Answer 6

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Chapter 14: Hospice Program

a) A hospice program involves coordinating various healthcare practitioners to provide

medical, spiritual, and emotional support to a terminally ill patient. Hospice care concentrates on

improving the quality of life in the last days of the patience hence focuses on treating the

symptoms rather than the disease itself. Therefore, Henry asking the hospice nurse when to take

Lois for chemotherapy was not per the hospice care philosophy. Henry’s inquiry indicates that he

did not understand what the hospice program entailed. Therefore, this misunderstanding could

have been avoided by a prior detailed description and explanation of what the hospice program

entailed to Henry before they committed (Caring, 2020). In educating Henry of hospice care

philosophy, he would have understood that it was not the type of care he needed for his wife.

b) Discussion about Lois’ wants on her last days, the severity of her condition, the

possibility of recovery, and the benefits of the treatment versus side effects was crucial before

Lois and Henry decided to commit to hospice care. Each individual visualizes how they want to

spend their last days alive; thus, Lois should have communicated whether she wished to continue

with cancer treatment until her death or desired a hospice program. Moreover, they should have

analyzed the doctor’s diagnosis and determined whether there was any hope that Lois could fully

recover from the illness. Lastly, most terminally ill patients and their caregivers usually weigh

the benefits a treatment generates with the side effects. Hence, it is a crucial discussion to hold

before committing to hospice care.

c) The hospice programs should conduct training on patients and caregivers seeking hospice

care before they commit. The session should thoroughly explain what hospice care entails while

explaining the benefits and demerits of this type of care. In doing so, the patients and their

families will commit to the hospice program fully informed of what to expect.


Caring, W. V. (2020, July 29). Explaining Hospice Care to a Patient’s Family. WV Caring --

Advanced Illness Care.


What Is Hospice Care? (n.d). American Cancer Society.


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