Technology Literacy of Teachers in Sta. Cruz Elementary School, District I-A, Division of Antipolo City

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Volume: 10
Pages: 339-344
Document ID: 2023PEMJ859
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8106055
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-1-7
Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Technology Literacy of Teachers in Sta. Cruz Elementary School,

District I–A, Division of Antipolo City
Ma. Isabel C. Lumagbas*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The study aimed to determine the level of technology literacy of teachers in Sta. Cruz Elementary
School, District I – A, Division of Antipolo City. Descriptive survey research design was applied
utilizing a researcher-made questionnaire-checklist as a tool in gathering the needed data on the
technology literacy among two-hundred one (201) teacher-respondents with respect to computer
operation and utilization, delivery of instruction and assessment of pupils’ performance. The
study revealed that the teacher-respondents of this study are mostly 41-50 years old and are female.
The majority have Baccalaureate degrees and have not taken up graduate studies. Many have been in
the service of teaching for 5-9 years. The level of technology literacy of teachers with respect to
computer operation and utilization, delivery of instruction and assessment of pupil’s performance is
found to be Literate. The test on the significant difference on the level of technology literacy of
teachers with respect to computer operation and utilization, delivery of instruction and assessment of
pupil’s performance in terms of their age, sex and length of service accepted the null hypothesis. On
the contrary, with respect to educational attainment, the null hypothesis is rejected.It was
recommended that school administrators should provide administrative, technical and financial
support for faculty to ensure quality instruction in the use of ICT. Teachers should be exposed to
more instructional technology activities to enhance their level of competencies in Information and
Communication Technology.

Keywords: ICT, technology literacy, teachers

Introduction use of the computer.Since education is a vital

component of an individual’s growth and development
as part of the workforce and society, it is critical that
Education is considered as a powerful tool in the students are taught and nurtured well early on.
improving one’s life. It opens the door to minds and Using sufficient ICT competencies, teachers should be
accepts the idea of expanding horizons and learns new able to cultivate the students to become collaborative,
things. Moreover, education is essential to everyone good problem-solvers, and creative learners.Today,
and an indispensable part of life both personally and most of the teachers have laptops or computers to help
socially. It is the level of education that helps people them in their tasks in terms of preserving records,
earn respect and recognition. Furthermore, education encoding documents, computation of grades and
is the best legacy a nation can give to her citizens browsing the internet. Other teachers studying for
especially the youth, the key to the realization of a their masteral degree prepare presentations of their
person’s desire for lifelong learning.The world is said report using their computers. Unfortunately, based on
to be in the rapid changes in technological age where the researcher’s observation, some of the teachers have
computer is applied in every sector of human minimal computer literacy. Despite of the complete
endeavor. This versatile machine could combine equipment and facilities available to every teacher for
speed, accuracy, simplicity, and a host of other unique use in a computer literacy program; teachers learn
qualities to execute works which in the past needs operating computers by exploring and through the help
man, material, time, and money to accomplish. of their peers. Realizing the compelling need of
teachers to be technology literate, the researcher was
To adopt and cope to these changes, the field of motivated to determine the technology literacy among
education especially teachers and mentors required to teachers in Sta. Cruz Elementary School.
study the use and application of new technology in
order to improve their competency and effectiveness in Research Questions
discharging their duties.In this regard, the call for
computer literacy to DepEd teachers are obvious, due The study aimed to determine the level of technology
to the fact that the world has turned to a digital literacy of teachers in Sta. Cruz Elementary School,
nucleus, where almost teachers work, and report is District I – A, Division of Antipolo City during the
augmented with the aid of the computer. It is School Year 2016 – 2017. Specifically, this study
necessary therefore that they master the fundamental sought to answer the following questions:

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

1. What is the profile of the teacher-respondents in in order to understand why the integration of
terms of: computer-based technologies does or does not fit with
1.1. age; their teaching philosophy, what factors impact
1.2. sex; planning to use computer technologies in the
1.3. educational attainment; and classroom, and what characteristics define excellent
1.4. length of service? teachers who integrate technology. Qualitative analysis
2. What is the level of technology literacy of the of open-ended questions indicated that, overall,
teacher-respondents as perceived by themselves with educators are supportive of computer integration
respect to: describing the potential of technology using
2.1. computer operation and utilization;
constructivist language, such as “authentic tasks” and
2.2. delivery of instruction; and
“self-regulated learning.” Responses from “high” and
2.3. assessment of pupils’ performance?
“low” integrating teachers were compared across
3. Is there a significant difference on the level of
themes. The diversity of the themes and the emerging
technology literacy of the teacher-respondents with
patterns of those themes from “high and low
respect to the cited aspects in terms of their profile?
integrators” indicate that the integration of computer
technology is a complex concern that requires
Literature Review sensitivity to individual and contextual variables.
Relatively, Ducate (2007) analyzed the computer
attitudes of a sample of 150 undergraduate elementary
According to Akpinar (2007), experts in teacher
education majors over a two-year technology-rich
technology use claim that teachers gain confidence in
curriculum. Longitudinal survey data showed that
the use of computer technologies through formal
students became less positive toward computers when
teacher-education coursework and that their attitudes
one compared attitude at the beginning of the teacher
towards computers improve through such coursework.
Although it shows changes in perceptions that are
education curriculum to their attitudes near the end of
often correlated with classroom technology use, it does the teacher education curriculum. Factors that might
not explain what teachers take away from the courses affect computer attitudes such as age and gender were
and actually use in their classrooms. In addition, Gupta also tested. In the last two decades, active use of the
and Bostrom (2009) cited that technology-mediated Internet in education has opened the door for using e-
learning includes both e-learning and computer- mail, bulletin boards, and other telecommunication
assisted learning using any technology such as technologies in teacher training. This has made it
clickers. Technology-mediated learning as “an necessary to introduce and expose pre-service teachers
environment in which the learner’s interactions with to electronic network communications and
learning materials, peers, and/or instructor are collaboration systems which they can use in both their
mediated through advanced information technology”. teaching and professional development. Furthermore,
There are many factors that influence online learning, Francis-Pelton (2007) noted in his study on the use of
and these factors might have direct or indirect technology in teaching revealed that the top-down
relationships with each other. It developed a implementation of technology by authorities may
technology mediated learning framework based on cause resentment and avoidance by teachers. He adds
learning structures, relationship among these that the lack of perceived legitimacy of the computer
structures, the social system where the learning as an educational tool has an influence on teacher
environment is taking place, appropriation of the adoption of the technology. Lam also suggests that
structures, influence on social context or reciprocal language teachers do not use computers in their
causation, and influence of actors and power classrooms not because they are technophobes, as
dynamics. some suggest, but because institutions and programs
overlook the importance of training teachers and
Meanwhile, According to Aguaded (2016), insufficient
access to new technologies and inadequate faculty
matching their goals with the tools they hope to
training were believed to be the major causes of employ. Similarly, technology advocates have ignored
ineffective use of technology and only exposure to realities such as the social organization of classrooms
technology has a positive yet limited impact on future that serve as an inhibitor of classroom technology use.
classroom practices. On the other hand, Berlindo He also observes that "innovations for solving
(2011) conducted a study with a heterogeneous sample productivity problems defined by non-teachers
of 185 elementary and 204 secondary teachers who invariably were mandated into use by district policy
were asked to respond to open-ended survey questions makers, not teachers".

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article


The study applied the descriptive method of research s u m m a r y of f i n d i n g s , c o n c l u s i o n and

utilizing a questionnaire-checklist as instrument of the recommendations were formulated. After the oral
study to gather the needed data. According to defense, the manuscript was revised considering the
Calmorin (2010), descriptive research is designed to comments and suggestions of the Oral Examination
study what is. It aimed to find out what prevail in the Committee. After finalization, hard bound copies
present conditions, relationships, opinions, processes were submitted to the office of the Graduate Studies
and effects and developing trend. The descriptive Program and other offices.
survey design was deemed appropriate for the study
since the present investigation aimed to describe the Ethical Considerations
level of technology literacy of teachers in a public
elementary school. The respondents from the selected The researcher herself explained and gave the
schools of District I-B, Division of Antipolo City were informed consent to each participant before the
taken from Dela Paz Elementary School, San Isidro conduct of the study. She ensured them that the
Elementary School and Sta. Cruz Elementary School. information would be used with utmost confidentiality
From the chosen elementary schools, all teachers were and within the purpose of the study only.
selected as respondents through universal sampling
comprising of 331. Results and Discussion
The study utilized the total enumeration of respondents
and considered one hundred percent (100%) of the Profile of the Teacher- Respondents
total population or two hundred one (201) teachers in
Sta. Cruz Elementary School, District I – A, Division Table 1. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the
of Antipolo City. They were described in terms of sex, Respondents in Terms of the Selected Variables
age, educational attainment, and length of service.

Instruments of the Study

A researcher-made questionnaire-checklist was used as

the main instrument in this study. To observe unity in
the instrument, each aspect of the main problem was
composed of ten (10) statements. Further, the
instrument was composed of two parts. The first part
was made up of respondents’ personal and
professional profile which included age, sex,
educational attainment, and length of service. The
second part focused on the level of technology literacy
of the teacher- respondents with respect to computer
operation and utilization, delivery of instruction and
assessment of pupils’ performance.


The study followed the Gantt Chart of Activities in the

conduct of the study. This includes the formulation of
research problem up to the revision of the manuscript
and submission of the final copy. Permission to The teacher-respondents in this study numbered to two
conduct the study was obtained from the Office of the hundred and one (201). The table above summarizes
Schools Division Superintendent. After the validation the profile of the respondents. The table shows that
of the instrument, the questionnaire-checklist was many of the respondents are 41-50 years old at 33%
administered to the respondents.After the retrieval, the
data were encoded and processed. Data processing and
analysis were done. Based on the interpreted data,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

with the least percentage of 16 for the 21-30 years old.

Many of the respondents are female at a frequency of components and presentation equipment. The overall
190. The tabulated data also shows that majority of the weighted mean is 2.70. This means that the teachers
respondents have not undertaken graduate studies at are literate in technology with respect to computer
60% and only 1% has Doctoral degree. As to length of operation and utilization. Findings imply that the
service, many are teaching for 5-9 years at 39%, 19% teachers are able to do simple operation of the
for 15-19 years, another 19% 20-24 years, 12% for 10- computer technology.
14 years, and 11% for 25 years and above. This means
that many of the respondents are new. Table 3. Level of Technology Literacy of Teachers in
Sta. Cruz Elementary School with Respect to Delivery
Level of Technology Literacy of Teachers in Sta.
of Instruction
Cruz Elementary School

Table 2. Level of Technology Literacy of Teachers in

Sta. Cruz Elementary School with Respect to
Computer Operation and Utilization

As to delivery instruction, the perceived level of

technology literacy of teachers have verbal
interpretation of literate for all the descriptions stated
in the table except for the one with the lowest
weighted mean. The two highest weighted means are
2.99 and 2.94 which claimed that teachers are literate
in the use of ICT as motivation to arouse pupil’s
interest in the lesson and that teachers are literate in
the use of ICT in developing he learners in fostering
inquiry and exploration. The lowest weighted mean is
With regard to computer operation and utilization, the
2.41 which claimed that teachers are moderately
perceived level of technology literacy of teachers has
literate in the use of ICT in showing mastery of the
obtained 2.98 as the highest weighted mean describing
subject matter. The overall weighted mean is 2.71.
that teachers are literate in selecting and using
appropriate educational media and communication This means that the level of technology literacy of
devices in order to deliver quality instruction. The teachers in the delivery of instruction as perceived by
second highest weighted mean is 2.84 describing that themselves with respect to proximity is found to be
teachers are also literate in discovering and developing literate. Findings imply that the teachers need further
their abilities / skills to make lesson interesting and instruction and know-how in the use of ICT when
meaningful through the use of technology. The lowest delivering their lessons.
weighted mean is 2.37 that described the teachers are
moderately literate in assembling computer hardware

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 5. Computed F-values on the Level of

Technology Literacy of Teachers in Sta. Cruz
Elementary School with Respect to the Different
Table 4. Level of Technology Literacy of Teachers in
Aspects in Terms of Their Profile
Sta. Cruz Elementary School with Respect to
Assessment of Pupils’ Performance

The statistical computation for the significant

difference on the level of technology literacy of
teachers with respect to computer operation and
utilization, delivery of instruction and assessment of
pupil’s performance in terms of their age, sex and
length of service yielded p-values greater than the .05
level of significance. This means that the null
hypothesis is accepted. On the other hand, when they
were grouped by educational attainment the statistical
computation yielded p-values lower than .05. This
In terms of assessment of pupil’s performance, the indicated that the null hypothesis is rejected. This
perceived level of technology literacy of teachers have means that educational attainment is a predictor to the
verbal interpretation of literate for all the descriptions degree of technology literacy of teachers. Findings
stated in the table. The two highest weighted means imply that training of teachers play an important role
are 3.35 and 3.34 which claimed that teachers are in their computer literacy.
literate in the use of ICT in storing grades of pupils
and preserving school forms (SF 1, SF 2, SF 3 and SF
5. The lowest weighted mean is 2.53 which claimed
that teachers are literate in the use of ICT in including
lessons on current issues directly affecting the lives of The study concluded that level of technology literacy
the pupils. The overall weighted mean is 2.88. This of teachers with respect to computer operation and
means that the perceived level of technology literacy utilization, delivery of instruction and assessment of
of teachers have verbal interpretation of literate. pupil’s performance did not differ significantly in
Findings imply that teachers perceived themselves to terms of their age, sex and length of service. On the
be competent in the use of ITC for record purposes of other hand, the level of technology literacy of teachers
pupil’s achievements. with respect to computer operation and utilization,
delivery of instruction and assessment of pupil’s
performance differ significantly when grouped by
The Significant Difference on the Level of
educational attainment.
Technology Literacy of Teachers in Sta. Cruz
Elementary School with Respect to the Different In the light of the findings, the following
Aspects in Terms of Their Profile recommendations are hereby offered: (1) School
administrator should provide administrative, technical
and financial support for faculty to ensure quality
instruction in the use of ICT. (2) Teachers should be
exposed to more instructional technology activities to
enhance their level of competencies in Information and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 10: 339-344, Document ID:2023 PEMJ859, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8106055, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Communication Technology. (3) Teachers should Ducate, L., “Calling on CALL: From Theory and Research to New
Directions in Foreign Language Teaching”. San Marcos, TX:
continuously utilize computer based instruction in
Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium, 2007.
teaching to develop and improve their competency
level. (4) The proposed action plan is recommended Francis-Pelton, L., “Building Attitudes: How A Technology Course
for implementation. (5) Further studies using other Affects Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes About Technology”.
University of California in Los Angeles, 2007.
variables may be considered.
Gupta, S., and Bostrom, R. P., “Technology-Mediated Learning: A
Comprehensive Theoretical Model”. Journal of the Association for
References Information Systems, 2009.

Aguaded, J. et al., “The ICT Centre Model in Andalusia Spain: Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Results of a Resolute Educational Policy”, Retrieved on August 10,
2016 from Ma. Isabel C. Lumagbas
Akpınar, Y., “The Use of New Information Technologies in Istanbul Sta. Cruz Elementary School
Schools”. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Department of Education - Philippines

Berlindo, P., “Pre-service Elementary Mathematics Teachers’

Computer Self-Efficacy, Attitudes Towards Computers, and Their
Perceptions of Computer Enriched Learning Environments”.
Master’s Thesis, Ateneo de Manila University, 2011.

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