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Two Popular Ethical Approaches

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There are many different ethical approaches that people take to make decisions. Some

popular ethical methods include utilitarianism, Utilitarianism, deontology, and virtue ethics.

Each system has different strengths and weaknesses, and each can be applied differently

depending on the situation. Utilitarianism is an approach that focuses on the consequences of an

action to determine whether it is right or wrong. This approach is often used in cases with much

potential for harm or benefit, where the decision must be made quickly. However, utilitarianism

can also be criticized for not considering the intrinsic value of human life and for being too

focused on the outcomes of an action. The categorical imperative is the belief that some steps are

always wrong, no matter the consequences. This approach is often used when there is a clear

choice between right and wrong, and the goal is to choose the option that is morally correct,

regardless of the consequences. While both of these approaches have their merits, they also have

some drawbacks that should be considered before using them as a guide for ethical decision-


Utilitarianism is one of the most popular ethical approaches in the world. It is the idea

that the right thing to do is the thing that maximizes utility or happiness. There are many

different versions of utilitarianism, but they all have the same basic idea. They include; act

utilitarianism, this version says that you should always do the activities that will produce the

most happiness (Matti Hāyry, 2020). Another popular version is rule utilitarianism; this version

says you should follow the rules that will make you the happiest. There are many different ways

to measure satisfaction, and different utilitarians have other ideas about happiness. Nevertheless,

all utilitarians believe that the right thing to do is the thing that will produce the most happiness

overall. There are a few things that I think are right about utilitarianism. First, it is an efficient

approach to ethics. It is easy to see how utilitarianism could be applied to any number of real-

world situations. Second, utilitarianism takes into account the consequences of our actions. This

is important because we cannot simply act in a way we think is right without considering how

our actions will affect others. However, there are also a few things that I think are wrong about

utilitarianism. First, it can be challenging to determine the right thing to do in a given situation.

Second, utilitarianism does not always consider the motives behind our actions. This is important

because our explanations can often be just as important as the consequences of our efforts.

The Categorical Imperative is the idea that we should never act in a way that contradicts

our principles or values. This means we should always work in a way we think is morally right,

regardless of the consequences (Penn, 2022). I believe this theory is right. We should always act

according to our conscience. However, I believe it is wrong because it does not consider that

sometimes we may not be able to work in a way that we think is morally right. Also, believe that

the Categorical Imperative is wrong because it does not consider that sometimes our principles

may conflict with each knowing the right thing to do cannot be easy in these cases be easy.

I find that a mix of utilitarianism and the categorical imperative fit into my personal life. I

often make decisions based on what will produce the most happiness or good for the most

people, but I also try to live my life according to a set of moral principles. For example, I try to

be honest and treat others with respect, even if it might not always be in my self-interest. The

categorical imperative and utilitarianism can be helpful approaches in my personal life. I often

think about how my actions will impact others when making decisions, and I try to act in a way

that will create the most happiness and the least suffering for all involved. However, there are

also times when I need to work in a way that may not be popular or may not make others happy

but is the right thing to do according to my principles. In these cases, the categorical imperative

is a more helpful approach.



Matti Hāyry. (2020, December 11). Just Better Utilitarianism. ResearchGate; Cambridge

University Press (CUP).

‌Penn. (2022). Ethical Orientations: Categorical Imperative.


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