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Chapter I

The Problem Domain

Statement of the Problem

According to (Amrisal & Ghani, 2016). Information technology has

progressed gradually during the last two decades which has helped to

develop a lot of systems that can help humans in doing daily chores. One of

these technological or digital advances is through the use of the internet,

internet had been widely used by the world in terms of communication,

business, monitoring, services, and transaction.

8RJA Express, owned by Rosalito Ang, is a fast craft that travels from

Naval to Maripipi, Higatangan, and Calubian, and vice versa. This fast craft

began to operate a year ago and is still developing ways to improve its

service. By surveying the employees of the said company. They are still using

the traditional way, which is the manual process of issuing the ticket and other

processes such as inventory. 

Also, by surveying the passengers, it was found that the majority of

them are having a problem purchasing the tickets, and the process of

identifying whether the passenger is a regular, student, minor, or PWD/Senior

is being discounted. With the information we gathered, our group got an idea

of how we could solve the gap and wanted to develop a system that would

solve the said gaps in the business. 

Ensuring the safety of the passengers is one of the major concerns of

the fast craft. DEBMS or the Development and Evaluation of Booking

Management Systems with Data Analytics would be very helpful to the

company by providing a solution on which it carries out the transactional part

of the said company. Making for an efficient and reliable transaction. In

addition, the benefits will be given to the users of the said company. 

Background and Objectives of the Study

In 8RJA Express, in processing passenger information and Booking

Tickets need to process manually like writing passenger’s details and writing

information on the ticket, and when it comes to determining if,

If the passenger is a student, PWD/Senior, minor, or does not

belong to the ones being mentioned, they have to ask the passenger

manually. In this kind of process, it will take time to process the transaction by

each passenger.

The main objectives of the project are to develop, design, and evaluate a

booking management system.

Specifically, aims the following project objectives:

1. Develop a responsive web application that the passenger can access

1.1 Registration form with validation;

1.2 Update information;

2. Develop a platform that allows the ticketing agent to be more efficient

in processing the transaction and the following:

2.1. Create QR code, username, and password for passenger;

2.2. Scan passenger’s data;

2.3. Can print tickets;

2.4 Generate reports;

3. Develop a platform that the manager/admin can manage the following,

3.1. Data analytics;

3.2. passenger records;

3.3. monitoring;

3.4. sales;

3.5. reports

4. Evaluate the system using ISO 25010-2017 Project Evaluation

Analysis/ Software Quality Standard

4.1. Functional quality;

4.2. Performance efficiency;

4.3. Compatibility;

4.4. Usability;

4.5. Security;

4.6. Maintainability;

4.7. Portability; and

4.8. Information quality and content.

Significance and Scope of the Project

This project development study signifies the following to the following

agencies and personalities: 

           Passengers. This study serves as a big help for all of the passengers by

providing a less hectic way of booking and buying their tickets. 

           Ticketing agent. This study serves as a big help for the ticketing agent of

the company by providing a less hustled way of doing the transaction with the

passenger to sales inventory. 

Manager. This study will probably help the manager in terms of helping

and giving the efficient and reliable information that is needed in a real-time

and less hectic way. And most of all, to assist in deciding for the company. 

Department of Science and Technology (DOST) This study's

development serves as a technological advancement in terms of technology

development and technology income generation for booking tickets using the

new technologies. 

Future researchers and developers, This study development serves as

a reference for further development and study analysis about the booking

management system using the QR code, which serves as all-in-one

information for the passenger to use when booking the ticket. 

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

Whereas the scope of the study is to develop a web application that

users can access anywhere, especially the passengers of the fast craft. At the

same time, it helps the company improve its service and monitor business

improvement with the use of data analytics. 

Thus, the system has three (3) user transactions: passenger, ticketing

agent admin/manager. The passenger can register and fill out the form

provided by the company needed. “for the QR code", to update the said info

by chance or yearly, and to be notified at the time of boarding and departure.

The ticketing agent can update passengers, process the transaction by

scanning, and automatically save the transaction to inventory. The admin or

manager monitors all the transactions inside the system but is restricted from

manipulating the data inside the ticketing agent transaction inventory and

providing the account for the ticketing agent.

Other transactions beyond our objectives and limitations will no longer be part

of our system. To our team and on behalf of the concern of our end user, the

manager of 8RJA Express also limits the following: 

Online Reservation: The manager is concerned that they would not

prefer this online reservation for the reason that it can cause conflict with their

ticketing agent and at the same time with the passenger.

Online transactions, on which the manager wanted that all the payment

methods be in actuality as well as on booking the ticket. 

Definition of Terms

This part of the chapter presents and discusses words or phrases not

very familiar to other readers. 

Ticketing Agent. A person who is responsible for ticket issues. 

Passenger Manifest.  It is a list of passengers on the ship. 

Fast Craft. It is a high-speed water vessel for civilian use, also known as a

"fast craft or fast ferry. 

Gap. Is an area that the business doesn’t currently serve but where there is

customer demand. 

Data Analytics. Is the systematic computational analysis of data or statistics.

It is used for the discovery, interpretation, and communication of meaningful

patterns in data. It also entails applying data patterns to effective decision-


Proponents. Are the person who advocates a theory, a proposal, or a project. 

QR Code. It is a machine-scannable image that can be instantly read using a

smartphone or scanner device. 

Reliable. Suitable or fit to be relied on 

Booking. An arrangement to have a place on a flight, a room in a hotel, etc. at

a particular time in the future 

Validation. Is an act, process, or instance of validating. 

Responsive web. The approach that design and development should respond

to the users’ behavior and environment based on screen size, platform, and


Real-time. A guaranteed level of computer responsiveness within a specified

time constraint, usually milliseconds or microseconds, between an event and

its response deadline. 

Platform. A particular computer technology that can be used with some types

of software programs 

Evaluation. The structured interpretation and giving of meaning to the

predicted or actual impact of proposals or results 

8RJA Express. Is the name of the fast craft based on the name of its owner,

Rosalito Job Ang. 

Sales inventory.  Means all finished goods, spare parts, refurbished

equipment, replacement parts, and parts owned or stored by or for the seller,

including goods. 

Discounted. To sell or offer at a lowered price 

Future research. Is the systematic study of possible, probable, and preferable


Developers. A person or company that creates new products, especially

computer products such as software. 

Documentation of Existence and Seriousness of the Problem

Biliran is a province with a population of more or less two hundred

thousand. Biliran has eight municipalities, namely: Naval (capital town),

Almeria, Kawayan, Culaba, Caibiran, Cabucgayan, Biliran, and the island

municipalities of Maripipi. Maripipi is an island that separated from Biliran, and

there are some of the municipalities of Maripipi were also separated from the

said island. One of the modes of transportation is through the bangkas, and

one of them is the 8RJA express fast craft that travels from Naval Port to

Maripipi and the other islands in Maripipi. 

              A documented problem has been accounted for in terms of: 

1. The continuous growth of the population leads to more passengers to


2. The hustle of doing transactions manually every day makes the

Ticketing agent exhausted from work, which can affect their daily work.

3. Hustle on manually listing manifestos for every departure, with the

same procedures and process of documents. 

4. Passengers mostly forget to bring a valid ID to support their status

(student, minor, etc.). As a result, the passenger will end up a regular



The proponents conducted numerous interviews with the respondents who,

in one way or another, may have contributed to using the system. 

Figure 1.0 Conducted Interview with Business Owners in 8RJA Express

ATTY. JUVIELET Jeannette A. Ang-Seno signed the request letter as

she permitted us to work on our project in their business. "As a manager, I am

willing to support your project, and I’m happy knowing that your team will help

us develop solutions to our problem. Rest assured, I will support your team

with whatever information you need for your project ". When the manager

said that to us, we feel so blessed and overwhelmed with happiness, as if it

has a big impact on us as researchers, that we encourage ourselves to work

on our projects, knowing that the manager itself believes in us and that we

could come up with a solution and finish our project with a very good


Figure 2.0 Conduct Interviews with Passengers in Maripipi

Shey Condi is a student of Biliran Province State University; she is one

of those passengers that we’ve asked questions about some of the concerns

or if they have encountered any problems, as they are regular passengers

that travel from Maripipi to Naval. Along the way, gathering data with the

passenger helped us also in visualize their problems, and it helped us

formulate solutions according to the problem and develop this project that has

the objective of helping the passenger with their problem at the same time for

the company. 

Figure 3.0 Conduct Interview with 8RJA EXPRESS Ticketing Agent

Ms. April Joy Gutierrez was also one of the ticket buyers for the 8RJA

Express. As shown in the photos above, they are still using a manual process

to conduct transactions with customers. At this time, our team was also

having a conversation with the ticketing agent about their problems and

concerns about the job. Along the way, we heard about some of her concerns

and problems as a ticketing agent. And when our team explains how our

project worked, the ticketing agent was so happy, as if they were also the

ones who would benefit, and it helped them be more efficient in their job. The

information we also gathered from the ticketing agent, has been a big help to

our team in developing our project.

Chapter II


This part of the chapter discusses the review of the existing alternative

in terms of existing studies which is relevant to the present study.

Review of Related System

The implementation of the Biliran QR Code System has revolutionized

the tracking and monitoring capabilities in the region. As a resident of Biliran,

the researcher has personally experienced the tremendous impact this

system has had on daily life.

One of the standout features of the Biliran QR Code System is its user-

friendly and straightforward nature. The process of generating and scanning

QR codes is easy to understand, making it accessible to individuals with

varying levels of technical expertise. This simplicity has contributed to its

widespread adoption and acceptance among the community.

The primary objective of the QR Code System is to enable efficient

contact tracing and monitoring, particularly during emergencies like the

ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Its effectiveness in facilitating swift and

accurate contact tracing has been remarkable, aiding health authorities in

identifying potential hotspots and effectively containing the spread of the

virus. The system has played a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and well-

being of Biliran residents. Furthermore, the integration of the Biliran QR Code

System with various establishments and public spaces is a significant

advantage. Many businesses, including restaurants, shops, and government

offices, have made QR code scanning mandatory for entry. This seamless

integration has streamlined processes and instilled confidence among

residents, knowing that their health and safety are being prioritized.

The reliability and efficiency of the Biliran QR Code System are worth

appreciating. Technical glitches or issues while using the system have been

rare occurrences. Scanning QR codes is swift, and data retrieval is nearly

instantaneous. This seamless performance has contributed to the system's

successful implementation and widespread acceptance.

While the Biliran QR Code System has numerous strengths, there is always

room for improvement. Enhancing the user interface of the mobile application

would be beneficial. Though functional, the app's design could be more

intuitive and visually appealing. A visually engaging interface would

encourage even greater participation from residents.

In conclusion, the Biliran QR Code System has proven to be an invaluable

tool for contact tracing and monitoring in the region. Its simplicity,

effectiveness, and integration have significantly contributed to the safety and

well-being of the community. With minor improvements, such as enhancing

the user interface, the system can further enhance its usability and user

experience. Overall, I highly recommend the Biliran QR Code System as a

model for other regions seeking to implement similar tracking and monitoring


Review of Related Literature

User feedback is crucial during the design and implementation of

Building Management Systems (BMS) as it assists businesses in

comprehending the requirements and preferences of their customers and

staff (Akter et al., 2018). According to the study conducted by Akter and

colleagues, user feedback plays a significant role in identifying usability

concerns, enhancing system features and functionalities, and boosting user

acceptance. The researchers emphasize the importance for businesses to

prioritize a user-friendly, responsive, and seamless BMS experience for both

customers and staff. Reference: Akter, S., Wamba, S. F., Gunasekaran, A.,

Dubey, R., & Childe, S. J. (2018). How to improve firm performance using big

data analytics capability and business strategy alignment? International

Journal of Production Economics, 200, 208-218

The impact of BMS on business performance varies depending on the

design and implementation of the system. According to a study by

Kammerlander and Hanke (2018), BMS can increase the efficiency of the

booking process, reduce errors, and improve customer satisfaction. The

authors note that businesses that use BMS can reduce their no-show rates,

increase their revenue, and improve their resource utilization. However, the

authors also note that the success of BMS depends on the availability of

resources, the quality of the booking process, and the alignment of the

system with the business objectives. Reference: Kammerlander, N., & Hanke,

R. (2018). The impact of building management systems on business

performance: Evidence from the hospitality industry. Journal of Hospitality

and Tourism Technology, 9(2), 174-189

A review of online booking systems for hotels the importance of data

analytics and QR codes” by T.H. Nguyen and T. D. Nguyen (2019) in the

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology. This paper reviews the

current state of online booking systems for hotels and the importance of data

analytics and QR codes in improving the efficiency of the booking process.

“Big Data Analytic in Inventory Management: A Literature Review “by

R.K. Saini and S.K. Yadav (2019) This Literature review explores the various

ways in which big data analytics can be used to improve inventory

management. The authors discuss the challenges of inventory management

and how big data analytics can help businesses optimize their inventory

levels, improve demand forecasting, and enhance supply chain management.

“Data analytics in inventory management: A review” by Ravi V.

Shankar and Sugam Sharma: This article reviews the current literature on

data analytics in inventory management. The authors suggest that data

analytics can improve inventory management by providing insights into

demand patterns, identifying optimal inventory levels, and predicting future


A review of booking systems for tourist attractions: The role of QR

codes and data analytics” by S. Kim and J. Lee (2018) in the Journal of Travel

& Tourism Marking. This paper reviews the current state of booking systems

for tourist attractions and discusses the role of QR codes and data analytics

in improving the booking process.

“Design and Development of a QR Code” – Based Hotel Booking

Management System” by Y.G Kim, J.W. Choi., and J.H. Lee (2018) in the

Journal of Tourism and Leisure Research. This paper presents the design

and development of a QR code-based hotel booking management system

and discusses the benefits of integrating data analytics into the system.

This research Multi-echelon Inventory Optimization: by Wang, Q., Li

(2018), C. Examines the adoption and benefits of cloud-based inventory

management systems. It investigates the advantages of cloud computing,

such as scalability, accessibility, and data security. The study explores the

challenges associated with cloud integration and provides insights into the

successful implementation of cloud-based inventory systems.

Chapter III


This part of the study discusses the following approach of theoretical

framework, and technologies consideration to be used in the study project


Theoretical Framework

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management philosophy and

methodology developed by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt. It provides a framework

for identifying and managing the most critical limiting factor, or constraint, that

hinders an organization's ability to achieve its goals. The goal of TOC is to

optimize the overall performance of a system by focusing on improving the

constraint and aligning the rest of the system accordingly.

Here is an elaboration on the Theory of Constraints:

Identifying the Constraint: The first step in TOC is to identify the

constraint, which is the factor that limits the system's performance. It can be a

physical resource, a policy, a process, or even a market demand. The

constraint is typically the weakest link in the system and determines the

system's maximum throughput.

Exploiting the Constraint: Once the constraint is identified, the focus

shifts to exploiting it fully. This involves ensuring that the constraint is never

idle and maximizing its utilization. By optimizing the constraint, the overall

system performance can be improved.

Subordinating Everything Else: To support the constraint, all other

processes and resources within the system need to be aligned and

subordinated to it. Their purpose is to ensure that the constraint is never

starved or disrupted. Non-constraint resources should operate in sync with

the constraint's needs to prevent excess work-in-progress inventory and

unnecessary idle time.

Elevating the Constraint: If the constraint has been fully exploited and

the system's performance is still not meeting the desired goals, the next step

is to elevate the constraint. This involves identifying ways to increase the

constraint's capacity, remove any bottlenecks, or invest in additional

resources to overcome the limitation.

Repeating the Process: Once the constraint is elevated, the process

starts again by identifying the new constraint and repeating the cycle. In an

ongoing improvement process, constraints may shift or emerge in different

areas of the system, requiring continuous monitoring and adjustment.

Utilizing Buffer Management: TOC emphasizes the use of buffers to

manage variations and uncertainties within the system. Two common buffers

are the time buffer and the inventory buffer. The time buffer protects the

constraint by accounting for variability in the preceding processes, while the

inventory buffer helps maintain a steady flow of materials and products.

Continuous Improvement: TOC promotes a continuous improvement

mindset, where organizations strive to identify and eliminate constraints to

enhance overall system performance. It encourages the use of data-driven

decision-making, experimentation, and collaborative problem-solving to

achieve ongoing improvement.

The Theory of Constraints provides a systematic approach to optimizing the

performance of complex systems by focusing on the most critical constraints.

By identifying and managing these constraints effectively, organizations can

achieve better flow, increased productivity, and improved overall results.

Figure  4.0 Theory of Constraints

Rationale for the Framework

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) offers a compelling rationale for its

adoption in organizations. The framework provides several key benefits that

contribute to improved organizational performance and goal achievement.

The Theory of Constraints (TOC) offers a persuasive rationale for

organizations seeking to improve their performance. By identifying and

managing constraints, adopting a systemic approach, and continuously

striving for improvement, organizations can optimize their operations and

achieve their goals more effectively. The TOC framework's emphasis on

alignment, synchronization, and data-driven decision-making ensures that

improvements are targeted, sustainable, and tailored to the unique challenges

of each organization

Conceptual Framework

This part of the study presents and discusses the conceptual

framework of the study regarding its input, process, and output of the project


The input of the conceptual framework was composed of the data

gathering during the data gathering procedure, which is called the knowledge

requirements, hardware requirements composed of what is being used in

developing the project, and lastly, the software requirements which are

composed of the programming languages used during the development of the


The process of the conceptual framework presents the model of how

data is being developed using the Spiral Model. The spiral model has 4

cycles, objectives determination, and identities of alternative solutions,

identifying and resolving risks, developing the next version of the product, and

lastly, reviewing and planning for the next phase.

The output of the conceptual framework is the developed project

system entitled “DEBMS: Development and Evaluation of 8RJA Express

Booking Management System with Data Analytics” which will be used after

being properly evaluated.


Knowledge System Development


 Transcript of

Survey 1. Spiral Methodology

Hardware Part of Spiral Model

Requirements 1.1Objectives DEBMS:

determination & identify

 PC/ Laptop
alternatives solutions.
 CP/ Tablet
1.2 identify & resolve risks
1.3 Develop next
version of the product
 Programming
1.4 Review and
 Languages
plan for the next phase
 Tailwind, CSS,

HTML, PHP, jQuery,

PHP Code Igniter

Chrome, Browser
Figure 5.0 Conceptual Framework

Technologies Considered or Used

Chrome Browser, chrome browser is an internet or web browser which

is available on both mobile devices and desktop computers that is known for

its ease of use and customizability (John, 2020).

CSS or Cascading Style Sheets is a language for describing the

presentation of Web pages, including colors, layouts, and fonts which allows

one to adapt the presentation to different types of devices, such as large

screens, small screens, or printers. CSS is independent of HTML and can be

used with any XML-based markup language (W3Schools, 2021).

HTML, HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is the standard markup

language for creating web pages that describe the structure set of markup

symbols or codes inserted into a file intended for display on the internet,

which tells a web browser how to display a web page’s words and images

(W2Schools, 2021).

PHP. Is an abbreviation for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor," a popular

scripting language that is free source. On the server, PHP scripts are

executed. You may use and download PHP for free. It is a free, open-source

server-side scripting language that can be included in HTML codes to create

dynamic websites. A powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive Web

sites, PHP is a server programming language. PHP is a popular, cost-free,

and effective replacement for rivals like Microsoft's ASP.

Tailwind CSS. Is an open-source CSS framework. The main feature of

this library is that, unlike other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap, it does not

provide a series of predefined classes for elements such as buttons or tables.

Laravel - is a free and open-source PHP web framework, created by

Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following

the model–view–controller architectural pattern and based on Symfon.

React.js - is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for

building user interfaces based on components. It is maintained by Meta and a

community of individual developers and companies.

Chapter IV


This part of the chapter presents and discuss the following concept,

methods, user testing, project assessment plan, and the collaborative

planning of interaction in conducting the project development plan.


This part of the chapter presents the concept methods of developing

the study systems of the 8RJA Express booking Management system.

Figure 6.0 System Architecture

System Architecture

The system architecture is a defined comprehensive solution based on

principles, theories, impressions, and properties logically related to a

consistent with each other (, 2018).

Use Case

Figure 7.0 System Use Case Design


Figure 8.0 Flowchart (passenger)

Figure 8.1 Flowchart (ticketing agent)

Figure 8.2 Flowchart (admin)

Context Diagram

Figure 9.0 System Context Diagram


This section contains the Software Development Life Cycle, System

Flowchart, Entity Relationship Diagram, Context Diagram, and Database


The proponents used the Spiral Model Methodologies for the Software

Development Life Cycle. The proponents used Spiral Model Methodologies to

develop the STCS online portal. The spiral model combines the idea of

iterative development with the systematic, controlled aspects of the waterfall

model. The spiral model is a combination of the iterative development

process model and sequential linear development model, the waterfall model

with a very high emphasis on risk analysis. It allows for incremental releases

of the product, or incremental refinement through each iteration around the


Figure 10.0

Spiral Model (Pedro, 2011,

Figure 8.1 views the Spiral Model. The spiral model has four phases. A

software project repeatedly passes through these phases in iterations called


Identification. This phase starts with gathering the business

requirements in the baseline spiral. In the subsequent spirals as the product

matures, identification of system requirements, subsystem requirements, and

unit requirements are all done in this phase.

This also includes understanding the system requirements through

continuous communication between the customer and the system analyst. At

the end of the spiral, the product is deployed in the identified market.

Design. The design phase starts with the conceptual design in the

baseline spiral and involves the architectural design, logical design of

modules, physical product design, and final design in the subsequent spirals.

Construct or Build / Development Test. The construct phase refers to

the production of the actual software product at every spiral. In the baseline

spiral when the product is just thought of and the design is being developed a

POC (Proof of Concept) is developed in this phase to get customer feedback.

Then in the subsequent spirals with higher clarity on requirements and

design details, a working model of the software called build is produced with

a version number. These builds are sent to customers for feedback.

Evaluation and Risk Analysis. Risk Analysis includes identifying,

estimating, and monitoring technical feasibility and management risks, such

as schedule slippage and cost overrun. After testing the build, at the end of

the first iteration, the customer evaluates the software and provides


Development and Testing Implement the front and backend

components based on the chosen technologies.

Deployment and Monitoring Deploy the boat booking system to a

production environment, ensuring scalability and availability. Set up

monitoring tools to track system performance, identify bottlenecks, and

address any issues proactively. Establish a process for regular maintenance,

updates, and bug fixes.

Continues improvement collects user feedback and monitors system

usage to identify areas for improvement. Regularly release updates and new

features based on user needs and market trends. Stay updated with

emerging technologies and industry best practices to enhance the boat

booking system over time.

User Testing / Project Assessment Plan

Using ISO 2017 project evaluation, which analyzes the following

content and features of the developed system in terms of:

1. Functional quality;

2. Performance efficiency;

3. Compatibility;

4. Usability;

6. Security;

7. Maintainability;

8. Portability; and

9. Information quality and content.

Collaboration Plan

This part of the chapter presents the collaborative agency that in one

way or another have a great contribution to making this project a realization.

The development and Evaluation of the 8RJA Express Booking Management

System with Data Analytics is intended to be implemented and utilized by the

alumni Coordinator, Deans,

The objective of this collaboration plan is to facilitate effective

collaboration among the research team members involved in the development

and evaluation of the 8RJA management system for bookings. The

collaboration aims to ensure a cohesive and comprehensive approach to the

research project, enabling the successful development and evaluation of the


Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member

involved in the research project. This may include researchers, developers,

evaluators, and any other relevant stakeholders. Assign specific tasks and

deliverables to each team member to ensure clarity and accountability.

Establish communication channels to facilitate regular and effective

communication among team members. This may include in-person meetings,

video conferences, email communication, and project management tools.

Determine the frequency and format of meetings and ensure that all team

members are aware of the communication channels being utilized.

Identify a suitable platform for data sharing, collaboration, and

document management. This platform should allow for easy sharing and

version control of research materials, data sets, code repositories, and other

relevant resources. Ensure that all team members have access to the

platform and understand how to utilize it effectively.

Define the research methodology and timeline for the development

and evaluation of the 8RJA management system. Break down the research

project into distinct phases and establish specific milestones and deadlines.

Regularly review and update the timeline as the project progresses to ensure

alignment and timely completion.

Emphasize the importance of documenting all research activities,

findings, and outcomes. Encourage team members to maintain

comprehensive documentation of their work, including code documentation,

research notes, experimental results, and evaluation reports. Facilitate

knowledge sharing among team members to ensure a collective

understanding of the project.

Ensure that the research project complies with ethical guidelines and

regulations. Obtain any necessary approvals or permissions for data

collection and use. Maintain data privacy and confidentiality throughout the

research process. Discuss and address any ethical concerns that may arise

during the project.


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