture.
What is needed for the plumbing supply system?
 Supply lines should be secured to walls, floors, and ceilings.
 Noise vibration is the result of loose unsupported pipes.

 Water hammer, the other potential supply system problem,

is the banging sound (a loud beat) sometimes heard when
faucets or taps are shut off quickly.

 To prevent the banging, an air chamber made by simply

adding a 12 inch vertical extension of the supply line
capped on the top is added.

 The air trapped in the air chamber cushions the moving

water to a smooth and orderly stop when the faucet is
off. 40
What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 DWV (Drain-Waste-Vent) system
connections are simpler for city

 City employees are responsible for

making the connections to the
municipal sewer system.

What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 Rural properties require the installation of a
septic tank and filter field.

 Designing and installing the domestic sewer

system which is right for your property is a job
best left to a professional sanitary contractor.

 Since the DWV piping is the most expensive

piping, after placing the fixtures this piping
should be drawn in first.
 Good design uses the least possible materials
and fewest turns. 42
What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 All fitting connections should be smooth and all bends or curves gradual.

 As previously mentioned, grouping fixtures helps keep the cost down.

The DWV system is generally divided into the soil stack, waste lines, vents,
and traps.

The ideal slope is ¼ inch per foot of run. If the drain lines are too small they
will tend to clog.

If drain lines are too large, they are more difficult to install, cost more, and
are not efficient in carrying away the waste.
 Waste solids tend to settle in oversized pipes. 43
What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 The amount of liquid that can flow from a fixture is the basis for
determining the size of drain-waste piping.

 The load factor is the number of gallons of water that must be

discharged per minute from a fixture or group of fixtures.

 An average bathroom sink can discharge 1 cubic foot (approximately 7

½ gallons per minute) or a load factor of 1.

What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 Venting is vertical piping that is used to permit air
to circulate into the piping resulting in a
relatively constant air pressure throughout the
system and allows the exhaust of sewer gas
buildup above the roof.

 Traps are installed between the fixture and the

waste pipe to form a “water seal” pre-venting
sewer gas and unpleasant odors from entering the

What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent
 Traps also help stop air from entering
the waste pipe while liquid is flowing and
thus eliminate noise. Traps may be P, S,
or drum.

What is needed for the plumbing drain-waste-vent

 If the plumbing system has a storm drain

system it is used to carry away only water that
comes from guttering, downspouts, driveway
drains, sump pumps, floor drains, and
foundation drain tiles or perforated pipe.

Water supply accessories and controls
 Valve is a device used on a piping system to control the flow of fluid
within that system. It is desirable to install a valve to control individual
fixtures, branch supply lines and every riser (i.e., vertical supply line).

 Gate valve is commonly used

device that can obstruct the flow of
water by means of a wedge disk
fitted within the valve body. It mainly
performs shut-off duty, not intended
for flow regulations.

Gate valve symbol

Gate valve
 Globe valve is installed when it is necessary to regulate the flow
of water. It is a compression-type valve that controls the flow of water
by means of a circular disk in stalled within the valve body.

 The globe valve has small ports, an “S” flow pattern, and relatively
high pressure drop.

Globe valve
 Check valve is a device that prevents the flow of
water in a direction reverse to the normal flow.

 It is used to direct the flow of water in only one

direction. Any reversal flow closes the valve.

Check valve symbol

Swing-type Lift-type
Ball valve symbol

Rotating ball

 Butterfly valve has a rotating disk that controls the water flow.
When fully open, the disk is aligned with the water flow. To close
the disk is rotated at a right angle so that it fully blocks the flow.
They are used mostly on pipes that are 3 inches or larger in size.

Butterfly valve
 Water hammer arrestor
When a water supply valve or a
fixture in a supply system is
closed quickly, the force
exerted by the fast flowing
water causes the pipe to shake
and rattle. This is known as
water hammer. It can be
prevented by closing the valve slowly
or be controlled by using a “water
hammer arrestor”.

 Pipe expansion joint is an
assembly designed to safely
absorb the heat-induced
expansion and contraction of
construction materials, to
absorb vibration, to hold
parts together, or to allow

Sizing of supply pipes
 Total water demand

 In order to determine the size of water supply main to a building and the
subsequent branch sizes, it is necessary to determine the maximum load that the
supply main should carry.

 This demand can be calculated form the total supply fixture units for all the
plumbing fixtures installed in a building have been calculated, the total water
demand can then be found out in terms of GPM

 Water velocity

 Water flowing through supply pipes tends to produce noise due to friction.

 The higher the velocity, the greater the noise and the pressure drop.
 Water velocity (cont.)

 To avoid excessive noise, generally accepted practice for commercial buildings is

to limit water velocity to between 6 and 8 fps (2-2.5 m/s). For industrial projects,
10 fps (3 m/s) is acceptable in work areas where the noise is not noticeable.

 Recommended velocity (1) Main: 8 m/s (2) Risers and Branches: 6 m/s
Q  AV   D2V
D  f (Q,V )

  L V2 PMajor
PMajor  f D 2g   g(V , D, pipe material)
  L

f = friction factor = f (surface roughness, flow type)

Friction factor, f
is a dimensionless quantity used to calculate friction losses in pipe flow.
can be obtained from Moody diagram
f  f (e / D, Re)

Re 

where e = surface roughness

Re = Reynolds number
 = fluid viscosity [water = 1.002 x 10-3 Pa-s (2.034 lbf-s/ft2)]

Moody diagram

Example 1

¾” S40 PVC pipe delivers10 GPM of water. Calculate pressure drop per
length of water flow.

D@ D 3/4"  0.804"(0.0204m )
V  Q / A

Q  10 GPM (0.000631 m3 / s)  6.33 f / s

A   D2  0.003519 ft 2 (0.0003269 m2 ) 4  (1.93m / s)

Unit conversion:
1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 gpm = 3.785 L/m,

1 psi = 6.895 kPa, 1 foot per second = 0.305 m/s. 62

Example 1 (cont.)
Re   39,200
 f  0.039
(from Moody diagram)
e/D Smooth pipe

  2300 Laminar
VD  2300  Re 
Re 

 
  4000 Turbulent


PMajor V 2  997 1.93 2

 f D 2  3.55 kPa / m
L 0.0204 2
 3.55 kPa / m  10.82 psi /100'
 where ρ is the density of the fluid, V is the average velocity in the pipe, fD is the
friction factor from the Moody chart, L is the length of the pipe and D is the pipe
 The chart plots Darcy–Weisbach friction factor fD against Reynolds number Re
for a variety of relative roughnesses, the ratio of the mean height of roughness of the
pipe to the pipe diameter or ε / D .
 The Moody chart can be divided into two regimes of flow: laminar and turbulent.
For the laminar flow regime (Re < ~3000), roughness has no discernible effect.
Example 2
1” S40 galvanized steel pipe delivers 20 GPM of water. Calculate pressure
drop per length of water flow using Moody diagram.

D@ D1"  1.049"(0.02664m )
V  Q / A
Q  20 GPM (0.001262 m3 / s)  7.42 fps
A   D2  0.006001 ft 2 (0.0005574 m2 ) 4  2.264m / s

Example 2 (cont.)

Re   60,011
 f  0.032
(from Moody diagram)
e / D  0.00563

  2300 Laminar
VD  2300  Re 
Re   Transition
4000 Turbulent
 
  4000

Moody diagram

Example 2 (cont.)

PMajor V 2 997 2.264 2

 f D 2  0.032  3.07 kPa / m

L 0.02664 2
 3.55 kPa / m  9.26 psi /100'

Plumbing system design

 Plumbing fixtures

 Plumbing fixtures is an exchangeable device

which can be connected to a plumbing system
to deliver and drain water.

 The most common plumbing fixtures are:

bathtubs, drinking fountains, kitchen sinks,
showers, channel drains, and lavatories.

 Supply Fixture Units (SFU) Demand for water by
a plumbing fixture varies according to its type and the
occupancy category of the building in which it is

 Drainage Fixture Units (DFU)

is a measure of the
discharge into the systemby various
plumbing fixtures.

 Minimum supply pressure

is a certain demand of water pressure for each
 Fixture Unit is a design factor which represents a
probable flowrate of a plumbing fixture. The number
of fixture units depends on the volume of water
required, the average duration of a single use, and the probable
number of uses per unit time.
types of 72
Example 4

Calculate SFU and DFU for a public building with 12 water

closets (flush valve type), 4 urinals (flush valve type), 8
lavatories, and 3 drinking fountains.
Supply Drainage
Type of fixtures units SFU
Type of fixtures units DFU
per unit total
per unit total
Public WC's 12 10 120
Public WC's 12 6 72
Public urinals 4 5 20
Public urinals 4 4 16
Public lavatories 8 2 16

Public lavatories 8 1 8
Drinking foundtains 3 0.25 0.75

Drinking foundtains 3 0.5 1.5

Total 157

Total 98
Supply GPM

 The Supply Fixture Units - FSU - are used to determine the water
demand in water supply systems. One FSU for a single unit corresponds
to one GPM.

1 SFU = 1 GPM

 This conversion can only be used for one or a few fixtures. When the
total amount for many fixtures are added up, the number must be
compensated due to the intermittent use of the fixtures. This is normal
taken care of in the figures or tables available for sizing supply pipe lines.

Total SFU to water supply demand in gallons per minute (supply
GPM) 1 GPM = 3.79 liter/min
Note: Read solid-line curves for residential and commercial occupancies;
use the dashed curves for large assembly occupancies (for examples: stadium, theater)

Example 4
Select the sizes of PVC pipe for the pluming system (Tank-type WC).
The main supply pipe velocity should not exceed 8 fps, and the riser and
the branch velocities should not exceed 6 fps.

30 SFU
30 SFU 3
Riser 60
1 Pipe # SFU GPM Pipe size Velocity
1 120 25.9 1 1/4" <8.0
2 60 18.4 1" <6.0
3 30 14.7 1" <6.0
4 60 18.4 1" <6.0
5 30 14.7 1" <6.0
6 30 14.7 1" <6.0

 A private building with 10 water closets (Gravity tank type), 3
urinals (flush valve type), 2 bathroom group (Gravity tank type)
and 4 lavatories. Calculate:

 Total supply demand (supply GPM)

 Total pressure drop of the supply main pipe if the total length is 30 feet.

(Note: Designed flow velocity should not exceed 8 fps.)

Pump selection
is based on two
 Flow Rate (Total water demand: GPM)

Pumps are selected for the peak flow rate. The peak flow rate is the sum of
water demands for all plumbing fixtures, i.e. the total water demand.

 Total Dynamic Head (Pressure rise)

Total dynamics head of the pump is the head difference between the summation
of total head loss HL, static head loss HS, and desired discharge head HD and
supply main head HM.

TDH = HL + HS + HD – HM
 Pressure head
is a term that represents a fluid pressure per specific weight (height of fluid

Pressure Head

33.7 ftH2O
14.6 psi

101.325 kPa 10.33 mH2O

Pump input power
 is the power consumed by a pump in order to move and increase
pressure of a fluid.
Phydraulic  Pshaft  pump

 Q    H P 
Pshaft  Pelec motor
Shaft power

Pump Coupling

 The shaft power of a pump is the mechanical power transmitted to it

by the motor shaft. While fluid power is the energy per second carried
in the fluid in the form of pressure and kinetic energy. 82
Pump input power (cont.)

 9.8 Q  SG TDH  [SI unit: kW]

 pump

 13 Q  SG TDH  [SI unit: HP]

 pump (1HP = 746 W)

 Q  SG TDH  [Imperial unit: HP]

3960 pump
,where Q = GPM, TDH = ft., SG = Specific gravity (e.g. SGwater =1)

Pump energy consumption (cont.)

9.8 Q  SG TDH  pump run time[h]

kWhpump 
 pump  motor

Review / Summary
 Define the plumbing system and show how it works.

 Discuss how to design a plumbing supply system.

 Discuss how to design a plumbing drain-waste-vent system.

Industrial Water Supply : Basic Systems and
Industrial Water Use:
 Cooling
 Washing (production, premises)
 Vapor generation
 Transportation (materials, products, wastes)
 Production ingredient
 Production media
 Drinking
 Fire fighting

Industrial Water Supply Requirements:
1. Water quantity requirements
- depend on:
 Industrial water supply norms  Water use
 Potable water supply norms  Water reuse (if any)
for workers 3. ater regime requirements -
 Water losses depend on:
2.Water quality requirements -  Industrial technology kind
depend on:  Industrial technology regime
 Water source
Industrial Water Supply Requirements:
4. Water head requirements - depend on:
⚫ Industrial technology kind
⚫ Industrial equipment
⚫ Industrial buildings height

5. Water supply security requirements - depend on:

⚫ Industrial technology requirements
⚫ Economical conditions and restrictions


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