Multimedia Audio or Video Li

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Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

Lesson Idea Name: Physical Traits

Grade Level/Content Area: Kindergarten Science
Content Standard Addressed:
SKP1. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe objects in terms of the materials they are
made of and their physical attributes

ISTE Technology Standard Addressed: What would you like students to know and be
able to do by the end of this lesson:
Creative Communicator 1.6d: Students publish or
present content that customizes the message and I would like for students to be able to describe
medium for their intended audiences. the physical features of items through creating a

What is the student learning goal for this lesson idea?

Students should be able to create their own Spotify podcast to describe the physical features of an
item they select.

Selected Instructional Software Tool: Spotify for Podcasters

Description of Software: This is a tool that is used to create podcasts with the use of music and
audio recording.

URL(s) to support the lesson (if applicable):

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level(s):

☐ Remembering ☒ Understanding ☒ Applying ☐ Analyzing ☐ Evaluating ☒ Creating

How do you plan to implement this lesson and integrate the technology? Check all that apply:

☐ Teacher-led: There is no student voice and choice in the activities. Students are guided by the
teacher's direction and expectations. Learning activities are assigned to the student and mostly
practice based.

☒ Student-Led: Students are given voice and choice in the activities. They may select the topic of
learning and/or determine the tool they will use to meet the learning goal. The teacher facilitates
the learning as the students direct their own learning processes.

☐ Problem-based and/or Publishable: Students are solving problems and completing projects to
demonstrate their learning. Additionally, the projects can be shared outside of the classroom.
(Note: This objective could be reached by displaying the project on the school’s morning newscast,
posting the project to the classroom blog, presenting it to another class, or publishing it via an
outside source.)
TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

Lesson idea implementation:

The day before the lesson is introduced, I would have students and their families listen to an
example podcast of what they will be creating. I will have them practice describing objects around
their home with their families so they will be ready for class the next day. The next day in class they
will have their object in their mind and will be ready to create their own podcast. When students
create their own podcast, they will describe the physical features of their object. After they finish
creating their own podcast, they will be required to listen to them at home with their families and
create a list to bring to class of their guesses of objects. In class we will play each podcast and each
student will say their guess and then the student who created it will reveal what they created their
podcast about. At the end of the lesson, I will wrap it up by showing them the second one I created
and have them guess what mine was about. After that I will give them each a slip of paper with
feedback. If they were able to correctly describe an objects physical features and created a podcast,
they will have successfully reached their goal.
Managing student learning:

Students will become active learners since they will be engaged in what they are creating and having to think
about. I will have students draw out what they want to describe and come up with a small list of things they
plan on mentioning and I will check over it to make sure they are understanding what they need to do. Since
they have the option of what they are describing it becomes something exciting for them since they have free
choice in that area.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Reflection:

Having students create their own podcast gives them the option to listen to the object being
described rather than reading from a list. This helps with auditory learns since they aren’t just
reading for a paper. The use of podcasts also allows children who are dual language learns to
translate the transcription into their preferred language. This tool supports the UDL frameworks of
engagement and representation.

After creating this lesson, I believe it will give students a different approach to learning since it will
be an audio presentation rather than a written lesson. Since students are choosing their item, it can
make them excited and engaged in the tasks at hand. I look forward to implementing this lesson to
see what students will choose as their object and what they notice about its physical features.

TFrazier, 2022
Multimedia: Audio or Video Lesson Idea

TFrazier, 2022

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