Truss Bridge

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Student Name: Caley Johnson

Date: 6/8/2023

Artifact Description: The Artifact I made is an outline of a truss bridge

What you learned: I learned how to use Google Drawings and also that truss bridges are
supposed to be some of the strongest bridges made.

National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS)•S Addressed: I think that the
standard being met is the creative communicator standard.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

This uses experiential learning because it is something that takes trial and error and it is
hands-on. I think that if we were to extend the idea of creating a truss bridge we could make it
3D and test out how strong of a bridge we can make. No matter what the subject is, drawing a
model for something can be super helpful but it would be fun for the students to actually try and
make their design.

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