Key Modals Have To Daily Activities

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Modals have to - daily activities


1. Listen to Aaron’s story and fill in the blanks

I have to give my boss a call and let him know that I will be late for work today.

My car broke, so I have to find someone to fix it now. It will probably take a week,
so I have to use the bus to go to work.

I really hate it when I have to use the bus. I mean, it is not so bad but why are
there so many people on the bus? And why do they have to talk on the phone all
the time?

2. Mark the statements T for true F for false

1. Aaron has to give his boss a call and tell him he is late for school. F

2. Aaron’s car broke and now he has to use the bus. T

3. Aaron loves traveling by bus to work. F

4. Aaron wonders why people on the bus have to talk on the phone all

the time. T

Positive Negative

1. Aaron has to call his boss. 1. Aaron doesn’t have to call his boss.

2. Aaron has to fix his car. 2. Aaron doesn’t have to fix his car.

3. Aaron has to use the bus. 3. Aaron doesn’t have to use the bus.
Sentence Positive Question

1. Aaron has to call his boss. 1. Does Aaron have to call his boss?

2. Aaron has to fix his car. 2. Does Aaron have to fix his car?

3. Aaron has to use the bus. 3. Does Aaron have to use the bus?

Sentence Negative Question

1. Aaron has to call his boss. 1. Doesn’t Aaron have to call his boss?

2. Aaron has to fix his car. 2. Doesn’t Aaron have to fix his car?

3. Aaron has to use the bus. 3. Doesn’t Aaron have to use the bus?

1. Make negative or positive sentences

● I have to go to work in the morning.

■ I don’t have to go in the morning.

● You don’t have to go shopping after work tomorrow.

■ You have to go shopping after work tomorrow.

● Sara has to do her homework today.

■ Sara doesn’t have to do her homework today.

● David has to be home at 9 in the evening.

■ David doesn’t have to be home at 9 in the evening.

2. Correct the mistakes in the sentences

● I has to be there at 5p.m.

■ I have to be there at 5 p.m.

● Monika don’t have to go to school tomorrow.

■ Monika doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow.

● Do he has to go the meeting?

■ Does he have to go to the meeting?

● Does we have to bring our textbooks to school?

■ Do we have to bring our textbooks to school?

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