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Credits / acknowledgements / & Table of Contents

Science Education Safety

OSHA Laboratory Standard

Chemical Safety Plan

Responsibilities in Laboratory Safety

Safety Responsibilities of the Classroom Teacher

Safety Responsibilities of the Chemical Safety Officer

Safety Responsibilities of the Administration

Safety Responsibilities of the District Science Supervisor or Specialist

Important Definitions in Understanding Laboratory Safety

Basic Principles of Laboratory Safety

General Laboratory Safety Specifications

Environmental Settings & Considerations

Prudent Work Practices

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Requirements

Physics Laboratory Safety Specifications

Chemistry Laboratory Safety Specifications

Biology Laboratory Safety Specifications

Technology Education Laboratory Safety Specifications

Agricultural Science Laboratory Safety Specifications

Career & Technical Education Laboratory Safety Specifications

Family & Consumer Science Education Laboratory Safety Specifications

A Regulation 885 – Safe Management, Storage, and Disposal of Chemicals in the Delaware Public
School System

B On-Site Compliance Monitoring Checklists

C List of Known Carcinogens

D List of Extremely Hazardous Chemicals

E Approved Chemical Waste Haulers & Contact Information

F Chemical Storage Color Coding System

G Storage of Pressurized Liquids and Gases

H Sample Chemical Inventory Form

I NFPA Hazard Rating System

J Labels for Non-Chemical Refrigerators

K Biohazard Sign

Table of Contents


Risk Management Services

Duties and Responsibilities

Incident/Accident Reporting

Chemical Safety Program

Hazardous Materials Management

Risk Assessment

Safe Experiment Design




Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)




Safety Data Sheets

Chemicals Hazards and Handling


Hazard Categories


Explosive Materials
Gases under Pressure

Flammable Materials

Oxidizing Materials

Acutely Toxic Compounds

Health Hazardous Compounds

Biohazardous Materials

Corrosive Materials

Risk Control


Elimination and Substitution

Engineering Controls

Laboratory Fume Hoods

Biosafety Cabinets and Glove Boxes

Administrative Controls

Safety Training

Laboratory Hazard Door Signage

Working Alone Procedure

Chemical Storage and Segregation


General Rules for Safe Storage

Chemical Segregation for Storage

Storage Guidelines of Specific Hazard Classes

Compressed Gases

Flammable Liquids

Toxic Materials

Corrosive Acids and Bases

Oxidizers and Peroxidizable Compounds

Laboratory Inspections

Occupational and Preventive Health Program

Program Description

Personal Protective Equipment

Basic PPE

Lab Coats and Aprons

Eye and Face Protection

Laboratory Gloves


Respiratory Protection

Hearing Protection

Emergency Equipment and Procedures

Safety Showers and Eye Wash Stations

Spill Clean-Up Procedures

Fire Safety Procedures

General Guidelines for Buildings

Extinguishing a Fire

Medical Emergencies

Waste Disposal

Chemical Waste – UBC Vancouver

Solvent Waste

Oil Waste

Non-regulated Contaminated Solid Waste

Chemical Waste - UBC Okanagan

Transportation and Receiving of Hazardous Materials on Campus

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Receiving Dangerous Goods

Dangerous Goods Hazard Categories

Shipping Description

Safety Symbols and Labels

Documentation Required
Dangerous Occurrences

Packaging Damaged in Transport


Appendix A: General Laboratory Safety Rules

Appendix B: Flash Points of Common Flammable Liquids

Appendix C: Carcinogens, Reproductive Toxins and Sensitizers

Appendix D: Dangerously Reactive Materials (from TDG List)

Appendix E: Explosives and Potentially Explosive Chemical Lists

Appendix F: Peroxidizable Compounds

Appendix G: Personal Protective Equipment Hazard Reference Guide

Appendix H: General Spill Kit Check List

Appendix I: Project Hazard and Control Analysis

Appendix J: UBC Chemical Laboratory Safety Check List

Glossary of Terms


List of Acronyms

UC Davis Laboratory Safety Manual


Laboratory Safety Manual Sections

Departmental Injury and Illness Prevention Program

Chemical Safety


Radiation Safety

Animal Care and Use

Safety Training & Recordkeeping

Inspections, Safety Reviews, and Recordkeeping

Hazard Assessments
How to Use This Laboratory Safety Manual

Department Chairs or Unit Heads

Principal Investigators/Laboratory Supervisors



Chemical Hygiene Plan




Regulatory Requirements

Rights and Responsibilities

Responsibilities of the Chancellor and Provost

Responsibilities of School/College Deans and Vice Chancellors

Responsibilities of Chemical and Laboratory Safety Committee

Responsibilities of Department Chairs or Unit Heads

Responsibilities of Principal Investigators / Laboratory Supervisors

Responsibilities of All Personnel Who Handle Potentially Hazardous Chemicals

Responsibilities of EH&S and campus Chemical Hygiene Officer

Chemical Hazard Identification


List of Hazardous Substances

Hazard Determination

Safety Data Sheets

Labels and Other Forms of Warning

Employee Information and Training

Laboratory Hazard Assessment Tool

Novel Chemicals

Classes of Hazardous Chemicals

Flammability and Combustibility Hazards

Reactivity and Stability Hazards


Health Hazards

How to Reduce Exposures to Hazardous Chemicals

Regulatory Requirements


Safety Controls

Engineering Controls

Administrative Controls

Protective Apparel and Equipment

Safe Laboratory Habits

Guidance for Support Personnel Entering a Laboratory

Hazard Assessment and Chemical Exposure Monitoring (HACEM)

Regulatory Overview

Exposure Assessment Overview

Exposure Assessment Protocol – Notification to employees or employee representatives and right to

observe monitoring (8 CCR §340.1)

Exposure Assessment to Determine and Implement Controls

Inventory, Labeling, Storage, and Transport

Regulatory Requirements

Chemical Inventories

Chemical Labeling

Chemical Storage & Segregation

General Recommendations for Safe Storage of Chemicals

Flammable and Combustible Liquids

Pyrophoric & Water Reactive Substances


Peroxide Forming Chemicals

Acutely Toxic Chemicals

Special Storage Requirements

On-Campus Transport of Hazardous Chemicals

Off-Campus Transport or Shipment of Hazardous Chemicals


Regulatory Requirements


Types of Training

Laboratory Safety Fundamentals Training

Laboratory-Specific Safety Orientation & Training

Documentation of Training

Inspections and Compliance

Regulatory Requirements

Laboratory Safety Inspections – Lab Personnel

Laboratory Safety Reviews – EH&S

Recordkeeping Requirements

Hazardous Chemical Waste Management

Regulation of Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Program

Definition of Hazardous Waste

Extremely Hazardous Waste

Biohazardous and Medical Waste

Radiological Waste

Proper Hazardous Waste Management


Waste Identification



Incompatible Waste Streams

Accumulation Time

Waste That Require Special Handling

Managing Empty Containers

Hazardous Waste Minimization

Administrative Controls

Drain Disposal

Bench Top Treatment

Laboratory Clean-out

Transportation and Disposal

Chemical and Laboratory Security


Areas of Concern

Chemical Diversion

Chemical Release

Data Theft or Loss

Equipment Theft, Sabotage or Vandalism

Activist Protests & Threats

Rogue Activities

Accidents and Chemical Spills



Fire-Related Emergencies

Chemical Spills

What To Do With a Small Chemical Spill (< 0.5 Liter)

What To Do With a Large Chemical Spill (> 0.5 Liter)


Acknowledgements & References


B. General Rules for Laboratory Work with Chemicals

Container Labeling

Globally Harmonized System (GHS) – Old vs. New GHS System

Particularly Hazardous Substances – Supplemental Information

Segregation of Incompatible Chemicals

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