Weekly HG Guide 9 25 11

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Welcome This week we begin a 6-week study focusing on the 3rd person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit.

Week of September 25th

Opening Prayer Father we thank you for the grace you have showered upon us through the sending of your Son. At the moment we placed our faith in Jesus Christ, Titus 3:5 says [you] saved us, not because of the righteous things we had done, but because of [your] mercy. [you] washed away our sins, giving us a new birth and new life through the Holy Spirit. We pray that during this series you would give us a better understanding of and greater love for your Spirit that dwells within us.

Family Time (Read 2 Corinthians 13:14) Who are the three persons in the Trinity? Talk about the different words Paul uses to describe specific functions within the Trinity. (Teacher note (TN): Father, Son, Spirit; love, grace, fellowship) Discuss how the following statement is true in regards to the Trinity: Love extends grace; grace leads to fellowship. (TN: In Gods love for us, he sent his Son full of grace; through faith in Christ, we have fellowship with Him and one another in the Spirit). Kids Time (Read John 14:16-17) Who does Jesus say is coming? (the Helper). Who is the helper? (the Holy Spirit). Read vv. 25-26. What will the Helper do? (help us to understand all that Jesus taught us?) Reread vv. 16 &26. Do you see each person of the Trinity? Do they work together or separately? (TN: they work in unity because they have the same desireThe Father desired to send the Spirit. Jesus desired that the Spirit be sent. The Spirit desired to come to us. Conslusion: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit make up the Trinity; the three persons of the one true God. God is 3 (persons) in 1 (essence)! Adult Time Discuss the following definition of the Trinity: God externally exists as three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and each person is fully God, and there is one God. (Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, 226) What are a few metaphors that have been used in an attempt to describe the Trinity (i.e. the Sun is comprised of the matter, heat and light). Next, discuss how even the best of these metaphors falls short of accurately depicting the Trinity. (TN: each member of the Trinity is not a 1/3 part of the whole. Rather, there are simultaneously three distinct personal expressions of the whole being of God (For further discussion see Wayne Grudem, Systematic Theology, 252-55). The reality is that there is simply nothing on earth that compares to the mystery and majesty of the one true eternal God). If time permits, review the kids time passage and discussion questions to quiz them on the trip home! Prayer Time Pray words of adoration to the great, mighty, and ultimately indescribable Triune God of our salvation. Pray that the Holy Spirit would illuminate truths about Himself as we study what the Bible says about Him during this series and beyond.

Beyond (Evangelism)
Community Calendar Its not too early to begin talking about your groups participation in one or more seasonal Extending Compassion initiatives. Among other opportunities, consider serving as a group at one of our six compassion agencies. Church Calendar Operation Christmas Child. Speaking of seasonal initiatives, PBC is kicking off our annual Operation Christmas Child initiative Sunday October 30. Collection Sunday is November 20th!


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