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U1: Vowel overview

-14 vowel sound (American English)

Articulatory phonetics: Monophthongs /Diphthongs

-Height: (of tongue) High / Mid / Low
-Backness: (farness front or back from tongue) Front / Central / Back
-Roundedness: (Whether lips are rounded or not)

Front Central Back

High t: /iy/ beat - l: /i/ bit t:/uw/ boot - l:/ʊ/ put

Mid t: /ey/ bait - l:/ɛ/ bet /ə/ sun /ow/ boat

Low /æ/ bat /ɑ/ hot /ɔ/ bought

+Complex vowels (Pain vowels)

/aw/ how
/ay/ high
/oy/ boy

(t) Tense: Cheeks and tongue

(l) Lax: No a lot of tension, relaxed

Union of many vowels: Add a disimulate /y/ or /w/ between them. ex: grow up / three animals

Stewed: Algo en un guiso ex. Stewed chicken
itch: sentir o causar comezón / sensación de comezón
impassible: incapable of suffering or feeling pain (impasivo: que no es afectado por
emociones que normalmente nos enturbian como el dolor)
chin: mentón
bade: past of bid, tell to do sth to somebody or to bid good morning/farewell (greet
ale: type of beer with bubbles.
race: move fast or challenge somebody to.
ace: az (de espadas, rombos, etc)

etch: if a feeling is etched on somebody’s face, or somebody’s face is etched with a feeling,
that feeling can be seen very clearly (grabado)
A is etched in/into/on B / B is etched with A

led: past of lead

adjective -led: influenced or organized by
lens: lentes (lupas de aumento, microscopios, de gafas, o anatómicamente la parte blanca
detrás de pupila que enfoca la luz para poder verla en un punto)
beck: stream

bail: fianza
put up bail: poner en fianza
judge granted/refused bail: concede o rechaza fianza
on bail: en fianza

bait: carnada (de pescado o para atraer atención)

bet: apostar
bled: loose blood, especially from a wound.
breast: pecho de mujer

brace: prepare yourself/somebody for sth that's gonna happen.

brace somebody for/to do something
brace something against sth/___ to contract muscle before doing sth physically difficult

fade: to become or to make something become paler or less bright

fret: to be worried or unhappy and not able to relax (ansioso)
freight: goods that are transported by ships, planes, trains or lorries; the system of
transporting goods in this way (mercancías)
binned: ​bin something to throw something away
bint: ​an offensive way of referring to a woman (acompañar insultos con esto)
bent: not straight
chick: a baby bird, especially a baby chicken
fen: an area of low, flat, wet land, especially in the east of England (pantano)
-a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a fish, used for swimming and keeping
balance (aleta de pez)
-a thin flat part that sticks out from the body of a vehicle, an aircraft, etc., used for
improving its balance and movement (aletas de avion, no alan)
bid: an offer by a person or a company to pay a particular amount of money for
something (ofertar tipo en una apuesta)
-bid for/on sth: an offer to do work or provide a service for a particular price, in
competition with other companies, etc.
beg: to ask somebody for something especially in an anxious way because you want or
need it very much (rogar algo así: beg and plead)
bliss: Extreme happiness
celt: a member of a people from western Europe who settled in ancient Britain before the
Romans came (celta=europeos del este que se asentaron en Gran Bretaña antes que
kilt: a skirt made of tartan cloth that reaches to the knees and is traditionally worn by
Scottish men; a similar skirt worn by women (falda escocesa)
tartan: a pattern of squares and lines of different colours and widths that cross each
other at an angle of 90°, used especially on cloth, and originally from Scotland
(squared pero distinto)
clef: a symbol at the beginning of a line of printed music (called a stave or staff) that
shows the pitch of the notes on it (clave)
clench: when you clench your hands, teeth, etc., or when they clench, you press them
together tightly, usually showing that you are angry, determined or upset (apretar)
clinch: (sth) to succeed in achieving or winning something
-to provide the answer to something; to settle something that was not certain (ej: that
clinches it, now we have no more problems)
crept: past of creep
crypt: a room under the floor of a church, used especially in the past as a place for burying
people (Cripta)
dell: a small valley with trees growing in or around it
dill: a plant with yellow flowers whose leaves and seeds have a strong taste and are
used in cooking and medicines. Dill is often added to vegetables kept in vinegar.
den: the hidden home of some types of wild animal (guarida)
din = racket: a loud, unpleasant noise that lasts for a long time
dent (sth): to make a hollow (hueca) place in a hard surface, usually by hitting it
-to damage somebody’s confidence, reputation, etc.
fetter somebody: to limit somebody’s freedom to do what they want
=shackle: to put chains around a prisoner´s feet
petty = minor: small and unimportant
fitter: a person whose job is to put together or repair equipment (técnico)

fez: a round red hat with a flat top and a tassel but no brim, worn by men in some
Muslim countries (sombrerito de árabes en pelis)
tassel: a bunch of threads that are tied together at one end and hang from cushions,
curtains, clothes, etc. as a decoration (hilos salientes a propósito)
brim: the flat edge around the bottom of a hat that sticks out (sobresaliente de
gorras, etc)

fizz: when a liquid fizzes, it produces a lot of bubbles and makes a long sound like an
‘s’ (que algo que es efervescente suena sss)
savor: disfrutar de algo, especialmente saborearlo
sever: cortar
setter: raza de perro
trendsetter: quien impone o crea nuevas modas cool
rake: rastrillo
wreck: a ship destruction or greatly damaged (shipwreck) or of another vehicle building /
branch: rama
weight down: dificultar a algo/alguien moverse al cargar o colocarse peso
wet down: to wet thoroughly, especially making textiles more absorbent
brevity: brevedad
deception: noun form of deceive
deletion: noun form of delete
secretive: adjective form for some who keeps secrets towards other
walk in: entrar o adjetivo para algo en lo que se puede entrar (walk-in)
walk out: leave suddenly or angrily
hem: the edge of a piece of cloth that has been turned under and sewn, especially
on a piece of clothing (terminados en mangas o pantalones con hilos cosidos)
sew: to use a needle and thread to make stitches in cloth (cocer)
stitch: one of the small lines of thread that you can see on a piece of cloth after it
has been sewn; the action that produces this (cadeneta)
gas somebody/yourself: to kill or harm somebody by making them breathe poisonous
manned: if a machine, a vehicle, a place or an activity is manned, it has or needs a person
to control or operate it (no automatizado)
mend sth: to repair something that has been damaged or broken so that it can be
used again
sack somebody = fire: to dismiss somebody from a job
tack: the way in which you deal with a particular situation; the direction of your words
or thoughts (forma o dirección de abordar un asunto)
bland=nondescript=dull: with little colour, excitement or interest; without anything to attract
cattle: cows and bulls that are kept as farm animals for their milk or meat (vacas y
toros de granja)
dab: (sth/ at sth) ​to touch something lightly, usually several times
deb: informal of debutante: a young, rich or upper-class woman who is going to
fashionable social events for the first time.
-a woman who is making her first public appearance, especially in sport or films; a
female debutant
flax: ​a plant with blue flowers, grown for its stem that is used to make thread and its seeds
that are used to make linseed oil (Linaza)
flecks: a very small area of a particular colour
frat: a fraternity or a frat boy (member of a fraternity)
rabble = mob: a large group of noisy people who are or may become violent
tamp sth (down): to press something down hard, especially into a closed space
(presionar hasta que algo entre en algo)
temp: a temporary employee in an office (pasante)
tamper with sth = interfere with: to make changes to something without permission,
especially in order to damage it
trad: ​traditional jazz in the style of the 1920s, with free playing (= improvisation)
against a background of fixed rhythms and combinations of notes
tread: to put your foot down while you are stepping or walking (pisar)
vat: a large container for holding liquids, especially in industrial processes (tina grande)
depraved: morally corrupt
bathe sth: to wash something with water, especially a part of your body
succour: help that you give to somebody who is suffering or having problems
(socorro en noun)
hog: a pig, especially one that is kept and made fat for eating (cerdo criado y
engordado para comer)
poppy: a wild or garden plant, with a large delicate flower that is usually red, and
small black seeds. Opium is obtained from one type of poppy. (amapola (opioide))
lug sth: to carry or drag something heavy with a lot of effort
log: a thick piece of wood that is cut from or has fallen from a tree (madera tipo leña)
eggshells: Cáscara de huevo
show off: presumir
show-off: presumido
foal: a very young horse or donkey (potro)
jocular: humorous
verbose (adj) = long-winded: using or containing more words than are needed
verbosity: noun form of verbose
preposterous = outrageous: completely unreasonable, especially in a way that
shocks or annoys you
allowance: the amount of something that is allowed in a particular situation (pensión)
-an amount of money that is given to somebody regularly or for a particular purpose
lawsuit against sth/somebody: a claim or complaint against somebody that a person
or an organization can make in court
booth: a small place with walls or sides where you can do something privately, for
example make a phone call or vote (cabina)
butcher: a person whose job is cutting up and selling meat in a shop or killing
animals for this purpose (carnicero)
woo somebody: to try to get the support of somebody (convercer)
-to try to persuade a woman to love him and marry him (Cortejar)
shoo somebody: to make somebody/something go away or to another place,
especially by saying ‘shoo’ and waving your arms and hands
coo: when a dove (white dove, paloma de la paz) or a pigeon coos, it makes a soft
low sound (arrullo = sonido grave y monótono de aves para cortejarse o para dormir
-to say something in a soft quiet voice, especially to somebody you love
resumption: ​the act of beginning something again after it has stopped
allude to sth/somebody: to mention something in an indirect way
immune: that cannot catch or be affected by a particular disease or illness
Stupefy: to surprise or shock somebody; to make somebody unable to think clearly
soot: black powder that is produced when wood, coal, etc. is burnt (ceniza)
hook: a curved piece of metal, plastic or wire for hanging things on, catching fish
with, etc. (forma curva como anzuelo)
crooked: not in a straight line; bent or twisted
boundary: a real or imagined line that marks the limits or edges of something and
separates it from other things or places; a dividing line
mild: not severe or strong
séance: a ritual to contact the dead (sesión espiritista)
suet: hard fat from around the kidneys of cows, sheep, etc., used in cooking (sebo)
sow: female pig
sour: acid taste
cub: a young bear, lion, fox, etc. (cachorro)
wed: ​to marry (old-fashioned)

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