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Executive Intelligence Review
October 7, 2022  Vol. 49  No. 39  $10.00

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other device. Everyone But Putin Meddled in Italy’s Election 
Senator Black’s Letter Warns Congress on Ukraine
China-Afghan Transport Corridor Is Opening

The Energy Sabotage

That Could Trigger World War

09/26, 07:30 p.m.

Coordinates of the gas bubble

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Founder: Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. (1922–2019)
Editor-in-Chief: Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Co-Editors: Marcia Merry Baker, Michael
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The Energy Sabotage
That Could Trigger
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Webmaster: John Sigerson
Editor, Arabic-language edition: Hussein Askary

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EI R Contents     Volume 49, Number 39   October 7, 2022

II. International Economics
09/26, 07:30 p.m.
Cover The End of the Oligarchical System
This Week Coordinates of the gas bubble
fields near Bornholm
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
August 31, 2012
Locations and 70 meters and 88 meters deep,
respectively 09/26, 02:03 a.m. 35 F
 rom China to Afghanistan:
times of the A New Milestone for Belt and Road
explosions that ESD 138, 139: Area of Danish
Navy exercises
damaged the
Nord Stream
by Hussein Askary, with additions by Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard
pipelines. 37 Economics Briefs
THE ENERGY SABOTAGE THAT III. Schiller Institute Conference
39 M
 oderator’s Introduction, Panel 4
The Art of Optimism:
War and Peace in the Post–Nord
Using the Classical Principle
Stream Era
by Dennis Small
To Change the World
by Jason Ross
I. World War or Peace 40 L
 eibniz and America: The Best of All
Possible Revolutions
State Sen. Richard H. Black (ret.):
Stop the Nuclear Brinkmanship 45 O
 ctober 15, 2022
International Schiller Institute
  7 Who Is Behind the Sabotage of the
Youth Conference: Build the New
Nord Stream Pipelines?
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism!
10 S
 abotage of the Nord Stream Gas
Pipelines: For Once, the Question
‘Cui Bono?’ Is Not Sufficient
by Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard
15 To Escape the Geopolitical Trap,
Germany Must Enter Talks with
by Rainer Apel
17 Everyone Except Russia Meddled
in Italy’s General Election
by Claudio Celani
The Old Order Is Over, the Path to
Building a New Order Is Before Us

War and Peace in the

Post–Nord Stream Era
by Dennis Small

Oct. 1— Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered a zens of Western countries themselves. This is a
speech on Sept. 30, four days after the explosions that challenge to all. This complete renunciation of
crippled the Nord Stream gas pipelines, which bluntly what it means to be human, the overthrow of
rejected the entire current paradigm based on a web of faith and traditional values, and the suppression
lies; described the extraordinarily dangerous strategic of freedom are coming to resemble a “religion in
situation the world faces; and then provided a sugges- reverse”—pure Satanism.
tion of the direction in which a solution is to be found:
Putin also took note of the growing resistance in the
The truth has been drowned in an ocean of West itself to these suicidal policies: “As I have already
myths, illusions and fakes, using extremely ag- said, we have many like-minded people in Europe and
gressive propaganda, lying like Goebbels. The the United States, and we feel and see their support.
more unbelievable the lie, the quicker people An essentially emancipatory, anti-colonial movement
will believe it—that is how they operate, accord- against unipolar hegemony is taking shape in the most
ing to this principle. diverse countries and societies. Its power will only
But people cannot be fed with printed dollars grow with time. It is this force that will determine our
and euros. You can’t feed them with those pieces future geopolitical reality…. And I repeat: things will
of paper, and the virtual, inflated capitalization never be the same.”
of Western social media companies can’t heat Now think back to Sept. 26, 2022: the day that the
their homes…. You can’t feed anyone with two Nord Stream gas pipelines were sabotaged in an
paper—you need food; and you can’t heat any- act of international terrorism. This day will go down in
one’s home with these inflated capitalizations— history as a decisive turning point in the global strategic
you need energy. situation. Either that event will be the opening shot in
a rapidly escalating series of U.S.-UK-NATO extreme
Putin further stated that, “The West is ready to cross provocations against Russia—up to and including ac-
every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which tually launching tactical nuclear weapons on Ukrainian
allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to territory, which would then be blamed on Russia, and
the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect which NATO would then “respond to,” with nuclear
an actual tribute from humanity.” If Russia is defeated strikes against Russia itself. Or, the stunning implica-
and dismembered, he added, “I believe next in line are tions of the Nord Stream sabotage, and President Pu-
other countries of Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the tin’s bold September 30 speech, will serve to wake up
Middle East, as well as current U.S. partners and al- sufficient forces in the United States and Europe to de-
lies.” rail the current drive by the Western Establishment for
Putin was emphatic on this point: end-game confrontation with Russia and China. That,
in turn, would open the door to serious international
Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the West- deliberation on a new security and development para-
ern elites targets all societies, including the citi- digm to provide for Mankind’s continuing progress.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  3
One way or the other, the issue will be decided in a British imperial philosopher Bertrand Russell—the
matter of weeks—not years. man whom Lyndon LaRouche accurately described as
The key counter-intelligence question of “cui bono” the most evil person of the 20th century—tried to make
regarding the Nord Stream attack—who benefits?—al- a science of brainwashing entire populations to believe
ready points the finger of suspicion at U.S.-UK-NATO transparent lies, such as the assertion that “snow is
security and intelligence capabilities. If a competent black.” In his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on So-
forensic investigation determines that that is indeed ciety, Russell wrote prophetically:
what happened—that the United States and the UK
intentionally destroyed Europe’s physical economic I think the subject which will be of most impor-
lifeline, sinking hundreds of millions of their “allies” tance politically is mass psychology…. Its im-
into deindustrialization and penury, not to mention the portance has been enormously increased by the
prospect of unending war—that will uncork a political growth of modern methods of propaganda….
explosion that could well kick over the entire strategic The social psychologists of the future will have
chessboard. a number of classes of school children on whom
The thought process will go like this: “If the U.S.- they will try different methods of producing an
UK blew up Nord Stream, and then blamed it on the unshakable conviction that snow is black…. Not
Russians—which is obviously ridiculous—what’s to much can be done unless indoctrination begins
stop them from dropping a tactical nuke and then point- before the age of ten … verses set to music and
ing the finger at Russia? After all, they bombed the Za- repeatedly intoned are very effective.
porizhzhia nuclear power plant, and blamed Russia for
bombing their own plant! They committed atrocities in This is the same Bertrand Russell who fanatically
Bucha and Izyum which they tried to ascribe to Russia. advocated Malthusian population reduction with the
They lied through their teeth about ‘weapons of mass aid of periodic plagues; the same Russell who also
destruction’ in Iraq, and expected the world to believe urged that a preemptive nuclear attack be launched on
them. They staged the infamous Gulf of Tonkin inci- the Soviet Union in the immediate aftermath of World
dent to justify an illegal war in Southeast Asia. And War II.
their daddies and grand-daddies went along with the The full speech by President Putin is available here
orchestration of the Reichstag Fire to carry out their and more key excerpts are in this issue of EIR. The
intended fascist coup in Germany. Just how stupid do world has changed dramatically, and the question of
they think we are?!” leadership voices in every nation for the good of all of
Very. mankind has never been more important.

4  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
I.  World War or Peace

State Sen. Richard Black (ret.):

Stop the Nuclear Brinkmanship
Oct. 1—Former Virginia State Senator Richard H.
Black released the following open letter to all members
of the United States Congress on September 27, 2022,
which was made available to the public the same day by
the Schiller Institute. A facsimile of the original letter is
available here.

Open Letter to Members of the United States Congress

September 27, 2022

Dear Representatives and Senators:

I am troubled by the loose talk about launching a
nuclear attack on Russia. From time to time, senior Re-
publicans and Democrats have suggested employing Schiller Institute
such weapons. This appears to be a deliberate effort to Col. Richard H. Black
acclimate Americans to the idea of nuclear war.
Now, we have [Ukrainian President] Zelensky’s with Nuclear Strike: Ukraine.” The article quotes
office jumping on too. On September 21, 2022, News- Mykhailo Podolyak, Zelensky’s senior aide, as saying,
week ran this headline: “U.S. Needs To Threaten Russia “The other nuclear states need to say very firmly that as
soon as Russia even thinks of carrying out nuclear
strikes on foreign territory—in this case the territory of
Sen, Richard Black (ret.), and Scott Ritter, Ukraine—there will be swift retaliatory nuclear strikes
former UN weapons inspector and Marine to destroy the nuclear launch sites in Russia.”
intelligence officer joined Diane Sare, candidate Of course, it is impossible to limit retaliatory nu-
for U.S. Senator from New York, to discuss the clear strikes to destroying only the nuclear launch sites.
greatest threat of nuclear war since the 1962 Not only would damage be widespread, but Russia
Cuban missile crisis on Friday morning September would be forced to respond in kind to threats targeting
30, 2022, asking, “Is World War III Inevitable?” its nuclear deterrence capability. Russia would launch
All three of the speakers were put on a blacklist, an immediate, massive nuclear response, including air
considered by many to be a hit list, by Ukraine’s and ground-based hypersonic missiles and submarine-
Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) on launched ballistic missiles. Each Russian submarine
July 14, 2022. EIR’s report on that “Global NATO” would shower down 100 nuclear warheads, sufficient to
offensive against advocates of peace was incinerate the entire [U.S.] National Capital Region or
published in the Sept. 2, 2022 issue of EIR. The the Western European industrial heartland.
full one-hour-plus live dialogue is available here.
As the Ukrainian War drags on, globalists are

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  5
marching us relentlessly toward this nuclear Armaged- Few Americans knew anything about Ukraine
don. Why? before February 24th. Was Ukraine in South America,
There would have been no war had we not over- Asia, Africa, or Europe? Many Americans couldn’t
thrown the democratically elected government of have answered that question. But now, in order to ad-
Ukraine by violently ousting President Yanukovych in dress a local border dispute on the other side of the
2014. We promoted war by flooding Ukraine with mas- globe, war hawks demand concrete steps toward a nu-
sive arms shipments afterwards. (See: the June 4, 2018 clear war that might exterminate 60% of humanity,
article, “How and why the U.S. Government Perpe- plunging mankind into a primitive state.
trated the 2014 Coup in Ukraine.”) Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon,
The U.S. could have achieved peace by simply Ford, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton all approached nu-
pressing Ukraine to implement the 2014 Minsk Peace clear confrontation with utmost caution. But the Obama
Agreements which it had signed, establishing a clear administration changed course when it recklessly over-
framework for settling outstanding issues peacefully. threw the Ukrainian government in 2014 and flooded
Ukraine promised to implement the Minsk agreements, Ukraine with weapons aimed at Russia. It did so know-
but chose instead to make war on the Donbass for the ing that it was threatening Russia’s most vital national
next seven years. Ukraine’s attacks killed 14,000 people interest: the defense of its territory against nuclear ag-
before Russia ever entered the war. gression.
Within two months after Russia crossed into Now, the Biden administration threatens to cast cau-
Ukraine, Russia and Ukraine were finalizing a draft tion to the winds. Many of its allies suggest a game of
peace agreement. However, [UK] Prime Minister Boris one-upmanship where the U.S. and NATO fire nuclear
Johnson suddenly flew to Kiev to block its implementa- mis­siles in response to Russia’s use of such weapons to
tion, undoubtedly coordinating with the U.S. State De- de­fend its territory. In other words, we would destroy
partment beforehand. War would continue, regardless the entire world as our way of saying, “Oh yeah? Well
of the parties’ longing for peace. take this!”
NATO had ample opportunity for peace but de­ Would simple revenge justify killing hundreds of
liberately chose war. The U.S. realized that, with Rus- millions of unknowing people? Should we annihilate
sia’s back to the wall, it would have no choice to but to the world’s population to intervene in a border war
attack. In 2007, U.S. Ambassador to Russia William where the U.S. has no vital national interest?
Burns pointedly warned that movement toward ab- The U.S. can promptly end this war by making
sorbing Ukraine into NATO might well trigger war Ukraine a neutral, non-aligned state, just as we did
between Ukraine and Russia. Nonetheless, the Obama during the Cold War with Austria in 1955. Yes, there
administration overthrew the Ukrainian president would be some territorial adjustments resulting from
and flooded in weapons, knowing that doing so the war. But peace would end the ongoing bloodshed,
would trigger war. (See WikiLeaks for the Burns avert a nuclear conflagration, and assure Ukraine’s
memo.) long-term safety and independence.
Today, wealthy globalists have billions at stake, and Nuclear war is unthinkable; peace is the better
they intend to have their war profits even if it means course of action. Please consider it.
gambling the lives of hundreds of millions of people Sincerely,
across the globe. Senator Dick Black (ret.)

6  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
Who Is Behind the Sabotage of
the Nord Stream Pipelines?
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

This article was written by Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche for need to fulfill these three criteria limits the list of possi-
the German weekly, Neue Solidarität, and translated ble perpetrators to a very short one. And given the tre-
into English for EIR. She is the founder of the interna- mendous technical requirements for damaging steel
tional Schiller Institute and the Federal Chair of the pipelines lying on the sea floor at depths of 70–88 meters,
BüSo political party in Germany. it is generally agreed that such capacities are only at the
disposal of governments—and of them, only three:
Oct. 1—The sabotage and possible long-term destruc- Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom.
tion of the Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2 gas pipe-
lines is an attack on Germany’s existential interests, and Unlikeliness of Russian Responsibility
means millions of German citizens and many firms will An extraordinarily useful assessment of the sabo-
suffer insolvencies and unaffordable heating costs for tage of the Nord Stream pipelines has been published1
the coming Winter. It also undermines the demands at by Swiss Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard, who took part
recent protest actions in many German cities, of dem- in the OSCE’s Special Monitoring Mission in 2014 in
onstrators who called for an end to the sanctions against Ukraine as senior planning officer, and was later in the
Russia and the opening of both pipelines, in order to OSCE High-Level Planning Group as operations offi-
resolve the two most dramatic threats now confronting cer. He describes the considerable technical challenges
Germany: the acute danger of a world war stemming that must be overcome in such a sabotage act, which
from the confrontation with Russia; and the danger of quite clearly limit the possible culprits to military spe-
the total economic collapse, due in large part to the ex- cial forces. And that increases the chances that conclu-
plosion of energy prices. sive information on the attack will come to light.
If there was ever a situation in which the govern- The robust construction of the pipelines, which are
ment needed to fulfill its oath to protect the German made of special steel and enveloped with concrete, then
people from harm, this act of terrorism requires intran- buried under rubble and covered with other material,
sigent clarification and consequences for those respon- requires complex techniques and the use of high-explo-
sible. The implication of the answer to the question of sive charges at 80 meters under the sea.
who perpetrated it, is enormous, and is likely identical Bosshard points out that if the Russian Navy were
to the question of war and peace. the perpetrator, it would not have had to take the trouble
Beyond all speculation as to who those responsible of destroying the pipelines off the Danish island of
might be, the issue is comparable to the circumstances Bornholm in the middle of an area closely monitored by
surrounding the attack of Sept. 11, 2001. Just as U.S. air NATO, but could have carried it off more easily in the
space was completely surveilled by the North Ameri- Gulf of Finland. That is, unless the intention was to
can Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD), the demonstrate to NATO the superiority of Russian capa-
Baltic Sea is among the most tightly monitored zones in bilities in seabed warfare, which is an unlikely explana-
the world, and, since the time of the Cold War, has been tion that Bosshard also references.
controlled by NATO, and of course by the neighboring So if the Russians can be more or less ruled out as
countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Germany) the culprit—after all, they could have simply turned off
with a dense network of sonar and underwater micro- the tap if Moscow’s aim was to “foment uncertainty”
phones to monitor all movement on sea and in the air. and drive-up gas prices as some media moot—what
As in all criminal acts, the questions to be asked are: other options remain?
Who had the means, who had the technical and person-
nel capabilities to carry out the act, and who was physi- 1. In English translation in this issue of EIR, and in the original German
cally present on site in the relevant period of time? The on the Schiller Institute website.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  7
On the Nachdenkseiten website, Jens Berger notes which it could have expected considerable revenue
that the annual NATO maneuver BALTOPS took place over the long-term? Vladimir Putin had offered as re-
in the Baltic Sea in mid-June, with 47 warships under cently as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
the command of the U.S. 6th Fleet, including the U.S. (SCO) summit in Samarkand, two weeks before the
task force around the helicopter carrier USS Kearsarge. sabotage, to open Nord Stream 2, delivering 55 billion
Part of this maneuver was an operation by Task Force cubic meters of natural gas per year, if Germany agreed
68, which was operating off the island of Bornholm to lift sanctions against Russia.
with unmanned underwater vehicles that can deactivate
mines but, of course, theoretically place them as well. ‘Thank You, USA’
Strangely enough, this very same task force around In the meantime, a video has gone viral on the Inter-
the USS Kearsarge was recorded by position signals net showing President Biden at a joint press conference
last week only 10 nautical miles away from Bornholm. with German Chancellor Scholz at the White House on
This does not yet mean, of course, that these ships were Feb. 7, 2022, where Biden promised that the United
involved, but that they may very well have been. States was in a position to put an end to Nord Stream 2,
Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia in the event Russia invaded Ukraine. Responding to a
added further observations on this at a UN Security reporter who asked how he intended to do it, since Ger-
many was in control of the project, Biden answered:
“I promise you: We will be able to do it.”
Biden was not the only one to issue such threats:
Tucker Carlson showed a video on Fox TV of [Un-
der-Secretary of State for Political Affairs] Victoria
Nuland announcing the same thing at a State Depart-
ment press conference back in January, in the event
of a Russian invasion: “One way or another, Nord
Stream 2 won’t move forward.” After the attack on
the pipelines, former Polish Foreign Minister Rado-
slaw Sikorski—husband of the bellicose Atlanticist
Anne Applebaum—rejoiced, referring in a tweet to
Bundesregierung/Denzel Biden’s Feb. 7 promise. “A small thing, but so much
In a video call with his Western counterparts Oct. 1, Olaf Scholz, joy,” Sikorski wrote. And in another tweet: “Thank
Chancellor of Germany, said Berlin would “support the joint
investigation” with Denmark and Sweden of the Nord Stream pipeline you USA.” That tweet has since been deleted.
sabotage. Obviously, the facts given here are only leads,
and not yet proof of the perpetrators’ identities. But
Council meeting convened at short notice on Friday. He the implications of the attack on the Nord Stream pipe-
noted that the USS Kearsarge had remained in the vi- lines are enormous. They massively increase the imme-
cinity of Bornholm since June; that the ship’s helicopter diate prospect of Europe’s deindustrialization, and its
squad had been patrolling the Bornholm area since dependence on U.S. liquified natural gas (LNG). The
early August; and that the flight line of these aircraft skyrocketing costs are already causing a massive
surprisingly coincided with the pipeline route. Ambas- exodus of companies from Europe, and especially from
sador Nebenzia: Germany, to the United States. All this means an assault
on the living standards of the population.
I emphasize that this is open data on geolocation The fact that the pipelines have suffered consider-
of sea and air transport, which is collected on the able damage, and that repairs, according to the opera-
basis of the transponder’s signal. It means that tors, would not be impossible but would take a very long
the United States did not conceal its presence in time, has for now taken the wind out of the sails of the
the area and completed its maneuvers in an ex- German protesters who were demanding the opening of
hibitory and ostentatious way. the pipelines and the end of the sanctions against Russia.
The pipelines will be inoperable this Winter and beyond,
Is it likely that Russia destroyed the pipelines, in and a possible path to a diplomatic solution with Russia,
which €20 billion in total had been invested, and from given the growing threat of war, has been buried.

8  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
‘Cold-Blooded Economic Warfare’ not battles or an exchange of nuclear strikes, Reed said.
However, if it is established that the attack was actu- We will have to make sure that the German politi-
ally the execution of what Biden had announced Feb. 7 cians who want to “ruin Russia” do not willingly put
in the presence of Scholz, then Europe will have to im- themselves at the service of the perpetrators in covering
mediately free itself from subjugation to the United up the crime. For that, the “harshest consequences,” as
States and the U.K. and mobilize all its efforts to over- announced by Ursula von der Leyen [President of the
coming the conflict with Russia, and increasingly with European Commission], will have to be implemented,
China, by diplomatic means. if the Germans do not want to give up altogether. It
In any event, U.S. responsibility would not be en- must be ensured in any case that Russia is included in
tirely new. On Feb. 27, 2004, the Washington Post re- the investigations. The fact that Scholz has promised
ported that Ronald Reagan had agreed to a CIA plan [in support to Denmark and Sweden is definitely too little.
January 1982] to sabotage the Soviet economy by co- Likewise, that Germany intends to strengthen precau-
vertly feeding it, among other things, contaminated tions and protection against sabotage for critical infra-
software that later caused a gigantic explosion of the structure together with its partners and allies, as gov-
Siberian gas pipeline in the summer of 1982. This rev- ernment spokesman Steffen Hebestreit said, sounds
elation was taken from the memoirs of former Air Force more like a declaration of surrender than an announce-
Secretary Thomas C. Reed, who reported that this ex- ment of the government’s intention to stand up for the
plosion was just one example of the “cold-blooded eco- existential interests of the German people, as it swore to
nomic warfare” that the CIA waged against the Soviet do in its oath of office.
Union in the final years of the Cold War. It was eco- It is high time to remind them of that commitment.
nomic bankruptcy that led to the end of the Cold War,

The Schiller Institute has In this special issue, we take

just released the second issue of on the question of “What is an
its new quarterly journal Aesthetical Education?” This is
dedicated to the creation of a an incredibly important and
classical culture. The 95-page challenging question, but one
issue, described below, is yours that must be taken up. We want
as a monthly contributing to examine different people and
member. Memberships start at nations who have either
$5/month. Give more if you can. attempted or successfully created
This beautiful journal, written for this type of educational system.
audiences from 12 to 102, is a We have a very wonderful
map to winning a beautiful composition for you to work
future. Failure is not an option. through. Here are a few

Preview the fall issue here

Restore Classical Education to the Secondary Classroom The Current Transformation of Education in China:
by Lyndon LaRouche Shaping a More Beautiful Mind
The Cult of Ugliness, Or Beauty As A Necessary by Richard A. Black
Condition of Mankind A Taste of the Sublime Comes from the Most
by Helga Zepp-LaRouche Unexpected of Places
Foundation for the Future An Interview with Heartbeat Opera’s Ethan Heard
by Leni Rubenstein
Subscribe here!
Have fun!  Anastasia Battle, Editor-in-Chief, Leonore

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  9
Sabotage of the Nord Stream
Pipelines: For Once, the Question
‘Cui Bono?’ Is Not Sufficient
by Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph Bosshard

To counter loose speculation on the sabotage of the occurred in both legs of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 natural
Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, Lt. Col. (ret.) Ralph gas pipelines the night before.2
Bosshard of the Swiss Army has written for EIR an au- A second pressure drop occurred on the evening of
thoritative analysis of the requirements for such a sabo- Sept. 26. According to Nord Stream AG, these events
tage. An expert on countering cyber war, Colonel Boss- can only be explained by the physical destruction of the
hard during 2014-2017 served in the peacekeeping lines. Based on the recordings by measuring devices for
mission of the Organization for Security and Coopera- detecting earthquakes around the Baltic Sea, Danish
tion in Europe (OSCE) in Ukraine. In 2014, as Senior and Swedish seismologists were able to clarify without
Planning Officer in the Special Monitoring Mission to a doubt that the seismic waves came from explosions
Ukraine, he was in Kiev, Mariupol, and Dnipropetro- and not from earthquakes, and they were able to give
vsk. Until 2017 he served as Special Military Adviser to the exact times.3 Meanwhile, photos from the Danish
the Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the Air Force have confirmed large amounts of gas rising to
OSCE, and to the Swiss Ambassador to Kiev. From the sea surface at these locations (Figure 1).
2017 to 2020, Colonel Bosshard was Operations Offi-
cer in the OSCE High-Level Planning Group, planning Reliability of the Information
for a military peacekeeping operation in the South The identified fields of gas bubbles in the Baltic Sea
Caucasus. Subheads are the author’s. certainly correspond exactly to the location of the ex-
plosions on the seabed, because the drift of the rising
Sept. 28—Speculation is currently rife as to who was gas cannot be large at this shallow water depth. In com-
responsible for the sabotage attack on the Nord Stream parison, the seismologists’ information about the epi-
1 and 2 natural gas pipelines off the Danish island of center of the detected explosions is somewhat impre-
Bornholm in the Baltic Sea. While some Western com- cise, which is probably due to the precision limits of the
mentators are already asking the question of “cui measuring devices used.
bono?” (who benefits?) and are feverishly looking for The sites of the explosions are just outside Danish
hints of a false flag operation by the Russians,1others territorial waters: Apparently, Denmark was to be pre-
are reminding us of those who, months ago, desperately vented from interpreting the acts of sabotage as a direct
sought to prevent the Nord Stream 2 from being com- threat. For the same reason, care was probably taken to
missioned. So far, only the time and place of the events, ensure that the acts of sabotage took place outside of a
that were unanimously identified as acts of sabotage, training area of the Danish Navy. The leak in Nord
are really clear. This lets some press representatives Stream 2 southeast of Bornholm is almost 30 km from
imagine such an act of sabotage to be a little easier than the island, and the one in Nord Stream 1 over 50 km
it should be in fact. away. Despite the currently mild Autumn weather in the
On Sept. 26, Nord Stream AG announced on its
website in Zug, Switzerland, that a pressure drop had 2. See Nord Stream’s press release of Sept. 26 and its update from
Sept. 27.
3. See map. For the location of the explosions, see this map. Infor-
1. See, for example, Deutsche Welle’s contribution with experts, and mation for seafarers from the Danish maritime authorities is available
that of Tucker Carlson on his Sept. 27 Fox News Show, as reported here. Information from the seismologists is available in an article post-
Sept. 28 by LifeSiteNews. ed Sept. 26 on the VolcanoDiscovery website.

10  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
09/26, 07:30 p.m.

Coordinates of the gas bubble

fields near Bornholm

70 meters and 88 meters deep,

respectively 09/26, 02:03 a.m.

ESD 138, 139: Area of Danish

Navy exercises, with author’s additions

Figure 1. Locations and Times of the Explosions

region and the water temperatures of around 15 degrees incriminating evidence literally to come to light.
[Centigrade], access to the two natural gas pipelines is Specially modified submarines are able to release
a challenge, because Autumn storms are not uncommon and retrieve divers through their torpedo tubes or
in the Baltic Sea from September onward.4 through special hatches without them having to make
time-consuming decompression stops when surfacing.
Professionals at Work For this purpose, such submarines are equipped with a
The pipelines are at a depth of 70 and 88 meters at decompression chamber in which divers make up for
these locations. Diving at this depth requires the use of the decompression stops, so to speak, until they can
different mixtures of oxygen with other gases such as move around in the submarine again at normal pres-
nitrogen and helium, the use of special diving equip- sure. Here you can also relax between dives. However,
ment if necessary, compliance with decompression decompression chambers could also be installed on
stops, and the rapid availability of decompression smaller ships disguised as sea rescue ships.
chambers in the event of an accident. Nord Stream 2 was built according to the specifica-
All this excludes sabotage by recreational divers, tions of Det Norske Veritas (DNV)5: the pipes of the
because diving under these conditions requires special
training and equipment. Professionals were probably at 5. See “Offshore Standard Det Norske Veritas DNV-OS-F101 Subma-
work here. For such professionals, however, diving rine Pipeline Systems January 2000,” available here, especially page
depths of 70-90 m do not represent a problem, so there 31. [If that website is blocked, then here —ed.] Det Norske Veritas
is a good chance that meaningful information on the (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation dedicated to pro-
tecting life, property and the environment at sea and on land. DNV
type of demolition can be obtained in the coming weeks. provides classification, certification and verification services related
Whoever destroyed the natural gas pipelines can expect to the quality of ships, offshore units and facilities, and onshore in-
dustries worldwide and conducts research in these areas. [Translator’s
note: The independent Norwegian foundation, Det Norske Veritas, or
4. Information on Baltic Sea water temperatures, climate data, and DNV, was established in 1864. At that time, the shipping of goods and
weather are available here from Weather data is passengers was not very reliable. To reduce the uncertainties, a com-
also available here from, for the Baltic Sea off Born- mittee was formed to evaluate and regulate the classification of ships.
holm. DNV’s goal is therefore to establish criteria that guarantee the safety

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  11
Nord Stream 2 are made of special steel L485/X70 with Russian submarine Kursk sank, scientists recorded a
portions of copper, chromium, molybdenum, manga- first explosion of 70-100 kg of TNT 4,500 km away,
nese and other metals; have an inner diameter of 1,153 followed by a second of 3-7 tons.8 One should think of
mm; and are 26.8 to 41 mm thick.6 such magnitudes when talking about blowing up the
They are designed reliably to withstand an internal two pipelines in the Baltic Sea.
pressure of 170-220 PSIG [pounds per square inch, The robust construction and difficult accessibility of
gauge, or relative to atmospheric pressure—ed.] at a natural gas pipelines in general, even on land, mean that
depth of up to 220 m for years to come. In addition to operators and authorities in the countries concerned
their already strong construction, DNV requirements usually do without a complete monitoring of such pipe-
require the steel pipes to be concrete-coated and buried lines. It would be much easier for a saboteur to hit one
in the seabed, covered with sand or rubble, or covered of the above-ground gas supply facilities.
with a so-called mattress of some other material. Whoever blew up the two gas pipelines had to put in
a lot of technical effort and spend a lot of time on the
Large Amount of Materials object. The extensive work cannot be done with a few
In order to completely blow up the Nord Stream’s frogmen, and the delivery of explosives, oxygen bottles
steel pipe alone, a quantity of at least 20 kg of explo- and tools required efficient means of transport. This
sives is required, which must fit snugly against the pipe cannot be done with inflatable boats.
so that its effect does not fizzle out. In addition, there The high expenditure of materials and time, in con-
are the explosives that are necessary to destroy the con- nection with the difficulty of access to the natural gas
crete casing: in terms of quantity, this could be even pipelines, suggests that the perpetrators had been work-
more than that for the steel pipe itself. However, this ing at the crime scene for a long time and were present
means that the perpetrators had to first uncover the with ships or boats during this time. It’s a wonder they
pipeline and clear the pipeline cover to the side, to didn’t arouse suspicion, so close to Danish territorial
ensure that slipping material cannot slip into the leak waters and a Danish Navy training area. Military per-
created [by the explosion —ed.] and close it. sonnel usually react with suspicion to the presence of
If the perpetrators did not bother to remove the cov- strangers near their training areas.
ering in front of the pipeline before detonating, then they At the same time, the water depth of 70 and 88 m is
would have to use a correspondingly larger explosive a strong argument against the use of submarines to pre-
charge. That could soon amount to several hundred kilo- pare the detonation, because large submarines in par-
grams of explosives. These figures refer to very high ex- ticular prefer to operate in deeper waters, especially
plosives from the military sector. Civilian explosives when we are dealing with presumably well-monitored
often deliberately achieve lower explosion speeds and waters such as the Baltic Sea. However, the deepest
then require a correspondingly larger quantity. waters of the Baltic Sea are found in the Gotland Basin,
The pressure of the escaping gas may have contrib- as well as north and west of the island of Åland, several
uted to the seismic fingerprint that the Danish and hundred kilometers from Bornholm. In the search for
Swedish scientists found. If the perpetrators had wanted the perpetrators, it will probably be necessary to look
to cause a secondary explosion of the natural gas still in for smaller ships rather than submarines.
the Nord Stream 1 pipeline, they would have had to
inject even larger amounts of oxygen. At a depth of 80 War on the Seabed
m, this is a complex project, because a pressure of 8-9 In recent years, the seabed has increasingly become
PSIG has to be overcome. a battlefield of the great powers. It is known that the
An explosion of 28 tons of conventional explosives U.S.A., China, Russia and France are running seabed
in the Negev Desert in Israel in 2004 caused an earth- warfare programs in order to protect their own under-
quake measuring 2.9 on the Richter scale.7 When the water infrastructure and to attack that of the enemy.
Small submarines and unmanned underwater vehicles
(drones) play an important role here. These are usually
of ocean-going vessels.]
6. See Nord Stream facts and figures here. and here.
7. See the article, “Powerful Explosion Commissioned by Israeli Seis- 8. See the corresponding article, “Seismologists Analyze Explosions
mologists,” in Neue Zürcher Zeitung of June 18, 2004. on the Kursk,” in Die Welt of Jan. 16, 2001.

12  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
Map according to Flight Radar 24, see footnote 12 below.
Figure 2. A U.S. maritime patrol aircraft (the aircraft symbol in red) on Sept. 25 over the Baltic Sea, its track indicated by the dark
blue line. The light blue symbols are airports.
brought to their place of use by large submarines. The sive work under water has not been under consideration
U.S.A. and Russia converted existing submarines into so far, because the autonomy of unmanned underwater
such mother boats and also deployed some completely vehicles has so far been limited. This limitation excludes
new crafts for this purpose. But also surface units such long journeys from the base to the site of operation.12
as reconnaissance ships—often referred to as spy
ships—can deploy such unmanned devices at the scene Well-Monitored Baltic Sea
of action.9 Even today, the Baltic Sea is well monitored. In ad-
So far, submarine drones in particular have primarily dition to hydro-acoustic sensors found on board war-
fulfilled tasks of intelligence gathering and counter-intel- ships of all kinds, numerous sensors on the coast are
ligence service, for example by deploying sonar buoys10 likely to be used to monitor shipping traffic. In addition,
and “de-bugging” bug-infested telecommunications there are surveillance flights by sea reconnaissance air-
cables. Cutting cables underwater is also part of their craft and anti-submarine warfare aircraft from inter-
range of skills.11 However, the ability to carry out exten- ested states. The night before the attack on Nord Stream
2, for example, a U.S. P-8A Poseidon maritime recon-
naissance aircraft was in the region (Figure 2).
9. An overview of Russian submarines for seabed warfare can be found
here on H.I. Sutton’s blogsite. As a surface unit, the Russian recon- And just as the first explosion occurred, sometime
naissance ship Yantar should also have the appropriate means. See H.I. between 01:32 and 02:20 a.m. on Sept. 26, an unidenti-
Sutton’s article from 2017 on the Yantar, “Russian Ship Loitering Near fied aircraft was being refueled by a U.S. KC-135 tanker
Undersea Cables.” The U.S. Virginia class Block VI attack submarines in northeastern Poland. While the tanker came from
will all be equipped with means of seabed warfare, according to an
article, “Navy New Virginia Block VI Virginia Attack Boat Will Inform
Frankfurt, all that is known of the refueled aircraft is
SSN(X), posted Nov. 20, 2020 on USNI News. that it was first detected that night off the Faroe Islands
10. Following the U.S. Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS) system
for monitoring the world’s oceans during the Cold War, Russia has now the Russian side; more information is available in an article, “Russian
also implemented a network of hydro-acoustic sensors in the form of Autonomous Uninhabited Underwater Vehicles for Military and Civil
the “Garmoniya system.” More on hydro-acoustic systems is available Purposes: A Brief Overview,” posted Sept. 9, 2021 on the Integral web-
here. site.
11. These include the Klavesin-1R, the Vityaz-D, and the Poseidon on 12. See the Flight Radar 24 home page.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  13
Map according to Flight Radar 24, see footnote 13 below.
Figure 3. A U.S. tanker and an unknown aircraft on Sept. 26 over the Baltic Sea. The unknown (red) aircraft’s flight is indicated by
the blue line.

and that it “disappeared” off Bornholm at 03:05 a.m., Navy that carried out an extensive sabotage operation
probably because it switched off its transponder. At in the middle of a sea area surrounded by NATO coun-
this time it was flying at an altitude of approx. 7,200 tries or candidate countries, 300 km from the nearest
feet (= 2,200 m) at a speed of 825 km/h (446 knots). Russian naval base, then the Russians would have made
This is unusual behavior for an aircraft over the open NATO look ridiculous. That would have been an im-
sea (Figure 3).13 pressive demonstration of Russian seabed warfare ca-
As things stand, it can almost only have been a U.S. pabilities. The Russians could have accomplished the
long-range reconnaissance aircraft. Remarkably, not mere destruction of Nord Stream 1 and 2—without any
even its identity is known; even sea reconnaissance air- demonstration effect—much more easily on their door-
craft use transponder signals to identify themselves in step in the Gulf of Finland.
dense airspace. However, it is questionable whether the In contrast, it were much easier for NATO: Only in
crew of the unknown U.S. plane can do much to clarify June, the U.S. 6th Fleet, together with its NATO part-
the sabotage attacks, because the explosive charges on ners, carried out exercises just off Bornholm in which
the gas pipelines may have been lying on the bottom of unmanned underwater vehicles were also tested.14 The
the Baltic Sea for a long time. But the example shows “BALTOPS 22” exercise could have been used as a test
that surveillance of the Baltic Sea is tight and that ships run or as a camouflage backdrop for installing explo-
from far outside the region would find it difficult to op- sive devices on the natural gas pipelines. Of course,
erate in the region unnoticed for any length of time. there is currently no evidence of authorship by either
side, and a truly independent investigation is unlikely to
‘Stop, Thief’? ever take place. But the unbiased observer has a ques-
This raises a completely different question than the tion: Is a thief shouting “Stop, thief”?
question of who is to benefit: Who finds it easier to
carry out such an act of sabotage? If it was the Russian 14. See the article, “BALTOPS 22: A Perfect Opportunity for Research
and Testing New Technology,” posted June 12, 2022 on NATO’s Naval
13. Ibid. Striking and Support Forces website.

14  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
To Escape the Geopolitical Trap,
Germany Must Enter Talks with Russia
by Rainer Apel

Oct. 1—While the discussion goes on about who sabo- close for good. The term “deindustrialization” has al-
taged the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and who will benefit ready entered the headlines of numerous press arti-
from it, one thing is already clear: Germany does not cles—notably in Handelsblatt, Germany’s leading
bene­fit at all; the sabotage is a decisive move on the geo- business daily. This is not a temporary bottleneck situa-
political chessboard that is confronting the Germans with tion, it is an existential threat to Germany and its eco-
losing the game. Germany’s economy has been highly nomy. And against the background of all European eco-
dependent on Russian natural gas supplies for many nomies being closely interconnected, if Germany, the
years, with the Russians always being reliable suppliers. biggest national industrial economy in Europe, goes
The Nord Stream 2 pipeline, construction of under, it will pull the rest of Europe down with it. Not
which began in 2018 and was concluded in 2021, was only that: If there is no reversal of the present NATO
also meant to make transits of Russian gas available confrontation course against Russia, the threat of World
to several other European countries, but the main be- War III becomes acute, with Germany and Europe and
nefit would have been on the German side. This their populations being the sure casualties.
Baltic undersea pipeline, running from St. Pe-
tersburg in Russia to Greifswald in Germany,
was built for about €12 billion, but was never
opened, and after the sabotage incident, it can
not be opened for some time to come.
The pipeline was vehemently opposed by geo-
politicians in the United States, the United King-
dom, Poland, the European Commission, and
Ukraine. Ukraine claimed that Nord Stream 2
would make its own pipeline grid—which, being
outside of any sanctions, pumps 42 million cubic
meters of Russian gas daily on to Europe to this
day—superfluous). CC/Raimond Spekking
For Germany, the loss of 40% of its national Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany, 2005-2021.
energy mix, by the combined effect of anti-Russian
sanctions and now the sabotage of the Nord Stream 2, Merkel Breaks Silence:
has devastating consequences. About 50% of German What Kohl Would Have Done
households use gas for heating and cooking. About the Instead of playing down the crisis on the one side
same percentage of industry needs gas to generate elec- while issuing daily calls on the population and industry
tricity and/or for petrochemicals production. There are to “voluntarily” reduce gas consumption, the govern-
daily statements coming from industry associations, ment finally has to do something that serves the German
many of them writing open letters to the government national interest—even if that runs into conflict with
sounding the alarm, but so far to no avail. Instead, the what the geopoliticians in Germany and abroad think. It
government keeps talking about “alternatives,” particu- is interesting to note that former German Chancellor
larly LNG (liquified natural gas), that simply do not exist Angela Merkel, speaking at the opening of the Chancel-
in sufficient volumes to replace the Russian supplies. lor Helmut Kohl Foundation on Sept. 27, criticized
This implies that the foreseeable substantial bott- those that dismiss Russian President Vladimir Putin’s
lenecks this winter will cause rationing of enormous words as something to ignore. Merkel said:
scope, particularly for energy-intensive industries, and
will force them to reduce production, lay off workers Taking words seriously, not dismissing them out
and staff and, for many of the smaller companies, to of hand as just a bluff, but dealing with them seri-

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  15
ously, that is by no means a sign of weakness or pipeline deal with Soviet Russia, involving the supply of
appeasement, but a sign of political wisdom—a pipes made in western Germany for the construction of
wisdom that helps preserve room for maneuver or, the pipelines, which, once completed, would pump gas
at least as important, even develop new options. to Germany; Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder (together
with Putin and French President Jacques Chirac) openly
Asked at the same event what she thought former opposed the military intervention against Iraq in 2003;
Chancellor Helmut Kohl would have done in the pre- even Chancellor Merkel, initially opposed, like the we-
sent precarious situation, Merkel responded that she be- stern geopoliticians, to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline,
lieved he would “make every effort to protect and re- changed views and finally okayed the project.
store the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine,” but he The question to be answered by the present govern-
would also look to “the day after” and keep an open ment of Chancellor Olaf Scholz is: Does Germany have
mind about something “unimaginable now: how relati- sovereignty, or doesn’t it? Is it condemned to sit idly by
ons to and with Russia could one day be redeveloped” while its economy is ruined, sacrificed on the altar of
after the conflict ends. Two days later, at another event those who push for ultimate confrontation with Russia?
in Goslar, Merkel called for a “new security architec- An emergency effort to restore Nord Stream 2 is
ture in Europe” with Russia included. certainly feasible, but a political decision to do so has to
This is not “unimaginable”: Previous Chancellors of be made first. It is worth noting that the same Russian
Germany, before Kohl, who managed to open the door to statement, two weeks ago—that with weapons delive-
German unification in 1990 against the initial heavy op- ries and a leading role behind sanctions, Germany had
position of the U.S.A., UK, and France, were creative in “crossed a red line”—also made the offer to pump gas
developing a constructive dialogue with Soviet Russia in through Nord Stream 2 to Germany once it were opened.
Cold War times. Chancellor Konrad Adenauer reesta- That shows there is room for constructive diplomacy;
blished diplomatic relations with the Kremlin with a but time is running out. The German government has to
spectacular trip to Moscow in 1955; Chancellor Willy act now, or it will be too late. Too late for Germany, too
Brandt insisted that Germany sign the early 1970s gas- late for Europe, and for the rest of the world as well!

EIR readers knew 27 years ago that the

destruction of Ukraine was in the works.
READ THIS INTERVIEW, published May 5, 1995, with Ukrainian Members of Parliament
Natalya Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko:
These Ukrainian elected officials, leading collaborators with
Lyndon LaRouche and his movement, pointed out with astonishing
clarity what the consequences would be of
Ukraine’s embrace of the International Monetary
Fund. They warned that “Ukraine is being strictly
held in the status of a semi-colonial country”,
with a corresponding suppression of the nation’s
productive potential, and the imposition of the
IMF’s standard brutal austerity upon the nation’s
population. This was a recipe for disaster, and
created the social conditions for the resurgence
of Nazism which we are seeing today in Ukraine.
Oleh Tyahnybok, founder of Ukraine Right Sector Party.

16  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
Everyone Except Russia Meddled
in Italy’s General Election
by Claudio Celani

Sept. 28 (Reprinted by permission from the Eu­ropean fact that under the ruinous reign of the Draghi
E.I.R. Strategic Alert Weekly Newsletter)—The good government which the European Commission had
news about the general elections held Sept. 25 in Italy essentially “appointed,” FdI was the only opposition
is that voters have unequivocally punished Mario party. Conversely, the Lega lost 50% of its 2018 votes
Draghi and his legacy; the bad news is that “Draghi- because it had joined the Draghi government.
ism,” while kicked out of the front door, might come The center-left suffered a historic debacle, mainly
back through the window. because they were the most enthusiastic supporters of
The elections were won by the center-right alliance, the Draghi government, but also because Democratic
with 43.79% in the Chamber of Deputies and 44.2% in Party leader Enrico Letta refused to ally with the Five
the Senate. Thanks to the “majority bonus” peculiar to Star Movement (M5S) and ran in a coalition with minor
Italy’s parliamentary election system, the coalition ends groups, such as the Greens and the pro-EU party “Più

CC/Vox España EU/Fred Marvaux

Giorgia Meloni (left), expected to be Italy’s next Prime Minister, represents a new political correlation that could get out from
under the control of the European Union establishment. On the eve of the election, European Commission President Ursula van
der Leyen (right) issued threats against Italy not to deviate from the EU’s “integration” process.

up with a large majority in both houses (235 seats out of Europa,” plus the splinter group around former M5S
400 in the Chamber and 112 out of 200 in the Senate). leader and Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio. Thus, the
Within the center-right, Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia center-left only received 26.13% and 80 seats in the
(FdI, Brothers of Italy) got the most votes as expected, Chamber, and 25.99% and 51 seats in the Senate.
with 25.99%, while its allies Lega scored 8.77%, Forza The M5S, which ran alone under former Prime
Italia, 8.11%, and a tiny moderate group 0.95%. In the Minister Giuseppe Conte, got an unexpected 15.43%
Senate, FdI got 26.01%; the Lega, 8.85%; Forza Italia, and 41 seats in the Deputies and an equally unexpected
8.27%; and the “Moderates,” 0.89%. 15.55% and 28 seats in the Senate. That result is much
The big success of FdI, which increased its votes lower than the whopping 32% of 2018, but still better
sevenfold from the 2018 elections, is due to the simple than forecast, given the incompetence shown by its

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  17
representatives in the government, and the fact that Sept. 22 by the Atlantic Council, one of the leading
they, too, had been part of the Draghi government. Anglo-American think-tanks, which concluded:
However, Conte had expressed his disagreement with
Draghi on the Ukraine war, and ultimately promised to There seems to be little concern about whether
maintain his “baby,” the so-called reddito di Italy will remain a solid trans-Atlantic partner,
cittadinanza, or “citizens’ income,” which all other but the big question mark looms over relations
parties want to either cancel or reduce. with Europe. Will Italy fight at any cost for a
A fourth group, born out of the merger of former Europe whole and free, or will it simply squab-
Prime Minister Matteo Renzi’s Italia Viva party and ble with other European countries? As the Ital-
former Minister Carlo Calenda’s new party called ians say, non si sa—no one knows.
Azione, failed to reach its goal of over 10%, which
would have allowed it to play the kingmaker between Indeed, Meloni has been a close ally of Hungary’s
the two blocs, receiving 7.79% in the Deputies and Viktor Orbán, with whom she and her party share the
7.73% in the Senate. This is worth reporting, as Renzi- view that national law should have pre-eminence over
Calenda had enjoyed out-of-proportion media coverage European law. The perspective that Italy, the third-
and campaigned on a plan to bring back Mario Draghi largest EU member state, should join forces with tiny
as Prime Minister. Hungary and maybe Poland in blocking the EU’s so-
The real winner of the elections, however, are the called “integration” process is a nightmare for Brussels,
non-voters. Abstentionism was at the record-high level Paris, and Berlin—so much so that European
of 36%, with peaks of 50% in some Southern Italian Commission President Ursula von der Leyen literally
regions. issued threats on the eve of the vote, in the event of a
center-right victory. Speaking in Princeton, she said:
The European Commission Threatened “We’ll see. If things go in a difficult direction—and I’ve
Italy experienced the most ferocious foreign spoken about Hungary and Poland—we have the tools.”
meddling in elections ever, with the possible exception And a senior White House official had told reporters
of 1948, when her place in the Western camp was at three days before, that President Biden would “take
stake, threatened by a possible victory of the Popular measure of” the new Prime Minister and “make a
Front. Giorgia Meloni, leader of the Fratelli d’Italia determination about what it’s going to mean.” Even
party and most probably the new Prime Minister, had German Chancellor Olaf Scholz broke protocol one
outdone herself in swearing allegiance to NATO, to the week before the vote, urging Italians not to vote for
United States and to Brussels. And yet, the mainstream “Meloni’s post-fascists who would lead the country in a
media, think tanks and trans-Atlantic political figures wrong direction.”
warned and warned of the danger of a center-right In the end, the only one who did not interfere in the
victory and the installation of Mrs. Meloni in Rome’s Italian elections was Vladimir Putin! All this is
Palazzo Chigi. unprecedented, showing the hysterical fear that Giorgia
On the Ukraine conflict, Meloni claimed that she Meloni might, despite her assurances, be pushed by
was more hawkish than Mario Draghi, he himself being events and by her allies to get out of control.
among the most hawkish in the EU. She sent her Indeed, both Matteo Salvini (Lega) and Silvio
emissary, Adolfo Urso, to Kiev to manifest her support Berlusconi (Forza Italia), have campaigned for a review
for the Zelensky regime. And on Election Eve, in an of the sanctions on Russia, which have boomeranged
interview with the Taiwan news agency CNA, she on Europe and Italy, a major consumer of Russian gas.
promised that, if elected, she would not renew the 2019 A few days before the vote, Berlusconi stated in a
Memorandum of Understanding between Italy and television spot that he is convinced that Putin’s original
China, or Italy’s membership in the Belt and Road intention with the military operation was “to replace
Initiative. On economic policy, another of her Zelensky with decent people.” With their low election
emissaries, Guido Crosetto, stated that her government results, Salvini and Berlusconi’s weight in the coalition
would not deviate from EU-dictated rigor, but she is not what they expected, but they know that the
would call on Draghi to help draft the next budget plan. majority of Italians are against the sanctions according
Apparently, this was not enough for the trans- to several polls, which is something the future Meloni
Atlantic elites. Exemplary is an analysis published government cannot simply ignore.

18  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022

The Old Order Is Over, the Path

To Building a New Order Is Before Us
Oct. 1—These are excerpts from Russian President Our united people have seen with their own eyes
Vladimir Putin’s address at the signing ceremony of the what the ruling class of the so-called West have prepared
treaties for the accession of the Donetsk People’s for humanity as a whole. They have dropped their
Republic, the Lugansk People’s Republic, the masks and shown what they are really made of.… In
Zaporozhye Region, and the Kherson Region to the 1991, the West thought that Russia would never rise
Russian Federation, which took place in the Grand after such shocks and would fall to pieces on its own.
Kremlin Palace’s St. George Hall on Sept. 30. This almost happened. We remember the horrible
1990s, hungry, cold, and hopeless. But Russia remained
I have no doubt that the Federal Assembly will sup- standing, came alive, grew stronger, and occupied its
port the constitutional laws on the accession to Russia rightful place in the world.
and the establishment of four new regions, our new Meanwhile, the West continued and continues
constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because looking for another chance to strike a blow at us, to
this is the will of millions of people.… It is undoubtedly weaken and break up Russia, which they have always
their right, an inherent right sealed in Article 1 of the dreamed about, to divide our state and set our peoples
UN Charter, which directly states the principle of equal against each other, and to condemn them to poverty
rights and self-determination of peoples.… and extinction. They cannot rest easy knowing that
I want the Kiev authorities and their true handlers in there is such a great country with this huge territory in
the West to hear me now, and I want everyone to the world, with its natural wealth, resources, and
remember this: The people living in Lugansk and people who cannot and will not do someone else’s
Donetsk, in Kherson and Zaporozhye, have become our bidding.
citizens, forever. The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the
We call on the Kiev regime to immediately cease neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the
fire and all hostilities; to end the war it unleashed back world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the
in 2014 and return to the negotiating table. We are ready dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from
for this, as we have said more than once. But the choice humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned
of the people in Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye, and prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. The
Kherson will not be discussed. The decision has been preservation of this annuity is their main, real, and
made, and Russia will not betray it. Kiev’s current absolutely self-serving motivation. This is why total
authorities should respect this free expression of the de-sovereignization is in their interest. This explains
people’s will; there is no other way. This is the only way their aggression towards independent states, traditional
to peace. values, and authentic cultures, their attempts to
We will defend our land with all the forces and undermine international and integration processes, new
resources we have, and we will do everything we can to global currencies, and technological development
ensure the safety of our people. This is the great centers they cannot control. It is critically important for
liberating mission of our nation. them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty
We will definitely rebuild the destroyed cities and to the United States.…
towns, the residential buildings, schools, hospitals, I want to underscore again that their insatiability
theatres, and museums. We will restore and develop and determination to preserve their unfettered
industrial enterprises, factories, infrastructure, as well dominance are the real causes of the hybrid war that the
as the social security, pension, healthcare, and education collective West is waging against Russia. They do not
systems.… want us to be free; they want us to be a colony. They do

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  19
not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. They do effect, the American elite is using the tragedy of these
not want to see us a free society, but a mass of soulless people to weaken its rivals, to destroy nation states.
slaves.… They do not want or need Russia, but we This goes for Europe and for the identities of France,
do.… Italy, Spain, and other countries with centuries-long
Strategic security agreements have been trashed; histories.
agreements reached at the highest political level have Washington demands more and more sanctions
been declared tall tales; firm promises not to expand against Russia and the majority of European politicians
NATO to the east gave way to dirty deception as soon as obediently go along with it. They clearly understand
our former leaders bought into them; missile defense, that by pressuring the EU to completely give up Russian
intermediate-range and shorter-range missile treaties energy and other resources, the United States is
have been unilaterally dismantled under far-fetched practically pushing Europe toward deindustrialization
pretexts. in a bid to get its hands on the entire European market.
And all we hear is, the West is insisting on a rules- These European elites understand everything—they
based order. Where did that come from anyway? Who do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. This
has ever seen these rules? Who agreed or approved is no longer servility but direct betrayal of their own
them? Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, peoples. God bless, it is up to them.
double standards, or even triple standards! They must But the Anglo-Saxons believe sanctions are no
think we’re stupid. Russia is a great, thousand-year-old longer enough and now they have turned to subversion.
power, a whole civilization, and it is not going to live by It seems incredible but it is a fact—by causing
such makeshift, false rules.… explosions on Nord Stream’s international gas
It is worth reminding the West that it began its pipelines passing along the bottom of the Baltic Sea,
colonial policy back in the Middle Ages, followed by they have actually embarked on the destruction of
the worldwide slave trade, the genocide of Indian tribes Europe’s entire energy infrastructure. It is clear to
in America, the plunder of India and Africa, the wars of everyone who stands to gain. Those who benefit are
England and France against China, as a result of which responsible, of course.
it was forced to open its ports to the opium trade. What The dictates of the U.S. are backed up by crude
they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and force, on the law of the fist.… I believe next in line are
purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the other countries of Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the
sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people Middle East, as well as current U.S. partners and
like animals. This is contrary to human nature, truth, allies.… They have everything in their sights, including
freedom, and justice. our next-door neighbors—the CIS countries.… Most
While we—we are proud that in the 20th century states refuse to “snap a salute” and instead choose the
our country led the anti-colonial movement, which sensible path of cooperation with Russia. The West
opened up opportunities for many peoples around the clearly did not expect such insubordination.…
world to make progress, reduce poverty and inequality, The truth has been drowned in an ocean of myths,
and defeat hunger and disease.… This was achieved by illusions, and fakes, using extremely aggressive
creating a strong centralized state in Russia, which propaganda, lying like Goebbels. The more unbeliev­
grew and got stronger based on the great moral values able the lie, the quicker people will believe it—that is
of Orthodox Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and how they operate, according to this principle.
Buddhism, as well as Russian culture and the Russian But people cannot be fed with printed dollars and
word that were open to all. euros. You can’t feed them with those pieces of paper,
There were numerous plans to invade Russia.… All and the virtual, inflated capitalization of western social
of them failed.… We remember. We have not forgotten media companies can’t heat their homes. Everything I
anything.… am saying is important. And what I just said is no less
It is their destructive policies, wars and plunder that so: You can’t feed anyone with paper—you need food;
have unleashed today’s massive wave of migrants. and you can’t heat anyone’s home with these inflated
Millions of people endure hardships and humiliation capitalizations—you need energy.
or die by the thousands trying to reach Europe.… In That is why politicians in Europe have to convince

20  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
their fellow citizens to eat less, take a shower less often, school, perversions that lead to degradation and
and dress warmer at home. And those who start asking extinction? Do we want to drum into their heads the
fair questions like, “Why is that, in fact?” are ideas that certain other genders exist along with women
immediately declared enemies, extremists, and radicals. and men and to offer them gender reassignment surgery?
They point back at Russia and say: that is the source of Is that what we want for our country and our children?
all your troubles. More lies. This is all unacceptable to us. We have a different future
I want to make special note of the fact that there is of our own.
every reason to believe that the Western elites are not Let me repeat that the dictatorship of the Western
going to look for constructive ways out of the global elites targets all societies, including the citizens of
food and energy crisis that they and they alone are to Western countries themselves. This is a challenge to all.
blame for, as a result of their long-term policy, dating This complete renunciation of what it means to be
back long before our special military operation in human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values,
Ukraine, in Donbass.… and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble
Now, in order to free itself from the latest web of a “religion in reverse”—pure Satanism.…
challenges, they need to dismantle Russia as well as The world has entered a period of a fundamental,
other states that choose a sovereign path of development, revolutionary transformation. New centers of power
at all costs, to be able to further plunder other nations’ are emerging. They represent the majority—the
wealth and use it to patch their own holes. If this does majority!—of the international community.…
not happen, I cannot rule out that they will try to trigger As I have already said, we have many like-minded
a collapse of the entire system, and blame everything on people in Europe and the United States, and we feel
that, or, God forbid, decide to use the old formula of and see their support. An essentially emancipatory,
economic growth through war. anti-colonial movement against unipolar hegemony is
Russia is aware of its responsibility to the taking shape in the most diverse countries and
international community and will make every effort to societies. Its power will only grow with time. It is this
ensure that cooler heads prevail. force that will determine our future geopolitical
The current neocolonial model is ultimately reality.… The ongoing collapse of Western hegemony
doomed; this much is obvious. But I repeat that its real is irreversible. And I repeat: things will never be the
masters will cling to it to the end. They simply have same.…
nothing to offer the world except to maintain the same Today, we are fighting so that it would never occur
system of plundering and racketeering.… to anyone that Russia, our people, our language, or our
Let’s answer some very simple questions for culture can be erased from history. Today, we need a
ourselves.… Do we want to have here, in our country, consolidated society, and this consolidation can only
in Russia, “parent number one, parent number two, and be based on sovereignty, freedom, creation, and
parent number three” (they have completely lost it!) justice. Our values are humanity, mercy, and
instead of mother and father? Do we want our schools compassion.…
to impose on our children, from their earliest days in The truth is with us, and behind us is Russia!

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  21
II.  International Economics
August 31, 2012


The End of the Oligarchical System

by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.

wretched President Obama, have adopted a prospect of

In Spring 1983, the Soviet leadership under the di- a rather sudden extinction of the United States—and also
rection of an hysterical Yuri V. Andropov, had rejected many other nations, whether through participation in
the proffer of an assured peace agreement from U.S. nuclear warfare, or simply decadence per se. This is a
President Ronald Reagan. Excepting the President of current development which expresses a process of what is
the United States himself, most among the leaders from now approaching a state of mass-murderous disintegra-
among the U.S. political class had foolishly comple- tion, barring probable thermonuclear war, that chiefly for
mented Andropov’s hysterics with their own ultimately simply economically absurd reasons, in both the U.S.A.
deadly nonsense in the same malicious vein at that time. and also western and central Europe, in particular.
The U.S.A. has since suffered greatly for its own Con- What is now more immediately certain, on that ac-
gressional leaders’ and others’ part in what history has count, is that, if the two sets of the leading major, op-
proven as having had been its political follies in this posing powers, remain poised for their mutual, thermo-
matter. For my own part, I had responded back then, by nuclear confrontation, as in the present context defined
stating publicly, that if the Soviet Union were to have by the wretched Barack Obama Presidency, a general
persisted in Andropov’s rejection of this historic oppor- extermination of all nations were a likely event, if not
tunity, it must be expected to disintegrate in about five yet an absolutely certain one. Worse, all nations could
years. My forecast was, and remains as having been an be destroyed, whether they sought to keep out of the
excellent one. currently probable thermonuclear conflict, or not. Sim-
Now, we of the United States are presently con- ilarly, any leading nation whose government adopts a
fronted with the mass-murderous intention, which U.S. policy of so-called “environmentalism,” as Queen Eliz-
President Barack Obama put into practice in the mur- abeth II and Barack Obama are doing, is a nation al-
dering of Libya’s President Qaddafi, and which Obama ready careening in the direction for each of those gov-
has attempted to bring about in similar cases including ernments’ own share of a general extinction, whether as
those of Syria and Iran. These cases are the pre-set det- a form of national, or multi-national government under
onations of a presently lurking general thermonuclear nuclear warfare, or not. Thus, that Queen represents
war, with its effects throughout this planet. the principal authorship of current record of the mass-
That was only the beginning of what was to become a murderous “population reduction” policies which have
prolonged, specific quality of successive crises. Simi- generated that horror-show which she has done so
larly, at the later, present time, those very silly Americans much to bring upon us all.1
who have committed themselves to re-electing the
1.  Her Majesty’s radical “population reduction” policies have been the
principal proponent of this current pro-genocidal nightmare. It is most
notable, not only that she commands the resources of foreknowledge of
Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in EIR Vol. relevance in this matter, but that she has acknowledged the actuality of
39, No. 37, Sept. 21, 2012, pp 57-69. the radical population-reduction policies of herself and her frankly

22  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
ently. That roster includes, most no-
tably, those economists and others of
the like who prefer the hind-end of
history, to future consequences.2 The
needed principle on that account,
corresponds systemically to depen-
dency on knowledge of the future,
which means: foreknowledge which
is intrinsic to the discovery of previ-
ously overlooked, or simply unknown
principles of physical science. These
are principles such as those ex-
pressed by the methods of such as
Johann Sebastian Bach, Arthur Ni-
kisch, and Wilhelm Furtwängler for
music, and by the general physical
principle of metaphor (e.g., Johannes
The founding of the British East India Company in London, 1599. Time for the end of
the oligarchical system! Illustration by Maurice Greifenhagen, 1908.
Kepler’s “vicarious hypothesis”).
Up to a certain point, my own cur-
rent strategic estimates respecting
What was, and remains, for me, the essential, but “dangers of general war,” converge on those which I
widely unknown laws of economy, are of a certain type have found to be expressed by such as the U.S. Joint
of physical laws apparently unknown to that monarchy Chiefs of Staff. Nonetheless, whatever the other differ-
presently, laws which are ultimately supreme in their ences among us might be, those differences among us
most notable consequences, not only for us on Earth, are presently secondary in their significance for the im-
but within the range of our knowledge of what we know mediate future. I believe, on balance, that what the
as our Solar system: if and when we may have taken Chiefs have expressed on the subject of thermonuclear
into account what must be a particular emphasis on ul- adventures this far, does represent an urgently needed,
timate consequences and their causes. This matter of valid war-avoidance strategy for the presently immedi-
developments falls within the specific reach of my rela- ate situation. That, we must consider as of great value
tively exceptional successes as a forecaster. to mankind as a whole,
As I have repeatedly demonstrated in successful In the meantime, the present situation is to be fairly
past experience in forecasting, what have often been identified in what shall be the following, perhaps also
defined as “experts” in statistical, and, or closely re- rarely known, but clearly knowable, and also indis-
lated forms of economic and related forecasting, have pensable remarks on the essential difference of the
been seriously misguided, often virtually by definition. human species from all other known living species. I
The essential failure by such professional mis-leaders, shall indicate those facts here.3 I circumscribe my re-
lies in the fact that their methods are fairly described as marks on that latter point here, by the following:
“chronically statistical failures” in matters pertaining Virtually none show that particularly essential com-
to forecasts of experiences which exist only in systemi- petence needed to survive that present thermonuclear
cally future conditions.
By that choice of language, I have meant that the 2.  One must make a strict distinction between originating a forecast,
principle of foresight into future conditions, rather than which has occurred only rarely in my practice, and reporting on the cur-
forecasts based on “past statistical experience,” is the rent implications of a general forecast already made. In my own experi-
required type of mental skill which has continued to be ence, reports pertaining directly to my original forecasts are relatively
rare among my forecasts generally; more frequently, I deliver com-
stubbornly lacking in most mis-educated persons pres- ments on what have been my already outstanding forecasts.
3.  Cf. Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. The Threat Against Mankind, EIR,
mass-homicidal, British protégé, U.S. President Barack Obama. Aug. 31, 2012.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  23
conflict willfully, were it un-
leashed. Perhaps, in some leading
cases, other passions have dis-
turbed their judgments. The essen-
tial fact right now, is the danger
which they promote, for reason of
incompetence, or otherwise, which
is now immediately threatened to
be unleashed with great force.

The Lessons from the Past?

Step by step, since that Febru-
ary 1763 Peace of Paris when the
British maritime empire had first
secured its peculiar, virtual domi-
nation over this planet, as in that
empire’s subsequently experienc-
ing the death of its great adversar-
ies from the most recent several
centuries, the times had already
come when our republic was The British maritime empire secured virtual domination over the planet in the aftermath
struck by the death of an exhausted of the February 1763 Peace of Paris. Shown is a painting of “India offering her pearls
war-time commander, President to Britannia,” by Spiridone Roma.
Franklin Roosevelt, and, later, by
the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his ent date.
brother, Robert. These were events of crucial signifi- The following relevant effects have been most nota-
cance for the reason that they removed those Kennedys ble.
in that fashion, thus creating consequent events which During that interval of what has been termed “post-
continue to show the horrid folly of much of our na- World War II,” the definition of “empire” has under-
tion’s habits of policy-shaping since that time. Consider gone cumulatively awesome, ugly changes, a process of
what have been since demonstrated to have been those change whose current effect has been the emergence,
betrayed heroes’ own, historically crucial roles of lead- since the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, from
ership shown while they had lived. massive pre-nuclear warfare, to presently thermonu-
Those considerations have remained chiefly a clear warfare. Hence, the presently immediate threats
matter of clear fact since that time, as our United States of actually thermonuclear holocaust, a calamity
has continued to slip into a seemingly remorseless pro- launched jointly by President Barack Obama, and by
cess of willful economic decadence, a decline from the current British monarchy’s pro-genocidal, so-called
whose grip our republic had never actually escaped, “environmentalist” policies.
still until the present moment, and probably beyond. Thus the failure both to prevent and to prosecute the
Thus, the result of successive assassinations of those true issue of the assassination of President Kennedy,
two virtually martyred Kennedy brothers, has been that has been proven to have been a crucially historical set-
the U.S.A. has been plunged into a degree of both re- back on precisely that account, even as if retrospec-
lentless moral exhaustion of its leaders under a related, tively, still to the present time of grave world crisis: the
now prolonged, long wave of systemic economic de- folly of a clearly intended act, authored at the highest
cline, a decline measured since the moment of the suc- rank, on this account. Consider the following crucial
cessive deaths of President John F. and Robert Ken- points in fact. The avowed, and contested motives for
nedy, deaths from which our republic has never truly not prosecuting the assassination of that President,
recovered, politically and economically, up to the pres- were the same motives as those for the assassination

24  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
Take the evidence of the Indo-China
war which had been formally launched in
1946, but then continued as the horror-
show in Viet Nam, which only the assassi-
nation of President Kennedy permitted
Kennedy’s political adversaries to set into
motion. That assassination has had long-
ranging effects expressed in the form of the
continuing, accelerated decline of the U.S.
economy over not only the course of the
approximately ten years of the Indo-China
war, but has charted the whole reach of the
combined decline of the U.S. economy and
those of most of the Americas and Europe
over a period since the times co-incident
with the assassinations of President Ken-
nedy and his brother Robert.
Even later, had U.S. President Ronald
Reagan been able to succeed in the course
of his well-known two attempts at the EIRNS/Sylvia Rosas

launching of a Strategic Defense Initiative The prospect of a re-election of Obama places the continued existence of the
(SDI), the present threat of thermonuclear United States into dire jeopardy. Shown here, LaRouche movement organizing
for impeachment in Mission Viejo, Calif., June 2012.
warfare itself would have been removed,
and, almost certainly, a truly great recovery of the mittedly very important step toward the realization of a
economy launched, instead of the presently careening, much broader, global-imperial, British imperial objec-
global disaster which we have experienced as the dom- tive, the threat to Britain as much as the rest, the threat
inant trend of fluctuating leadership, overall, since that of global thermonuclear war now.
time. Without the assassination of President Kennedy,
the monstrously ruinous war which President Kennedy The European Disaster
and his associates would have prevented, could not In that way, what had been recently the sovereign
have occurred: simply as a matter of crucial evidence states of continental Europe, ceased to be sovereign,
with respect to leading fact. since the implied threats against Germany’s Chancel-
I emphasize, that, it was Yuri Andropov’s summary lor Kohl by France’s President Mitterrand, and by the
rejection of a strategic-defense initiative in which I had support of Mitterrand’s threats by Britain’s Margaret
been engaged during the 1977-1983 interval, which Thatcher and the U.S.A.’s George H.W. Bush. So, with
made the disintegration of the Soviet Union a virtual what had been the earlier retirement of President
certainty within that decade, exactly as I had forecast Reagan from office, I, who had been a crucial factor in
earlier. Therefore, the only thing which would have pre- the original prompting of the SDI, was soon already in
vented such a collapse of the Soviet Union during that the process of being virtually “eliminated” politically.
interval of the 1980s, would have been the Soviet ac- Later, with the aftermath of President “Bill” Clinton’s
ceptance of President Ronald Reagan’s (and also Dr. departure from office, the destruction of the United
Edward Teller’s) proposal. States itself came on like an avalanche, to become “just
However, although what I have just stated is true in a matter of time”—up to this present moment. The se-
principle still today, the breakup of the Soviet Union lection, and appointment of a malignant puppet,
was not the specific motive for the breakup of what had Obama, largely by the British monarchy, was the re-
been the elements which had comprised the Soviet cently most essential motive expressed with the very
economy itself. That original mistake was only one ad- worst effects for the world this far.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  25
Now, with the prospect of a re-election of the dis- defining of that essential difference which actually
gusting and mass-murderously inclined President proves that mankind differs essentially and systemi-
Barack Obama, the continued existence of our United cally from the higher apes, or from any species but our
States, were now almost virtually doomed, a doom own.
brought upon an all-too-credulous citizenry, a doom Therein lies, exactly, the key to identifying the
brought virtually to the brink of the launch of the accu- root-source of the presently lingering threat of virtual,
mulated forces of thermonuclear holocaust. About an or actual human extinction—and, in the alternative,
hour-and-a-half could be sufficient to bring on the early the proper prevention and, therefore, cure of that
death of our human species. effect.
The ugly prospect against which I warned in outline The hope for our human species, should be stated
here, is not yet a certainty; but, the rescue of mankind most precisely, as a reflection of the human species’
from a threat of thermonuclear doomsday, is only what specific distinction, as I have just written here, that
might seem to be “a miracle” of President Obama’s from all other species known to us, from the present or
being soon lifted out of office. That urgently needed past. That distinction resides in the uniqueness of the
early improvement of our nation’s destiny, is such that, specifically human quality of the use of fire in its vari-
therefore, the United States, among other nations, ous, successively upward-reaching, qualitative leaps in
might not only survive, but will be enabled to free itself manifestations, including instances such as thermonu-
from the evil which currently menaces us all, were Pres- clear-fusion and matter-antimatter processes. Or, the
ident Obama’s threatened triggering of the extinction of same notion might be stated in other terms, such as a
the human species permitted. formulation of the willful scientific progress which lifts
Now, let us consider this history more closely. mankind toward ever higher qualities of power (i.e.,
“energy-flux density” measured—provisionally—in
units associated with the speed of light).
I. What Is the Human Species’ All this said up to this point, these are only phases
Fate?4 whose true, deeper meanings can be made apparent, but
only by the special model of human learning of the
For the purposes of this present discussion, “your meanings of our species’ existence which are to be dis-
human species,” may be fairly estimated (if only so es- covered, as life’s history has been teaching us, as if step
timated) as dating from about a few millions years ago. by step, as I proceed here, as follows.
All of us in modern times should have understood the The distinctions I make here, had also been ex-
pressed, in significant part, in references to the collabo-
ration between Wolfgang Köhler and Max Planck on
4.  The indispensable conception employed in this presently following
the meaning of the human mind. These distinctions,
chapter, is that of a properly defined notion of the proper significance of
the use of the term “metaphor.” The explanation here is required to deal must be made to include the specific characteristics of
with the relative absurdity with which the term “metaphor” has become the implicitly immortal human mind, as distinct from
profoundly misused, habitually, among the ranks of the allegedly liter- those of the merely mortal “brain” in and of itself. The
ate. In effect, the original, “hard” meaning was discarded, and a sloppily brain dies; the human mind seeks immortality, and, thus
pseudo-scientific sort of “misinterpretation” substituted. The proper, lit-
eral meaning, runs as follows. The model case would be of the quality finds its own meaning, as in its existence, in the endless
of the use of “vicarious hypothesis” by Johannes Kepler, in which the series of discoveries which we may review in their
name of an effect is used as a surrogate for the lack of an elusive “literal” present parts, as if as follows.
meaning. It is a device often used by William Shakespeare. For exam- First of all:
ple, Macbeth: The case of “Birnam Wood;” or, Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
“. . . thus, conscience doth make cowards of us all; and, thus, the native
The distinction of human mind from human brain, is
hue of resolution is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought; and enter- the same distinction which is also expressed in a strictly
prises of great pith and moment, with this regard, their currents turn “Classical” mode typified, as I have indicated before:
awry.” That exact notion is the most essential feature of an ontologically by the composers of the greatest music, such as the spe-
rigorous practice of physical science; such is the nature of my intention
in this report, as in any rigorous practice of physical-scientific thought.
cial case of this, by, once more, Johann Sebastian Bach,
That is the simple explanation; other implications, especially scientific Arthur Nikisch, and Wilhelm Furtwängler. That set of,
implications, go much deeper. unfortunately, rarely understood distinctions, may be il-

26  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
lustrated by contrasting the intrinsically incompetent, On the Subject of That Mars Landing
statistical methods of forecasting economic develop- We might be joined in calling attention to the fact
ments, to those forecasting methods which have pro- that man has visited the Moon, and can, by means of
vided the crucial, urgently needed distinction from science, be waiting to be unleashed to resume that mis-
mere statistical forecasting, a distinction of access to sion’s implicitly intended content and justification: that
the future, a subject which is a principal aspect of this for excellent and urgent reasons. We might, similarly, if
present report as a whole, as also in competent eco- we were young enough and properly trained, probably
nomic forecasting. tolerate a bit of some future experience of Mars in
The naturally denoted, but, so far, rarely under- person, especially if we enjoyed the advantage of ap-
stood principle which actually distinguishes man from propriate uses of thermonuclear fusion as the mode of
ape, as from beasts generally, is the uniqueness of the propulsion. There would be powerful compulsions for
human capability of physically efficient insight into such ventures, as I shall indicate here, later. However,
the continued generation of mankind’s future, a capac- despite that pleasing thought, the more crucial point to
ity which is also the key to the uniqueness of my own stress on this account now, is that we, sitting here on
relative success as an economist and forecaster, since Earth, can control processes on Mars with man’s efforts
the mid-to-late 1950s. The two latter qualities are in- in an increasing degree of emphasis on the efficiency
separable. which is defined by the “speed of light,” rather than
Specifically human knowledge, as distinct from the what is merely human sense-certainty. It is also crucial,
relatively brutish arts of pragmatism, is based on intrin- for both the already present, and future times, that we
sically efficient knowledge of a process of the genera- must rely increasingly on the speed of light as a means
tion as if of the future-making-itself-in-progress, rather for human control over Mars activities exerted from
than mere deductions from the presumed experience of Earth, or the like, as a matter which essentially tran-
what had been the already past heretofore. scends human “merely biological” sense-perception as
E.g., the unfortunates called the “environmental- such.
ists” so-called, may tend to function as killers of man- I am not opposed to the hope of some, that mankind
kind, not necessarily from the desire to kill, even as if might soon put foot on Mars; but, I know that it would
randomly, but as a consequence of their blindness to the be a mistake to argue that that event itself is the proper
vacancies in the “eye-sight” of their own effective in- choice of absolute standard for the most essential first
tentions for the future. step of achievement of our goal. The case of “Curios-
Especially now, in the wake of the great success of ity” already touches directly on the actual achievement.
“Curiosity,” human beings, if and when operating suc- The crucial question is: What will be that which is
cessfully as a human species, must tend toward the dis- useful to mankind’s mission wherever we touch on the
coveries made, directly, or indirectly, on planets on work of our mission: what are we going to do if and
which we have not yet dwelt, or, in the alternative, when we arrive there? How, and why shall we arrive
even the experience of effects originating on a galactic at that goal? For example: what will be the essential
scale, all in our prospect for exerting control over so- role of this measure in advancing mankind’s ability
lar-system or even other processes, all of which we to defend life on Earth from projectiles swarming
could not be able to endure, or endure only under great within Solar space, or beyond? How can we best ac-
difficulty, or under exceptional conditions, as this has complish that mission in the most immediately effec-
been implicitly expressed just recently, by the success- tive way?
ful landing of “Curiosity” on Mars. Those alternatives So, in approaching that just-stated fact, we must
are typified as the virtually “spiritual” potentials which take a side-trip of sorts, to explore the fallacies inhering
impel the alert human mind to gain control over envi- in statistical methods of treatment of the subject of
ronments which the human body could not otherwise human sense-perceptions, specifically the psycho-
endure. pathological aspects of the notions of “sense certainty,”
“ ‘Curiosity?’ Again?” Precisely. as contrasted to the intimations of that wonderful prin-
It is essential to now restate that point with the fol- ciple of metaphor as presented to us by Nicholas of
lowing series of shifts in emphasis. Cusa, by Cusa’s marvelous follower Johannes Kepler,

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  27
and as intimated by the apparent
subtleties of the secrets of musical
performance by Bach, Nikisch,
and Furtwängler. It is the unique-
ness of the rarely known, but true
powers of the human mind which
supplies the crucial test. “What is a
useful, even urgent consequence
which can be the outcome of our
control over this process?”
The root of our self-inflicted
problem, which we must now
overcome, so defined, lies in the
fallacy expressed by the naivety of
the wishful tendency to believe in
reliance on “sense certainty.” That
quality of error is lodged within
the presumption that sense-per-
ception defines mankind’s experi-
ence of a domain of inherently ad-
ducible, alleged sense-certainties. A scene photographed from Curiosity on Mars: geological layering at the base of Mount
Contrary to that popular, but in- Sharp, the rover’s eventual science destination.
herently misguided presumption,
what is conventionally identified as “sense-certainty” space vehicle “Curiosity” on Mars? The relevant, rhe-
were better identified as Bernhard Riemann did in the torical questions are: “Did any person actually land
concluding section of his habilitation dissertation, or, in then and there?” “What is the relationship, then, which
other words, the principled notion of metaphor (e.g., controlled the choices of the continuing actions of the
vicarious hypothesis). It is the “practical man’s” mis- landed spacecraft?” “How was the control of the landed
guided susceptibility to belief in “sense certainty,” craft managed?” “Was it by merely sense-perception?
which expresses the problem of the widely popular, but What, therefore, was actually accomplished, and how,
pseudo-scientific methods which I am referencing as as a matter of principle of the continuing mission, was
the essential topic for reference here. (Some times the factor of accomplishment effected?”
people confuse their mere habits with the experience of For the proper, full answer to that set of questions,
sense-certainties, and even do so in the abused name of ask: “What will be the specific, and most important ac-
“scientific principles.”)5 complishment made possible through what comes after
the planting of ‘Curiosity’ on Mars?” “What is that con-
“Die Hauptsache Ist der Effekt!” 6
trolling principle of the successful landing of ‘Curios-
What, actually, is the most significant of the pres- ity’ which now operates on Mars?” Human sense-per-
ently foreseeable effects of the successful landing of the ception, perhaps? Or, perhaps not that?” “What is the
presently efficient, continually closing link between us,
5.  Bernhard Riemann: On the Hypotheses Which Underlie the Prin- here on Earth, and the small mass of apparatus which
ciples of Geometry (1854). Note his concluding stroke of delicious has been transported with ‘Curiosity?’ ” “Human sense-
irony: “This leads us into another science, into the domain of physics,
which the nature of today’s proceedings had not permitted us to enter.”
perception?” Do not be ridiculous. It will be the actual
That sentence could be read in two ways; I am confident in my choice, efficiency of those broadcast messages conveyed at the
which should be readily known to those familiar with my seasoned in- speed of light. Why is this so? Some patience will suf-
tentions. fice to present the answer.
6.  A repeated theme, “Die Hauptsache ist der Effekt” (“The main thing
is the effect”) of the celebrated 1960 German featured film: Spuk-
What, then, is the immediate and urgent mission? Is
schloss im Spessart. The principle of the future exists, even for some it not the urgent need for defending human life on Earth
varieties of ghosts and the authors of their imagined existences. from deadly “rocks” plummeting through space toward

28  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
probable destruction of life in part of Earth, or all of it? that a comparison of the massive accumulation of
When that sense of mission, once that of Dr. Edward threats (especially unknown ones) with the require-
Teller, is presented to us, the efficiency of space-opera- ments of a defense of Earth, indicates that our access to
tions on Mars becomes urgently clear. Then, the ur- organize the defense of mankind on Earth, requires
gency of removing President Barack Obama from mankind’s gaining mastery over the prevention of the
office, is also urgently clear. panoply of mortal threats to the human species from
The paradox which I had set forth in this fashion, is nearby Solar space, some of which achievements are
not exactly novel as a matter of general principle. The already an indispensable defense for people presently
paradox was always there; but, until recently, there was confined to life on Earth.
no particular practical reason to emphasize what have The subject of such threats is not the full measure of
now become the crucial distinctions. Those implica- what we, as mankind on Earth, must do in nearby
tions should be virtually “self-evident,” as the popular (which is to say “nearby Solar”) space, emphatically
saying goes; the difference is, that there had been no the domain between target-areas Mars and Earth, but
efficiently compelling reason, heretofore, that this ar- also from more distant Solar space into the vicinity of
gument be stressed in the manner which I do here. Nor Venus. If and when we adopt such a mission-orienta-
had it been essential to put the heavy emphasis which I tion, the concept is a feasible task, but, more signifi-
apply with such “heavy-footedness” as I do in this par- cantly, an urgently necessary one.
ticular bit of irony, as we must now do in the case of This challenge has certain known dimensions in
earlier Mars landings. nearby space itself, not yet taking into account the more
The issue which I am about to pose, is now of cru- difficult challenge from comets. This implied package
cial importance for several, intermeshed, particular rea- of “Defense of Earth,” is a feasible concept, even if our
sons, as follows. abilities this far are very much delimited; which means
That which has happened to change things signifi- that we must, so to speak, start immediately to “crank
cantly with the “Curiosity” landing, is, that the implica- up” the development of the needed future scientific
tions of “Curiosity” are beginning to reach into some means of defense now. My associates and their like
crucial changes in the way in which we think about re- among relevant scientists in other nations, have already
lations between man on Earth and mankind operating gained some highly relevant counsel respecting the
continuously at a distance, by means measured in the needed development of means of defense. My own task
speed of light, from origins such as that of Earth, to here, in this report, is of a somewhat different nature,
Mars, and return. For the relevant questions and an- but, nonetheless, highly relevant to that mission. I leave
swers, as I have written above, look back to certain the remainder, excepting that mission adopted by me on
leading concerns of the late Dr. Edward Teller: the this account for the subject of that special mission pre-
threat to all human life on Earth from asteroids and kin- sented as follows.
dred objects ranging from sources within the interval
between somewhere beyond the distance further than
from Mars, to the vicinity of Venus. II. Mind or Brain?
This is presently that which must now become a The Principle of Metaphor
leading concern for all who inhabit the planet Earth.
“Die Hauptsache ist der Effekt!” On the surface of a reading of sense-perceptions as
Immediately, the related implications of “Curiosi- such, only scientifically illiterate traditions accept
ty’s” arrival on Mars strike home, implicitly, toward sense-perception as such, as reality (e.g., as “sense cer-
every part of Earth. The immediate issue leans to the tainty”). The contrary, competent, scientific method, is
“elementary side.” Since mankind has a very, very premised on the explicitly contrary principle, named
poor access to means to forecast that by which some metaphor. Metaphor, when competently understood, is
part, or the whole of our planet’s living inhabitants typified by the general notion of Nicholas of Cusa’s De
might be obliterated, this means that it is of the rela- Docta Ignorantia, and of Cusa’s followers, such as Jo-
tively greatest importance that we now build up an ad- hannes Kepler, as in Kepler’s warning of the need for
equate form of defense of Earth based on the evidence attention to a notion of what he termed as vicarious hy-

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  29
pothesis. I mean the competent representation of the “. . . thus the native hue of resolution
concept of metaphor per se, when that conception is Is sicklied o’er with the pale cast of thought;
honestly and accurately defined as corresponding to a And enterprises of great pith and moment,
uniquely true physical principle. With this regard, their current turn awry,
That systemic distinction which I now introduce And lose the name of action. . .”
into this report, is to be recognized as showing the fal- Brutishness, otherwise expressed as being mistaken
lacy which is inherent in the error of treating sense-per- for the sole principle of action, is the name of the prob-
ception as if it were to be taken as “reality,” rather than lem. Take the case of the experience of the discovery of
as, relatively, merely a shadow cast by reality, a mere a valid physical principle, as distinguished from the
sense-perception of reality. A competent scientific prac- brutishnesses which distinguish the fields of gambling
tice, like that of Classical artistic composition, is pre- and bodily-contact sports. Use one’s recollection of
mised, fundamentally, on the ontological conception of such an experience as a measure of the quality of pas-
an inherent falseness in the practice of belief in mere sion which separates bestiality from creativity, as with
sense-certainty as such. the distinction of love of mankind from the brutish pas-
True science is therefore expressed in what is to be sions frequently adopted for the lack of love, or which
regarded as what is strictly defined as an instrument of are not infrequently mistaken for it.
Classical composition which is otherwise known as So, it is, in the history of what had been, in principle,
metaphor: the virtual footprint of that which can not be literate forms of modern language up to the late 1800s,
“directly sensed.” All founders of a true modern sci- and somewhat beyond, which were what had been all
ence recognized this, such as Cardinal Nicholas of Cusa truly leading forms of both physical science and Classi-
writing in his De Docta Ignorantia, and as echoed in cal forms of literature and music, forms which had been
Cusa’s avowed and faithful student, Johannes Kepler. It consistent, as a tendency, with a leading influence ex-
has been Kepler, who defined this as the only reliable pressed as a post-Fourteenth-century “Classical” sci-
method of practice for a true modern science. That is ence and art, which is to be known, then as now, as the
the method which is in strict opposition to the fraud in- Classical tradition typified in essentials by the work of
herent in those crudely reductionist methods commonly such as Brunelleschi, Nicholas of Cusa, Leonardo da
traced to such wretched hoaxsters as the scheming Vinci, and Johannes Kepler. That is to argue that the
scoundrels who concocted the hoax called the follow- tendency of leading literate or comparable practice has
ers of Isaac Newton, or to the a-priorist dogma of Euclid been to rise toward such standards.
earlier. The greatest of passions is that of both true scien-
This same problem of “modernist” forms of neo- tific and of poetic discovery of principle, and the es-
Newtonian swindles, especially since the influence of sential bonds of both to creativity per se. Not only does
the explicitly evil Bertrand Russell on, most emphati- scientific or comparably composed discovery engage
cally, the post-World War I and post-World War II such specifically distinct qualities of passion—
teaching of physical and political science, has thus “Eureka!” It is the underlying quality of true human
often supplanted the domain which had been originally passion, a quality of experience which earns the name
that of Classical-artistic subject-matters. This change of “metaphor.”
has been based, with increasing force of malignant tra- Consider some appropriate illustrations of this
ditions, upon changes in traditions, changes which may point.
be defined as common use of what has been, actually, a With the British orchestration of the so-called
crudely illiterate use of language, that notably as a French Revolution, elements of some continuing prog-
matter of invasion of such influences into both the prov- ress have frequently been reversed, as in the form of
inces of Classical art and physical science. what has been defined as worsening trends into Nine-
teenth-century “Romanticism.” With the launching of
Matters of Ontology two successive phases of “world war,” which were set
The root of that mere superstition called “sense-cer- into motion by the British success in ousting the German
tainty,” was also turned up as the crucial subject of Wil- Chancellor Bismarck, the cultural trends were predom-
liam Shakespeare’s Hamlet: inantly degenerate. Since the assassinations of U.S.

30  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
The work of these three musical geniuses,
Nikisch, Furtwängler, and Bach,
embodies the principle of metaphor, as
against statistical methods of treatment of
human sense-perceptions, the notion of
“sense certainty.” “The quality of the
Classical composition,” LaRouche
writes, “is systemically coherent with the
essential principle of scientific

Arthur Nikisch (1855-1922), Johann Sebastian Bach

conductor and mentor of (1685-1750)
one: the speed of light.
President John F. Kennedy Much in the life’s work of
and his brother, Robert, the Max Planck moved us for-
long-term economic trend ward in that direction of
throughout the trans-Atlan- such accomplishments.
tic region has been increas- Johann Sebastian Bach had
ingly downward, currently introduced a comparable
at accelerating rates. discovery of the difference
The crucial mistake in- between music and popular
hering in what is merely noises.
popular opinion, is the Or, to recapitulate the
childish, but nonetheless point which I am now
prevalent mistake known Wilhelm Furtwängler working to bring into your
as belief in sense-percep- (1886-1954) focus: we must seek out
tion as such. That belief in things which coincide with
sense-perception as such, is the “mother of all essential the notion of the “speed of light,” and, thus, converge
mistakes.” attentions on a single principle which tends to consume
That does not mean, that sense-perception does not all known varieties of the human being’s power to
exist in its own rather effective manner as a mere prac- comprehend the human power of conception. To ac-
tice. It does mean that, simply said, “We make too complish that mission, we must proceed from a stand-
much of sense-perception as such.” Put it, properly, point of exploring the experience of the universe as a
into the class of “until we have access to something sense of mission-orientation. Step-by-step, and piece-
better, rely on what you have actually gained: find by-piece, we must avoid the deception which mere
some way of making the best of what is possible with sense-perception-as-such represents. The process of the
such crutches of the mind as that—until we gain a discovery of truth, proceeds from its birth in the guise
better means.” Sense-perception is not your proper of metaphor, as Johannes Kepler’s discovery of the
God, although many poor fools worship it as a virtual principle of gravitation shows. That means the same
religion. “metaphor” which Johannes Kepler identified under
For example: we have discovered a much better the category of “vicarious hypothesis.”

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  31
Mankind has no simply direct access to knowledge worst, recent phase of deterioration arrived with the as-
of the universe, as if by a mechanical notion of an “ad- sassinations of President John F. Kennedy and his
ditive approach” to the rendering of “the facts” of brother Robert, and the emergence of the naked truth
actual, or fabricated notions of sense-perception. It is known as “the Sixty-Eighters.” Simply described, the
through the uncovering of the proof of the deceits, combination of the assassination of President John F.
deceit by deceit, of blind faith in sense-perception as Kennedy and the launching of the U.S. war in Indo-
such, that a quality attributable to “truth” becomes ac- China which a still-living President Kennedy had re-
cessible: which, by destroying naïve faith in mere sisted, is to be associated with the intertwining of the
sense-perception, eliminates customary delusions of fraud of “The Oswald Myth” and the launching of the
the ignorant: all done as if in tracking down lies to the fraud of the war itself. The process of moral degenera-
lairs where they have lurked. Mankind’s original qual- tion known as “The Sixty-Eighters” was already in
ity of dependency on sense-perception as Sense-Cer- motion before the eruptions on the Columbia Univer-
tainty, as distinct from sense-impression, is, thus, the sity and other campuses.
true author of all lies. It is by the recognition of those The actual root of that process of the 1960s, is lo-
lies as being deceptions, by consuming them as if they cated in the sequel of developments represented by “the
were cooked meat, that we conquer and consume the Truman Era” and the “shock and awe” generated by the
sources of ignorance, sources of ignorance which exist thermonuclear horror-shows of the 1950s. During the
chiefly as forms of the ignorance encountered as popu- course of the 1960s, and slightly beyond, the “greenie”
lar beliefs. plague was spread. Science and the productivity associ-
The greatest, the most pro-Satanic of all beliefs, is ated with science, did not “dwindle away;” they were
popular opinion. That is the essential root of evil. “dwindled away” by the cult of the “greenies.” Under-
neath the surface of matters now, there is the nightmare
For Example: of Her Majesty’s direction toward a plunge into a plan-
The trend toward moral degeneration in the used etary “new dark age,” a lurking “New Thermonuclear
languages of arts and sciences of the post-Gottfried Dark Age.”
Leibniz Eighteenth-century trends continued as a trend The significance of the types of subject-matters
in the practice of literacy into the post-1890 plunge into which I have just summarized in this chapter this far, is
what was actually the 1891-1945 ebbs and flows of to be located in the tendency for bestialization of once
what was, in fact, “World War I and II.” The 1950 literate populations, a tendency defined by the loss of
launch of the obscene “Congress for Cultural Free- efficient connection to a true expression of the principle
dom,” is a prominent land-mark of the change toward of metaphor. That problem is properly defined in the
accelerating rates of moral and intellectual degenera- following terms.
tion in European civilization, from the age of Harry S
Truman, to what might be fairly described as the post- The True Irony of Metaphor
Bill Clinton U.S. Presidencies. The customarily ignorant view of the name of
The long span of degeneracy of popular trends in Metaphor, presumes that sense-perception is the
trans-Atlantic culture has a very specific quality of essential component of experience, to which “meta­
changing, specifically anti-Classical cultural trends. phor” supplies a slight coloration. The fact of the matter
The minds of the new generations of the post-World is directly the contrary. It is the human senses which,
War II period to date, have been ruined by this process while contributing a needed function, nonetheless fail
over the span of approximately three successive gen- to address the underlying realities. The relevant
erations. The distinguishing mark of this moral and in- argument is conveniently presented in the following
tellectual degeneration among recent generations, is terms.
the trend toward a departure from the intellectual Human sense-perception is a set of shadowy
powers of Classical insight into the cultural principle images, which have their essential relevance of aiding
of irony. the human species by presenting some arrays of stan-
The hallmark of the cultural degeneration of nations dard “colors” which are the immediate subjects of
is forms of a-priori worship of “sense certainty.” The sense-perception. In effect, it is the sense-perceptions

32  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
as such, which are the relatively mere shadows. It is the existence of man’s use of fire, as such as Max Planck
what the Classical dramatist creates, as in a tragedy, as and Albert Einstein defined this as a matter of principle,
in the instance of what I have referenced above as the or as Planck and Wolfgang Köhler came to define a
most famous of the Hamlet dialogues of Shakespeare, mutual notion of the human mind. It is in such distinc-
which typifies the expression of the principle of the tions as this, that the essentially underlying action is to
human knowledge of the experience of a social pro- be recognized. It is the notional “action” of this quality
cess. This is made clearer when the action in a tragedy which defines the actual notion of a true metaphor. It is
is located as action in the mind per se, as in that selec- the metaphor which generates the action which is the
tion from Hamlet, so that the narrative approaches the true reality.
quality of a specifically human quality of a truthfully This coincidence of the discoveries of Planck and
human experience. Köhler, has two, mutually reflected aspects of special
On this account, focus on the nature of the action relevance to our subject here. That is to say that Köhler’s
presented to the mind in the closing scene, of Hamlet specific definition of “mind” and the Planck-Einstein
alone, at the close of Act II, and then compare the revolution in the ontological principle of physical dis-
nature of the action there with the soliloquy in the covery, is an excellent example, especially when we
opening of Act III. Where is the action to be described, have recognized the distinction of the principle of Clas-
except as the action within the mind of the player? sical musical composition, as typified by Bach through
Such are ontological implications of the action in the Furtwängler, from the lusts of a Liszt or Wagner. Both
mind. of the latter pair are known experiences, to one and
This same principle is to be recognized in the other, whereas the power to generate the essential qual-
mental life of a traveller between planets in a space- ity of a Bach or Beethoven, is limited to what are the
craft. The action lies within the mind, where it prop- equivalent of the effects of the work of truly Classical
erly belongs, on the condition that the motion experi- composers. The quality of the Classical composition is
enced in space is an expression of those means of the systemically coherent with the essential principle of
human will by means of which the truly most signifi- scientific creativity.
cant action is induced as if by the mind of a player I must admit that there are, not infrequently, cases
speaking in soliloquies. Such is the truly essential where the individual may express both qualities of pas-
nature of the experience of the human mind acting, sion. Thus, a Shakespeare could have crafted the audi-
ironically, within and upon the relevant environment. ence’s deep insight into the composition of the refer-
This is the essential experience of that aspect of meta- enced soliloquy of Hamlet, or I could never be at
phor, in dealing with such as its green envy and dark peace with my experience of the late, romantic, Sir
rage, which actually moves the subject-matter of the Lawrence Olivier.
human experience.
Compare that with the notion of “senseless rage,” as A Conclusion for Here
in memorable slaughters occurring within high schools The implications of our obligatory consideration of
or universities, or on the streets among children today. both the intertwined experience of the Mars landing
It is from this kind of setting of actors in a real-life known as “Curiosity,” and the need for overcoming
situation, that the categories of the meaning of events or the threats to Earth from roaming satellites, must be
conditions are expressed. It is not the action in the lit- considered as included in the distinction of the poten-
eral sense, but “the state of action,” which is the para- tial of the human mind from the beasts, even beasts for
mount experience. whom we care as “our necessary friends.” Some
Or, take the subject of “fire.” This has been a rela- among us project an insight into a human-like quality
tively stubborn case in point. The peculiar fact of ex- of pets, for example. That is, in some respects, more
traordinary significance about “fire” is its qualitatively than merely an acceptable practice. Yet, mankind re-
distinct relationship to mankind’s existence, as distinct mains unique in respect to the existence of this noëtic
from that of other forms of life. The human use of fire, potential.
is the exemplary experience. Mankind’s active will in We have been made aware, at least categorically, of
the design of the human use of fire, is the metaphor of the growing danger associated with recent movements

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  33
of the Solar system within our galaxy. This highly of human scientific creativity into action on this
emotional experience should not be degraded into account.
blind fears disguised, pitiably, as wishful denials. As I have emphasized on recent, earlier occasions,
Here, true humanity comes more forcibly into focus. whatever we might wish to discuss respecting the
To wit: human role in the oncoming history of Mars and the
The known history-so-to-speak of mankind’s relevant masses of asteroids roaming “nearby,” the
evolution as a uniquely creative species, is traced landing of “Curiosity” has produced a profound change
most conveniently in the history of fire—fire as in the role of the human species within this Solar
defined generically. The history of fire is clear, system—and, implicitly, beyond. I think it necessary,
especially respecting the fact that mankind’s practice at this point in time, to emphasize man’s indirect pres-
as a species has entered the domains of those higher ence on Mars, in particular, as distinct from the other
orders of energy-flux-density associated with implications of this development for mankind’s per-
thermonuclear fusion and matter-antimatter re­ sonal presence as it were as a sometime resident of
actions. The higher phase of progress in explora­ Mars.
tion of Mars, which is typified by the case of the The issue which had been well posed by the late Dr.
landing of “Curiosity” on Mars, when compared to the Edward Teller, of defense of Earth from menacing sat-
threats to human existence from within the “nearby” ellites, should be clearly recognized as the leading issue
range of threatening asteroids, and comparable of humanity during the generations immediately ahead.
matters, has two most notable meanings for this The primary commitment, on this account, must be to
present occasion: we are urged, thus, to master the the Earth-based control of dangerous classes of satel-
domain of asteroids within the ranges of the Mars and lites and related other threats, by introducing the effi-
Venus orbits, and, to this specific end, to put the hand cient hand of mankind within the range of relevant
physical space, most immediately, that of satellites
whose action is located within the indicated range of
physical space-time.
As I have referenced this subject in some earlier
writings, the most essential weapon which we might
possess in respect to these matters, is the placing of the
human individual mind, in effect, into a Mars-based set
of operations. The extended programs which this step
called “Curiosity” expresses as the future of such mat-
ters, mean that man will be acting as if from visits to
laboratories and factories as typifying the work-places
from which agents from Earth will direct the defense
of mankind in space. The concern expressed by Dr.
Teller, on this account, would, therefore, be the new
quality of higher missions which must define the here-
tofore elementary notion of the role of mankind in
Executive Intelligence Review now offers The implications of such a view should, and if em-
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package. Receive EIR’s weekly magazine and its The Solar system is the prospective immediate domain,
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34  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
From China to Afghanistan: A New
Milestone for Belt and Road Progress
by Hussein Askary

Hussein Askary is the Schiller

Institute’s Coordinator for South-
west Asia, and serves as the Arabic
Language Desk Editor for EIR. He
is a Board Member of the Belt and
Road Institute (BRIX) in Sweden.
EIR is reprinting this report from the
BRIX website, with permission of Mr.

Sept. 24—The first rail shipment,

consisting of two freight containers,
arrived from China to the border town
of Hairatan in Afghanistan’s northern
Balkh province Sept. 23, marking a
milestone in breaking the isolation of
that land-locked country, which is
currently suffering a massive human-
itarian crisis. The two containers, part
of a larger consignment, are part of
many shipments planned for a three- The first shipment of Chinese commercial freight containers arrives from Nantong,
month testing period for the China- China by rail at the border town of Hairatan in Afghanistan’s northern Balkh province.
Aghanistan Corridor.
The initial shipment traveled along the first stage— China’s Global Times cited Governor Qudratullah
around 500 kilometers from the city of Kashgar in Xin- Abu Hamza of Balkh province as saying that, “It
jiang to Osh in southern Kyrgyzstan—by road, since is a milestone and a positive step towards boosting
there is no rail link, although one is planned eventually. trade and economic relations between Afghanistan
At Osh, the containers were loaded onto trains and the neighboring countries.” The opening of
to link up with Uzbekistan’s rail network across the the new China-Afghanistan Corridor contributes to
border in Andijan. They then crossed eastern Uzbeki- regional development, and Afghanistan is determined
stan and headed south into Afghanistan, as part of a to pursue economic relations with all nations in the
12-container train, to arrive at Hairatan, which links region.
with the northern Afghan city of Mazar-e-Sharif along Before attending the Sept. 15-16 Summit of the
an Uzbek-built railway line. The first containers, carry- leaders of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
ing mostly vehicle parts, left Kashgar Sept. 13, taking (SCO) in Samarkand, China’s President Xi Jinping
only 10 days to reach Afghanistan. This compares to sent a letter, published in Uzbek media, underlining
one to three months for the current route used to send the importance of Uzbek-China relations and the trans-
cargo from China to Afghanistan through Pakistan via port corridor from China to Central Asia. Xi underlined
the seaport of Karachi and overland. China has also the important developments that had occurred for the
used an air bridge, flying humanitarian aid to Kabul in Uzbek economy since the launch of the Belt and Road
recent months. Initiative. He wrote:

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  35
We are good partners pursuing common devel- forming from a land-locked to a land-linked
opment. China is the biggest trading partner and country.
a major investor for Uzbekistan. Two-way trade
exceeded US$8 billion in 2021, approached The China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan route is the one
US$5 billion in the first half of this year, and is which is most important for Afghanistan. In his speech
on course to reach the US$10 billion goal set for at the SCO Summit President Xi emphasized:
2022. Cooperation under the Belt and Road Ini-
tiative has been fruitful, and major projects are We should ensure that the SCO-Afghanistan
making steady progress. contact group and the mechanism of coordina-
tion and cooperation among Afghanistan’s
Regarding the infrastructure projects connecting neighbors continue to play their roles; and we
China to Central Asia and Afghanistan, Xi wrote: should encourage Afghan authorities to estab-
lish a broadly-based and inclusive political
All four lines of the China-Central Asia natural structure and remove the ground that breeds ter-
gas pipeline run through Uzbekistan. The [Kam- rorism.
chiq] tunnel on the Angren-Pap railway line, the
longest tunnel in Central Asia, has been success- As explained in a thorough study by the Belt and
fully completed. More transport potential is Road Institute in Sweden (BRIX) last year, Afghani-
being unleashed from the China-Kyrgyzstan- stan’s economic and security woes can only be reme-
Uzbekistan highway and the China-Kazakhstan- died through a massive economic development process
Uzbekistan railway. And preparations for the implying full integration into the Belt and Road cor-
China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project ridors and its natural geographical neighborhood under
are well under way. Uzbekistan is thus trans- the umbrella of the SCO.

The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge

The BRICS countries have a strategy to
prevent war and economic catastrophe.
It's time for the rest of the world to join!
This 374-page report is a road-map to the New World
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principles required for survival of mankind: nuclear power
and desalination; the fusion power economy; solving the
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The report is available in PDF  35
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36  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
Economics Briefs

money-market, bank, etc.—have the industry that have rapidly increasing

value of their holdings suddenly fall costs for intense energy usage are ex-
Bank of England Goes and face margin calls for more col- periencing shutdowns. Most dramati-
Back to QE, as Bond lateral for their current investment ac- cally, by the beginning of September
Market Breaks Down tivities. All operations speculating in Europe had already lost about 1 mil-
currencies get margin calls. This has lion tons of its primary aluminum pro-
Coming amid furious rate-hiking already been the case since the Spring duction, many of these cutbacks and
by the Federal Reserve, the British for commodity producing and trading closures having occurred before the
Liz Truss government’s announced companies worldwide due to inflation, end of 2021, according to Eurometaux,
“borrow a trillion” budget of Sept. 22 war and sanctions. the European association of non-fer-
has blown a hole in the global bond The Governor of the Bank of Eng- rous producers. This is a loss of 50%
markets. There is the sovereign side: land, Andrew Bailey, stated on Sept. of total primary aluminum production
British 2-year so-called “gilts” sud- 26: “This repricing has become more in the EU. Eurometaux has sent a letter
denly on Sept. 27 had an interest rate significant in the past day—and it is addressing the dramatic perspective to
above 5%, having recently been 1%. particularly affecting long-dated UK the European Commission, urging in-
Much more international in scope is government debt. Were dysfunction stant action.
the corporate bond market’s upward in this market to continue or worsen,
explosion in rates. Some details on there would be a material risk to UK
this below. And the sudden moves in financial stability…. On 28 Septem-
Wind Power Suffers
currencies: Dollar spikes; other major ber, the Bank of England’s Financial Reality Shock
currencies’ plunge led by sterling; de- Policy Committee noted the risks to German-Spanish wind turbine
veloping nations’ central banks forced UK financial stability from dysfunc- manufacturer Siemens Gamesa an-
into big “preemptive” rate hikes which tion in the gilt market. It recommended nounced Sept. 29 that it is cutting 2,900
are ruinous to their economies. that action be taken, and welcomed the jobs worldwide. Most of the jobs will
Some current average interest rates Bank’s plans for temporary and tar- be eliminated in Denmark (800), Ger-
on corporate bonds on Sept. 27: geted purchases in the gilt market on many (300) and Spain (475).
OECD average of investment- financial stability grounds at an urgent “Such a decision is never easy, but
grade bonds as a whole: 5.75% pace…. To achieve this, the Bank will now is the time to take necessary ac-
Average of high-yield or “junk” carry out temporary purchases of long- tions to get the company back on track
bonds (now a majority): 9% dated UK government bonds from 28 for a sustainable future,” Siemens
Average of BBB-rated bonds (just September. The purpose of these pur- Gamesa CEO Jochen Eickholt said,
above junk in investment-grade): 7.25- chases will be to restore orderly mar- justifying the drastic move. The sav-
7.5% ket conditions. The purchases will be ings program is part of the so-called
JPMorgan Chase index of “Emerg- carried out on whatever scale is neces- “Mistral strategy,” which is intended
ing Market” (sovereign) bonds: 8.55% sary to effect this outcome.” to revive the crisis-ridden wind group.
Index of no-recourse capital-rais- Due to the record prices for raw
ing notes issued by Canadian banks: materials, supply chain chaos and
6.75-7.25% Europe’s Key Metals internal problems, Siemens Game-
And to add, the U.S. 30-year mort- Production Drastically sa’s problems are getting worse and
gage rate: 7.1% (was 3% this Spring).
The end of zero or super-low inter-
Cut by Inflation worse. Eickholt had already an-
nounced in a Handelsblatt interview
est rates on nearly all kinds of borrow- Eurozone inflation in mid-Septem- in June that there would be major job
ing for 11 years straight, was only six ber was announced Sept. 29 at 10.0%, cuts as a result.
months ago. When interest rates spike above all expectations and a record Although Siemens Gamesa is one
in such unprecedented ways, all funds high. Energy inflation is far worse, of the largest wind companies in the
which hold bonds—pension, mutual, and those sectors of European Union world, and even the market leader at

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  37
sea, business is poor. In the last six German inflation for the month was global Financial Stability Board and
years, there have been several profit over 10% for the first time in many several “net-zero” committees of the
warnings, red figures, and four dif- years. “Prices have to come down, so central banks.
ferent bosses. Just at the beginning the government will do everything it separately re-
of August, the turbine manufacturer can. To this end, we are setting up a ported on Sept. 26 that Australian and
had to lower its profit forecast again. large defensive shield,” said Scholz, Austrian pension funds had actually
“The situation remains tense. We see according to Reuters, which reported withdrawn from part of the GFANZ
material costs continuing to go up, him also confirming that two nuclear called the Net Zero Owner Asset Al-
and at the same time we have long- reactors planned for shutdown will be liance. The Financial Times listed
term contracts that were concluded in kept online until spring. Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan Chase,
2021 with significantly lower prices,” Thus the UK government and and Bank of America, as well as other
Group CEO Eickholt said at that time. Bank of England have engineered— unnamed banks, as considering get-
Market leader Vestas and competi- and that is the right word for this ting out of the GFANZ—which in
tors such as Nordex, Enercon, and GE new inflation product—a bailout for 2021 claimed members’ assets under
Renewables have also been posting pension funds, money-market funds, management in the range of $200 tril-
losses for months. And not just since hedge funds, and, implicitly, banks lion—because “they fear being sued
record raw material prices, supply down the line a bit; capped house- over the alliance’s stringent decarboni-
chain chaos, and the Ukraine war have hold energy bills for a while; and set sation commitments.” Other reasons
been weighing on business. There has off earthquakes throughout the bond are also given: the banks “feel blind-
been a fierce price war in the market and currency markets of the world. sided by [new and] tougher UN cli-
for years. Above all, the switch from And Germany has followed the Brit- mate criteria” and are “anxious about
fixed state payments to free tender- ish lead. U.S. Securities and Exchange Com-
ing systems, in which only the cheap- mission (SEC) rules [on] climate-risk
est bidder is awarded the contract, has disclosures.”
driven turbine manufacturers into ruin- China-EU Trade Grows But the underlying cause is that
ous competition. China-EU trade has increased by identified in the Reuters coverage:
8.8% year-on-year so far for 2022, “The bankers have also complained
and EU investment in China has in- that the demands placed on them are
Germany Follows UK to creased by 123.7%, reported the Chi- not supported by enough government
the New Frontier: Rate nese Foreign Ministry Sept. 26. “The action on climate change.” In fact the
Hikes, QE, Hyperinflation China-Europe Railway Express made demands made by the 2015 Paris Ac-
its 10,000th trip of the year ten days cord, and more recently the November
The German government on Sept. sooner than last year,” said spokesman 2021 Glasgow World Climate Summit
29 followed the fiscal-monetary som- Wang Wenbin. at which Prince (now King) Charles
ersault of the UK one week earlier. called for a “military-style mobiliza-
Chancellor Olaf Scholz held a press tion” of green finance, have run into
conference to announce that “prices Carney’s ‘Net-Zero’ physical economic reality: The Green
must come down” and that his gov- Alliance of Banks Starts New Deal has failed to deliver power
ernment would throw out its debt limit and heat. Nation after nation—and not
and borrow on a large scale in order
To Unravel just those constantly blamed, China
to provide €200 billion in support for Both the Financial Times and and India and other Asian economic
households and companies in paying Reuters reported Sept. 21 that major powers, but also European countries
their energy bills, as well as cutting Wall Street banks have threatened and the United States—has “tempo-
the (natural) gas sales tax and other to leave former global central bank rarily” abandoned “green” shutdowns
taxes. leader Mark Carney’s financial alli- of fossil fuels. The so-called “re-
But as in the UK, whose policy ance. The Financial Times evidently newables” have not provided much
lurch Germany is copying, this will not had reports from sources involved power, the materials and commodities
make “prices come down,” but merely in Carney’s Glasgow Financial Alli- required for green schemes have suf-
have the government increasingly pay ance for Net Zero (GFANZ). Carney fered huge price inflation or become
the prices of energy for companies and is the United Nations climate envoy unavailable, and the sanctioning of
households, thus creating plenty of de- who was Bank of England Governor Russian fossil fuels has boomeranged
mand for prices to continue to go up. for eight years while also head of the on the NATO countries.

38  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
III.  Schiller Institute Conference
Moderator’s Introduction, Panel 4
The Art of Optimism: Using the
Classical Principle to Change the World
This is the edited transcript of Beethoven’s original German with
Jason Ross’s opening remarks English subtitles.
introducing Panel 4 of the Schiller [musical performance]
Institute’s Sept. 10-11, 2022, Con­ Thank you to soprano Alyson Spina
ference, “Inspiring Humanity To and David Maiullo on piano. Thanks
Survive the Greatest Crisis in World also to Nancy Guice for organizing that
History.” The full video of Panel 4 is performance of Leonore’s aria from
available here. Beethoven’s opera Fidelio.
Now, on that theme and on the role
As the science advisor to the of LaRouche in that theme, LaRouche
Schiller Institute, I’m happy to be addressed the division between science
Schiller Institute
moderating this final panel, entitled, Jason Ross and art, between the German Natur­
“The Art of Optimism: Using the wissenschaft and Geisteswissenschaft,
Classical Principle To Change the World.” between the techie and the fuzzy domains, between the
We open with a musical demonstration of that “two cultures,” as C.P. Snow called it. What is the
Classical principle: Leonore’s gripping aria from Bee­ relationship between science and Classical art? Is science
thoven’s only opera Fidelio. In this story, based on the a realm of cold facts, without human passion, but in
real-life imprisonment of the Marquis de Lafayette, and which truth can be found? While art is a realm of
the heroic actions of his wife [Adrienne] to rescue him emotions, where truth and beauty are purely in the eye of
from prison, we hear Leonore, wife of the political pri­ the beholder? No! said LaRouche, there is a connection,
soner Florestan, who dresses as a man to get a job in the and this connection has a bearing on the creation of the
prison where he is held. Under the assumed name of Fide­l­io, United States itself, and on physical economics.
she gains the trust of the warden and plots
how to use her access to save her husband.
Just before the aria we’re about to hear,
Don Pizarro, the man who had imprisoned
her husband, Florestan, for political rea­
sons, demands that the prison warden kill
a special prisoner, whom Leonore takes to
be her husband. The warden refuses, and
Don Pizarro announces that he will kill the
pri­son­er himself. He commands the
warden and Fidelio (Leonore) to enter the
dungeon to dig the grave.
Hear, now, Beethoven’s aria, in which
Leonore reflects on Pizarro’s evil and on
Schiller Institute NYC Chorus
the hope that sustains her. The aria, “Ab­ Soprano Alyson Spina, accompanied by David Maiullo, performing Leonore’s
scheulicher!... Komm Hoffnung,” (“Abom­ “Abscheulicher!... Komm Hoffnung” (“Abominable One!... Come Hope”) from
in­able One!... Come Hope”) is sung in Beethoven’s opera Fidelio.

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  39
Dennis Speed
Leibniz and America:
The Best of All Possible Revolutions
This is the edited transcript of the of Time.” Two recent, intersecting
presentation by Dennis Speed as events—the Sept. 8 death of Queen
part of Panel 4, “The Art of Opti- Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning
mism: Using the Classical Principle monarch in English and British his­
To Change the World,” of the Schil- tory, and the 100th birthday of her
ler Institute’s Sept. 10–11 Confer- nemesis, physical economist Lyndon
ence, “Inspiring Humanity To Sur- LaRouche—represent a true coinci­
vive the Greatest Crisis in World dence of opposites: the close and fall
History.” The full video of Panel 4 is of one era of history, and the opening
available here. and rise of another. In that coinci­
dence of opposites is conjoined the
I’m going to start today with a true current and future history of the
quote from Cotton Mather, one of Schiller Institute
American Revolution.
Dennis Speed
the earliest of the Founding Fathers. In the year that Elizabeth became
He wrote “Things for a Distressed Queen, 1952, Lord Bertrand Rus­
People To Think Upon,” in 1696, in which he says: sell, whom LaRouche once referred to as “the most evil
man of the 20th century,” gave an interview, reflecting
There seems to be a shameful shrink, of all sorts on his 80th birthday.
of men among us, from that greatness, and good­
ness, which adorned our ancestors: we grow Bertrand Russell [video]: It’s very difficult for
little every way; little in our civil matters, little anybody born since 1914 to realize how profoundly dif­
in our military matters, little in our ecclesiastical ferent the world is now from what it was when I was a
matters; we dwindle away, to nothing. child. The change has been almost unbelievable. I try as
best I can, in spite of my years, to get used to living in a
That’s what he thought in 1696. world of atom bombs; a world where ancient empires
We are in an important revolutionary era. Schiller vanish like morning mist, where we have to accustom
Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, many years ourselves to Asiatic self-ascension....
ago, wrote a piece called “A Revolution Is a Question And the world where I was young was a solid world,
a world where all kinds of things that have
now disappeared were thought to be going
to last forever. It didn’t dawn on people
that they would cease. English people cer­
tainly regarded English naval supremacy
as a sort of law of nature. “Britannia ruled
the waves.” It didn’t occur to us that that
might stop.

Interviewer: Even with Bismarck?

Russell: Bismarck was regarded as a

rascal, and we thought of him as a sort of
EIRNS/Stuart Lewis MoD/Joel Rouse uneducated farmer. But it was assumed
Lyndon LaRouche Queen Elizabeth II that the influence of Goethe and Schiller

40  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
would gradually bring Germany back to a more civi­ whereas the artisans are kept in continual pov­
lized point of view.... [end video] erty and toil. This is harmful to the republic,
Bertrand Russell’s understanding of Friedrich Schil­ since even Aristotle maintains that artisanship
ler, and of Germany, and of Bismarck, is not shared by ought to be one of the worthiest occupations.
the Schiller Institute. It should be pointed out that Schil­ Nam Mercatura transfert tantum, Manufactura
ler admired the American Revolution. Bertrand Russell gignit. [For trade can carry only as much as the
did not. Today, there exists the peculiar idea that the factories produce.] And why, indeed, should so
American Revolution was a product of bad British many people be poor and miserable for the ben­
management of disputes with a section of its colonies. efit of such a small handful? After all, is not the
Lyndon LaRouche thought otherwise. In a 1996 essay, entire purpose of Society to release the artisan
“Leibniz and the List Hypothesis,” regarding the great from his misery?
German American economist, Friedrich List, LaRouche
wrote: Releasing the artisan, that is the worker, from his
misery, did not mean that people gave up working.
The death of England’s Queen Anne [in 1714] Leibniz contended that the very opposite would happen.
marked the victory of a Venice-directed, finan­ As labor, through technological progress, elevated
cier-oligarchical faction of the Duke of
Marlborough and Hanover’s George
Ludwig, over England’s patriots. In this
circumstance, the defeated patriots
turned their attention to the semi-auton­
omous colonies in North America, view­
ing those colonies as the only hope for a
future return of England, Scotland, and
Ireland, each to its own patriotic cause.
As the records show the historian,
those English, Irish, and Scottish patri­
ots, typified by Jonathan Swift, formed
a joint international network, headed by
Germany’s Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Christoph Bernhard Francke Charles Jervas
Gottfried Leibniz Jonathan Swift
The American Revolution was, in fact,
a deliberate attempt to establish the political govern­ work from repetitive, monotonous activity, people
mental conditions in which the science of physical would work more, precisely because they enjoyed
economy, essentially invented by Gottfried Leibniz in being creative, as well as productive. As for agriculture,
his 1671 essay, “Society and Economy,” would become in that same essay, Leibniz wrote,
the basis of human progress. Wrote Leibniz:
The farmer is not in need, since he is sure of his
Monopoly is avoided, since this Society always bread, and the merchant has more than enough.
desires to give commodities at their fair price, or The remaining people are either destitute or gov­
even more cheaply in many cases, by causing ernment servants. Society can likewise satisfy
manufactured goods to be produced locally all the farmer’s own needs, providing it always
rather than having them imported. It will espe­ buys from him at a reliably fair price, whether
cially preclude the formation of any monopoly that be cheap or dear. We can thereby ensure for
of merchants or a cartel of artisans, along with all eternity against natural food shortages, since
any excessive accumulation of wealth by the Society can then have what amounts to a general
merchants or excessive poverty of the artisans— grain reserve.
which is particularly the case in Holland, where
the majority of merchants are riding high, It was neither capitalism, nor socialism, nor any

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  41
other “ism” that Leibniz sought to establish. The idea of Franklin, Adams, and even Thomas Jefferson in their
advancing labor away from plantation slavery to manu­ writing of the “Declaration of Independence,” in favor
factures—what Alexander Hamilton would make, in his of “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” most
1791 Report on Manufactures, the basis for consolidat­ today no longer know why. The Founders explicitly re­
ing America’s revolution against Britain—was the op- jected the outlook that Adam Smith put forward in his
posite of what John Locke’s Bank of England and Royal 1759 Theory of Moral Sentiments, and of his later The
African Company would practice, whatever words Wealth of Nations, precisely because they understood
about liberty they preached. Leibniz’s groundbreaking Leibniz’s opposition to John Locke, who believed that
work on the steam engine and “heat-powered machines” Happiness was “the utmost pleasure we are capable of.”
meant that he and his collaborator, Denis Papin, antici­ Leibniz thought differently. From his New Essays on
pated the work of Robert Fulton and others by 100 years. Human Understanding:
It is in part because of the mistaken idea that Locke
inspired the American Constitution, through writings I do not know whether the greatest pleasure is
like the “Second Treatise of Government,” that the possible. I believe rather that it can grow ad infi-
Leibnizian design for “the best of all possible econo­ nitum....
mies” has not been dominant in the United States. Con­ I believe then that happiness is a lasting plea­
sider these words from 1671, and how far short we in sure, which could not be so without there being
the United States fall from this view today. Again, from a continual progress to new pleasures. Happi­
Society and Economy: ness is then, so to speak, a road through plea­
sures; and pleasure is merely a step and an ad­
Through establishment of such a Society, we vancement toward happiness, the shortest which
eliminate a deep-seated drawback within many can be made according to the present impres­
republics, which consists in allowing each and all sions, but not always the best. The right road
to sustain themselves as they please, allowing may be missed in the desire to follow the short­
one individual to become rich at the expense of a est, as the stone which goes straight may en­
hundred others, or allowing him to collapse, counter obstacles too soon, which prevent it
dragging down with him the hundreds who have from advancing quite to the center of the Earth.
put themselves under his care. An individual may This shows that it is the reason and the will
or may not ruin his own family, and then may or which transport us toward happiness, but that
may not run through his own and others’ funds. feeling and desire merely lead us to pleasure....
... Each country shall ... supply itself with True happiness ought always to be the object
those necessary commodities and manufactured of our desires, but there is ground for doubting
goods which previously came from abroad, so whether it is. For often we hardly think of it, and
that it will not have to procure from others what I have remarked here more than once that the
it can have for itself; each country shall be less desire is guided by reason, the more it tends
shown how properly to use its own domestic re­ to present pleasure and not to happiness, that is
sources. In a country which has sufficient wool, to say, to lasting pleasure.
manufacturing shall be established for the prep­
aration of cloth; a country with an abundance of Leibniz was the greatest scientific thinker of his age.
flax shall occupy its populace with the produc­ He was the inventor of the calculus, in 1676, at the age
tion of clothing; and so forth. And thus, no of 30. His work on binary numbers anticipated the
country among those which permit Society the modern computer. We have already mentioned his col­
proper degree of freedom, will be favored over laboration on advancing the steam engine.
the other; rather, each shall be made to flourish But Leibniz was also a master organizer. He finally
in those areas in which God and Nature have al­ met with Russia’s Peter the Great shortly before his own
lowed it to excel. death in 1716. But 19 years before that meeting, Leibniz
had expressed his great interest in working with Peter
Although many know that John Locke’s formula­ and Russia to discover whether there was a land-bridge
tion of “Life, Liberty, and Property” was rejected by connecting the American continent to Asia. In her essay,

42  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
“Peter the Great’s Intermezzo with G.W. Leibniz and G. for an harmonia universalis (universal harmony)
Delisle,” Author Kristina Küntzel-Witt writes: of sovereign republics, which included a crucial
role for America.
The 52-year-old German Protestant scientist Although historians have generally sought to
was fascinated by the idea of a young tsar travel­ minimize Leibniz’s significance and virtually
ing incognito through half of Europe. Leibniz obliterate his importance to America, he was no
tried hard to establish contact with Peter, but stranger to New England’s leaders. Among his
could only do so through François Lefort, the correspondents was John Winthrop Jr. (1606-
tsar’s influential old friend. A fixed point in 1676), the leading American astronomer, physi­
Leibniz’s ideas was the question of whether cist, and industrial entrepreneur of his day. As
there was a land-bridge between Asia and Amer­ Governor of Connecticut, he secured for it the vir­
ica: as early as 1697, he sent a detailed plan tually sovereign status his father [John Winthrop]
about his ideas to Lefort in order to have them had established for the Massachusetts Bay colony.
presented to the tsar.
He wrote: “To make the maps, we must send I should also add that John Winthrop Jr. was also the
engineers, observe the high points, longitudes, head of Harvard College for 20 years, from 1661 to
and variations of the compass, and determine the 1681, I believe.
coasts, especially in the Northeast, as much as In England itself, a pro-republican faction had
we can, to learn if Asia is joined to America, or if grouped itself around the then-reigning Queen Anne.
we can pass between them.” England and France were then involved in a fratricidal
war, draining both nations. Arrayed against those re­
In their meeting in 1716, Leibniz presented Peter publican forces, such as Robert Harley, Lord High
with a plan for a system of educational institutions de­ Treasurer, effectively chief minister to Queen Anne—
voted to teaching the sciences to all people, but he also were John Locke, Isaac Newton, and the newly-created
proposed how those institutions would help organize Bank of England, a private entity that came into exis­
the state. Peter’s Russian Academy of Sciences was tence in 1694; and, by the way, remained private until
founded in 1724. 1946. To counter the Bank of England, Harley’s faction
Leibniz’s interest in and respect for China has been had proposed legislation to limit interest rates to 4%;
well documented. As he wrote in the Preface to his No- establish a public accounts commission of the House of
vissima Sinica, Commons to investigate corrupt practices of the City of
London; and the creation of a national land bank in Feb­
I consider it a singular plan of the fates that ruary 1696, which was to be a source of low-cost credit
human civilization and refinement should today for improving farming. They also published Daniel De­
be concentrated, as it were, in the two extremes foe’s Essays Upon Several Projects, which proposed
of our continent, in Europe and in China, which that the bank itself be placed under public authority. All
adorns the Orient as Europe does the opposite of those measures were rejected.
edge of the Earth. Perhaps Supreme Providence Then, the republicans of England looked to Leibniz.
has ordained such an arrangement, so that as the Partially with the assistance of Leibniz, that faction
most cultivated and distant peoples stretch out nearly pulled off a coup which would have meant that
their arms to each other, those in between may Leibniz would have become a decisive presence in
gradually be brought to a better way of life. England, and perhaps prime minister.
Through a change in what was called the Act of Set­
As for his work in England, which was not exactly tlement, in 1701, English republicans sought to install
consummated, it is best to read the work by historian Princess Sophie of Hanover on the throne of England
Graham Lowry, How the Nation Was Won. Lowry tells us: and were successful in having the Act of Settlement
read such that a Hanover was, in fact, placed on the
As early as 1670, while serving the Elector of throne, but not Sophie. This would have meant that, to­
Mainz, and in touch with the French nation- gether with Leibniz’s own scientific work, it would
building forces associated with Mazarin and have made Leibniz, and his pro-development faction,
later Colbert, Leibniz proposed a Grand Design hegemonic. But, it did not work. Before she could come

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  43
to power, Sophie died in June of 1714. Anne died in verse in which we actually live.
August, and Sophie’s brother Ludwig came to power. The very immensity of the universe now known to
He was a much different entity, effectively ending these exist, just under 100 years after the American astrono­
prospects. It would be the supporters of Leibniz in mer Edwin Hubble demonstrated that the Milky Way
America, including Philadelphia’s James Logan and was just one of many galaxies, was discussed in a June
later, Benjamin Franklin, who would carry forward his 22 article, “There are more galaxies in the Universe
Grand Design. That would be in the form of the Ameri­ than even Carl Sagan ever imagined,” on the website
can Revolution of 1776., which stated:
So, Leibniz did not win the
battle for his world of universal Our most detailed observations
harmony in his lifetime. So why of the distant universe, from the
did Leibniz believe, that “this is the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field,
best of all possible worlds,” an idea gave us an estimate of 170 bil­
that is often satirized, as it was by lion galaxies. A theoretical cal­
Voltaire, and later, by Leonard Bern­ culation from a few years ago—
stein in his opera Candide? Why the first to account for galaxies
did he believe that the universe too small, faint, and distant to be
itself had a moral arc, and that the seen—put the estimate far
discovery of the universe’s laws by higher, at 2 trillion. But even
humanity provided the greatest of that estimate is too low. There
human pleasures? (unknown artist) ought to be at least 6 trillion, and
In the last two months, as a result James Logan perhaps more like 20 trillion
of the imaged transmissions re­ galaxies, if we’re ever able to
ceived on Earth from the James Webb Space Telescope, count them all.
our fundamental ideas about the origin, composition,
and even destiny of the universe have been shaken— The immensity of the universe, though, is still
even including the sacred idea of “the Big Bang.” The smaller than the size of the human mind. Why? Because
image of the universe as a big pot stuck around and far the mind contains the universe itself as an idea, because
above one’s head with stars and galaxies gleaming in one the mind has no size-measurement as such. The mind is
location or another, is shattered. The pot-head’s guide to not the same as the brain, which is of a definite physical
the galaxy, Euclidean space time—up/down, right/left, size, weight, and shape. The mind is metaphysical. It
forward/backward—as well as mere non-Euclidean has no place as such, but has its center everywhere, and
space time—can no longer be said to map the real uni­ its circumference nowhere. The mind has boundaries,
but is without limit. If, as one thinker has said, “The
universe is a thought of God,” then consider these
words of Albert Einstein:

I want to know how God created this world. I’m

not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the
spectrum of this or that element. I want to know
[God’s] thoughts; the rest are just details.

That was the outlook that Gottfried Leibniz and his

American collaborators and fellow discoverers brought
to lawful political practice in his time, for all people.
His was the best of all possible revolutions and best of
all possible worlds, because of his commitment to per­
NASA/ESA/The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)/CSA manent creativity, which can only become a greater
A portion of the Carina Nebula, imaged by the Hubble Space pleasure because more—and in fact—all of humanity is
Telescope (left) and the James Webb Space Telescope (right). called upon to participate in it.

44  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
OCTOBER 15, 2022
International Schiller Institute Youth Conference:
Build the New Paradigm, Defeat Green Fascism!
On September 6, the Schiller Institute released the insecurity. 45 million children under the age of five suf­
following invitation to an international youth conference, fer from “wasting,” the most extreme form of mal­
open to young and old alike, which will convene with nutrition, which increases a child’s risk of death by
both an in-person audience in New York City, and a live twelve times. Death by hunger is described as the most
online audience from all over the world. The conference torturous way of dying because your body essentially
will begin at 10:00 a.m. EDT on October 15, 2022 and feeds on itself before finally giving up. That such in­
will run through 5 p.m. Those who are not planning to justice exists is proof of the continuation of colonialism
participate in person, need to register here. in new cloth, because it would be so easy to produce
Live in-person tickets are $20 per person and are enough food for all human beings living on this planet.
available at the “purchase tickets” link at the bottom of the What is the cause? Look to the decisions made at the
in-person registration page . For more information, con­tact September 2019 meeting of the Federal Reserve, with
Daniel Burke at https://schillerinstitute.nationbuilder. other Western central banks and financial behemoths
com/ like BlackRock in attendance. There, the former head of
the Bank of England, Mark Carney, announced measures
The end of the genocidal neoliberal system has to enforce global obedience to the elimination of fossil
come, accompanied by catastrophic hyperinflation and fuels (“Net Zero”) and the creation of high inflation
the white-hot danger of thermonuclear war. through the printing of money directed toward keeping
In response, the members of the BRICS Plus, the the more than $1 quadrillion global debt bubble afloat.
Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), the In 2020-21 alone, at least $14 trillion was created by the
Eurasian Economic Union, and associated nations Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury, and European Central
worldwide are moving toward a new, just international Bank, with effectively none of it going to the im­prove­
economic order, one capable of expanding China’s Belt ment of the physical economy. Trillions have flowed
and Road Initiative into a global mission to eradicate into a new Green finance bubble and its unreliable, low-
hunger and poverty. Realizing this potential demands energy-density solar and wind projects. Meanwhile,
international cooperation to halt the U.S.-NATO march reliable energy supplies are sanctioned, and the food
toward Armageddon war and to put an orderly end to supply is destroyed by the imposition of Malthusian
the City of London and Wall Street’s global speculative limits on land, fertilizer, pesticides, and energy.
bubble. It demands mankind finally bury the rotten In 1971, the late American economist and statesman
doctrine of Thomas Malthus, still today the leading Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. uniquely identified President
apologia for colonialism. It demands new, principled Richard Nixon’s action to “pull the plug” on the Bretton
leadership—an international youth movement for Woods international monetary system as the turning
peace through economic development. point toward a modern Malthusian policy orientation
Argentina’s annual inflation rate in August was that would lead inexorably to famine, pandemics,
71%, Haiti’s 25%. Goldman Sachs has predicted 23% fascism, and war, should it be allowed to continue. The
inflation for the UK by early 2023. Seventy-one million catastrophe we are living through today is the
people worldwide fell into extreme poverty in the consequence of that policy orientation—a paradigm
period of April through June of 2022. The World Bank built on the evil belief of the Anglo-American oligarchy,
has reported that up to 80 nations require immediate as expressed by representatives like Lord Bertrand
debt relief, or they will soon find themselves incapable Russell, that mankind is a cancer on the planet, a beast
of importing the food and fuel needed for their whose population need be culled, starting with the
populations to survive. “non-white” peoples of the world.
An average of 25,000 people are dying unnecessarily To defeat this menace to civilization, the modern-
of hunger each day, and already in 2021, 2.3 billion day British Empire, LaRouche built an international
people were living in moderate or extreme food movement devoted to the total physical economic

October 7, 2022  EIR The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War  45
development of the formerly colonized areas of the law and the UN Charter. The West, meanwhile, is
world, and of every nation. Today, that vision is known dominated by cynicism and barbarity. But we know
internationally as the World Land-Bridge, a global these are the artificial effects of top-down cultural
network of development corridors connecting all warfare, and we reject them. We demand that the
nations with water, power, transportation, and agro- goodness within our societies be brought forward, and
industrial systems. LaRouche insisted that mankind is we demand that the clouds of fear be dispelled. In
not an animal—that we are the only creative species organizing this October 15 international Schiller
known in the universe. Each human child has within it Institute conference, we reach out to young people
the potential to become a genius, to make discoveries of across the world and invite them to collaborate with us
universal principle that contribute something necessary in this solemn mission to end colonialism in all its forms
in science or culture to the species as a whole. By the and eradicate poverty and hunger from this world.
development of creative genius, we increase the Speakers
potential relative population density of mankind—the Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute
ability of mankind to do good. Diane Sare, LaRouche party candidate for U.S. Senate
To emerge from the present, all-encompassing from New York State
strategic crisis with a new, just world economic order Jackson Hinkle
demands new genius. The genius to conceive of the Haz Al-Din
necessary development of humanity itself—from a Daniel Burke, Schiller Institute
juvenile period of geopolitics and war to a mature Fox Green
devotion to the common scientific, moral aims of Princy Mthombeni, founder of Africa4Nuclear
mankind. This genius was on display at the SCO’s Sameera Khan, Journalist
recent meeting in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, where Megan Dobrodt, President, Schiller Institute (U.S.A.)
nations representing over half of the world’s population Jason Ross, Secretary-Treasurer, The LaRouche
gathered in devotion to the principles of international Organization

New EIR Offprint Special Report Now Available

The Great Leap Backward: EI R

Special Report

LaRouche Exposes the

Green New Deal
Executive Intelligence Review has released this The Great Leap Backward
EIR subscribers
Special Report to warn of the extreme danger to LaRouche Exposes who have received
mankind represented by the Green New Deal, The Green New Deal this Special Report
also called “The Great Reset” by the leaders of the as their 68-page
Davos World Economic Forum. Feb. 12 issue: Get
Already being implemented, this plan is taking an Offprint edition
over the direction of national economies from for someone you
sovereign governments, using the power of central know who should
banks and the too-big-to-fail private financial have it!
institutions, cutting off credit to fossil fuel power
generation and to industrial and agricultural
enterprises claimed to emit too much carbon.
Meanwhile it is creating a new huge bubble in the
“sustainable fuel” sector, hoping to prop up the February 2021

increasingly bankrupt financial system.

Stopping it by returning to a Hamiltonian Special Report is available in soft cover printed copy for $30 plus
American System credit policy, requires an shipping, or as a PDF for $20 (requires e-mail address).
understanding which is the purpose of this report.

46  The Energy Sabotage That Could Trigger World War EIR  October 7, 2022
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