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STEM CELL BIOLOGY these cells displayed ~50 to 100% stronger

binding with, and uptake of, the model CMA
Chaperone-mediated autophagy regulates the substrate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydro-
genase (GAPDH) relative to lysosomes from
pluripotency of embryonic stem cells undifferentiated ES cells (Fig. 1E and fig. S3,
A to D). To assess CMA flux in live cells, we used
Yi Xu1, Yang Zhang1, Juan C. García-Cañaveras2, Lili Guo3*, Mengyuan Kan4, Sixiang Yu1, Ian A. Blair3, a photo-activatable (PA) reporter, KFERQ-
Joshua D. Rabinowitz2, Xiaolu Yang1† PA-mCherry1 (16). Differentiating D3 and E14
cells displayed a more than twofold increase
Embryonic stem cells can propagate indefinitely in a pluripotent state, able to differentiate in CMA flux compared with their undiffer-
into all types of specialized cells when restored to the embryo. What sustains their pluripotency entiated counterparts (Fig. 1, F and G, and
during propagation remains unclear. Here, we show that core pluripotency factors OCT4 and SOX2 fig. S3, E and F). We also evaluated CMA-
suppress chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA), a selective form of autophagy, until the initiation of dependent global protein degradation (17)
differentiation. Low CMA activity promotes embryonic stem cell self-renewal, whereas its up-regulation and observed that it was ~70 to 100% higher
enhances differentiation. CMA degrades isocitrate dehydrogenases IDH1 and IDH2 and reduces levels in differentiating D3 and E14 cells (Fig. 1H
of intracellular a-ketoglutarate, an obligatory cofactor for various histone and DNA demethylases and fig. S3G). These results demonstrate that
involved in pluripotency. These findings suggest that CMA mediates the effect of core pluripotency mouse ES cells normally maintain CMA at low
factors on metabolism, shaping the epigenetic landscape of stem cells and governing the balance levels but up-regulate CMA during differenti-
between self-renewal and differentiation. ation by increasing LAMP2A expression.
OCT4, SOX2, and Nanog govern the pluri-

potent state of ES cells in part by restricting
mbryonic stem (ES) cells can relentlessly CMA is up-regulated during ES the expression of genes involved in differenti-
self-renew while retaining the ability to cell differentiation ation (1, 2). The inverse correlation between

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differentiate into any cell type of the de- To examine CMA activity in mouse ES cells these core pluripotency factors and LAMP2A
veloping embryo (1, 2). This property is and their differentiating derivatives, we cul- prompted us to test whether they suppress
governed not only by a small set of core tured cells from the ES D3 cell line in medium expression of the Lamp2a gene. We examined
transcription factors (1, 2) but also by metab- deprived of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF). the Lamp2 gene sequence and identified one
olism (3–5). However, it remains unclear how As expected, D3 cells progressively down- putative binding motif for the OCT4-SOX2 het-
transcriptional circuitry is linked with metab- regulated expression of the pluripotency tran- erodimer in the distal promoter region (fig.
olism to regulate self-renewal and differenti- scription factors OCT4, SOX2, and Nanog and S4A), but none for Nanog. An analysis of pub-
ation of ES cells. Mammalian cells depend on reactivity of alkaline phosphatase (AP) typical lic chromatin immunoprecipitation–sequencing
chaperone-mediated autophagy (CMA) (6). of undifferentiated ES cells (Fig. 1, A to C, and (ChIP-seq) datasets (18, 19) revealed that OCT4
Unlike macroautophagy, which delivers pro- fig. S1, A to C) and lost the compact stem cell and SOX2 co-occupy the Lamp2 genomic region
teins and organelles in bulk to the lysosome colony morphology (Fig. 1B and fig. S1B). that encompasses this motif in mouse ES cells
for degradation (7), CMA targets a subset LAMP2A is the rate-limiting component of (fig. S4B). Upon differentiation, association of
of cytoplasmic proteins individually. CMA CMA (10). Levels of LAMP2A protein, which OCT4 and SOX2 with Lamp2 declined (fig. S4, C
substrates contain a Lys-Phe-Glu-Arg-Gln were low in undifferentiated D3 cells, increased and D). When OCT4 or SOX2 was knocked down
(KFERQ)–like pentapeptide motif, which is over time and eventually became very high by means of small interfering RNA (siRNA),
recognized by the cytosolic chaperone HSC70 (Fig. 1, A and B, and fig. S1, A and C). Con- levels of LAMP2A protein and mRNA increased
(8, 9). The substrate-chaperone complex is re- currently, LAMP2A mRNA levels rose subs- (Fig. 1I and fig. S4, E to I). In a reporter gene
cruited to the external surface of the lysosome tantially (Fig. 1C). We also cultured D3 cells assay, OCT4 and SOX2 inhibited expression of
through an interaction with lysosome-associated in medium supplemented with retinoic acid a luciferase gene driven by the wild-type OCT4-
membrane protein type 2A (LAMP2A), which (RA) at a low concentration that did not in- SOX2 binding motif but not mutant motifs in
mediates subsequent translocation of the sub- hibit CMA but sufficed to effectuate differ- which their corresponding binding sites were
strate into the lumen for degradation (10). This entiation (fig. S1, D and E) (13). Again, D3 cells altered (Fig. 1J and fig. S4, J and K). These
selectivity permits CMA to regulate intracell- up-regulated LAMP2A protein and mRNA results indicate that the expression of Lamp2a
ular processes. Nevertheless, both the regu- levels while reducing the expression of pluri- is suppressed in ES cells by OCT4 and SOX2
lation and physiological functions of CMA potency markers (Fig. 1, A to C, and fig. S1, A until differentiation is initiated.
remain unclear. Although macroautophagy to C). To corroborate these results, we tested
is involved in the maintenance of the pluri- cells from the ES E14TG2a (E14) cell line. As CMA suppresses the pluripotency of ES cells
potency of stem cells (11, 12), the role of CMA E14 cells gradually lost their ES cell identity in To evaluate the functional role of CMA in
in stem cells is undefined. LIF-deprived or RA-supplemented medium, they pluripotency, we overexpressed LAMP2A in
concurrently increased expression of LAMP2A D3 cells to accentuate CMA flux (Fig. 2A and
Department of Cancer Biology and Abramson Family Cancer protein and mRNA (fig. S1, F to K). We an- fig. S5, A to F). This led to a reduction in OCT4,
Research Institute, Perelman School of Medicine, University alyzed gene expression profiles of three other SOX2, and Nanog levels and AP reactivity
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 2Lewis-Sigler
Institute for Integrative Genomics and Department of
genetically distinct mouse ES cell lines (R1, (~50%) (Fig. 2, A to C, and fig. S5A) and to a
Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. J1, and V6.5) (14) and found that all of them partial loss of ES cell morphology (Fig. 2D and
Department of Systems Pharmacology and Translational contained LAMP2A at a higher abundance fig. S5G). Concurrently, expression of genes as-
Therapeutics, Perelman School of Medicine, University of
upon differentiation (fig. S1, L to N). sociated with differentiation was enhanced,
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. 4Department of
Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, Perelman School The amount of LAMP2A on lysosomes de- including the endodermal markers Gata4, the
of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA termines CMA activity (15). In differentiating mesodermal marker Brachyury, and the ecto-
19104, USA. D3 and E14 cells, LAMP2A accumulated on dermal marker Fgf5 (Fig. 2B). Likewise, forced
*Present address: Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Tarrytown, NY
10591, USA. lysosomes despite a steady lysosomal content LAMP2A expression increased CMA flux and
†Corresponding author. Email: (Fig. 1D and fig. S2). Lysosomes isolated from inhibited pluripotency of E14 cells (fig. S5, H to

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Fig. 1. Activation of CMA during ES cell differentiation. (A and C) Levels of binding and uptake of GAPDH by lysosomes isolated from control (CT) and
(A) proteins (with relative LAMP2A/actin ratios indicated) and (C) mRNAs in D3 cells differentiating D3 cells. (F) Representative cell images (scale bar, 10 mm) and
cultured in medium deprived of LIF (–LIF) for the indicated time, or supplemented (G) quantification of CMA flux (n = 20 randomly chosen cells) of D3 cells
with RA (+RA) at the indicated concentrations for 2 days. (B) Representative expressing KFERQ-PA-mCherry1. (H) CMA-mediated proteolysis in control and
images of (top) AP staining (scale bar, 100 mm) and (middle and bottom) LAMP2A differentiating D3 cells. (I) Suppression of LAMP2A protein level by SOX2 and
immunofluorescence (scale bar, 25 mm) of D3 cells cultured in –LIF or +RA OCT4 in D3 cells. (J) OCT4/SOX2–mediated suppression of luciferase reporter
medium. CT, undifferentiated control ES cells; DAPI, 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. gene driven by wild-type (WT), but not mutant, OCT4/SOX2–binding motif.
(D) LAMP2A levels in whole-cell lysate (WCL) and lysosomes (Lyso) of D3 cells Data are mean ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates unless otherwise indicated).
treated with or without RA. Relative LAMP2A/LAMP1 ratios are indicated. (E) Relative *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; NS, not significant; unpaired Student’s t test.

R). D3 and E14 ES cells treated with the small pared with wild-type (Lamp2a+/+) cells, cells in also produced tissues derived from these germ
molecule Qx77 to activate CMA (20) down- which Lamp2a was knocked out (Lamp2a−/− layers, albeit with reduced expression of differ-
regulated pluripotency factors and AP reactivity cells) displayed higher levels of stem cell mark- entiation markers (fig. S10, G to I), suggesting
and partially lost the characteristic ES cell mor- ers and AP reactivity, lower expression of dif- that their differentiation potential is impaired.
phology (Fig. 2, E and F, and fig. S6). Therefore, ferentiation markers (fig. S8), and a delay in By contrast, LAMP2A-overexpressing D3 cells
a higher CMA activity impedes self-renewal differentiation (fig. S9). Therefore, suppression formed teratomas of poorly differentiated tis-
and promotes differentiation of ES cells. of CMA reinforces the self-renewal of ES cells. sues, containing mainly primitive cells in im-
Conversely, we stably knocked down LAMP2A To extend these observations, we used an ES mature mesenchyme and lacking structures of
using independent short hairpin RNAs (shRNAs) cell line expressing enhanced green fluorescent an endodermal origin (Fig. 2J).
to abate CMA activity (Fig. 2G and fig. S7, A protein (GFP) under the control of the endog-
to E). This augmented the expression of pluri- enous Oct4 promoter (Oct4-GFP). Forced ex- CMA regulates intracellular
potency factors (~80 to 140%) (Fig. 2G and pression of LAMP2A reduced, whereas knockdown a-ketoglutarate levels
fig. S7, A to C) and AP reactivity (~60 to 80%) of LAMP2A increased, GFP fluorescence in- Next, we investigated the mechanism by which
(fig. S7, F and G). It also delayed differenti- tensity and protein levels in Oct4-GFP cells CMA regulates pluripotency. CMA-deficient
ation induced by LIF withdrawal, as shown (fig. S10, A to F), again indicating an inhibitory cells can up-regulate other forms of autophagy
by the retention of the characteristic stem effect of CMA on the pluripotent state. To eval- (21). However, in cells devoid of a key macro-
cell morphology (fig. S7, H to K), slower down- uate the effect of LAMP2A on pluripotency autophagy regulator (Atg7), or an adenosine
regulation in pluripotency factors and AP re- in vivo, we performed a teratoma formation triphosphatase (ATPase) important for micro-
activity (Fig. 2, H and I, and fig. S7, L and M), assay. Control D3 cells formed teratomas that autophagy (Vps4), LAMP2A knockdown was
and subdued up-regulation of differentiation contained tissues derived from all three em- still able to elevate stemness markers (fig. S11,
markers (Fig. 2H and fig. S7L). Additionally, bryonic germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and A and B). We also considered the possibility
we knocked out Lamp2a in D3 and E14 cells ectoderm) (Fig. 2J). ES cells in which LAMP2A that CMA might target the core pluripotency
using CRISPR-mediated gene editing. Com- was knocked down (LAMP2A-knockdown cells) factors for lysosomal degradation. However,

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Fig. 2. CMA suppresses the pluripotency of ES cells. (A to D) (A) Protein activity in control and LAMP2A-knockown D3 cells cultured in normal or
and (B) mRNA levels, (C) AP activity, and [(D), top] representative phase- LIF-deprived medium. (J) (Top and middle) Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and
contrast and [(D), bottom] AP staining images of D3 cells stably expressing (bottom) Gata4 immunohistochemical staining of teratomas formed by
vector control (VT) or LAMP2A. Scale bars, 100 mm. (E) Protein levels and control and LAMP2A-overexpressing D3 cells. Scale bar, 200 mm. Data are
(F) representative images of AP staining of D3 cells treated with 10 mM Qx77. mean ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001;
Scale bars, 100 mm. (G to I) (G) Protein and (H) mRNA expression and (I) AP unpaired Student’s t test.

OCT4, SOX2 and Nanog were not found on lyso- enzymes, as well as other glycolytic enzymes, A to G). Knocking down aKG dehydrogenase
somes in ES cells or their differentiating deriva- remained unchanged in D3 cells upon knock- [also known as 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase
tives (fig. S11, C and D), and their levels were out of LAMP2A (fig. S12, B and C). (OGDH)], a key component of the oxogluta-
increased by the proteasome inhibitor MG132 Intracellular levels of the tricarboxylic acid rate dehydrogenase complex that consumes
but not lysosome inhibitors leupeptin and (TCA) cycle intermediate a-ketoglutarate (aKG) aKG, phenocopied the effect of DM-aKG and
NH4Cl (LN) (fig. S11, E and F). and its ratio to succinate regulate pluripotency bolstered stemness (fig. S13, H to M). The
Although potential substrates for CMA are of mouse ES cells (25, 26). aKG was among the positive impact of DM-aKG on stemness was
numerous (6), metabolic enzymes consti- most highly elevated metabolites in LAMP2A- neutralized by the inhibition of succinate de-
tute a substantial fraction of known CMA depleted D3 cells (Fig. 3A). The aKG/succinate hydrogenase (SDH) through a competitive in-
substrates (22). Specific metabolic states are ratio also increased in these cells, albeit to a hibitor dimethyl-malonate (DMM) (fig. S14) or
important for the pluripotency of mouse ES lesser extent (fig. S12, D to G). These metabolic siRNA-mediated knockdown (fig. S15), both of
cells (23–26). We therefore performed liquid changes were similarly observed in LAMP2A- which elevated intracellular succinate levels
chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS)– knockdown E14 cells by using an LC-MS– and reduced the aKG/succinate ratio.
based metabolomics on control and LAMP2A- based assay of central carbon metabolites (fig. If CMA inhibits pluripotency of ES cells by
knockdown D3 cells. Many metabolites were S12H) and further verified in both LAMP2A- lowering intracellular aKG levels, forced in-
present at higher abundance in LAMP2A- knockdown and -knockout E3 and E14 cells crease in aKG is expected to counteract the
knockdown cells as compared with control by using an enzyme-based assay (Fig. 3, B and effect of CMA. Supplementation of DM-aKG
cells (Fig. 3A and fig. S12A). Among them were C, and fig. S12, I to L). Contrarily, aKG levels and restored stemness markers and ES cell mor-
most amino acids and nucleotides—suggesting aKG/succinate ratio were reduced in LAMP2A- phology and decreased differentiation genes
that a reduction in CMA flux augments the overexpressing D3 and E14 cells (Fig. 3, D and E, in LAMP2A-overexpressing cells, all to levels
supply of anabolic precursors for stem cell and fig. S12, M and N). These results show that seen in control ES cells (Fig. 3, G to J, and fig. S13,
proliferation and glycolytic metabolites— CMA regulates intracellular aKG levels. A to G). DM-aKG also returned GFP expression
consistently with the observation that ES cells Consistent with the previous findings (25, 26), in LAMP2A-overexpressing Oct4-GFP cells to
prefer a high rate of glycolysis (27, 28). Several treatment with the cell membrane–permeable levels seen in control Oct4-GFP cells (fig. S16A).
glycolytic enzymes are CMA substrates in non- dimethyl-aKG (DM-aKG) enhanced the pluri- Similarly, addition of exogenous aKG, which can
stem cells (23); however, expression of these potency of stem cells (Fig. 3, F to J, and fig. S13, be imported into cells (29), enforced pluripotency

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Fig. 3. CMA regulates intracellular aKG levels in ES cells. (A) Volcano plot of aKG (2 and 4 mM), or DM-aKG (4 mM) for 72 hours. (G to J) Control and LAMP2A-
metabolites that were altered by means of LAMP2A knockdown. Red and blue overexpressing D3 cells were cultured in medium with or without 4 mM DM-aKG
dots indicate metabolites with change > 1.5-fold and P value < 0.05, and gray for 3 days. Shown are (G) relative AP activity, (H) mRNA levels of pluripotency
dots indicate metabolites with change < 1.5-fold. IMP, inosine monophosphate; and differentiation genes, (I) representative images of AP staining (scale bar,
PEP, phosphoenolpyruvate. (B to E) Relative [(B) and (D)] aKG levels and 100 mm), and (J) quantification of differentiated, mixed, and pluripotent colonies.
[(C) and (E)] aKG/succinate ratios in [(B) and (C)] LAMP2A-knockdown Data shown are mean ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
cells, [(D) and (E)] LAMP2A-overexpressing cells, and the corresponding control ***P < 0.001; (J) ###P < 0.001 versus LAMP2A; two-way analysis of variance
D3 cells. (F) Western blot analysis of D3 cells treated with vehicle (CT), (ANOVA) for (J), and unpaired Student’s t test for (A) to (I).

and neutralized the inhibitory effect of LAMP2A as well as in LAMP2A-knockdown D3 and E14 IDH1/2. Because CMA substrates are recruited
overexpression (Fig. 3F and figs. S13, A to C, and cells (fig. S17, G and H). Concurrently, total to the lysosome by HSC70 (8), we tested a po-
S16, B to I). These results suggest that CMA in- IDH1 and IDH2 activity was elevated (fig. S17, tential HSC70–IDH1/2 interaction. Endogenous
hibits the pluripotency of ES cells by reducing in- I to L). By contrast, IDH1/2 protein levels and HSC70 interacted with Flag-tagged IDH1/2 in
tracellular aKG levels and aKG/succinate ratio. total activity declined in LAMP2A-overexpressing human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293T cells
D3 and E14 cells (Fig. 4B and fig. S18, A to E). (fig. S20A) and with endogenous IDH1/2 in D3
CMA targets IDH1/2 for lysosomal degradation An isotope-tracing experiment with [1, 2-13C] and E14 cells (Fig. 4E and fig. S20, B to D). IDH1
aKG can be produced through various en- glucose showed that LAMP2A knockout in- contains one KFERQ-like motif, and IDH2
zymes in the TCA cycle, the serine biosynthesis creased, whereas LAMP2A overexpression contains three such motifs (table S1). Muta-
pathway, and amino acid metabolism (fig. decreased, the enrichment of 13C in aKG but tions in the only motif in IDH1 (IDH1mut) and
S17A). To identify which enzyme (or enzymes) not citrate or isocitrate (Fig. 4, C and D, and in the second motif in IDH2 (IDH2mut2) abol-
is subject to CMA-mediated proteolysis, we fig. S18, F and G), suggesting that CMA atten- ished the interaction of these enzymes with
analyzed the sequences of aKG-generating uates the metabolic flux through IDHs. There- HSC70 (fig. S20, E to H). When D3 and E14 cells
enzymes for one or more putative KFERQ- fore, CMA diminishes cellular levels of IDH1 underwent differentiation in the presence of
like motifs, and for those with at least one such and IDH2 and their enzymatic function. RA or Qx77, IDH1/2 expression declined, along
a motif (table S1), we compared their levels Consistent with CMA-mediated degrada- with aKG levels (~50%) (Fig. 4F, and fig. S21).
in control and LAMP2A-knockout cells. Lev- tion of IDH1/2, treatment with LN, but not This was accompanied by increased associa-
els of IDH1 and IDH2, but not any other en- MG132, enhanced levels of IDH1 and IDH2 tion of IDH1/2 with HSC70 (Fig. 4E and fig. S20,
zymes, were augmented in LAMP2A-knockout (fig. S19, A to D). LN also increased the as- B to D) and lysosomes (Fig. 4F and fig. S21A).
D3 cells (Fig. 4A and fig. S17, B to D). Simi- sociation of IDH1/2 with lysosomes in a CMA-mediated regulation of IDH2 is consistent
larly, IDH1/2 protein levels were increased in LAMP2A-dependent manner (fig. S19, E to J), with previous findings that nuclear-encoded
LAMP2A-knockout E14 cells (fig. S17, E and F) presumably because of stalled degradation of mitochondrial proteins can be degraded by

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Fig. 4. CMA targets IDH1/2 for lysosomal degradation. (A to D) Effect of levels in D3 cells overexpressing wild-type or mutant IDH1 or IDH2 or depleted
[(A) and (C)] LAMP2A knockout and [(B) and (D)] overexpression on [(A) and of LAMP2A (sgRNA#1). (I) Protein expression, (J) representative images
(B)] IDH1/2 protein levels or [(C) and (D)] M2 enrichment of (iso)citrate of AP staining (scale bar, 100 mm), and (K) quantification of pluripotent,
and aKG upon culturing in [1, 2-13C]glucose-containing medium. (E) Interaction differentiated, and mixed colonies of control or IDH1/2–knockdown D3 cells
between endogenous IDH1/2 and HSC70 in D3 cells treated with or without treated with or without aKG. Data shown are mean ± SD (n = 3 biological
RA. (F) IDH1/2 protein levels in whole-cell lysate (WCL) and the lysosomal replicates). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001; ###P < 0.001 versus shIDH1/2;
fraction (Lyso) of D3 cells treated with or without RA. (G) Protein and (H) mRNA two-way ANOVA for (K), unpaired Student’s t test for (A) to (J).

CMA, presumably before their translocation and IDH1mut or IDH2 and IDH2mut2 contained Supplementation with aKG was able to re-
into mitochondria (23). These results indi- comparable levels of aKG and stemness and store pluripotency of IDH1/2–knockdown cells,
cate that IDH1 and IDH2 are selected by differentiation markers (fig. S23). Conversely, increasing levels of stem cell markers and
HSC70 for lysosomal degradation during ES we knocked down IDH1 and IDH2 in D3 and pluripotent cell populations and reducing the
cell differentiation. E14 cells. This led to a decline in pluripotency expression of differentiation markers (Fig. 4,
To evaluate the functional role of IDH1/2, we factors, loss of ES cell morphology, and an I to K, and fig. S24, E to M). Addition of DM-
ectopically expressed them and CMA-resistant increase in differentiation markers (Fig. 4, I to aKG to D3 and E14 cells with LAMP2A/IDH1
mutants individually in D3 and E14 cells (Fig. K, and fig. S24). Therefore, IDH1/2 enhances or LAMP2A/IDH2 double knockdown also
4G and fig. S22, A to C). IDH1/2 augmented the pluripotent state of ES cells. effectively restored the expression of pluri-
the expression of pluripotency genes and sup- In the ES cells devoid of IDH1 or IDH2, si- potency factors and AP reactivity (Fig. 5C and
pressed the expression of differentiation genes lencing LAMP2A did not affect IDH1/2 activity fig. S25, G to L). Moreover, DM-aKG rescued
(Fig. 4G and fig. S22, D and E). IDH1mut and and aKG levels or promote stemness (Fig. 5, A Oct4 promoter activity in LAMP2A/IDH1 or
IDH2mut2 were expressed at higher levels than and B, and fig. S25, A to L). Likewise, in Oct4- LAMP2A/IDH2 double-knockdown Oct4-GFP
those of their wild-type counterparts (Fig. 4G GFP ES cells devoid of IDH1 or IDH2, silencing cells (fig. S25M). Collectively, these data show
and fig. S22, A to C). These mutants also dis- LAMP2A was unable to increase Oct4 promoter that CMA suppresses pluripotency by reduc-
played a more robust impact on stemness, activity (fig. S25M). By contrast, down-regulation ing IDH1/2–mediated production of aKG.
which was comparable with that of LAMP2A of LAMP2A in cells where two other aKG-
knockout (Fig. 4H and fig. S22, A to C and F generating enzymes, PAST1 or GLUD1, were CMA regulates epigenetic and transcriptional
to J). Moreover, treatment of LN elevated depleted augmented intracellular aKG levels states of ES cells
levels of IDH1 and IDH2 but not IDH1mut or and bolstered stemness (fig. S26). Therefore, aKG is an essential cofactor and succinate is
IDH2mut2, equalizing the wild-type and the CMA and IDH1/2 likely act in the same path- a competitive inhibitor for a large family of
corresponding mutant proteins (fig. S23, A to D). way to regulate the pluripotent state of ES cells, dioxygenases, including Jumonji C (JmjC)–
Under this condition, ES cells expressing IDH1 with IDH1/2 being the downstream effectors. domain–containing histone demethylases and

Xu et al., Science 369, 397–403 (2020) 24 July 2020 5 of 7


the ten-eleven translocation (TET) family of associated genes (31, 32). To characterize fig. S27L). Therefore, CMA regulates epige-
DNA demethylases (30). Congruent with their changes in global gene expression engendered netic and transcriptional states of ES cells by
effects on aKG, LAMP2A knockdown decreased, by a higher CMA flux and their relevance to reducing aKG levels.
whereas LAMP2A overexpression increased, intracellular aKG levels, we performed an
global histones trimethylation, including his- RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis of three Outlook
tone H3 lysine 4 trimethylation (H3K4me3), populations of ES cells: control D3 cells, The continuous proliferation and unrestricted
H3K9me3, H3K27me3, and H3K36me3 (Fig. 5, LAMP2A-overexpressing D3 cells (LAMP2A), developmental potential of ES cells are not
D and E, and fig. S27, A to F). Supplementation and LAMP2A-overexpressing D3 cells treated only maintained by a core set of transcription
with DM-aKG reversed the epigenetic changes with DM-aKG (LAMP2A/DM-aKG). LAMP2A factors (1, 2) but also enabled by metabolism
in LAMP2A-overexpressing cells (Fig. 5E and cells displayed a gene expression profile dis- (3–5). Our results reveal a mechanism by which
fig. S27, D to F), and this effect of DM-aKG tinct from, whereas LAMP2A/DM-aKG cells CMA links these processes. We found that CMA
was in turn abrogated by DMM (fig. S27, G to displayed a gene expression profile similar activity is kept at the minimum because of
J). In addition, the increase in histone tri- to, that of control D3 cells (Fig. 5G). Gene OCT4/SOX2–mediated suppression of LAMP2A.
methylation in LAMP2A/IDH1 and LAMP2A/ set enrichment analysis confirmed that upon This maintains IDH1/2 levels and promotes
IDH2 double-knockdown ES cells was negated LAMP2A overexpression, genes involved in aKG production, permitting demethylation of
by DM-aKG supplementation (Fig. 5F and fig. stem cell maintenance were down-regulated, repressive chromatin markers and reinforcing
S27K). Therefore, CMA regulates the epigenome whereas genes involved in stem cell differ- pluripotency. With differentiation, LAMP2A
of ES cells by reducing aKG levels. entiation were up-regulated. However, these is up-regulated because of the decline in OCT4
aKG-dependent histone and DNA demethyl- changes engendered by LAMP2A were effec- and SOX2 expression. Given that differentia-
ases influence the expression of pluripotency- tively revered by DM-aKG (Fig. 5, H and I, and tion is often accompanied by higher reactive

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Fig. 5. CMA regulates pluripotency and epigenetic and transcriptional clustering of gene expression in control (VT), LAMP2A, and LAMP2A/DM-aKG
states of ES cells by reducing IDH1/2 and aKG levels. (A) Protein expression, D3 cells. (H and I) Leading edge plots for gene sets of (H) Wong embryonic
(B) aKG levels, and (C) AP activity of D3 cells depleted of LAMP2A and/or stem cell core and (I) GO positive regulation of stem cell differentiation. Gene
IDH1/2 and cultured in the [(A) and (B)] absence or (C) presence of 4 mM sets enriched by up-regulated genes are shown in dark red, and gene sets
DM-aKG. (D and E) Histone methylation in control, (D) LAMP2A-knockdown, and enriched by down-regulated genes are shown in blue. Genes that exist in the
(E) LAMP2A-overexpressing D3 cells treated with or without 4 mM DM-aKG. corresponding pathways are indicated with ticks. NES, normalized enrichment
(F) Histone trimethylation in D3 cells transfected with the indicated siRNAs score. Data are mean ± SD (n = 3 biological replicates); *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01;
and treated with or without 4 mM DM-aKG for 72 hours. (G) The hierarchical unpaired Student’s t test.

Xu et al., Science 369, 397–403 (2020) 24 July 2020 6 of 7


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Xu et al., Science 369, 397–403 (2020) 24 July 2020 7 of 7

Chaperone-mediated autophagy regulates the pluripotency of embryonic stem
Yi XuYang ZhangJuan C. García-CañaverasLili GuoMengyuan KanSixiang YuIan A. BlairJoshua D. RabinowitzXiaolu

Science, 369 (6502), • DOI: 10.1126/science.abb4467

Autophagy regulates stemness

Embryonic stem cells can propagate indefinitely and differentiate when called to do so. Xu et al. now analyze how
cellular metabolism affects the balance between pluripotency and differentiation (see the Perspective by Borsa and
Simon). For cells in the pluripotent state, the transcription factors Oct4 and Sox2 suppress chaperone-mediated
autophagy (CMA). When CMA is released with differentiation, the isocitrate dehydrogenases IDH1 and IDH2 are

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degraded, resulting in less #-ketoglutarate, which is needed by the histone and DNA demethylases that sustain
pluripotency. CMA thus links cellular metabolism to epigenetic regulation, tipping the balance between pluripotent
renewal and differentiation.
Science, this issue p. 397; see also p. 373

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