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Reflection Paper

Abbey Haynes

Salt Lake Community College

PSY2500 - Social Psychology

Marcia Flocken


Reflection Paper


For this assignment, you must answer question #1, then select one more of the following

items below and respond with a 1-page reflection paper. You will want to submit this document

to your ePortfolio, along with your Literature Review to add to your ePortfolio (see "Signature

Assignment and ePortfolio Submission" assignment). Please be sure to double space. College

administrators see these, so this should be your best work with depth of thought and no

spelling/grammar errors. :-)

1) Make connections between what you studied in this psychology course with what you've

learned in other courses at SLCC or before SLCC. Make specific references to your work in this

class and in other courses. How did what you learn in other courses enhance what you learned in

here, and vice-versa?

2) What skills did you master in this course? If relevant, how are they reflected in the signature

assignment and other course work? Be specific.

3) What was your biggest accomplishment in the course? If relevant, how did the signature

assignment and other course elements help you reach it? Be specific.

4) How did this course help you in your own personal life or career?


When I reflect about my time in this course, it’s easy to apply a lot of what I learned to

other classes from previous semesters. The first comparison that comes to mind is Film and

Culture class. In that course, we explored many different types of cultures (obviously). For

example, we watched “The Farewell” during our Asian-American unit. In this movie, it depicts

how in Asian culture, when a terminal diagnosis comes up the family will withhold the

information from the person with the terminal illness. They do this to carry the burden and allow

the person with the terminal illness to continue living their life in blissful ignorance. The belief is

that the person would lose the will to live after learning about the terminal illness. This is not the

case at all in America. I relate this to individualistic vs collectivist cultures - collectivist cultures

will sacrifice their own happiness to help the family. This helps bring both concepts into 1.

This class has helped me in my personal life so far as to understand our automatic

thinking in comparison to deliberate thinking. I didn’t understand to what degree our automatic

thinking tells us about a situation or person. While it’s important to trust your gut, it’s also a

smart idea to use our deliberate thinking and fully analyze the situation. Another smaller aspect

that I found interesting is that we typically find that there is more fear when we see a neutral

African-American face in comparison to a white face. It’s incredibly important to challenge that

thinking because the vast majority of people of any color just want to live their lives in peace.

Your innate fear doesn’t overcome their right to live a peaceful life. Lastly, perhaps one of my

favorite chapters was Attraction. I think it’s incredibly important to build and foster healthy

relationships and be able to identify the Four Horsemen in all close-knit relationships.

Thanks for the great semester, Marcia!

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