SCIENCE 8 Chromosome Activity

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Module II: Heredity, Inheritance and Variation


Chromosomes are thread-like structures found inside the nucleus of every cell in our bodies. They carry the
genetic information that determines our traits and characteristics. Humans have 46 chromosomes, arranged in
23 pairs. These pairs include one pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y) that determine an individual's biological
sex, and 22 pairs of autosomes that contain the remaining genetic information.
Each chromosome is composed of DNA tightly coiled around proteins called histones. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic
acid, is a complex molecule that carries the instructions for building and maintaining an organism. It consists of
four bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G). The sequence of these bases along the
DNA molecule forms the genetic code.
During the process of reproduction, chromosomes play a crucial role in passing on genetic information from one
generation to the next. When cells divide, the chromosomes replicate themselves, creating identical copies
called sister chromatids. These chromatids are then separated during cell division, ensuring that each new cell
receives a complete set of chromosomes.
Errors or changes in the structure or number of chromosomes can lead to genetic disorders. For example, Down
syndrome is caused by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21. Other disorders, such as Turner
syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome, result from abnormalities in the sex chromosome pair.
Understanding chromosomes is essential in the study of genetics. By analyzing the patterns of inheritance,
scientists can determine how genes are passed from parents to offspring. This knowledge helps in predicting the
likelihood of certain traits or diseases occurring in future generations.

Guide Questions:
1. What are chromosomes, and where are they located?

2. How many chromosomes do humans have, and how are they organized?

3. What is the difference between sex chromosomes and autosomes?

4. What is the structure of a chromosome?

5. What is DNA, and what are its four bases?

6. How do chromosomes contribute to the passing of genetic information from one generation to the next?

7. What are sister chromatids, and when are they formed?

8. Why is the separation of chromatids during cell division important?

9. How can errors in chromosomes lead to genetic disorders?

10. Provide an example of a genetic disorder caused by an abnormality in the sex chromosome pair.

11. Why is understanding chromosomes important in the study of genetics?

12. How can the study of chromosomes help predict the occurrence of traits or diseases in future generations?

1. What are chromosomes, and where are they located?

Chromosomes are thread-like structures that carry genetic information. They are located inside the nucleus of every cell in
our bodies.
2. How many chromosomes do humans have, and how are they organized?
Humans have 46 chromosomes. They are organized in 23 pairs, including one pair of sex chromosomes (X and Y) and 22
pairs of autosomes.
3. What is the difference between sex chromosomes and autosomes?
Sex chromosomes (X and Y) determine an individual's biological sex, while autosomes contain the remaining genetic
information unrelated to sex.
4. What is the structure of a chromosome?
A chromosome is composed of DNA tightly coiled around proteins called histones. It appears as a thread-like structure.
5. What is DNA, and what are its four bases?
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is a complex molecule that carries genetic instructions. The four bases of DNA
are adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), and guanine (G).
6. How do chromosomes contribute to the passing of genetic information from one generation to the next?
Chromosomes contain genes, which are segments of DNA that carry specific instructions for traits. During reproduction,
chromosomes are passed from parents to offspring, ensuring the transmission of genetic information.
7. What are sister chromatids, and when are they formed?
Sister chromatids are identical copies of a chromosome. They are formed during DNA replication, when the chromosome
duplicates itself to prepare for cell division.
8. Why is the separation of chromatids during cell division important?
The separation of chromatids during cell division ensures that each new cell receives a complete set of chromosomes,
maintaining the correct number and integrity of genetic information.
9. How can errors in chromosomes lead to genetic disorders?
Errors in chromosomes, such as structural abnormalities or changes in the number of chromosomes, can disrupt the
normal functioning of genes. This can result in genetic disorders or abnormalities in physical or physiological traits.
10. Provide an example of a genetic disorder caused by an abnormality in the sex chromosome pair.
Down syndrome is an example of a genetic disorder caused by an abnormality in the sex chromosome pair. It is
characterized by the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21.
11. Why is understanding chromosomes important in the study of genetics?
Understanding chromosomes is essential in genetics because they carry genes, which determine traits and are passed
from one generation to the next. Studying chromosomes helps scientists unravel patterns of inheritance and the
transmission of genetic information.
12. How can the study of chromosomes help predict the occurrence of traits or diseases in future generations?
By analyzing the patterns of inheritance through chromosomes, scientists can determine the likelihood of certain traits or
diseases occurring in future generations. This knowledge is valuable for genetic counseling and understanding the genetic
basis of various conditions.

Reading Activity: Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis

Mitosis and meiosis are two processes involved in cell division, but they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics.

Mitosis is a type of cell division that occurs in somatic (non-
reproductive) cells. It is responsible for growth, tissue repair,
and asexual reproduction in organisms. The main stages of
mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
During mitosis, a single parent cell divides into two identical
daughter cells, each with the same number of chromosomes
as the parent cell. The daughter cells produced through
mitosis are diploid (contain two sets of chromosomes) and
genetically identical to each other and the parent cell.

Meiosis is a type of cell division specific to reproductive cells (sperm and egg cells). It involves two consecutive divisions known as
meiosis I and meiosis II. Meiosis I includes prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, and telophase I, while meiosis II is similar to
mitosis. Meiosis results in the formation of four daughter cells, each containing half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.
These daughter cells are haploid (contain one set of chromosomes) and genetically distinct from each other and the parent cell.
Meiosis generates genetic diversity and is essential for sexual reproduction.

1. Purpose:
- Mitosis: Growth, tissue repair, asexual reproduction.
- Meiosis: Formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells) for sexual reproduction.

2. Number of Divisions:
- Mitosis: One division (mitosis).
- Meiosis: Two divisions (meiosis I and meiosis II).

3. Chromosome Number:
- Mitosis: Daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell (diploid).
- Meiosis: Daughter cells have half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell (haploid).

4. Genetic Variation:
- Mitosis: Daughter cells are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell.
- Meiosis: Daughter cells are genetically distinct from each other and the parent cell, leading to genetic diversity.
5. Occurrence:
- Mitosis: Occurs in somatic cells throughout an organism's life.
- Meiosis: Occurs in reproductive cells (sperm and egg cells) during the formation of gametes.

1. What is the purpose of mitosis, and in which types of cells does it occur?

2. What are the main stages of mitosis?

3. How many daughter cells are produced through mitosis, and how do they compare to the parent cell in terms of chromosome
number and genetic similarity?

4. What is the purpose of meiosis, and in which types of cells does it occur?

5. How many divisions are involved in meiosis, and what are they called?

6. What is the difference between the chromosome number of the parent cell and the daughter cells in meiosis?

7. How do daughter cells produced through meiosis compare to each other and the parent cell in terms of genetic variation?

8. What is the significance of meiosis in sexual reproduction?

9. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis in terms of purpose, chromosome number, genetic variation, and occurrence.

10. Explain why mitosis is essential for growth and tissue repair, while meiosis is crucial for genetic diversity and sexual
Guide Question Answers:

1. The purpose of mitosis is growth, tissue repair, and asexual reproduction. It occurs in somatic (non-reproductive) cells.
2. The main stages of mitosis are prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.
3. Mitosis produces two daughter cells. The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell (diploid).
They are genetically identical to each other and the parent cell.
4. The purpose of meiosis is the formation of gametes (sperm and egg cells) for sexual reproduction. Meiosis occurs in
reproductive cells.
5. Meiosis involves two divisions: meiosis I and meiosis II.
6. The parent cell in meiosis is diploid (contains two sets of chromosomes). The daughter cells are haploid (contain one set of
chromosomes), having half the chromosome number of the parent cell.
7. Daughter cells produced through meiosis are genetically distinct from each other and the parent cell, leading to genetic variation.
8. Meiosis is significant in sexual reproduction as it produces gametes with genetic variation, allowing for offspring with diverse
9. Mitosis:
- Purpose: Growth, tissue repair, asexual reproduction.
- Chromosome Number: Diploid (same as the parent cell).
- Genetic Variation: No genetic variation.
- Occurrence: Somatic cells.

- Purpose: Formation of gametes.
- Chromosome Number: Haploid (half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell).
- Genetic Variation: Genetic variation occurs.
- Occurrence: Reproductive cells.

10. Mitosis is essential for growth and tissue repair as it produces identical cells for the growth and maintenance of body tissues.
Meiosis is crucial for genetic diversity and sexual reproduction because it produces genetically diverse gametes that contribute to
the genetic variation of offspring during sexual reproduction.

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